private void ExtendSpline(int index) { PositionSpline(index); Spline nextSpline = GetSplineComponent(index); List <Vector3> nodesPosition = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> nodesDirection = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> nodesUp = new List <Vector3>(); List <float> nodesRoll = new List <float>(); int nodeCount = nextSpline.nodes.Count; for (int i = 1; i < nodeCount; i++) { nodesPosition.Add(nextSpline.WorldPosition(nextSpline.nodes[i].Position)); //nodesDirection.Add(new Vector3(nextSpline.nodes[i].Direction.x, nextSpline.nodes[i].Direction.y, nextSpline.nodes[i].Direction.z)); // Debug.Log("direction" + nextSpline.nodes[i].Direction); nodesDirection.Add(nextSpline.WorldPosition(nextSpline.nodes[i].Direction)); nodesUp.Add(nextSpline.WorldPosition(nextSpline.nodes[i].Up)); nodesRoll.Add(nextSpline.nodes[i].Roll); } int lastNodeIndex = baseSpline.nodes.Count - 1; //For DEMO //if (index == portalCallAtSegment) if (index != 0) { Instantiate(portalPrefab[Random.Range(0, portalPrefab.Length)], nodesPosition[nodeCount - 4], Quaternion.identity); portalCallAtSegment += 1; } new Thread(() => { int LastNodeIndexPerm = lastNodeIndex; baseSpline.RemoveNode(baseSpline.nodes[lastNodeIndex]); for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount - 1; i++) { SplineNode node = new SplineNode(nodesPosition[i], nodesDirection[i]); baseSpline.AddNode(node); lastNodeIndex++; //yield return new WaitForSeconds(nodeExtendDelay); } inGeneration = false; }).Start(); //StartCoroutine(ExtendNode(nodesPosition, nodesDirection, nodesUp, nodesRoll, lastNodeIndex, nodeCount)); }
private void InitCurve() { int numNodes = path.nodes.Count; if (numNodes == 0) { return; } int curveResolution = 60; xys = new Spline(curveResolution); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { MandelbrotPath.Node node = path.nodes[i]; float scaleNorm = ScaleNormalizer(node.s); Debug.Log(scaleNorm); Vector3 point = new Vector3(node.x * scaleNorm, node.y * scaleNorm, node.s); SplineNode splineNode = new SplineNode(point,; xys.AddNode(splineNode); } xys.Smooth(.25f); xys.Update(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); Spline spline = target as Spline; if (GUILayout.Button("Add Node")) { Undo.RecordObject(spline, "Add Node"); spline.AddNode(selectedNodeIndex); EditorUtility.SetDirty(spline); } if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Node")) { Undo.RecordObject(spline, "Remove Node"); spline.RemoveNode(selectedNodeIndex); EditorUtility.SetDirty(spline); } if (selectedNodeIndex >= 0 && selectedNodeIndex < spline.nodes.Count) { Spline.Node node = spline.nodes[selectedNodeIndex]; float newBend = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Selected node bend:", node.bend); if (newBend != node.bend) { Undo.RecordObject(spline, "Change Node Bend"); node.bend = newBend; spline.nodes[selectedNodeIndex] = node; spline.UpdatePathPoints(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(spline); } } }
public static Spline NodeToSpline(Spline spline, Node[] nodes) { foreach (Node n in nodes) { spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(n.position, n.handleOut)); } return(spline); }
static void CreateNewArea() { GameObject root = GameObject.Find("GeomSet"); if (root == null) { root = new GameObject("GeomSet"); } GameObject go = new GameObject("Spline"); go.transform.SetParent(root.transform); Spline spline = go.AddComponent <Spline>(); float s = 3; Rect rect = new Rect(-s * 0.5f, -s * 0.5f, s, s); spline.AddNode(new Vector3(rect.xMin, 0, rect.yMin)); spline.AddNode(new Vector3(rect.xMax, 0, rect.yMin)); spline.AddNode(new Vector3(rect.xMax, 0, rect.yMax)); spline.AddNode(new Vector3(rect.xMin, 0, rect.yMax)); Selection.activeGameObject = go; EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); // Mark need save }
private void SetRoadSegment(int index, Spline roadSpline, List <RoadWaypoint> waypoints, Vector3 currentNodePosition) { var nodePosition = currentNodePosition; if (index < waypoints.Count - 1) { var nextNodePosition = waypoints[index + 1].WaypointPosition; var splineNode = new SplineNode( nodePosition, nodePosition + (nextNodePosition - nodePosition).normalized / 1000 ); roadSpline.AddNode(splineNode); } else if (index >= 1) { var previousNodePosition = waypoints[index - 1].WaypointPosition; var splineNode = new SplineNode( nodePosition, nodePosition + (nodePosition - previousNodePosition).normalized / 1000 ); roadSpline.AddNode(splineNode); } }
SplineNode AddClonedNode(SplineNode node) { int index = spline.nodes.IndexOf(node); SplineNode res = new SplineNode(node.position, node.direction); if (index == spline.nodes.Count - 1) { spline.AddNode(res); } else { spline.InsertNode(index + 1, res); } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Do we have to change the shape of the spline? /// </summary> private void UpdateSpline() { foreach (var point in wayPoints.ToList()) { if (point == null) { wayPoints.Remove(point); } } int nodeCount = wayPoints.Count; // adjust the number of nodes in the spline. while (spline.nodes.Count < nodeCount) { spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(,; } while (spline.nodes.Count > nodeCount && spline.nodes.Count > 2) { spline.RemoveNode(spline.nodes.Last()); } }
public static void CreateStreetNetwork() { polygons = new List <Vector3[]>(); bool linearOption = true; int laneCounter = 0; int streetLightCounter = 0; int buildingCounter = 0; GameObject[] buildingsToPlace = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Models/Buildings"); MonoBehaviour.print("Inserting 3d Streets"); foreach (NetFileEdge e in edges.Values) { foreach (NetFileLane l in e.getLanes()) { int lineCounter = 0; GameObject spline = new GameObject("LaneSegment_" +; spline.AddComponent <Path>(); spline.transform.SetParent(network.transform); Spline splineObject = spline.AddComponent <Spline>(); SplineMeshTiling splineMeshTiling = spline.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Vector3 nextDirection = new Vector3((float)l.shape[0][0] - xmin, 0, (float)l.shape[0][1] - ymin) - new Vector3((float)l.shape[1][0] - xmin, 0, (float)l.shape[1][1] - ymin); Vector3 lastPosition = new Vector3((float)l.shape[0][0] - xmin, 0, (float)l.shape[0][1] - ymin); splineObject.AddNode(new SplineNode(lastPosition, lastPosition - nextDirection.normalized)); bool isFirst = true; foreach (double[] coordPair in l.shape) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; continue; } nextDirection = lastPosition - new Vector3((float)coordPair[0] - xmin, 0, (float)coordPair[1] - ymin); splineObject.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3((float)coordPair[0] - xmin, 0, (float)coordPair[1] - ymin), new Vector3((float)coordPair[0] - xmin, 0, (float)coordPair[1] - ymin) - nextDirection.normalized)); lastPosition = new Vector3((float)coordPair[0] - xmin, 0, (float)coordPair[1] - ymin); } int nodeCounter = 0; foreach (SplineNode splineNode in splineObject.nodes) { GameObject node = new GameObject("Node_" + nodeCounter); node.transform.SetParent(spline.transform); node.transform.position = splineNode.Position; nodeCounter++; } // Add meshes Material material = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/planeMaterial"); MeshRenderer mRenderer = mRenderer = spline.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (mRenderer == null) { mRenderer = spline.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } mRenderer.material = material; GameObject plane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); splineMeshTiling.material = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/planeMaterial"); splineMeshTiling.mesh = plane.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; splineMeshTiling.updateInPlayMode = true; splineMeshTiling.scale = new Vector3(0.3f, 1, 0.3f); GameObject.Destroy(plane); // (1.1) Add Lanes to polygon list for tree placement check for (int i = 0; i < l.shape.Count - 1; i++) { double length = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(l.shape[i][0] - xmin - (l.shape[i + 1][0] - xmin), 2) + Math.Pow(l.shape[i][1] - ymin - (l.shape[i + 1][1] - ymin), 2)); // Calc the position (in line with the lane) float x1 = (float)l.shape[i][0] - xmin; float y1 = (float)l.shape[i][1] - ymin; float x2 = (float)l.shape[i + 1][0] - xmin; float y2 = (float)l.shape[i + 1][1] - ymin; double Dx = x2 - x1; double Dy = y2 - y1; double D = Math.Sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); double W = 10; Dx = 0.5 * W * Dx / D; Dy = 0.5 * W * Dy / D; Vector3[] polygon = new Vector3[] { new Vector3((float)(x1 - Dy), 0, (float)(y1 + Dx)), new Vector3((float)(x1 + Dy), 0, (float)(y1 - Dx)), new Vector3((float)(x2 + Dy), 0, (float)(y2 - Dx)), new Vector3((float)(x2 - Dy), 0, (float)(y2 + Dx)) }; polygons.Add(polygon); // (2) Add Street Lamps (only if long enough) if (length >= minLengthForStreetLamp && e.getLanes().Count == 1) { float angle = Mathf.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Mathf.PI; // Allway located at the middle of a street double ratioRotPoint = 0.5; double ratio = 0.5 + streeLampDistance / length; float xDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * x1 + ratio * x2); float yDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * y1 + ratio * y2); float xRotDest = (float)((1 - ratioRotPoint) * x1 + ratioRotPoint * x2); float yRotDest = (float)((1 - ratioRotPoint) * y1 + ratioRotPoint * y2); GameObject streetLampPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Models/streetlight"); GameObject streetLamp = GameObject.Instantiate(streetLampPrefab, new Vector3(xDest, 0, yDest), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))); = "StreetLight_" + streetLightCounter++; streetLamp.transform.SetParent(network.transform); streetLamp.transform.RotateAround(new Vector3(xRotDest, 0, yRotDest), Vector3.up, -90.0f); streetLamp.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -angle); } if (buildingsToPlace.Length > 0 && length >= lengthFromBuildingToBuildingAlongRoad && e.getLanes().Count <= maxLanesForBuildings) { // Get the angle perpendicular to the road, the number of buildings along the road and the exact length between them. float angle = Mathf.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Mathf.PI; int amountOfBuildings = (int)(length / lengthFromBuildingToBuildingAlongRoad); double lengthBetweenBuildings = length / (amountOfBuildings + 1); for (int buildingNum = 0; buildingNum < amountOfBuildings; buildingNum++) { GameObject building = buildingsToPlace[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, buildingsToPlace.Length)]; // Find the ratio along the road e.g. the building is halfway down the road and then work out the x and y coords for that point on the road. double ratio = (lengthBetweenBuildings * (buildingNum + 1)) / length; float xDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * x1 + ratio * x2); float yDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * y1 + ratio * y2); GameObject buildingCreated = GameObject.Instantiate(building, new Vector3(xDest, 0, yDest), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))); buildingCreated.transform.SetParent(network.transform); // Rotate and place building on road then move forward away from the road by a constant. buildingCreated.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -angle); buildingCreated.transform.position = buildingCreated.transform.position + buildingCreated.transform.forward * lengthFromRoadToBuilding; Physics.SyncTransforms(); Collider[] otherCollisions = Physics.OverlapBox(buildingCreated.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>(), buildingCreated.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>().bounds.extents, buildingCreated.transform.rotation); bool isBuildingAlready = false; foreach (Collider collider in otherCollisions) { if (collider.transform.IsChildOf(buildingCreated.transform)) { continue; } foreach (GameObject otherBuilding in buildings) { if (collider.transform.IsChildOf(otherBuilding.transform)) { isBuildingAlready = true; break; } } } if (!isBuildingAlready) { = "Building_" + buildingCounter++; buildings.Add(buildingCreated); } else { GameObject.Destroy(buildingCreated); } } } } } } // (3) Draw all Junction areas ------------------------------------ MonoBehaviour.print("Inserting 3d Junctions"); int junctionCounter = 0; foreach (NetFileJunction j in junctions.Values) { List <int> indices = new List <int>(); Vector2[] vertices2D = new Vector2[j.shape.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < j.shape.Count; i++) { vertices2D[i] = new Vector3((float)(j.shape[i])[0] - xmin, (float)(j.shape[i])[1] - ymin); } // Use the triangulator to get indices for creating triangles Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(vertices2D); List <int> bottomIndices = new List <int>(tr.Triangulate()); indices.AddRange(bottomIndices); // Create the Vector3 vertices Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertices2D.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i] = new Vector3(vertices2D[i].x, 0, vertices2D[i].y); } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = indices.ToArray(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); Bounds bounds = mesh.bounds; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { uvs[i] = new Vector2(vertices[i].x / bounds.size.x, vertices[i].z / bounds.size.z); } mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); // Set up game object with mesh; GameObject junction3D = new GameObject("junction_" + junctionCounter++); MeshRenderer r = (MeshRenderer)junction3D.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)); tlLogicType tlLogicType = trafficLightPrograms.ToList().Find(e => e.Key.Equals( && e.Value.Items.Length > 0).Value; if (tlLogicType != null) { Junction junction = junction3D.AddComponent <Junction>(); junction.junctionId =; // Create Camera object for the junction. GameObject cameraGameObject = new GameObject("junction_camera_" +; cameraGameObject.transform.SetParent(junction3D.transform); // Get the center position of the Junction. cameraGameObject.transform.position =; // Move the camera back for "cameraDistance" and up for "cameraHeight". cameraGameObject.transform.position = cameraGameObject.transform.position + (cameraGameObject.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.back) * cameraDistance) + (cameraGameObject.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up) * cameraHeight); // Look the camera down by "cameraTiltDown". cameraGameObject.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(cameraTiltDown, 0, 0)); // Add the Camera component to the object, assign it to the junction and add the CameraManager component. Camera camera = cameraGameObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); junction.junctionCamera = camera; cameraGameObject.AddComponent <CameraManager>(); } Material material = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/sidewalk"); r.material = material; MeshFilter filter = junction3D.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter; filter.mesh = mesh; junction3D.transform.SetParent(network.transform); // (3.1) Add junctions to polygon list for tree placement check polygons.Add(vertices); } // (4) Draw Traffic Lights MonoBehaviour.print("Inserting 3d Traffic Lights"); foreach (NetFileJunction j in junctions.Values) { if (j.type == junctionTypeType.traffic_light) { int index = 0; foreach (NetFileLane l in j.incLanes) { // Calc the position (in line with the lane) float x1 = (float)l.shape[0][0] - xmin; float y1 = (float)l.shape[0][1] - ymin; float x2 = (float)l.shape[1][0] - xmin; float y2 = (float)l.shape[1][1] - ymin; float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2) + Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2)); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Mathf.PI; double ratio = (length - trafficLightDistance) / length; float xDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * x1 + ratio * x2); float yDest = (float)((1 - ratio) * y1 + ratio * y2); string trafficLightId =; // Insert the 3d object, rotate from lane 90° to the right side and then orientate the traffic light towards the vehicles GameObject trafficLightPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Models/TrafficLight"); GameObject trafficLight = GameObject.Instantiate(trafficLightPrefab, new Vector3(xDest, 0, yDest), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))); = "TrafficLight_" + trafficLightId; trafficLight.GetComponentInChildren <TrafficLight>().trafficLightId = trafficLightId; trafficLight.transform.SetParent(network.transform); trafficLight.transform.RotateAround(new Vector3(x2, 0, y2), Vector3.up, -90.0f); trafficLight.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -angle); // Insert traffic light index as empty GameObject into traffic light GameObject TLindex = new GameObject("index"); GameObject TLindexVal = new GameObject(Convert.ToString(index)); TLindexVal.transform.SetParent(TLindex.transform); TLindex.transform.SetParent(trafficLight.transform); index++; } } } }
void ParseGcode() { killExtrusions(); // extrusionlines = null; // Array.Resize(ref extrusionlines, 1000); // 1000 should Unity anyway crashes long before because it is crap. for (int i = 0; i < actualSelectedGcode.Length; i++) { // misc stuff if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";")) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";Sliced")) { string[] slicerVersion = actualSelectedGcode[i].Split(' '); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("SLICER: " + slicerVersion[2] + " " + slicerVersion[3]); } slicerGcode = 1; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";Dimension")) { string[] dimensions = actualSelectedGcode[i].Split(' '); bedX = float.Parse(dimensions[1].Replace('.', ',')); bedY = float.Parse(dimensions[2].Replace('.', ',')); bedZ = float.Parse(dimensions[3].Replace('.', ',')); nozzleDiameter = float.Parse(dimensions[4].Replace('.', ',')); SetBuildplate(bedX, bedY); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log(actualSelectedGcode[i]); } } // actual tool position height if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";Z:")) { string[] temp = actualSelectedGcode[i].Split(':'); actualZheight = float.Parse(temp[1].Replace('.', ',')); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("GECODE Z HEIGT ACTUAL " + actualZheight); } } // layer Height if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";HEIGHT")) { string[] temp = actualSelectedGcode[i].Split(':'); actualLayerHeight = float.Parse(temp[1].Replace('.', ',')); } if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";LAYER:0")) { isPrinting = true; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";End")) { isPrinting = false; } if (debugPrints) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE")) // write all feature in file { adebugtext += actualSelectedGcode[i] + "\n"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText("clean.txt", adebugtext); } } } // Soported feature types // ; TYPE: WALL - INNER // ; TYPE: WALL - OUTER // ; TYPE: SOLID - FILL // ; TYPE: SKIRT // ; TYPE: FILL if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE:SKIRT")) { GameObject meshtest = new GameObject(); meshtest.tag = "extrusion"; = actualSelectedGcode[i]; meshtest.AddComponent <Spline>(); meshtest.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Spline spline = meshtest.GetComponent <Spline>(); spline.tag = "extrusion"; SplineMeshTiling smt = meshtest.GetComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); smt.tag = "extrusion"; smt.updateInPlayMode = true; go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); = "Filament: " + actualSelectedGcode[i]; go.tag = "extrusion"; Mesh mesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; smt.mesh = mesh; // test // Debug.Log(Skirt + " - materials"); // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.material = Skirt; // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); smt.scale = new Vector3(0.2f * scale, 0.2f * scale, 0.45f * scale); if (visibleLayers.value >= (actualZheight * scale)) { meshtest.SetActive(true); go.SetActive(true); } else { meshtest.SetActive(false); go.SetActive(false); } string[] before = actualSelectedGcode[(i - 2)].Split(' '); float xx; float yy; xx = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("X :" + xx + " Y: " + yy); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(xx * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale), new Vector3(xx * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale - 0.000001f))); // spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(x * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale), new Vector3(x * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale - 0.000001f))); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("Aktuelle Zeile : " + actualSelectedGcode[i] + " " + i); } int n = 1; while ((i + n) < actualSelectedGcode.Length) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";LAYER")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";End GCode")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";TYPE")) { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("I: " + i + " n: " + n + "Aktuelle Zeile : " + i + " " + actualSelectedGcode[i]); } break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith("G1")) // extrusion moves { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("G1 ------------------------- "); } float posX; float posY; string[] cords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n].Split(' '); if (cords[1].StartsWith("F")) { posX = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { posX = float.Parse(cords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(posX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale), new Vector3(posX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale - 0.000001f))); } n++; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE:WALL-OUTER")) { GameObject meshtest = new GameObject(); meshtest.tag = "extrusion"; = actualSelectedGcode[i]; meshtest.AddComponent <Spline>(); meshtest.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Spline spline = meshtest.GetComponent <Spline>(); SplineMeshTiling smt = meshtest.GetComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); spline.tag = "extrusion"; smt.tag = "extrusion"; smt.updateInPlayMode = true; go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); = "Filament: " + actualSelectedGcode[i]; go.tag = "extrusion"; Mesh mesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; smt.mesh = mesh; // test // Debug.Log(Skirt + " - materials"); // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.material = OuterShell; // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); smt.scale = new Vector3(0.19f * scale, 0.2f * scale, 0.4f * scale); if (visibleLayers.value >= (actualZheight * scale)) { meshtest.SetActive(true); go.SetActive(true); } else { meshtest.SetActive(false); go.SetActive(false); } string[] before = actualSelectedGcode[(i - 1)].Split(' '); float xx; float yy; if (before[1].StartsWith("F")) { xx = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { xx = float.Parse(before[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("X :" + xx + " Y: " + yy); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(xx * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale), new Vector3(xx * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale - 0.000001f))); // spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(x * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale), new Vector3(x * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale - 0.000001f))); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("Aktuelle Zeile : " + actualSelectedGcode[i] + " " + i); } int n = 1; while ((i + n) < actualSelectedGcode.Length) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";LAYER")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";End GCode")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";TYPE")) { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("I: " + i + " n: " + n + "Aktuelle Zeile : " + i + " " + actualSelectedGcode[i]); } break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith("G1")) // extrusion moves { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("G1 ------------------------- "); } float posX; float posY; string[] cords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n].Split(' '); if (cords[1].StartsWith("F")) { posX = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { posX = float.Parse(cords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(posX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale), new Vector3(posX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale - 0.000001f))); } n++; } } // ----------------------------------------------- if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE:WALL-INNER")) { GameObject meshtest = new GameObject(); meshtest.tag = "extrusion"; = actualSelectedGcode[i]; meshtest.AddComponent <Spline>(); meshtest.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Spline spline = meshtest.GetComponent <Spline>(); SplineMeshTiling smt = meshtest.GetComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); spline.tag = "extrusion"; smt.tag = "extrusion"; smt.updateInPlayMode = true; go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); = "Filament: " + actualSelectedGcode[i]; go.tag = "extrusion"; Mesh mesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; smt.mesh = mesh; // test // Debug.Log(Skirt + " - materials"); // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.material = InnerShell; // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); smt.scale = new Vector3(0.19f * scale, 0.2f * scale, 0.4f * scale); if (visibleLayers.value >= (actualZheight * scale)) { meshtest.SetActive(true); go.SetActive(true); } else { meshtest.SetActive(false); go.SetActive(false); } string[] before = actualSelectedGcode[(i - 1)].Split(' '); float xx; float yy; if (before[1].StartsWith("F")) { xx = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { xx = float.Parse(before[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("X :" + xx + " Y: " + yy); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(xx * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale), new Vector3(xx * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale - 0.000001f))); // spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(x * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale), new Vector3(x * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale - 0.000001f))); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("Aktuelle Zeile : " + actualSelectedGcode[i] + " " + i); } int n = 1; while ((i + n) < actualSelectedGcode.Length) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";LAYER")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";End GCode")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";TYPE")) { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("I: " + i + " n: " + n + "Aktuelle Zeile : " + i + " " + actualSelectedGcode[i]); } break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith("G1")) // extrusion moves { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("G1 ------------------------- "); } float posX; float posY; string[] cords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n].Split(' '); if (cords[1].StartsWith("F")) { posX = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { posX = float.Parse(cords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(posX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale), new Vector3(posX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale - 0.000001f))); } n++; } } // ----------------------------------------------- if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE:SOLID-FILL")) { GameObject meshtest = new GameObject(); meshtest.tag = "extrusion"; = actualSelectedGcode[i]; meshtest.AddComponent <Spline>(); meshtest.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Spline spline = meshtest.GetComponent <Spline>(); SplineMeshTiling smt = meshtest.GetComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); spline.tag = "extrusion"; smt.tag = "extrusion"; smt.updateInPlayMode = true; smt.curveSpace = true; go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); = "Filament: " + actualSelectedGcode[i]; go.tag = "extrusion"; Mesh mesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; smt.mesh = mesh; // test // Debug.Log(Skirt + " - materials"); // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.material = SolidInfill; // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); smt.scale = new Vector3(0.19f * scale, 0.2f * scale, 0.4f * scale); if (visibleLayers.value >= (actualZheight * scale)) { meshtest.SetActive(true); go.SetActive(true); } else { meshtest.SetActive(false); go.SetActive(false); } string[] before = actualSelectedGcode[(i - 1)].Split(' '); float xx; float yy; if (before[1].StartsWith("F")) { xx = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { xx = float.Parse(before[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("X :" + xx + " Y: " + yy); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(xx * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale), new Vector3(xx * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale - 0.000001f))); // spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(x * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale), new Vector3(x * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale - 0.000001f))); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("Aktuelle Zeile : " + actualSelectedGcode[i] + " " + i); } int n = 1; while ((i + n) < actualSelectedGcode.Length) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";LAYER")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";End GCode")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";TYPE")) { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("I: " + i + " n: " + n + "Aktuelle Zeile : " + i + " " + actualSelectedGcode[i]); } break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith("G1")) // extrusion moves { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("G1 ------------------------- "); } float posX; float posY; string[] cords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n].Split(' '); if (cords[1].StartsWith("F")) { posX = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { posX = float.Parse(cords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(posX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale), new Vector3(posX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale - 0.000001f))); } n++; } } // ----------------------------------------------- if (actualSelectedGcode[i].StartsWith(";TYPE:FILL")) { GameObject meshtest = new GameObject(); meshtest.tag = "extrusion"; = actualSelectedGcode[i]; meshtest.AddComponent <Spline>(); meshtest.AddComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); Spline spline = meshtest.GetComponent <Spline>(); SplineMeshTiling smt = meshtest.GetComponent <SplineMeshTiling>(); spline.tag = "extrusion"; smt.tag = "extrusion"; smt.updateInPlayMode = true; smt.curveSpace = true; go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); = "Filament: " + actualSelectedGcode[i]; go.tag = "extrusion"; Mesh mesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; smt.mesh = mesh; // test // Debug.Log(Skirt + " - materials"); // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.material = Infill; // Debug.Log(smt.material + " -- -- --"); smt.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); smt.scale = new Vector3(0.19f * scale, 0.2f * scale, 0.4f * scale); if (visibleLayers.value >= (actualZheight * scale)) { meshtest.SetActive(true); go.SetActive(true); } else { meshtest.SetActive(false); go.SetActive(false); } string[] before = actualSelectedGcode[(i - 1)].Split(' '); float xx; float yy; if (before[1].StartsWith("F")) { xx = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { xx = float.Parse(before[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); yy = float.Parse(before[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("X :" + xx + " Y: " + yy); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(xx * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale), new Vector3(xx * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, yy * scale - 0.000001f))); // spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(x * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale), new Vector3(x * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, y * scale - 0.000001f))); if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("Aktuelle Zeile : " + actualSelectedGcode[i] + " " + i); } int n = 1; while ((i + n) < actualSelectedGcode.Length) { if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";LAYER")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";End GCode")) { break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith(";TYPE")) { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("I: " + i + " n: " + n + "Aktuelle Zeile : " + i + " " + actualSelectedGcode[i]); } break; } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n].StartsWith("G1")) // extrusion moves { if (debugPrints) { Debug.Log("G1 ------------------------- "); } if (actualSelectedGcode[i + n - 1].StartsWith(";")) { Debug.Log("G1 -------first in infill ------------------ "); } else { string[] BeforeCords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n - 1].Split(' '); float beforeX; float beforeY; float posX; float posY; string[] cords = actualSelectedGcode[i + n].Split(' '); if (BeforeCords[1].StartsWith("F")) { beforeX = float.Parse(BeforeCords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); beforeY = float.Parse(BeforeCords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { beforeX = float.Parse(BeforeCords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); beforeY = float.Parse(BeforeCords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } if (cords[1].StartsWith("F")) { posX = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[3].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } else { posX = float.Parse(cords[1].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); posY = float.Parse(cords[2].Replace('.', ',').Substring(1)); } spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(beforeX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, beforeY * scale), new Vector3(beforeX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, beforeY * scale - 0.000001f))); spline.AddNode(new SplineNode(new Vector3(posX * scale, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale), new Vector3(posX * scale - 0.000001f, (actualZheight - (actualLayerHeight / 2)) * scale, posY * scale - 0.000001f))); } } n++; } } } visibleLayers.maxValue = (actualZheight * scale); }