public async Task <bool> RetainerCheck(RetainerInfo retainer) { if (RetainerSettings.Instance.ReassignVentures && retainer.Active && retainer.Job != ClassJobType.Adventurer) { if (retainer.VentureTask != 0) { var now = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; var timeLeft = retainer.VentureEndTimestamp - now; if (timeLeft <= 0 && SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.Venture) > 2) { await RetainerHandleVentures(); } else { Log($"Venture will be done at {RetainerInfo.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(retainer.VentureEndTimestamp)}"); } } } if (RetainerSettings.Instance.DepositFromPlayer) { await RetainerRoutine.DumpItems(); } if (RetainerSettings.Instance.GetGil) { GetRetainerGil(); } return(true); }
private static uint CanAffordScrip(SpecialShopItem item) { var scrips = SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount((SpecialCurrency)28063); if (scrips == 0) { return(0u); } return(scrips / item.CurrencyCosts[0]); }
public static async Task <bool> RetainerCheckOnlyVenture(RetainerInfo retainer) { if (retainer.VentureTask != 0) { var now = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; var timeLeft = retainer.VentureEndTimestamp - now; if (timeLeft <= 0 && SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.Venture) > 2) { await RetainerHandleVentures(); } else { Log($"Venture will be done at {RetainerInfo.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(retainer.VentureEndTimestamp)}"); } } return(true); }
public async Task RetainerRun() { var bell = await GoToSummoningBell(); if (bell == false) { LogCritical("No summoning bell near by"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); return; } await RetainerRoutine.ReadRetainers(RetainerCheck); await Coroutine.Sleep(1000); if (!RetainerSettings.Instance.Loop || !RetainerSettings.Instance.ReassignVentures) { LogCritical($"Loop Setting {RetainerSettings.Instance.Loop} ReassignVentures {RetainerSettings.Instance.ReassignVentures}"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); } if (RetainerSettings.Instance.Loop && InventoryManager.FreeSlots < 2) { LogCritical($"I am up some space you hoarder"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); } var count = await GetNumberOfRetainers(); var rets = Core.Memory.ReadArray <RetainerInfo>(Offsets.RetainerData, count); if (!rets.Any(i => i.VentureTask != 0 && i.Active)) { LogCritical($"No ventures assigned or completed"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); } var nextVenture = rets.Where(i => i.VentureTask != 0 && i.Active).OrderBy(i => i.VentureEndTimestamp).First(); if (nextVenture.VentureEndTimestamp == 0) { LogCritical($"No ventures running"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); } if (SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.Venture) <= 2) { LogCritical($"Get more venture tokens...bum"); TreeRoot.Stop("Done playing with retainers"); } var now = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; var timeLeft = nextVenture.VentureEndTimestamp - now; Log($"Waiting till {RetainerInfo.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(nextVenture.VentureEndTimestamp)}"); await Coroutine.Sleep(timeLeft * 1000); await Coroutine.Sleep(30000); Log($"{nextVenture.Name} Venture should be done"); }
public static async Task CheckVentureTask() { var verified = await VerifiedRetainerData(); if (!verified) { return; } var count = await HelperFunctions.GetNumberOfRetainers(); var rets = Core.Memory.ReadArray <RetainerInfo>(Offsets.RetainerData, count); var now = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; if (rets.Any(i => i.Active && i.VentureTask != 0 && (i.VentureEndTimestamp - now) <= 0 && SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.Venture) > 2)) { await GeneralFunctions.StopBusy(dismount : false); if (DutyManager.InInstance || CraftingLog.IsOpen || FishingManager.State != FishingState.None || MovementManager.IsOccupied || CraftingManager.IsCrafting) { Log("Something went wrong"); return; } var bell = await GoToSummoningBell(); if (bell == false) { LogCritical("No summoning bell near by"); return; } await RetainerRoutine.ReadRetainers(RetainerCheckOnlyVenture); } else { Log("No Ventures Complete"); } }
public async Task <bool> Shop() { var npcId = GameObjectManager.GetObjectByNPCId(1012301); if (!npcId.IsWithinInteractRange) { var _target = npcId.Location; Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveTowards(_target); while (_target.Distance2D(Core.Me.Location) >= 4) { Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveTowards(_target); await Coroutine.Sleep(100); } Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop(); } npcId.Interact(); await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => SelectIconString.IsOpen); SelectIconString.ClickSlot(0); await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => SelectString.IsOpen); SelectString.ClickSlot(5); await Coroutine.Sleep(700); var windowName = "ShopExchangeCurrency"; await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => RaptureAtkUnitManager.GetWindowByName(windowName) != null); var windowByName = RaptureAtkUnitManager.GetWindowByName(windowName); if (windowByName == null) { return(false); } while (SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.YellowCraftersScrips) > 50 && InventoryManager.FreeSlots > 1) { if (windowByName != null) { windowByName.SendAction(4, 3, 0, 3, 0x19, 3, 1, 0, 0); } await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => SelectYesno.IsOpen); if (SelectYesno.IsOpen) { SelectYesno.Yes(); } await Coroutine.Sleep(700); } windowByName.SendAction(1, 3uL, 4294967295uL); await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => SelectString.IsOpen); SelectString.ClickSlot((uint)(SelectString.LineCount - 1)); await Coroutine.Sleep(700); return(true); }
public static int GetSkybuilderScrips() { return((int)SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount((SpecialCurrency)28063)); }
public static async Task CheckVentureTask() { var verified = await VerifiedRetainerData(); if (!verified) { return; } var count = await HelperFunctions.GetNumberOfRetainers(); var rets = Core.Memory.ReadArray <RetainerInfo>(Offsets.RetainerData, count); var now = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; if (rets.Any(i => i.Active && i.VentureTask != 0 && (i.VentureEndTimestamp - now) <= 0 && SpecialCurrencyManager.GetCurrencyCount(SpecialCurrency.Venture) > 2)) { if (FishingManager.State != FishingState.None) { var quit = ActionManager.CurrentActions.Values.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == 299); if (quit != default(SpellData)) { Log($"Exiting Fishing"); if (ActionManager.CanCast(quit, Core.Me)) { ActionManager.DoAction(quit, Core.Me); await Coroutine.Wait(6000, () => FishingManager.State == FishingState.None); } } } if (CraftingLog.IsOpen) { Log($"Closing Crafting Window"); await Lisbeth.ExitCrafting(); await Coroutine.Wait(6000, () => !CraftingLog.IsOpen); await Coroutine.Wait(6000, () => !CraftingManager.IsCrafting && !MovementManager.IsOccupied); } if (DutyManager.InInstance) { Log($"Leaving Diadem"); DutyManager.LeaveActiveDuty(); if (await Coroutine.Wait(30000, () => CommonBehaviors.IsLoading)) { await Coroutine.Yield(); await Coroutine.Wait(Timeout.Infinite, () => !CommonBehaviors.IsLoading); await Coroutine.Sleep(5000); } } if (DutyManager.InInstance || CraftingLog.IsOpen || FishingManager.State != FishingState.None || MovementManager.IsOccupied || CraftingManager.IsCrafting) { Log("Something went wrong"); return; } var bell = await GoToSummoningBell(); if (bell == false) { LogCritical("No summoning bell near by"); return; } await RetainerRoutine.ReadRetainers(RetainerCheckOnlyVenture); } else { Log("No Ventures Complete"); } }