public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id)
            SpokenLanguage spokenLanguage = db.SpokenLanguages.Find(id);

 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "iso_639_1,name")] SpokenLanguage spokenLanguage)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(spokenLanguage).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "iso_639_1,name")] SpokenLanguage spokenLanguage)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        // GET: SpokenLanguages/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(string id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            SpokenLanguage spokenLanguage = db.SpokenLanguages.Find(id);

            if (spokenLanguage == null)
Пример #5
        public static void Initialize(CatalogContext context)

            if (context.Teachers.Any()) //DB has been seeded

            var spokenLanguages = new SpokenLanguage[]
                new SpokenLanguage {
                    Name = "PT"
                new SpokenLanguage {
                    Name = "EN"

            foreach (SpokenLanguage sl in spokenLanguages)

            var teachers = new Teacher[]
                new Teacher {
                    Name             = "André Alves",
                    Birthday         = new DateTime(1991, 6, 10),
                    Nacionality      = "PT",
                    AcademicalDegree = "Master",
                    //SpokenLanguages = new List<SpokenLanguage>(new SpokenLanguage[]{spokenLanguages[0], spokenLanguages[1]}),
                    PricePerHour  = 15.0,
                    TeachingAreas = "Math, History"
                new Teacher {
                    Name             = "Sofia Natálio",
                    Birthday         = new DateTime(1990, 8, 25),
                    Nacionality      = "PT",
                    AcademicalDegree = "Bachelor",
                    //SpokenLanguages = new List<SpokenLanguage>(new SpokenLanguage[]{spokenLanguages[0], spokenLanguages[1]}),
                    PricePerHour  = 20.0,
                    TeachingAreas = "Programming, History, Arts"

            foreach (Teacher s in teachers)

            var teacherSpokenLanguages = new TeacherSpokenLanguages[]
                new TeacherSpokenLanguages
                    Teacher        = teachers[0],
                    SpokenLanguage = spokenLanguages[0]
                new TeacherSpokenLanguages
                    Teacher        = teachers[1],
                    SpokenLanguage = spokenLanguages[1]

            foreach (TeacherSpokenLanguages tsl in teacherSpokenLanguages)
Пример #6
        public vmMusicianProfile GetUserById(int id)
            //Use the variable, id, to find the Application User's row (AppUser) in the AppUser table ( collection
            // of AppUser's.

            var user = _repo.Query <AppUser>().Where(a => a.AppUserId == id).FirstOrDefault();

            //Use the AppUseId found within that row to find the row containing that number in the
            //UserMusician join table.
            UserMusician um = new UserMusician();

            if (user != null)
                um = _repo.Query <UserMusician>().Where(b => b.AppUserId == user.AppUserId).FirstOrDefault();
            //Use the MusicianId from that row to find the musician in the Musician table.
            Musician mus = new Musician();

            if (user != null)
                mus = _repo.Query <Musician>().Where(c => c.MusicianId == um.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();
            //Similarly, use the MusicianId from that row to find the list of MusicianInstruments from
            //the MusicianInstrument table.
            List <MusicianInstrument> ms = new List <MusicianInstrument>();

            if (mus != null)
                ms = _repo.Query <MusicianInstrument>().Where(d => d.MusicianId == mus.MusicianId).ToList();
            //Build the collection of instruments from the join table.
            //Using the InstrumentId found in each row of the resulting list build a list of instruments
            //that the musician plays.

            List <vmInstrumentMusProfile> tempIs = new List <vmInstrumentMusProfile>();

            if (ms != null)
                foreach (MusicianInstrument musI in ms)
                    Instrument             inst   = _repo.Query <Instrument>().Where(g => g.InstrumentId == musI.InstrumentId).FirstOrDefault();
                    vmInstrumentMusProfile vmInst = new vmInstrumentMusProfile
                        InstrumentId      = inst.InstrumentId,
                        InstrumentName    = inst.InstrumentName,
                        PrimaryInstrument = musI.IsPrimary
                //Similarly, use the MusicianId from that row to find the list of genres that the
                //musician plays from the MusicianGenre table.
                var mg = _repo.Query <MusicianGenre>().Where(h => h.MusicianId == mus.MusicianId).ToList();

                List <vmGenre> tempGs = new List <vmGenre>();
                foreach (MusicianGenre musG in mg)
                    Genre   gen   = _repo.Query <Genre>().Where(j => j.GenreId == musG.GenreId).FirstOrDefault();
                    vmGenre vmGen = new ViewModels.vmGenre
                        GenreId   = gen.GenreId,
                        GenreName = gen.GenreName,
                        IsPrimary = musG.IsPrimary
                //Similarly, use the MusicianId from that row to find the list of languages that the
                //musician speaks from the MusicianLanguage table.
                var mL = _repo.Query <MusicianLanguage>().Where(k => k.MusicianId == mus.MusicianId).ToList();

                List <vmSpokenLanguage> tempLs = new List <vmSpokenLanguage>();
                foreach (MusicianLanguage musL in mL)
                    SpokenLanguage   Lan   = _repo.Query <SpokenLanguage>().Where(q => q.SpokenLanguageId == musL.SpokenLanguageId).FirstOrDefault();
                    vmSpokenLanguage vmLan = new ViewModels.vmSpokenLanguage
                        SpokenLanguageId = Lan.SpokenLanguageId,
                        Language         = Lan.Language

                //Similarly, use the MusicianId from that row to find the list of photographs of the
                //musician from the MusicianPhotograph table.

                var mP = _repo.Query <MusicianPhotograph>().Where(r => r.MusicianId == mus.MusicianId).ToList();

                List <vmPhotograph> tempPs = new List <vmPhotograph>();
                foreach (MusicianPhotograph musP in mP)
                    Photograph   Ph   = _repo.Query <Photograph>().Where(q => q.PhotographId == musP.PhotographId).FirstOrDefault();
                    vmPhotograph vmPh = new ViewModels.vmPhotograph
                        PhotographId  = Ph.PhotographId,
                        PhotographURL = Ph.PhotographURL
                var mp = new vmMusicianProfile
                    AppUserId             = user.AppUserId,
                    UserName              = user.UserName,
                    PassWord              = user.PassWord,
                    LastName              = user.LastName,
                    FirstName             = user.FirstName,
                    City                  = user.City,
                    State                 = user.State,
                    PostalCode            = user.PostalCode,
                    Email                 = user.Email,
                    ReceiveAdvertisements = user.ReceiveAdvertisements,
                    IsMusician            = user.IsMusician,
                    MusicianId            = mus.MusicianId,
                    StageName             = mus.StageName,
                    CellPhone             = mus.CellPhone,
                    Biography             = mus.Biography,
                    IsMusicianForHire     = mus.IsMusicianForHire,
                    Rate                  = mus.Rate,
                    Rating                = mus.Rating,
                    InstrumentsMusProfile = tempIs,
                    Genres                = tempGs,
                    Languages             = tempLs,
                    Photographs           = tempPs

Пример #7
        public vmMusicianProfile PostAddMusicianProfile(vmMusicianProfile vmMP)
            AppUser AppUserToPost = new AppUser
                AppUserId             = vmMP.AppUserId,
                UserName              = vmMP.UserName,
                PassWord              = vmMP.PassWord,
                LastName              = vmMP.LastName,
                FirstName             = vmMP.FirstName,
                City                  = vmMP.City,
                State                 = vmMP.State,
                PostalCode            = vmMP.PostalCode,
                Email                 = vmMP.PostalCode,
                ReceiveAdvertisements = vmMP.ReceiveAdvertisements,
                IsMusician            = vmMP.IsMusician

            if (AppUserToPost.AppUserId == 0)
            AppUser tempAppUser = _repo.Query <AppUser>().Where(r => r.UserName == AppUserToPost.UserName &&
                                                                r.PassWord == AppUserToPost.PassWord &&
                                                                r.LastName == AppUserToPost.LastName &&
                                                                r.FirstName == AppUserToPost.FirstName &&
                                                                r.City == AppUserToPost.City &&
                                                                r.State == AppUserToPost.State

            if (vmMP.AppUserId == 0)
                vmMP.AppUserId = tempAppUser.AppUserId;
            Musician MusicianToPost = new Musician
                MusicianId        = vmMP.MusicianId,
                StageName         = vmMP.StageName,
                CellPhone         = vmMP.CellPhone,
                Biography         = vmMP.Biography,
                Rate              = vmMP.Rate,
                Rating            = vmMP.Rating,
                IsMusicianForHire = vmMP.IsMusicianForHire

            if (MusicianToPost.MusicianId == 0)
            Musician tempMusician = _repo.Query <Musician>().Where(s => s.StageName == MusicianToPost.StageName &&
                                                                   s.CellPhone == MusicianToPost.CellPhone &&
                                                                   s.Biography == MusicianToPost.Biography &&
                                                                   s.Rate == MusicianToPost.Rate &&
                                                                   s.Rating == MusicianToPost.Rating &&
                                                                   s.IsMusicianForHire == MusicianToPost.IsMusicianForHire).FirstOrDefault();

            if (vmMP.MusicianId == 0)
                vmMP.MusicianId = tempMusician.MusicianId;
            if (tempAppUser != null && tempMusician != null)
                UserMusician umTest = _repo.Query <UserMusician>().Where(t => t.AppUserId == tempAppUser.AppUserId && t.MusicianId == tempMusician.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (umTest == null)
                    UserMusician newUm = new UserMusician
                        AppUser    = tempAppUser,
                        AppUserId  = tempAppUser.AppUserId,
                        Musician   = tempMusician,
                        MusicianId = tempMusician.MusicianId
                if (vmMP.InstrumentsMusProfile != null)
                    foreach (vmInstrumentMusProfile i in vmMP.InstrumentsMusProfile)
                        Instrument         newI   = _repo.Query <Instrument>().Where(u => u.InstrumentId == i.InstrumentId).FirstOrDefault();
                        MusicianInstrument testMI = _repo.Query <MusicianInstrument>().Where(v => v.InstrumentId == newI.InstrumentId && v.MusicianId == tempMusician.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (testMI == null)
                            MusicianInstrument newMI = new MusicianInstrument
                                Instrument   = newI,
                                InstrumentId = newI.InstrumentId,
                                Musician     = tempMusician,
                                MusicianId   = tempMusician.MusicianId,
                                IsPrimary    = i.PrimaryInstrument
                            testMI.IsPrimary = i.PrimaryInstrument;
                if (vmMP.Genres != null)
                    foreach (vmGenre g in vmMP.Genres)
                        Genre         newG   = _repo.Query <Genre>().Where(w => w.GenreId == g.GenreId).FirstOrDefault();
                        MusicianGenre testMG = _repo.Query <MusicianGenre>().Where(x => x.GenreId == newG.GenreId &&
                                                                                   x.MusicianId == tempMusician.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (testMG == null)
                            MusicianGenre newMG = new MusicianGenre
                                Genre      = newG,
                                GenreId    = newG.GenreId,
                                Musician   = tempMusician,
                                MusicianId = tempMusician.MusicianId,
                                IsPrimary  = g.IsPrimary
                            testMG.IsPrimary = g.IsPrimary;
                if (vmMP.Languages != null)
                    foreach (vmSpokenLanguage s in vmMP.Languages)
                        SpokenLanguage newS = _repo.Query <SpokenLanguage>().Where(y => y.SpokenLanguageId == s.SpokenLanguageId).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (newS != null)
                            MusicianLanguage testML = _repo.Query <MusicianLanguage>().Where(z => z.SpokenLanguageId == newS.SpokenLanguageId && z.MusicianId == tempMusician.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (testML == null)
                                MusicianLanguage newML = new MusicianLanguage
                                    SpokenLanguage   = newS,
                                    SpokenLanguageId = newS.SpokenLanguageId,
                                    Musician         = tempMusician,
                                    MusicianId       = tempMusician.MusicianId,
                if (vmMP.Photographs != null)
                    foreach (vmPhotograph p in vmMP.Photographs)
                        Photograph         newP   = _repo.Query <Photograph>().Where(w => w.PhotographId == p.PhotographId).FirstOrDefault();
                        MusicianPhotograph testMP = _repo.Query <MusicianPhotograph>().Where(z => z.PhotographId == newP.PhotographId && z.MusicianId == tempMusician.MusicianId).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (testMP == null)
                            MusicianPhotograph newMP = new MusicianPhotograph
                                Photograph   = newP,
                                PhotographId = newP.PhotographId,
                                Musician     = tempMusician,
                                MusicianId   = tempMusician.MusicianId