#pragma warning restore 0169 #pragma warning restore 0649 public ViewTaskDialog(Window parent, bool isTaskInit) { Stream stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ViewTaskDialog.glade"); Glade.XML glade = new Glade.XML(stream, "ViewTaskDialog", null); stream.Close(); glade.Autoconnect(this); thisDialog = ((Dialog)(glade.GetWidget("ViewTaskDialog"))); thisDialog.Modal = true; thisDialog.TransientFor = parent; thisDialog.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterAlways; cbActor.Entry.IsEditable = false; cbActor.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCbActorChanged); calStartTime.Date = DateTime.Now.Date; calEndTime.Date = DateTime.Now.Date; cbState.Entry.IsEditable = false; cbState.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCbStateChanged); spbPriority.SetRange(0, 10000); spbPriority.SetIncrements(1, 10); IsInitTask = isTaskInit; tvDescription.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyReleaseEvent; tvComment.KeyReleaseEvent += CommentKeyReleaseEvent; }
// Relative: [<|>] [num] [minutes|hours] ago // TODO: Absolute: [>|>=|=|<|<=] [date/time] public FileSizeQueryValueEntry() : base() { spin_button = new SpinButton(0.0, 1.0, 1.0) { Digits = 1, WidthChars = 4 }; spin_button.SetRange(0.0, double.MaxValue); Add(spin_button); combo = ComboBox.NewText(); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("bytes")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("KB")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("MB")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("GB")); combo.Realized += delegate { if (!combo_set) { combo.Active = 2; } }; Add(combo); spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; combo.Changed += HandleValueChanged; }
void HandleCollectionChanged(IBrowsableCollection collection) { bool multiple = collection.Count > 1; tray_frame.Visible = multiple; //forward_button.Visible = multiple; //back_button.Visible = multiple; count_label.Visible = multiple; photo_spin.Visible = multiple; action_frame.Visible = multiple; photo_spin.SetRange(1.0, (double)collection.Count); }
private void SetMinValues() { int vin = SpinIn.ValueAsInt; int vmin = SpinMin.ValueAsInt; int min = vin / 2 + 1; SpinMin.SetRange(min, vin); if (vmin < min) { vmin = min; } else if (vmin > vin) { vmin = vin; } SpinMin.Value = vmin; }
public TimeSpanQueryValueEntry() : base() { spin_button = new SpinButton(0.0, 1.0, 1.0); spin_button.Digits = 1; spin_button.WidthChars = 4; spin_button.SetRange(0.0, Double.MaxValue); Add(spin_button); combo = new ComboBoxText(); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("seconds")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("minutes")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("hours")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("days")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("weeks")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("months")); combo.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("years")); combo.Realized += delegate { combo.Active = set_combo; }; Add(combo); spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; combo.Changed += HandleValueChanged; }
private void BuildInterface() { Gui.Initialize(this); Icon = new Pixbuf(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, !ApplicationHelper.IsUnix ? @"Content\img\todo.png": @"Content/img/todo.png")); Name = "DatePicker"; Title = "Set date"; WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Mouse; KeepAbove = true; Modal = true; Resizable = false; _containerVBox = new VBox { Name = "containerVBox", HasWindow = false }; Calendar = new Calendar(); _timeBox = new HBox { Name = "timeBox", HasWindow = false }; _hoursBox = new VBox { Name = "hoursBox", HasWindow = false }; _hoursLabel = new Label { Name = "hoursLabel", Text = "Hours" }; HoursSpin = new SpinButton(0f, 1f, 1f) { Name = "hoursSpin" }; HoursSpin.SetRange(0, 23); _minutesBox = new VBox { Name = "minutesBox", HasWindow = false }; _minutesLabel = new Label { Name = "minutesLabel", Text = "Minutes" }; MinutesSpin = new SpinButton(0f, 1f, 1f) { Name = "minutesSpin" }; MinutesSpin.SetRange(0, 59); _secondsBox = new VBox { Name = "secondsBox", HasWindow = false }; _secondsLabel = new Label { Name = "secondsLabel", Text = "Seconds" }; SecondsSpin = new SpinButton(0f, 1f, 1f) { Name = "secondsSpin" }; SecondsSpin.SetRange(0, 59); _buttonBox = new HBox { Name = "buttonBox", HasWindow = false }; AcceptButton = new Button { Name = "acceptButton", Label = "OK" }; _cancelButton = new Button { Name = "cancelButton", Label = "Cancel" }; _containerVBox.Add(Calendar); var calendarChild = (Box.BoxChild)_containerVBox[Calendar]; calendarChild.Padding = 5; calendarChild.Expand = true; _containerVBox.Add(_timeBox); var timeChild = (Box.BoxChild)_containerVBox[_timeBox]; timeChild.Padding = 5; timeChild.Expand = true; _timeBox.Add(_hoursBox); var hoursBoxChild = (Box.BoxChild)_timeBox[_hoursBox]; hoursBoxChild.Padding = 5; hoursBoxChild.Expand = true; _hoursBox.Add(_hoursLabel); var hoursLabelChild = (Box.BoxChild)_hoursBox[_hoursLabel]; hoursLabelChild.Padding = 5; hoursLabelChild.Expand = true; _hoursBox.Add(HoursSpin); var hoursSpinChild = (Box.BoxChild)_hoursBox[HoursSpin]; hoursSpinChild.Padding = 5; hoursSpinChild.Expand = true; _timeBox.Add(_minutesBox); var minutesBoxChild = (Box.BoxChild)_timeBox[_minutesBox]; minutesBoxChild.Padding = 5; minutesBoxChild.Expand = true; _minutesBox.Add(_minutesLabel); var minutesLabelChild = (Box.BoxChild)_minutesBox[_minutesLabel]; minutesLabelChild.Padding = 5; minutesLabelChild.Expand = true; _minutesBox.Add(MinutesSpin); var minutesSpinChild = (Box.BoxChild)_minutesBox[MinutesSpin]; minutesSpinChild.Padding = 5; minutesSpinChild.Expand = true; _timeBox.Add(_secondsBox); var secondsBoxChild = (Box.BoxChild)_timeBox[_secondsBox]; secondsBoxChild.Padding = 5; secondsBoxChild.Expand = true; _secondsBox.Add(_secondsLabel); var secondsLabelChild = (Box.BoxChild)_secondsBox[_secondsLabel]; secondsLabelChild.Padding = 5; secondsLabelChild.Expand = true; _secondsBox.Add(SecondsSpin); var secondsSpinChild = (Box.BoxChild)_secondsBox[SecondsSpin]; secondsSpinChild.Padding = 5; secondsSpinChild.Expand = true; _containerVBox.Add(_buttonBox); var boxchild = (Box.BoxChild)_containerVBox[_buttonBox]; boxchild.Padding = 5; boxchild.Expand = true; _buttonBox.Add(AcceptButton); var acceptChild = (Box.BoxChild)_buttonBox[AcceptButton]; acceptChild.Padding = 5; _buttonBox.Add(_cancelButton); var cancelChild = (Box.BoxChild)_buttonBox[_cancelButton]; cancelChild.Padding = 5; Add(_containerVBox); ShowAll(); _cancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; }
public override Widget CreateConfigWidget() { var container = new VBox(); var fileHBox = new HBox(); container.Add(fileHBox); // Sudoku index. var indexHBox = new HBox(); fileHBox.Add(indexHBox); var indexLabel = new Label { Text = "Sudoku index" }; indexHBox.Add(indexLabel); var indexButton = new SpinButton(1, _sudokuList.Count, 1) { Value = 1 }; indexButton.ValueChanged += delegate { _sudokuIndex = (int)indexButton.Value - 1; OnReconfigured(); }; indexHBox.Add(indexButton); // File support var selectImageButton = new Button { Label = "Load sudoku(s) file" }; selectImageButton.Clicked += delegate { Gtk.FileChooserDialog filechooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog( "Select the sudoku to use", Context.GtkWindow, FileChooserAction.Open, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Open", ResponseType.Accept); if (filechooser.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept) { _sudokuList = SudokuBoard.ParseFile(filechooser.Filename); indexButton.SetRange(1, _sudokuList.Count); } filechooser.Destroy(); OnReconfigured(); }; fileHBox.Add(selectImageButton); var helpImageButton = new Button { Label = "?" }; helpImageButton.Clicked += delegate { var msg = new MessageDialog( Context.GtkWindow, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Ok, "Accepted formats represent Sudokus on one or several lines," + "\n with characters '.', '-', or 'X' for empty cells and digits otherwise." + "\n Lines starting with other characters are ignored such as '#' for comments on the common sdk format."); msg.Run(); msg.Destroy(); }; fileHBox.Add(helpImageButton); // Genetics selector. var geneticsHBox = new HBox(); geneticsHBox.Spacing += 2; var geneticsLabel = new Label { Text = "Genetics" }; geneticsHBox.Add(geneticsLabel); var chromosomeTypes = new string[] { nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.RowsPermutations) , nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.Cells) , nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.RandomRowsPermutations) , nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.RowsWithoutMask) , nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.CellsWithoutMask) }; _nbPermsHBox = new HBox { Visible = _ChromosomeType == nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.RandomRowsPermutations) }; var nbPermsLabel = new Label { Text = "Nb Permutations" }; _nbPermsHBox.Add(nbPermsLabel); var nbPermsButton = new SpinButton(1, 1000, 1); _nbPermsHBox.Add(nbPermsButton); nbPermsButton.Value = _nbPermutations; nbPermsButton.ValueChanged += delegate { _nbPermutations = (int)nbPermsButton.Value; OnReconfigured(); }; var nbSudokusLabel = new Label { Text = "Nb Sudokus" }; _nbPermsHBox.Add(nbSudokusLabel); var nbSudokusButton = new SpinButton(1, 1000, 1); _nbPermsHBox.Add(nbSudokusButton); nbSudokusButton.Value = _nbSudokus; nbSudokusButton.ValueChanged += delegate { _nbSudokus = (int)nbSudokusButton.Value; OnReconfigured(); }; var selectorCombo = new ComboBox(chromosomeTypes) { Active = 0 }; selectorCombo.Changed += delegate { _ChromosomeType = selectorCombo.ActiveText; _nbPermsHBox.Visible = _ChromosomeType == nameof(SudokuChromosomeType.RandomRowsPermutations); OnReconfigured(); }; geneticsHBox.Add(selectorCombo); container.Add(geneticsHBox); container.Add(_nbPermsHBox); //Multi check var multiHBox = new HBox(); var multiCheck = new CheckButton("Multi-Solutions") { Active = _multipleChromosome }; _nbChromosomesHBox = new HBox(); _nbChromosomesHBox.Spacing += 2; _nbChromosomesHBox.Visible = _multipleChromosome; var nbChromosomesLabel = new Label { Text = "Nb Chrom." }; _nbChromosomesHBox.Add(nbChromosomesLabel); var nbChromosomesButton = new SpinButton(1, 1000, 1); _nbChromosomesHBox.Add(nbChromosomesButton); nbChromosomesButton.Value = _nbChromosomes; nbChromosomesButton.ValueChanged += delegate { _nbChromosomes = (int)nbChromosomesButton.Value; OnReconfigured(); }; multiCheck.Toggled += delegate { _multipleChromosome = multiCheck.Active; _nbChromosomesHBox.Visible = _multipleChromosome; OnReconfigured(); }; multiHBox.Add(multiCheck); multiHBox.Add(_nbChromosomesHBox); container.Add(multiHBox); return(container); }