public string ReCreateFullText(SpellStatBlock SB)
            //find all italics
            SpellSB = SB;
            BoldPhrases = new List <string>();

Пример #2
        public void CheckSpellDC(bool IsGnome)
            List <string> Names   = CharacterClasses.GetClassNames();
            SpellList     SL      = null;
            string        formula = string.Empty;

            foreach (string name in Names)
                formula = string.Empty;
                if (CharacterClasses.CanClassCastSpells(name.ToLower()))
                    if (ClassSpells.ContainsKey(name))
                        SL = ClassSpells[name];
                        List <SpellData> ListOfSpells = SL.ListOfSpells;
                        int AbilityScore = MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(CharacterClasses.GetSpellBonusAbility(name));
                        OnGoingStatBlockModifier.StatBlockModifierSubTypes subType = Utility.GetOnGoingAbilitySubTypeFromString(CharacterClasses.GetSpellBonusAbility(name));
                        AbilityScore += _indvSB.GetOnGoingStatBlockModValue(OnGoingStatBlockModifier.StatBlockModifierTypes.Ability, subType);
                        int AbilityBonus = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(AbilityScore);

                        int Bonus = 0;

                        foreach (SpellData SD in ListOfSpells)
                                string Temp = SD.Name;
                                Temp = Temp.Replace("†", string.Empty);
                                List <string> School;

                                Temp = Utility.RemoveSuperScripts(Temp);

                                string search = Utility.SearchMod(Temp);
                                if (search == "empty slot")
                                ISpellStatBlock Spell = SpellStatBlock.GetSpellByName(search);
                                Bonus = 0;

                                if (Spell == null)
                                    _messageXML.AddFail("Spell DC", "Missing spell: " + search);
                                    if (_monSBSearch.HasSpellFocusFeat(out School))
                                        if (School.Contains(
                                        List <string> School2;
                                        if (_monSBSearch.HasGreaterSpellFocusFeat(out School2))
                                            if (School2.Contains(
                                        if (SLA_SaveFail(SD, Spell))
                                            _messageXML.AddFail("SLA Save-" + SD.Name, Spell.saving_throw, SD.DC.ToString());

                                    if (_monSBSearch.HasElementalSkillFocusFeat(out School))
                                        if (School.Contains(
                                        List <string> School2;
                                        if (_monSBSearch.HasGreaterElementalSkillFocusFeat(out School2))
                                            if (School2.Contains(
                                        if (SLA_SaveFail(SD, Spell))
                                            _messageXML.AddFail("SLA Save-" + SD.Name, Spell.saving_throw, SD.DC.ToString());

                                    if (SD.DC > 0)
                                        ComputeSpellDC(IsGnome, ref formula, name, AbilityBonus, ref Bonus, SD, Spell);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                _messageXML.AddFail("CheckSpellDC--" + SD.Name, ex.Message);

            if (!Names.Any() && MonSB.SpellsPrepared.Length > 0)
                string temp = MonSB.SpellsPrepared;
                temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(" "));
                if (ClassSpells.ContainsKey(temp))
                    SL = ClassSpells[temp];
                    List <SpellData> ListOfSpells = SL.ListOfSpells;
                    int AbilityBonus = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(CharacterClasses.GetSpellBonusAbility(temp)));

                    foreach (SpellData SD in ListOfSpells)
                        if (SD.DC > 0)
                            int computedDC = 10 + SD.Level + AbilityBonus;
                            formula = "10 +" + SD.Level.ToString() + " spell level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " ability bonus";
                            if (computedDC == SD.DC)
                                _messageXML.AddPass("Spell DC-" + SD.Name);
                                _messageXML.AddFail("Spell DC-" + SD.Name, computedDC.ToString(), SD.DC.ToString(), formula);

            if (!Names.Any() && MonSB.SpellsKnown.Length > 0)
                string temp = MonSB.SpellsKnown;
                temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(" "));
                if (ClassSpells.ContainsKey(temp))
                    SL = ClassSpells[temp];
                    List <SpellData> ListOfSpells = SL.ListOfSpells;
                    if (temp == "Spells")
                        temp = "Sorcerer";
                    int AbilityBonus = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(CharacterClasses.GetSpellBonusAbility(temp)));

                    foreach (SpellData SD in ListOfSpells)
                        if (SD.DC > 0)
                            int computedDC = 10 + SD.Level + AbilityBonus;
                            formula = "10 +" + SD.Level.ToString() + " spell level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " ability bonus";
                            if (computedDC == SD.DC)
                                _messageXML.AddPass("Spell DC-" + SD.Name);
                                _messageXML.AddFail("Spell DC-" + SD.Name, computedDC.ToString(), SD.DC.ToString(), formula);
Пример #3
        public void CheckSLA(bool IsGnome)
            if (!SLA.Any())
            SpellList SL                   = null;
            int       AbilityBonus         = 0;
            string    AbilityBonusName     = "Cha";
            string    formulaConcentration = string.Empty;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SpellList> sla in SLA)
                SL = sla.Value;
                if (sla.Key == "Domain" || sla.Key == "Qinggong Monk")
                    AbilityBonus         = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(StatBlockInfo.AbilityName.Wisdom));
                    AbilityBonusName     = "Wis";
                    formulaConcentration = SL.CasterLevel.ToString() + " Caster Level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " Wisdom modifier";
                else if (sla.Key == "Rogue" || sla.Key.Contains("Evoker") || sla.Key.Contains("Enchanter") || sla.Key.Contains("Arcane") || sla.Key.Contains("Diviner") || sla.Key.Contains("Conjurer"))
                    AbilityBonus         = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(StatBlockInfo.AbilityName.Intelligence));
                    AbilityBonusName     = "Int";
                    formulaConcentration = SL.CasterLevel.ToString() + " Caster Level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " Intelligence modifier";
                    AbilityBonus         = StatBlockInfo.GetAbilityModifier(MonSB.GetAbilityScoreValue(StatBlockInfo.AbilityName.Charisma));
                    formulaConcentration = SL.CasterLevel.ToString() + " Caster Level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " Charisma modifier";

                int Other = 0;
                if (_monSBSearch.Race() == "Spriggan")
                    formulaConcentration += " +1 Spriggan Magic";
                int computedConcentration = SL.CasterLevel + AbilityBonus + Other;
                if (SL.Concentration == computedConcentration)
                    _messageXML.AddPass("SLA Concentration-" + SL.Source);
                    _messageXML.AddFail("SLA Concentration-" + SL.Source, computedConcentration.ToString(), SL.Concentration.ToString(), formulaConcentration);

                List <SpellData> ListOfSpells = SL.ListOfSpells;
                int CasterLevel = SL.CasterLevel;
                int gnomeBonus  = 0;

                foreach (SpellData SD in ListOfSpells)
                    string          search = Utility.SearchMod(SD.Name);
                    ISpellStatBlock Spell  = SpellStatBlock.GetSpellByName(search);
                    if (Spell != null)
                        SpellChecker.CheckQuickenSpellLikeAbilityMonster(CasterLevel, SD, Spell, _messageXML);
                        SpellChecker.CheckEmpowerSpellLikeAbilityMonster(CasterLevel, SD, Spell, _messageXML);
                        if (SD.DC > 0)
                            gnomeBonus = 0;
                            if (IsGnome &&"illusion"))
                                gnomeBonus = 1;
                            int    computedDC = 10 + (Spell.SLA_Level ?? -1) + AbilityBonus + gnomeBonus;
                            string formula    = "10 +" + (Spell.SLA_Level ?? -1).ToString() + " Spell.SLA_Level +" + AbilityBonus.ToString() + " AbilityBonus (" + AbilityBonusName + ")";
                            if (gnomeBonus != 0)
                                formula += " +" + gnomeBonus.ToString() + " gnome magic";
                            if (_monSBSearch.Race() == "Spriggan")
                                computedDC++;                                     //Spriggan Magic
                            if (_monSBSearch.HasSubType("sahkil") && (Spell.descriptor.Contains("emotion") || Spell.descriptor.Contains("fear")))
                                computedDC += 2;

                            if (computedDC == SD.DC)
                                _messageXML.AddPass("SLA DC-" + SD.Name);
                                _messageXML.AddFail("SLA DC-" + SD.Name, computedDC.ToString(), SD.DC.ToString(), formula);
                        if (SLA_SaveFail(SD, Spell))
                            _messageXML.AddFail("SLA Save-" + SD.Name, Spell.saving_throw, SD.DC.ToString());
                        _messageXML.AddInfo("SLA: Missing Spell-" + search);
 private static spell MapThisToSpellObject(SpellStatBlock SB)
     return(Mapper.Map <SpellStatBlock, spell>(SB));
        public SpellStatBlock Parse(string SpellText, ref string ErrorMessage)
            OneSpell = new SpellStatBlock();

            SpellText = SpellText.Trim();
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(8217), char.Parse("'"));
            // SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(8224), Char.Parse("†"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("†", "&#8224;");
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(8212), char.Parse("-"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(8211), char.Parse("-"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(150), char.Parse("-"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace((char)(151), char.Parse("-"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("“", ((char)34).ToString());
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("”", ((char)34).ToString());
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace(char.Parse("-"), char.Parse("-"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace(char.Parse("×"), char.Parse("x"));
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("sorcerer/ wizard", "sorcerer/wizard");
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("Spell R esistance", "Spell Resistance");
            SpellText = SpellText.Replace("fl ", "fl").Replace("fi ", "fi");

            string Spellstr = SpellText;
            string CR       = Environment.NewLine;//((char) 13).ToString();

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(CR + CR, CR);
            int CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);

            if (CRPos == -1)
                CR    = "\n";
                CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);

            string temp2 = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp2 + CR, string.Empty).Trim();
            if (temp2.IndexOf(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT) > 0)
                int    ParenPos = temp2.IndexOf(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT);
                string temp3    = temp2.Substring(ParenPos);
                temp2          = temp2.Replace(temp3, string.Empty);
                temp3          = temp3.Replace(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT, string.Empty);
                temp3          = temp3.Replace(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_RIGHT, string.Empty);
                OneSpell.deity = temp3.Trim();
   = temp2.Trim().ProperCase();

            //fix roman numerials
            List <string> numerialsBad = new List <string> {
                "Ii", "Iii", "Iv", "Vi", "Vii", "Vii", "Ix"
            int index = 0;

            foreach (string bad in numerialsBad)
                if (
           =, - bad.Length);
           = + bad.ToUpper();

            int    Pos;
            string temp;

                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(";" + CR + "Level", "; Level");
                Pos      = Spellstr.IndexOf("; Level");
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, Pos);
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + ";", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("School", string.Empty).Trim();
                Pos      = temp.IndexOf("[");
                if (Pos > 0)
                    temp2 = temp.Substring(Pos);
                    temp  = temp.Replace(temp2, string.Empty).Trim();
                    temp2 = temp2.Replace("[", string.Empty);
                    temp2 = temp2.Replace("]", string.Empty);
                    OneSpell.descriptor = temp2.Trim();
                    List <string> descriptors = CommonMethods.GetSpellDescriptors();
                    descriptors.Add("see text");
                    string descriptorString = string.Join(",", descriptors.ToArray());
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains(","))
                        descriptors = OneSpell.descriptor.Split(',').ToList();
                    else if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("or "))
                        descriptors = OneSpell.descriptor.Split(new string[] { "or " }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();

                    foreach (string desc in descriptors)
                        string temp3 = desc.Trim();
                        temp3 = temp3.Replace("or ", string.Empty);
                        temp3 = temp3.Replace("; see below", string.Empty);

                        temp3 = Utility.RemoveSuperScripts(temp3);

                        if (!descriptorString.Contains(temp3))
                            ErrorMessage += "Descriptor not allowed value: " + temp3;
                    OneSpell.descriptor = string.Empty;

                if (OneSpell.descriptor.Length > 0)
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("acid"))
                        OneSpell.acid = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("air"))
                        OneSpell.air = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("chaotic"))
                        OneSpell.chaotic = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("cold"))
                        OneSpell.cold = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("curse"))
                        OneSpell.curse = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("darkness"))
                        OneSpell.darkness = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("death"))
                        OneSpell.death = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("disease"))
                        OneSpell.disease = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("earth"))
               = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("electricity"))
                        OneSpell.electricity = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("emotion"))
                        OneSpell.emotion = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("evil"))
                        OneSpell.evil = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("fear"))
                        OneSpell.fear = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("fire"))
               = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("force"))
                        OneSpell.force = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("good"))
                        OneSpell.good = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("language-dependent"))
                        OneSpell.language_dependent = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("lawful"))
                        OneSpell.lawful = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("light"))
                        OneSpell.light = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("mind-affecting"))
                        OneSpell.mind_affecting = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("pain"))
                        OneSpell.pain = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("poison"))
                        OneSpell.poison = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("shadow"))
                        OneSpell.shadow = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("sonic"))
                        OneSpell.sonic = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("water"))
                        OneSpell.water = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("ruse"))
                        OneSpell.ruse = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("draconic"))
                        OneSpell.draconic = true;
                    if (OneSpell.descriptor.Contains("meditative"))
                        OneSpell.meditative = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessage = "Issue with Level line";

            Pos = temp.IndexOf(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT);
            if (Pos > 0)
                temp2 = temp.Substring(Pos);
                temp  = temp.Replace(temp2, string.Empty).Trim();
                temp2 = temp2.Replace(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT, string.Empty);
                temp2 = temp2.Replace(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_RIGHT, string.Empty);
                OneSpell.subschool = temp2.Trim();
                List <string> subSchools = CommonMethods.GetSpellSubSchools();
                //  string subSchoolsString = string.Join(",", subSchools.ToArray());
                List <string> spellSubSchools = OneSpell.subschool.Split(',').ToList();

                foreach (string subS in spellSubSchools)
                    if (!subSchools.Contains(subS.Trim()))
                        ErrorMessage = "SubSchool not allowed value: " + subS;
                OneSpell.subschool = string.Empty;

            List <string> schools = CommonMethods.GetSpellSchools();

            schools.Add("see text");
            string schoolsString = string.Join(",", schools.ToArray()).ToLower();

   = temp;
            if (!schoolsString.Contains(
                ErrorMessage = "School not allowed value: " +;

            CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
            temp  = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
            if (temp.EndsWith(","))
                Spellstr = Spellstr.ReplaceFirst(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE);
                CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
            if (temp.EndsWith("/"))
                Spellstr = Spellstr.ReplaceFirst(CR, string.Empty);
                CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
            if (temp.EndsWith("Level"))
                Spellstr = Spellstr.ReplaceFirst(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE);
                CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Level:", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Level", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
            if (temp.IndexOf(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT) > 0)
                temp2          = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT));
                temp           = temp.Replace(temp2, string.Empty).Trim();
                temp2          = Utility.RemoveParentheses(temp2);
                OneSpell.deity = temp2;
            if (temp.Contains("cleric ") && !temp.Contains("cleric/oracle "))
                temp = temp.Replace("cleric", "cleric/oracle");
            if (temp.Contains("wizard/sorcerer"))
                temp = temp.Replace("wizard/sorcerer", "sorcerer/wizard");
            OneSpell.spell_level = temp;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessage = "Issue with SpellLevels- " + ex.Message;

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("CASTING" + CR, string.Empty);
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("casting" + CR, string.Empty);

                CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("Casting Time:", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("Casting Time", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.casting_time = temp;
                ErrorMessage = "Issue with Casting Time";

            CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
            temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Component:", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Components:", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Components", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace("Component", string.Empty);
            temp     = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
            bool ComponentsFound = false;

            if (temp.Contains(" gp"))
                OneSpell.costly_components = true;
                Pos = temp.IndexOf(" gp");
                string costly = temp.Substring(0, Pos).Trim();;
                Pos    = costly.LastIndexOf(PathfinderConstants.SPACE);
                costly = costly.Substring(Pos);
                costly = costly.Replace(PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT, string.Empty);
                costly = costly.Replace(",", string.Empty);
                OneSpell.material_costs = int.Parse(costly);
            OneSpell.components = temp;
            if (temp.Contains("V"))
                OneSpell.verbal = true;
                ComponentsFound = true;
            if (temp.Contains("S"))
                OneSpell.somatic = true;
                ComponentsFound  = true;
            if (temp.Contains("M"))
                OneSpell.material = true;
                ComponentsFound   = true;
            if (temp.Contains("DF"))
                OneSpell.divine_focus = true;
                ComponentsFound       = true;
            if (temp.Contains("F") && OneSpell.divine_focus == false)
                OneSpell.verbal = true;
                ComponentsFound = true;

            if (!ComponentsFound)
                ErrorMessage = "Issue with Components";

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Range");
            if (Pos >= 0)
                CRPos          = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp           = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr       = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp           = temp.Replace("Range", string.Empty);
                temp           = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.range = temp;

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Target, Effect, Area");
            if (Pos >= 0)
                CRPos            = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp             = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr         = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace("Target, Effect, Area", string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.area    = temp;
                OneSpell.targets = temp;
                OneSpell.effect  = temp;

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Target, Effect, or Area");
            if (Pos >= 0)
                CRPos            = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp             = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr         = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace("Target, Effect, or Area", string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.area    = temp;
                OneSpell.targets = temp;
                OneSpell.effect  = temp;

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Target or Area");
            if (Pos >= 0)
                CRPos            = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp             = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr         = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace("Target or Area", string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.area    = temp;
                OneSpell.targets = temp;

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Area or Target");
            if (Pos >= 0)
                CRPos            = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp             = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr         = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace("Area or Target", string.Empty);
                temp             = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.area    = temp;
                OneSpell.targets = temp;

            Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Area");
            int Pos2 = Spellstr.IndexOf("Duration");

            if (Pos >= 0 && Pos < Pos2)
                CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Duration");

                Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Targets");
                if (Pos == -1)
                    Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Target");
                if (Pos < CRPos && Pos != -1)
                    CRPos = Pos;
                temp = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                if (temp.Contains("Effect"))
                    Pos  = temp.IndexOf("Effect");
                    temp = temp.Substring(0, Pos);
                Spellstr           = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                Spellstr           = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty);
                temp               = temp.Replace("Area", string.Empty);
                temp               = temp.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE).Trim();
                OneSpell.shapeable = temp.Contains("(S)");
                OneSpell.area      = temp;

            if ((Spellstr.Contains("Target ") || Spellstr.Contains("Targets ")))
                Pos  = Spellstr.IndexOf("Saving Throw");
                Pos2 = Spellstr.IndexOf("Target");
                if ((Pos > 0 && Pos2 < Pos) || Pos == -1)
                    CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Duration");
                    if (CRPos == -1)
                        CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf("Duration");
                    Pos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Effect");
                    if (Pos < CRPos && Pos > 0)
                        CRPos = Pos;
                    temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                    Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty).Trim();
                    temp     = temp.Replace("Targets", string.Empty);
                    temp     = temp.Replace("Target", string.Empty);
                    //temp = temp.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE);
                    OneSpell.targets = temp.Trim();

            if (Spellstr.Contains("Effect") && !Spellstr.Contains(". Effect") && (Spellstr.IndexOf("Effect") < Spellstr.IndexOf("Saving Throw") || !Spellstr.Contains("Saving Throw")))
                CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "Duration");
                if (CRPos == -1)
                    CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp            = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr        = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp            = temp.Replace("Effect", string.Empty);
                temp            = temp.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE).Trim();
                OneSpell.effect = temp;

            if (Spellstr.Contains("Duration"))
                CRPos    = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("Duration", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                if (temp.Contains("(D)"))
                    OneSpell.dismissible = true;
                    // temp = temp.Replace("(D)", string.Empty).Trim();
                    OneSpell.dismissible = false;
                OneSpell.duration = temp;

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("EFFECT" + CR, string.Empty);
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("effect" + CR, string.Empty);
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("Saving throw", "Saving Throw");

            if (Spellstr.Contains("Saving Throw") || Spellstr.Contains("Save "))
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(";" + CR + "Spell Resistance", "; Spell Resistance");
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("; Spell" + CR + "Resistance", "; Spell Resistance");

                Pos2 = Spellstr.IndexOf("Saving Throw");
                if (Pos2 == -1)
                    Pos2 = Spellstr.IndexOf("Save ");
                Pos = Spellstr.LastIndexOf("; Spell Resistance");
                if (Pos >= 0)
                    temp     = Spellstr.Substring(Pos2, Pos - Pos2);
                    Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + ";", string.Empty);
                    temp     = temp.Replace("Saving Throw:", string.Empty);
                    temp     = temp.Replace("Saving Throw", string.Empty).Trim();
                    temp     = temp.Replace("Save ", string.Empty);
                    OneSpell.saving_throw = temp;
                    OneSpell.saving_throw = "Error- missing semicolon";

            if (Spellstr.Contains("Augmented "))
                CRPos              = Spellstr.IndexOf("Augmented ");
                temp               = Spellstr.Substring(CRPos);
                Spellstr           = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty);
                temp               = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.augmented = temp;
                OneSpell.mythic    = true;
            else if (Spellstr.Contains("Augmented:"))
                CRPos              = Spellstr.IndexOf("Augmented:");
                temp               = Spellstr.Substring(CRPos);
                Spellstr           = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty);
                temp               = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.augmented = temp;
                OneSpell.mythic    = true;

            if (Spellstr.Contains("Mythic:"))
                CRPos                = Spellstr.IndexOf("Mythic:");
                temp                 = Spellstr.Substring(CRPos);
                Spellstr             = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty);
                temp                 = temp.Replace("Mythic:", string.Empty);
                temp                 = temp.Replace(CR, string.Empty).Trim();
                OneSpell.mythic_text = temp;
                OneSpell.mythic      = true;

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("DEScription", "DESCRIPTION");
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("description" + CR, "DESCRIPTION" + CR);

            CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + "DESCRIPTION");
            if (CRPos == -1)
                CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR + CR);

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("Spell Resistance" + CR, "Spell Resistance ");
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("Spell Resistance yes" + CR + PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT, "Spell Resistance yes (");
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("Spell Resistance no" + CR + PathfinderConstants.PAREN_LEFT, "Spell Resistance no (");
            if (Spellstr.Contains("Spell Resistance"))
                if (CRPos == -1)
                    CRPos = Spellstr.IndexOf(CR);
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(0, CRPos);
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp + CR, string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("Spell Resistance:", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace("Spell Resistance", string.Empty);
                temp     = temp.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE).Trim();
                OneSpell.spell_resistence = temp;

            if (Spellstr.Contains("HAUNT STATISTICS"))
                Pos      = Spellstr.IndexOf("HAUNT STATISTICS");
                temp     = Spellstr.Substring(Pos);
                Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(temp, string.Empty).Trim();
                temp     = temp.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE);
                OneSpell.haunt_statistics = temp.Replace("HAUNT STATISTICS", string.Empty).Trim();

            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("DESCRIPTION" + CR, string.Empty);

            //mark the keeper CRs
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace("." + CR, ".<br>");

            //remove the unwanted CRs
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(CR, PathfinderConstants.SPACE);

            //put back the keeper CRs
            Spellstr = Spellstr.Replace(PathfinderConstants.BREAK, Environment.NewLine);

            OneSpell.description = Spellstr.Trim();
            if (OneSpell.description.Contains("mythic"))
                OneSpell.mythic = true;

            StatBlockFormating.SpellStatBlock_Format SpellSB_Form = new StatBlockFormating.SpellStatBlock_Format();
            SpellSB_Form.ItalicPhrases = ItalicPhrases;
            SpellSB_Form.BoldPhrases   = BoldPhrases;
            OneSpell.full_text         = SpellSB_Form.CreateFullText(OneSpell);
            OneSpell.full_text         = OneSpell.full_text.Trim();
