public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { isDrag = false; //Post close deploy building area and extra deploy building are SpecialCardType cardType = specialCard.cardType; //Locked building mode drag deployment code.Dwayne. /* * if ( cardType == SpecialCardType.Tower || cardType == SpecialCardType.Institute ) * { * if ( EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() ) * { * cardType = SpecialCardType.None; * } * * MessageDispatcher.PostMessage( MessageType.DeployBuildingAreaClose, mark ); * MessageDispatcher.PostMessage( MessageType.CloseCheckBattleFieldObj, GetBuildingType( cardType ) ); * } * else */ if (cardType == SpecialCardType.Tramcar) { MessageDispatcher.PostMessage(Constants.MessageType.DeploySquad, GameConstants.UNIT_TRAMCAR_METAID, eventData.position); } else if (cardType == SpecialCardType.Demolisher) { MessageDispatcher.PostMessage(Constants.MessageType.DeploySquad, GameConstants.UNIT_DEMOLISHER_METAID, eventData.position); } MessageDispatcher.PostMessage(MessageType.CloseDeployAreas, mark); cardType = SpecialCardType.None; }
//Locked building mode drag deployment code.Dwayne. /* * private BuildingType GetBuildingType( SpecialCardType type ) * { * if( type == SpecialCardType.Tower ) * { * return BuildingType.Tower; * } * else if( type == SpecialCardType.Institute ) * { * return BuildingType.Institute; * } * * return BuildingType.NoneBuilding; * }*/ public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!specialCard.canDeploy || specialCard.maskImage.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } SpecialCardType cardType = specialCard.cardType; //Locked building mode drag deployment code.Dwayne. /* * if ( cardType == SpecialCardType.Institute || cardType == SpecialCardType.Tower ) * { * MessageDispatcher.PostMessage( MessageType.CheckBattleFieldObjPositionChange, eventData.position ); * }*/ }
public Card( string cardDescription, int cardMoveModifier, int cardMovePosition, int cardMoneyAdded, int cardMoneySubtracted, bool cardPerPlayer, string cardSpecial) { // Set the variables description = cardDescription; moveModifier = cardMoveModifier; movePosition = cardMovePosition; perPlayer = cardPerPlayer; // Check if the card is subtracting money if (cardMoneyAdded == 0) { moneyModifier -= (int)cardMoneySubtracted; // Make the moneyModifier negative by subtracting the amountSubtracted from 0 } else { moneyModifier += (int)cardMoneyAdded; // Make the moneyModifier positive by adding the amountAdded to 0 } // Check if the card has a special attribute if (cardSpecial != "") { // Set the special attribute switch (cardSpecial) { case "freeJail": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.GetOutOfJailFreeCard; break; case "goToJail": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.GoToJailCard; break; case "canPassGo": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.CanPassGo; break; } } }
public Card( string cardDescription, int cardMoveModifier, int cardMovePosition, int cardMoneyAdded, int cardMoneySubtracted, bool cardPerPlayer, string cardSpecial) { // Set the variables description = cardDescription; moveModifier = cardMoveModifier; movePosition = cardMovePosition; perPlayer = cardPerPlayer; // Check if the card is subtracting money if (cardMoneyAdded == 0) moneyModifier -= (int)cardMoneySubtracted; // Make the moneyModifier negative by subtracting the amountSubtracted from 0 else moneyModifier += (int)cardMoneyAdded; // Make the moneyModifier positive by adding the amountAdded to 0 // Check if the card has a special attribute if (cardSpecial != "") { // Set the special attribute switch (cardSpecial) { case "freeJail": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.GetOutOfJailFreeCard; break; case "goToJail": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.GoToJailCard; break; case "canPassGo": specialCardType = SpecialCardType.CanPassGo; break; } } }
public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { isDrag = true; if (!specialCard.canDeploy || specialCard.maskImage.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; } ClosePopUp(); SpecialCardType cardType = specialCard.cardType; //Locked building mode drag deployment code.Dwayne. /* * if ( cardType == SpecialCardType.Institute || cardType == SpecialCardType.Tower ) * { * MessageDispatcher.PostMessage( MessageType.OpenCheckBattleFieldObj, GetBuildingType( cardType ), eventData.pressPosition ); * MessageDispatcher.PostMessage( MessageType.DeployBuildingAreaOpen, mark ); * }*/ MessageDispatcher.PostMessage(MessageType.ShowDeployAreas, mark); }
public int GetSpecialCost(SpecialCardType specialIndex, out int limitNum) { //Locked building mode drag deployment code. Dwayne. /*if ( instituteCost == 0 ) * { * instituteCost = instituteProtoData.Find( p => p.ID == Constants.GameConstants.INSTITUTE_ID ).DeploymentCost; * * if ( towerProtoData.Count > 0 ) * { * towerCost = towerProtoData[0].DeploymentCost; * } * else * { * DebugUtils.LogError( DebugUtils.Type.UI, "There can't find towerPorotoData,check table and logic." ); * } * }*/ if (tramCarCost == 0) { UnitsProto.Unit unit = dataManager.unitsProtoData.Find(p => p.ID == Constants.GameConstants.UNIT_TRAMCAR_METAID); tramCarCost = unit.DeploymentCost; tramCarLimitNum = unit.MaxMembers; } if (demolisherCost == 0) { UnitsProto.Unit unit = dataManager.unitsProtoData.Find(p => p.ID == Constants.GameConstants.UNIT_DEMOLISHER_METAID); demolisherCost = unit.DeploymentCost; demolisherLimitNum = unit.MaxMembers; } int cost = 0; switch (specialIndex) { //Locked building mode drag deployment code. Dwayne. /* * case SpecialCardType.Institute: * { * cost = instituteCost; * limitNum = GameConstants.INSTITUTE_DEPLOYMENT_LIMIT; * break; * } * case SpecialCardType.Tower: * { * cost = towerCost; * limitNum = GameConstants.TOWER_DEPLOYMENT_LIMIT; * break; * }*/ case SpecialCardType.Tramcar: { cost = tramCarCost; limitNum = tramCarLimitNum; break; } case SpecialCardType.Demolisher: { cost = tramCarCost; limitNum = demolisherLimitNum; break; } default: { DebugUtils.LogError(DebugUtils.Type.UI, string.Format("Can't handle this SpecialCardType {0} now", specialIndex)); limitNum = -1; break; } } return(cost); }
public SpecialCard(SpecialCardType specialMoveType) { CardType = specialMoveType; }