public override void Draw() { Bitmap _OctopusBitMap; _OctopusBitMap = new Bitmap("Octopus", "Monster.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_OctopusBitMap, X, Y); }
public void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_Background, 0, 0); switch (_ActiveMenu) { case Menu.MainMenu: DrawMenu(_MainMenu); break; case Menu.AttackMenu: DrawMenu(_AttackMenu); break; case Menu.HealMenu: DrawMenu(_HealMenu); break; case Menu.MessageBox: _MessageBox.Draw(); break; } _Player.Draw(); _Enemy.Draw(); DrawMenu(_VolMenu); DrawDefeatedBox(); _InstructionsCloseButton.Draw(); if (_InstructionsToggle) { DrawInstructions(); } }
public void Draw() { _Window.Clear(Color.White); _GameLevel.Draw(); _Player.Draw(_Window); foreach (Isopod isopod in _Isopods) { isopod.Draw(_Window); } foreach (Item item in _Items) { item.Draw(_Window); } foreach (Obstacle obstacle in _Obstacles) { obstacle.Draw(_Window); } SplashKit.DrawText(_Player.Health.ToString() + "%", Color.White, 188, 70); if (levelCount == 1) { _startMonument.Draw(); if (_startMonument.HasPlayerNear(_Player)) { SplashKit.DrawText("Monument De Butch: 'e'", Color.White, _startMonument.X - _startMonument.Width / 8, _startMonument.Y - _startMonument.Width / 8); if (SplashKit.KeyDown(KeyCode.EKey)) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap("ButchyHistory.png", _Window.Width / 20, _Window.Height / 20); } } } _Window.Refresh(); }
public static void Main() { Bitmap background = SplashKit.LoadBitmap("background1", "background1.png"); Aircraft a = new Aircraft(); GameRules gr = new GameRules(); new Window("Aircraft One", 600, 800); while (!SplashKit.WindowCloseRequested("Aircraft One")) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(); if (a.Lives > 0) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(background, 0, -100); SplashKit.DrawText("Lives:" + a.Lives, Color.White, 5, 10); SplashKit.DrawText("Score:" + a.Score, Color.White, 5, 30); a.Draw(); a.Move(); SplashKit.HideMouse(); gr.ResetCollector(); gr.AddItem(); gr.DrawItem(); gr.MoveItem(); gr.AddObstacle(); gr.DrawObstacle(); gr.MoveProjectile(); gr.MoveObstacle(); gr.DrawProjectile(); gr.AddProjectile(a); gr.Healing(a); gr.Collision(a); gr.CollisionProjectile(a); if (a.Lives <= 0) { a.Alive = false; } if (a.Alive == false) { a.Lives -= 1; a.ProjectileImage = SplashKit.LoadBitmap("hadoken", "hadoken.png"); a.X = SplashKit.MouseX(); a.Y = SplashKit.MouseY(); a.Alive = true; } gr.CheckObstacle(a); gr.Check(); gr.RemoveObj(); } else { SplashKit.DrawText("Game Over", Color.Black, 300, 100); SplashKit.ShowMouse(); } SplashKit.RefreshScreen(); } }
public void Draw() { _GameWindow.Clear(Color.DeepSkyBlue); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_backgroundBitmap, 0, 0); string fishEaten = _fishEaten.Count.ToString(); var font = SplashKit.LoadFont("Hand Scribble Sketch Times", "./resources/fonts/Hand Scribble Sketch Times.otf"); SplashKit.DrawText($"Score: {fishEaten}", Color.Black, font, 30, 1400, 100); foreach (var fish in _fishes) { fish.Draw(); } _Player.Draw(); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_seeWeedBitmap, 800, 700); _GameWindow.Refresh(60); }
public override void DrawEntity(CDraw toDraw) //draws regular entities (not players) { float absX = toDraw.X * Settings.CellWidth; float absY = toDraw.Y * Settings.CellHeight; SplashKit.DrawBitmap(SplashKit.BitmapNamed("Air"), absX, absY); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(SplashKit.BitmapNamed(toDraw.Type.ToString()), absX, absY); }
public void Draw() // Draws the player to the screen { var x = X; var y = Y; //DrawingOptions scale = SplashKit.OptionScaleBmp(1, 1); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_PlayerBitmap, x, y); }
public static void Main() { Bitmap background = SplashKit.LoadBitmap("background", "background.png"); Chicken c = new Chicken(); GameMain game = new GameMain(); new Window("Chicken Invaders", 600, 800); while (!SplashKit.WindowCloseRequested("Chicken Invaders")) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(); if (c.Hearts > 0) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(background, 0, -100); SplashKit.DrawText("Hearts: " + c.Hearts, Color.Black, 5, 10); SplashKit.DrawText("Score: " + c.Score, Color.Black, 5, 30); c.Draw(); c.Move(); SplashKit.HideMouse(); game.ResetCollector(); game.AddHeart(); game.DrawHeart(); game.MoveHeart(); game.DrawObstacle(); game.AddObstacle(); game.MoveBullet(); game.DrawBullet(); game.MoveObstacle(); game.AddBullet(c); game.Recover(c); game.Collision(c); game.CollisionBullet(c); if (c.Hearts <= 0) { c.Alive = false; } if (c.Alive == false) { c.Hearts = c.Hearts - 1; c.BulletImage = SplashKit.LoadBitmap("bullet", "bullet.png"); c.X = SplashKit.MouseX(); c.Y = SplashKit.MouseY(); c.Alive = true; } game.CheckObstacle(c); game.Check(); game.RemoveObject(); } else { SplashKit.DrawText("Game Over", Color.Black, 260, 400); SplashKit.ShowMouse(); } SplashKit.RefreshScreen(); } }
// draw lives on lifeboard /// <summary> /// Draw lives on lifeboard /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="windowWidth"></param> private void DrawLife(Player player, double windowWidth) { // lives Bitmap lives = new Bitmap("lives", "lives.png"); for (int i = 0; i < player.Lives; i++) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(lives, windowWidth - (player.Lives - i) * 52, 250); } }
public RouletteBoard(Window window, Load user, PastRolls rolls) { _window = window; _user = user; window.Clear(SplashKit.RGBColor(0, 129, 62)); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_mainBoard, XOffset(), YOffset()); if (PastRolls.rolling) { UpdateBalance(user); } window.Refresh(); }
public void Display() { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("Background", 0, 0); Game.getInstance().LoadLevel(true); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Clear(); if (!startup) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 3)); startup = true; } Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 3)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Paradigm Jump", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 75, 50, 50)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Start", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[0], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 340, 175)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Exit", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[1], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 355, 250)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Modifier", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 25, 570, 180)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("NoFail", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[2], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 20, 560, 230)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Fast", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[3], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 20, 575, 280)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Easy", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[4], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 20, 575, 330)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Can't Fail", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 10, 660, 235)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Faster and", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 10, 660, 280)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Smaller Cubes", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 10, 660, 290)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Slower and", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 10, 660, 330)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Bigger Cubes", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 10, 660, 340)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("How to play", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 25, 50, 180)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("A - Move Left", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 50, 220)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("D - Move Right", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 50, 240)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("S - Drop Down", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 50, 260)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Space - Jump", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 50, 280)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("RShift - Dash", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 50, 300)); int index = Game.getInstance().Buttons.FindIndex(f => f.Width == 160); if (index == -1) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 320, 170, 160, 50)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 320, 245, 160, 50)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 550, 220, 100, 40)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 550, 270, 100, 40)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 550, 320, 100, 40)); } Game.getInstance().Modifier.Toggle(); foreach (GameObject o in Game.getInstance().Objects) { o.Draw(); } foreach (HP o in Game.getInstance().HP) { o.Draw(); } }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_FishBitmap, X, Y); if (Velocity.Y > 0) { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("smallJellyfishleft", "./Resources/images/Medium/Jellyfish6.png"); } else { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("smallJellyfishright", "./Resources/images/Medium/Jellyfish3.png"); } }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_FishBitmap, X, Y); if (Velocity.Y > 0) { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("Predetorleft", "./Resources/images/Small/Predator 1 left.png"); } else { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("Predetorright", "./Resources/images/Small/Predator 1 right.png"); } }
public override void Draw() { _HealthPercent = (double)_Health / _MaxHealth; SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_Image, 800 - _Image.Width - _ImageBuffer, _ImageBuffer); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"{_Name} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"Lv: {_Level} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxWidth / 2 + 50, BoxInnerBuffer + BoxOuterBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"HP:", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer + 40); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Red, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, _HealthPercent * HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxWidth - 2 * BoxInnerBuffer - 2 * BoxOuterBuffer, HealthBarHeight); }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_FishBitmap, X, Y); if (Velocity.Y > 0) { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("Snapperleft", "./Resources/images/Small/Guppy Small Normal left.png"); } else { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("Snapperright", "./Resources/images/Small/Guppy Small Normal right.png"); } }
public void DrawHearts(int numberOfHearts) { int heartX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHearts; i++) { if (heartX < 300) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(HeartBitmap, heartX, 0); heartX = heartX + 40; } } }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_FishBitmap, X, Y); if (Velocity.Y > 0) { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("BigPredetorLeft", "./Resources/images/Large/Predator 1 Right.png"); } else { _FishBitmap = new Bitmap("BigPredetorRight", "./Resources/images/Large/Predator 1 Left.png"); } }
public void DrawBackground() { SplashKit.LoadBitmap("background", "42.jpg"); //Bitmap background = new Bitmap("background",0,0); Bitmap background; background = SplashKit.BitmapNamed("background"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("background", 0, 0); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("background", _gameWindow.Width - background.Width, 0); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("background", 0, _gameWindow.Height - background.Height); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("background", _gameWindow.Width - background.Width, _gameWindow.Height - background.Height); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("background", (_gameWindow.Width - background.Width) / 2, (_gameWindow.Height - background.Height) / 2); }
public void Menu() { string filePath = @"Resources/txtfiles/menu.txt"; List <string> menu = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); foreach (string line in menu) { string[] entries = line.Split(','); string name = entries[0]; int x = int.Parse(entries[1]); int y = int.Parse(entries[2]); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(SplashKit.BitmapNamed(name), x, y); } }
public void UpdateBalance(Load user) { int textWidth, balanceWidth; Bitmap BetBG = new Bitmap("BetAmountBG", "BetAmountBG.jpg"); balanceWidth = SplashKit.TextWidth($"${user.balance()}", "BN.ttf", 24); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("BetAmountBG", RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 259, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset + 354); SplashKit.DrawText($"${user.balance()}", Color.White, "BN.ttf", 24, RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 257 + ((192 - balanceWidth) / 2), RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset + 354); textWidth = SplashKit.TextWidth($"${Load.BetAmount}", "BN.ttf", 24); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("BetAmountBG", RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 259, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset + 300); SplashKit.DrawText($"${Load.BetAmount}", Color.White, "BN.ttf", 24, RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 257 + ((192 - textWidth) / 2), RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset + 300); _window.Refresh(); }
public Robotdodge(Window gameWindow) { _gameWindow = gameWindow; SplashKit.DrawBitmap("42.jpg", 0, 0); // BackGroundMusic backGroundMusic = new BackGroundMusic(_gameWindow); // backGroundMusic.Play(); // RandomBot(gameWindow); //moved out of main Player Player = new Player(gameWindow); _player = Player; //SplashKit.Delay(4000); }
// reset button giving player the option to play again with 3 lives public void PlayAgain() { Bitmap reset = SplashKit.BitmapNamed("reset"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(reset, 240, 650); if (SplashKit.MouseClicked(MouseButton.LeftButton)) { if (SplashKit.MousePosition().X > 240 && SplashKit.MousePosition().X < 460) { if (SplashKit.MousePosition().Y > 650 && SplashKit.MousePosition().Y < 750) { _frog = new Frog(); } } } }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_Image, X, Y); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, BoxX, BoxY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxX, BoxY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); _HealthPercent = (double)_Health / _MaxHealth; SplashKit.DrawText($"{_Name} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"HP:", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer + 40); SplashKit.DrawText($"Lv: {_Level}", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxOuterBuffer - BoxWidth / 2 + 50, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxOuterBuffer - BoxHeight + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Red, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, _HealthPercent * HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); }
public void Draw() { _GameWindow.Clear(Color.White); foreach (Robot robot in _Robot) { robot.Draw(); } for (int i = 1; i <= Lives; i++) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(Life, 600 - (i * 50), 50); } SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_GameWindow, Convert.ToString(_Score.Ticks / 1000), Color.Black, 50, 50); _Player.Draw(); _GameWindow.Refresh(60); }
// tracks game according to frogs life state public void FrogState() { // frog icons representing lives in bottom left corner for (int i = 0, x = 30; i < _frog.Lives; i++, x += 60) { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(SplashKit.BitmapNamed("frogicon"), x, 755); } // frog will be drawn as long as it has lives otherwise game will be over if (_frog.Lives > 0) { _frog.Draw(); } else { Loses(); } }
public void Environment() { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Black, 25, 750, 650, 50); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Black, 25, 450, 650, 250); SplashKit.FillRectangle(SplashKit.RGBColor(4, 0, 66), 25, 0, 650, 400); string filePath = @"Resources/txtfiles/environment.txt"; List <string> environment = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); for (int i = 25; i < 675; i += 50) { foreach (string line in environment) { string[] entries = line.Split(','); string name = entries[0]; int x = int.Parse(entries[1]); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(SplashKit.BitmapNamed(name), i, x); } } }
public void Draw() { SplashKit.ClearScreen(); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("Background", 0, 0); foreach (GameObject o in Objects) { o.Draw(); } if (HP.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < HP.Count; i++) { if (HP[i].Hit) { HP.Remove(HP[i]); } else { HP[i].Draw(); } } } if (HitObjects.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < HitObjects.Count; i++) { if (HitObjects[i].Y >= SplashKit.ScreenHeight() || HitObjects[i].Hit) { HitObjects.Remove(HitObjects[i]); } else { HitObjects[i].Draw(); } } } Player.Draw(); Modifier.drawScore(); ProgressBar(); }
public void Display() { Game.getInstance().Timer.Pause(); SplashKit.PauseMusic(); SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("Background", 0, 0); Game.getInstance().ProgressBar(); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Clear(); if (!startup) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 3)); startup = true; } Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Game Over", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 40, 275, 110)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Retry", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[0], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 340, 175)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Exit", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[1], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 355, 250)); Game.getInstance().Player.Draw(); Game.getInstance().Modifier.drawScore(); int index = Game.getInstance().Buttons.FindIndex(f => f.Width == 160); if (index == -1) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 320, 170, 160, 50)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 320, 245, 160, 50)); } foreach (GameObject o in Game.getInstance().Objects) { o.Draw(); } foreach (HP o in Game.getInstance().HP) { o.Draw(); } foreach (GameObject o in Game.getInstance().HitObjects) { o.Draw(); } }
public void Draw() { _GameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); foreach (Robot robot in _Robots) { robot.Draw(); } _Player.Draw(); foreach (Bullet bullet in _Bullets) { bullet.Draw(); } DisplayHUD(); if (_Player.Lives <= 0) { _GameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); Bitmap _GameOver = new Bitmap("Game Over", "gamover.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_GameOver, 200, 100); SplashKit.StopMusic(); SplashKit.PlaySoundEffect("gameover"); } _GameWindow.Refresh(60); }
public void Draw() { GameWindow.Clear(Color.LightYellow); //draw invader, UFO, player plus bullet draws inside the player foreach (var item in SuperUFOs) { item.Draw(); } foreach (var item in CaveBlocks) { item.Draw(); } foreach (Invader item in Invaders) { item.Draw(); } foreach (var item in AlienBullets) { item.Draw(); } Player.Draw(GameWindow); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(Title, 50, 50); //Text appears on screen SplashKit.DrawText($"Lives: {Player.Lives} ", Color.Gray, "cool.ttf", 25, 280, 50); SplashKit.DrawText($"Score: {Player.Score}", Color.Gray, "cool.ttf", 25, 280, 85); SplashKit.DrawText($"Time: {myTimer.Ticks / 1000}", Color.Gray, "cool.ttf", 25, 200, 130); if (Invaders.Count == 0) { SplashKit.DrawText($"Congradulations! You Win!", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 300); SplashKit.DrawText($"Your score is {Player.Score}", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 260); } GameWindow.Refresh(60); }