void Start()
        boxCollider2D = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();

        //furnace needs this as a reference
        theFurnace = GameObject.Find("Furnace").GetComponent <FurnaceScript>();
        //also spawning
        theSpawning = GameObject.Find("SpawningPoint").GetComponent <SpawningScript>();

        //the ingredients should fly towards this, if correct
        target = null;

        theChangeScene = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <ChangeSceneScript>();

        theMoney = GameObject.Find("Money").GetComponent <MoneyScript>();

        theSPF = GameObject.Find("SpawningFoodLayer").GetComponent <SpawningFoodLayerScript>();

        foodlayerclone = GameObject.Find("FoodLayer(Clone)");

        theNextRecipe = GameObject.Find("NextRecipeButton").GetComponent <NextRecipeScript>();

        theGameMaster = GameObject.Find("GameMaster").GetComponent <GameMasterScript>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        //the "change " boolean variable is called when a recipe is finished,
        // in order to allow our current foodlayer to disappear
        // and a new one to take its place
        if (change == true)
            //rename our object so that it doesn't interfere with other similar objects' functionality
            if (gameObject.name.EndsWith("(Clone)"))
                gameObject.name = gameObject.name.Substring(0, gameObject.name.Length - 7);//remove (clone) from string
            transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, movetoward.transform.position, Time.deltaTime * 03);


            if ((gameObject.transform.position.x == movetoward.transform.position.x) && (gameObject.transform.position.y == movetoward.transform.position.y))
                change = false;
        else if (theNextRecipe.gamepause)// do not show anything if we aren't prepared to handle the next customer!
            //Debug.Log("rendred null");
            if (gameObject.name.EndsWith("(Clone)"))
                renderers[renderers.Count - 2].sprite = null;
            if (gameObject.name.EndsWith("(Clone)"))
                renderers[renderers.Count - 2].sprite = SpriteLayerBase(target.GetComponent <FurnaceScript>().recipe.name);
    public void OnMouseDown()

        //do not allow clicking if the game is paused/disabled
        if (theNextRecipe.gamepause)

        //create a layered-food if we don't already have one
        if ((foodlayerclone = GameObject.Find("FoodLayer(Clone)")) == false)
            Debug.Log("foodlayerclone is false");
            foodlayerclone = GameObject.Find("FoodLayer(Clone)");

            Debug.Log("foodlayerclone: " + foodlayerclone);
        theFoodLayer = GameObject.Find("FoodLayer(Clone)").GetComponent <FoodLayersScript>();

        //get the correct base-sprite
        //foodlayerclone.GetComponent<FoodLayersScript>().renderers[3].sprite = theFoodLayer.SpriteLayerBase(theFurnace.recipe.name);

        //theNextRecipe.gamepause = true;
        theNextRecipe.gamepause = false;

        //rename our object so that it is usable within recipes
        //(remove (clone) from string)
        if (gameObject.name.EndsWith("(Clone)"))
            gameObject.name = gameObject.name.Substring(0, gameObject.name.Length - 7);
            Debug.Log("cannot delete ingredient's substring");

        //add to current recipe

        bool ingredientisonthelist = false;
        //remove from the correct igredient from the numbers list
        int i = 0;

        //Debug.Log("before loops");

        foreach (string checkingr in theFurnace.recipe.neededIngr)
            if (checkingr == gameObject.name)
                //if we have all of what we need from this ingredient, we shouldn't bother dealing with it
                if (theFurnace.usable_number_of_ingredients[i] == 0)
                    //Debug.Log("filled ingreadient");
                    ingredientisonthelist = false;

                    //add to the false


                // otherwise, we are going to use it in our recipe:

                //add to the number of correct clicks

                //assign to the correct number

                inum = i;
                ingredientisonthelist = true;
                target = GameObject.Find("Furnace");

                //also, clone it as a transparent-ticked object
                string formrname = gameObject.name;
                invisivise2(formrname, gameObject);

                //since we have our target, we should change our sprite to something more relevant
                gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = theFoodLayer.SpriteChooseIngredient(theFurnace.recipe.name, gameObject.name);

                //disable text labels as well
                gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>().enabled = false;


        //destroy only if it is on the list
        if (ingredientisonthelist == false)
            //remove ingredient from the current list if not needed
            Debug.Log("object not on list");
            //rename it back to its original name
            //(this is a workaround for allowing only "(clones)" to move!
            gameObject.name += "(Clone)";

            //add to the number of false clicks

        //when we destroy an object, we can instantiate the next one
        theSpawning.spawnallowed = true;