public static IEnumerable <Spell> FindSpellsWithMiscValueBWithEffect(SpellEffectType effectType) { var spells = GetSpells(); var query = from spell in spells where spell.HasEffectWith((e) => e.MiscValueB != 0) select spell; foreach (var spell in query) { foreach (var effect in spell.Effects) { if (effect.EffectType == effectType) { if (effect.MiscValueB != 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - {2} - {3}", spell.Id, spell.Name, effect.EffectType, effect.MiscValueB); } } } } Console.WriteLine("{0} spells matched condition", query.Count()); return(query); }
public SpellEffectDefinitionDataModel(int spellEffectId, SpellEffectType effectType, float basePointsAdditiveLevelModifier, int effectBasePoints, int effectPointsDiceRange, SpellEffectTargetType effectTargetingType, SpellEffectTargetType additionalEffectTargetingType) { if (spellEffectId < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(spellEffectId)); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpellEffectType), effectType)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(effectType), (int)effectType, typeof(SpellEffectType)); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpellEffectTargetType), effectTargetingType)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(effectTargetingType), (int)effectTargetingType, typeof(SpellEffectTargetType)); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpellEffectTargetType), additionalEffectTargetingType)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(additionalEffectTargetingType), (int)additionalEffectTargetingType, typeof(SpellEffectTargetType)); } SpellEffectId = spellEffectId; EffectType = effectType; BasePointsAdditiveLevelModifier = basePointsAdditiveLevelModifier; EffectBasePoints = effectBasePoints; EffectPointsDiceRange = effectPointsDiceRange; EffectTargetingType = effectTargetingType; AdditionalEffectTargetingType = additionalEffectTargetingType; }
public static void CreateEffectFile(SpellEffectType type) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(effectsDir.FullName + type + ".cs", false)) { writer.WriteLine("using System;"); writer.WriteLine("using System.Collections.Generic;"); writer.WriteLine("using System.Linq;"); writer.WriteLine("using System.Text;"); writer.WriteLine("using WCell.RealmServer.Entities;"); writer.WriteLine("namespace WCell.RealmServer.Spells.Effects"); writer.WriteLine("{"); writer.WriteLine(" public class {0}Effect : EffectHandler", type); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" public {0}Effect(SpellEffect effect)", type); writer.WriteLine(" : base(effect)"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine(" public override void Handle(SpellCast cast)"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" // TODO: {0}EffectHandler", type); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine("});"); } }
public SpellEffectType this[int i] { get { if (i < 0 || i >= 3) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } return(i == 0 ? A : (i == 1 ? B : C)); } set { if (i < 0 || i >= 3) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } if (i == 0) { A = value; } else if (i == 1) { B = value; } else { C = value; } } }
public static void FindUnusedEffectTypes() { var highest = FindHighestEffectType(); var spells = GetSpells(); SpellEffectType[] effs = (SpellEffectType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SpellEffectType)); HashSet <SpellEffectType> allEffects = new HashSet <SpellEffectType>(); foreach (var spell in spells) { foreach (var eff in spell.Effects) { allEffects.Add(eff.EffectType); } } Console.WriteLine("Unused Effects"); for (SpellEffectType effect = SpellEffectType.None; effect < highest; effect++) { if (!allEffects.Contains(effect)) { Console.WriteLine(effect); } } }
public static void UnsetHandler(SpellEffectType type) { //if (SpellEffectCreators[(int)type] != null && SpellEffectCreators[(int)type].GetType() == typeof(NotImplementedEffectHandler)) { SpellEffectCreators[(int)type] = null; } }
public SpellEffectHandlerAttribute(SpellEffectType effectType) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpellEffectType), effectType)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(effectType), (int)effectType, typeof(SpellEffectType)); } EffectType = effectType; }
public static Type GetSpellEffectEffectMiscValueBType(SpellEffectType type) { if (type >= SpellEffectType.End) { log.Warn("Found invalid SpellEffectType {0}.", type); return(null); } return(SpellEffectMiscValueBTypes[(int)type]); }
public DB_SpellEffect(byte type, byte target, float data01, float data02, float data03, float bConst, float mLevel, float mAttack) { Type = (SpellEffectType)type; Target = (SpellTarget)target; Data01 = data01; Data02 = data02; Data03 = data03; BaseConst = bConst; LevelModifer = mLevel; AttackModifer = mAttack; }
private void ExecuteEffect(SpellEffectType type, int index) { switch (type) { case SpellEffectType.SCHOOL_DAMAGE: EffectSchoolDMG(index); break; default: break; } }
public SpellEffectEntryModel(bool isDefault, SpellEffectType effectType, float basePointsAdditiveLevelModifier, int effectBasePoints, int effectPointsDiceRange, SpellEffectTargetType effectTargetingType) { this.isDefault = isDefault; EffectType = effectType; BasePointsAdditiveLevelModifier = basePointsAdditiveLevelModifier; EffectBasePoints = effectBasePoints; EffectPointsDiceRange = effectPointsDiceRange; EffectTargetingType = effectTargetingType; //TODO: Support secondary targeting type. AdditionalEffectTargetingType = SpellEffectTargetType.NO_TARGET; }
public static void FindSpellsWithEffect(SpellEffectType effectType) { var spells = GetSpells(); foreach (var spell in spells) { if (spell.HasEffectWith(effect => effect.EffectType == effectType)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", spell.Id, spell.Name); foreach (var eff in spell.Effects) { eff.DumpInfo(Console.Out, "\t"); } } } }
public static SpellEffectType FindHighestEffectType() { var spells = GetSpells(); SpellEffectType highest = SpellEffectType.None; foreach (var spell in spells) { foreach (var effect in spell.Effects) { if (effect.EffectType > highest) { highest = effect.EffectType; } } } Console.WriteLine("Highest EffectType: {0}", highest); return(highest); }
public static void UnsetHandler(SpellEffectType type) { SpellEffectCreators[(int)type] = null; }
///// <summary> ///// Unused ///// </summary> //public static void SendMagicResist(ObjectBase caster, ObjectBase target, uint spellId) //{ // using (var packet = new RealmPacketOut(RealmServerOpCode.SMSG_RESISTLOG, 21)) // { // caster.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // packet.WriteUInt(spellId); // packet.WriteByte((byte)0); // } //} /// <summary> /// Correct for 3.0.9 /// </summary> /// <param name="target">Optional</param> /// <param name="value">Optional</param> public static RealmPacketOut SendSpellLogExecute(ObjectBase caster, uint spellId, SpellEffectType effect, ObjectBase target, uint value) { // TODO: Info we still need for this packet: spellId of interrupted spell, itemId of created item var packet = new RealmPacketOut(RealmServerOpCode.SMSG_SPELLLOGEXECUTE, 37); caster.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(spellId); const int effectCount = 1; packet.Write(effectCount); for (int i = 0; i < effectCount; i++) { packet.Write((int)effect); const int targetCount = 1; // unsure for (int j = 0; j < targetCount; j++) { switch (effect) { case SpellEffectType.PowerDrain: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0.0f); break; } case SpellEffectType.AddExtraAttacks: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(0); break; } case SpellEffectType.InterruptCast: { packet.Write(0); // spellId of interrupted spell break; } case SpellEffectType.DurabilityDamage: { packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0); break; } case SpellEffectType.OpenLock: case SpellEffectType.OpenLockItem: { if (target is Item) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.CreateItem: case SpellEffectType.CreateItem2: { packet.Write(0); // itemId break; } case SpellEffectType.Summon: case SpellEffectType.TransformItem: case SpellEffectType.SummonPet: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectWild: case SpellEffectType.CreateHouse: case SpellEffectType.Duel: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot1: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot2: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot3: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot4: { if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // summon recipient } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.FeedPet: { if (target is Item) { packet.Write(target.EntryId); } else { packet.Write(0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.DismissPet: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); break; } case SpellEffectType.Resurrect: case SpellEffectType.ResurrectFlat: { if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } } } } return packet; }
public bool HasEffect(SpellEffectType effectType) { return(Effects.Exists(effect => effect.EffectType == effectType)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the first SpellEffect of the given Type within this Spell /// </summary> public SpellEffect GetEffect(SpellEffectType type, bool force) { foreach (var effect in Effects) { if (effect.EffectType == type) { return effect; } } //ContentHandler.OnInvalidClientData("Spell {0} does not contain Effect of type {1}", this, type); //return null; if (!init1 && force) { throw new ContentException("Spell {0} does not contain Effect of type {1}", this, type); } return null; }
public bool HasEffect(SpellEffectType type) { return GetEffect(type, false) != null; }
public static Type GetSpellEffectEffectMiscValueBType(SpellEffectType type) { if (type >= SpellEffectType.End) { log.Warn("Found invalid SpellEffectType {0}.", type); return null; } return SpellEffectMiscValueBTypes[(int)type]; }
public void ModifyStatSpell(SpellEffectType stat, int baseAmount) { switch (stat) { case SpellEffectType.AGL: break; case SpellEffectType.ATK: break; case SpellEffectType.DEF: break; case SpellEffectType.HP: this.hpLoss -= baseAmount; break; case SpellEffectType.MAG_ATK: break; case SpellEffectType.MP: this.mpLoss -= baseAmount; break; case SpellEffectType.REVIVE: break; } }
public bool IsEffect(SpellEffectType effectName) { return(EffectType == effectName); }
public SpellEffectHandler GetHandler(SpellEffectType type) { if (Handlers == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to get Handler from unintialized SpellCast"); } return Handlers.FirstOrDefault(handler => handler.Effect.EffectType == type); }
public SpellEffect(SpellEffectType type, float power) : base(EntityClass.SpellEffect, (uint)type) { this.power = power; }
public static void SetSpellEffectEffectMiscValueBType(SpellEffectType effectType, Type type) { SpellEffectMiscValueBTypes[(int)effectType] = type; }
/// <summary> /// Removes the first Effect of the given Type and replace it with a new one which will be returned. /// Appends a new one if none of the given type was found. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SpellEffect ReplaceEffect(SpellEffectType type) { for (var i = 0; i < Effects.Length; i++) { var effect = Effects[i]; if (effect.EffectType == type) { return Effects[i] = new SpellEffect(); } } return AddEffect(SpellEffectType.None); }
public static IEnumerable<Spell> FindSpellsWithMiscValueBWithEffect(SpellEffectType effectType) { var spells = GetSpells(); var query = from spell in spells where spell.HasEffectWith((e) => e.MiscValueB != 0) select spell; foreach (var spell in query) { foreach (var effect in spell.Effects) { if (effect.EffectType == effectType) { if (effect.MiscValueB != 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - {2} - {3}", spell.Id, spell.Name, effect.EffectType, effect.MiscValueB); } } } } Console.WriteLine("{0} spells matched condition", query.Count()); return query; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Effect to this Spell /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SpellEffect AddEffect(SpellEffectType type, ImplicitTargetType target) { var effect = new SpellEffect(this, Effects.Length > 0 ? Effects[Effects.Length - 1].EffectIndex : 0) { EffectType = type }; var effects = new SpellEffect[Effects.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(Effects, effects, Effects.Length); Effects = effects; Effects[effects.Length - 1] = effect; effect.ImplicitTargetA = target; return effect; }
/// <summary>Correct for 3.0.9</summary> /// <param name="target">Optional</param> /// <param name="value">Optional</param> public static RealmPacketOut SendSpellLogExecute(ObjectBase caster, uint spellId, SpellEffectType effect, ObjectBase target, uint value) { RealmPacketOut realmPacketOut = new RealmPacketOut((PacketId)RealmServerOpCode.SMSG_SPELLLOGEXECUTE, 37); caster.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); realmPacketOut.Write(spellId); realmPacketOut.Write(1); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 1; ++index1) { realmPacketOut.Write((int)effect); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 1; ++index2) { switch (effect) { case SpellEffectType.PowerDrain: target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); realmPacketOut.Write(0); realmPacketOut.Write(0); realmPacketOut.Write(0.0f); break; case SpellEffectType.Resurrect: case SpellEffectType.ResurrectFlat: if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); break; } realmPacketOut.Write((byte)0); break; case SpellEffectType.AddExtraAttacks: target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); realmPacketOut.Write(0); break; case SpellEffectType.CreateItem: case SpellEffectType.CreateItem2: realmPacketOut.Write(0); break; case SpellEffectType.Summon: case SpellEffectType.TransformItem: case SpellEffectType.SummonPet: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectWild: case SpellEffectType.CreateHouse: case SpellEffectType.Duel: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot1: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot2: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot3: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot4: if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); break; } realmPacketOut.Write((byte)0); break; case SpellEffectType.OpenLock: case SpellEffectType.OpenLockItem: if (target is Item) { target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); break; } realmPacketOut.Write((byte)0); break; case SpellEffectType.InterruptCast: realmPacketOut.Write(0); break; case SpellEffectType.FeedPet: if (target is Item) { realmPacketOut.Write(target.EntryId); break; } realmPacketOut.Write(0); break; case SpellEffectType.DismissPet: target.EntityId.WritePacked((BinaryWriter)realmPacketOut); break; case SpellEffectType.DurabilityDamage: realmPacketOut.Write(0); realmPacketOut.Write(0); break; } } } return(realmPacketOut); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the first SpellEffect of the given Type within this Spell /// </summary> public SpellEffect GetEffect(SpellEffectType type) { return GetEffect(type, true); }
internal bool IsEffectInSpell(SpellEffectType set) { return _effects.Count(e => e.TypeId == (int)set) > 0; }
public SpellEffect RemoveEffect(SpellEffectType type) { var effect = GetEffect(type); RemoveEffect(effect); return effect; }
public SpellEffectHandlerAttribute(SpellEffectType spellEffectType) { SpellEffectType = spellEffectType; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the first SpellEffect of the given Type within this Spell /// </summary> public SpellEffect GetEffect(SpellEffectType type) { foreach (var effect in Effects) { if (effect.EffectType == type) { return effect; } } return null; }
public SpellEffectHandler GetHandler(SpellEffectType type) { if (Handlers == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to get Handler from unintialized SpellCast"); } foreach (var handler in Handlers) { if (handler.Effect.EffectType == type) { return handler; } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new Effect to this Spell /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SpellEffect AddEffect(SpellEffectType type) { return AddEffect(type, ImplicitTargetType.None); }
public SpellEffect(SpellEffectType type, SpellTargetType target, int value) { this.type = type; = target; this.value = value; }
///// <summary> ///// Unused ///// </summary> //public static void SendMagicResist(ObjectBase caster, ObjectBase target, uint spellId) //{ // using (var packet = new RealmPacketOut(RealmServerOpCode.SMSG_RESISTLOG, 21)) // { // caster.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // packet.WriteUInt(spellId); // packet.WriteByte((byte)0); // } //} /// <summary> /// Correct for 3.0.9 /// </summary> /// <param name="target">Optional</param> /// <param name="value">Optional</param> public static RealmPacketOut SendSpellLogExecute(ObjectBase caster, uint spellId, SpellEffectType effect, ObjectBase target, uint value) { // TODO: Info we still need for this packet: spellId of interrupted spell, itemId of created item var packet = new RealmPacketOut(RealmServerOpCode.SMSG_SPELLLOGEXECUTE, 37); caster.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(spellId); const int effectCount = 1; packet.Write(effectCount); for (int i = 0; i < effectCount; i++) { packet.Write((int)effect); const int targetCount = 1; // unsure for (int j = 0; j < targetCount; j++) { switch (effect) { case SpellEffectType.PowerDrain: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0.0f); break; } case SpellEffectType.AddExtraAttacks: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); packet.Write(0); break; } case SpellEffectType.InterruptCast: { packet.Write(0); // spellId of interrupted spell break; } case SpellEffectType.DurabilityDamage: { packet.Write(0); packet.Write(0); break; } case SpellEffectType.OpenLock: case SpellEffectType.OpenLockItem: { if (target is Item) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.CreateItem: case SpellEffectType.CreateItem2: { packet.Write(0); // itemId break; } case SpellEffectType.Summon: case SpellEffectType.TransformItem: case SpellEffectType.SummonPet: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectWild: case SpellEffectType.CreateHouse: case SpellEffectType.Duel: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot1: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot2: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot3: case SpellEffectType.SummonObjectSlot4: { if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); // summon recipient } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.FeedPet: { if (target is Item) { packet.Write(target.EntryId); } else { packet.Write(0); } break; } case SpellEffectType.DismissPet: { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); break; } case SpellEffectType.Resurrect: case SpellEffectType.ResurrectFlat: { if (target is Unit) { target.EntityId.WritePacked(packet); } else { packet.Write((byte)0); } break; } } } } return(packet); }
/// <summary> /// Return <see cref="SpellEffectDelegate"/> for supplied <see cref="SpellEffectType"/>. /// </summary> public SpellEffectDelegate GetEffectHandler(SpellEffectType spellEffectType) { return(spellEffectDelegates.TryGetValue(spellEffectType, out SpellEffectDelegate handler) ? handler : null); }