public bool requireSpawn() { int count = rgb2d.Cast(-Vector2.up, contactFilter, hitBuffer, shellRadius); var d = new Dictionary <RaycastHit2D, float>(); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { d.Add(hitBuffer[i], hitBuffer[i].distance); } d.OrderBy(item => item.Value); //var hit = d.First().Key; foreach (var hitData in d) { var hit = hitData.Key; float soilUpperBound = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>() + hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>().bounds.extents.y; float playerLowerBound = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>() - GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().bounds.extents.y; if (hit.collider != null && soilUpperBound <= playerLowerBound) { SpawnerTile st = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <SpawnerTile>(); Vector3 pt = hit.point - Vector2.up * spawnOffset; if (st != null) { // check whether the object hit has a spawnertile component (that means, if it can spawn plants) st.spawnHere(gameObject, pt); // invoke spawn passing the player as arg //StartCoroutine(splat(hit.collider.gameObject)); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerPosUpdater>().setParams(20, 3.5f, 5f); return(true); } } } } return(false); }
public void genRowSpawners(int curHeight) { //float totalPillars = pillarsLeft; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { Vector3Int v = new Vector3Int(i, curHeight, 0); if (otherTiles.spawnerPossible(i, curHeight, spawnersLeft)) { int x = r.Next(1000); //Debug.Log(streak); //Debug.Log(x); if (x < (spawnersLeft * 2000) / (width * height)) { //Debug.Log(x); //Debug.Log(((pillarsLeft / (width * height)) * 80000)); SpawnerTile t = chooseSpawner(v); spawnerTiles.Add(t); theSpawners.SetTile(v, t); //tileCost[x][y] = 10000000; spawnersLeft--; Vector2 temp = new Vector2(v.x, v.y); //spawnerSet.Add(temp); } } } }
public void ResetToInitialState() { m_WaveNumber = 1; m_WaveText.text = "Wave: " + m_WaveNumber; m_Spawner = null; m_WaveTimerText.text = "Click Next Wave to Start"; StopCoroutine(m_WaveTimerCoroutine); StopCoroutine(m_SpawnerCoroutine); }
public void LoadLevel(Level level) { if (level == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } DestroyLoadedLevel(); m_LoadedLevel = level; Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(m_MapRoot.transform.position.x - level.m_Width / 2, m_MapRoot.transform.position.y + level.m_Height / 2); List <Vector2> worldWaypoints = new List <Vector2>(); foreach (Vector2Int point in level.m_Waypoints) { worldWaypoints.Add(topLeft + new Vector2(point.x, -point.y)); } for (int row = 0; row < level.m_Height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < level.m_Width; col++) { Vector3 tilePos = new Vector3(topLeft.x + col, topLeft.y - row); switch (level.m_Map[row, col]) { case Level.Tile.Buildable: Instantiate(level.m_BuildableTile, tilePos, Quaternion.identity, m_MapRoot); break; case Level.Tile.Path: Instantiate(level.m_PathTile, tilePos, Quaternion.identity, m_MapRoot); break; case Level.Tile.Spawner: GameObject tile = Instantiate(level.m_SpawnerTile, tilePos, Quaternion.identity, m_MapRoot); SpawnerTile spawner = tile.GetComponent <SpawnerTile>(); spawner.m_Waypoints = worldWaypoints.ToArray(); break; case Level.Tile.Goal: Instantiate(level.m_GoalTile, tilePos, Quaternion.identity, m_MapRoot); break; } } } m_Camera.m_CameraBounds.extents = new Vector3(level.m_Width / 2 + m_CameraBoundsPadding.x, level.m_Height / 2 + m_CameraBoundsPadding.y); }
// for funsies //private HashSet<Vector2> spawnerSet;ev // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { main = this; camera = Camera.main.gameObject; player = PlayerClass.main.gameObject; spawners = new List <SpawnerClass>(); for (int i = 0; i < spritesToMatch.Count; i++) { spawners.Add(new SpawnerClass(spritesToMatch[i], enemiesToMatch[i])); } tm = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); Vector3Int starter = new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0); otherTiles = floorPillars.gameObject.GetComponent <TileSetter>(); Vector3Int ender = new Vector3Int(otherTiles.getWidth() - 1, otherTiles.getHeight() - 1, 0); tm.BoxFill(ender, theFloor, starter.x, starter.y, ender.x, ender.y); width = otherTiles.getWidth(); height = otherTiles.getHeight(); //Debug.Log(width); initialSpawnersLeft = spawnersLeft; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { genRowSpawners(i); //Debug.Log(i); } if (initialSpawnersLeft == spawnersLeft && initialSpawnersLeft > 0) { Vector3Int v = new Vector3Int(width - 1, height - 1, 0); SpawnerTile t = chooseSpawner(v); spawnerTiles.Add(t); theSpawners.SetTile(v, t); } genWalls(); int larger = Math.Max(width, height); camera.transform.position = new Vector3(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f, -10); camera.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize = (camScaling / 10.0f) * larger; Vector2[] thePoints = { new Vector2(-20, -20), new Vector2(width + 20, -20), new Vector2(width + 20, height + 20), new Vector2(-20, height + 20), new Vector2(-20, -20) }; theWalls = GameObject.Find("Walls"); theWalls.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().points = thePoints; theWalls.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().edgeRadius = 20; if (TryGetComponent <RedDragonFloor>(out RedDragonFloor rdf)) { rdf.changeCamera(camera); } StartCoroutine("beAsleep"); }
private SpawnerTile chooseSpawner(Vector3Int v) { //SpawnerClass temp = spawners[r.Next(spawners.Count)]; SpawnerClass temp = spawners[r.Next(spawners.Count)]; Vector3 changedV = floorPillars.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Grid>().CellToWorld(v) + offset; SpawnerTile t = (SpawnerTile)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("SpawnerTile");// SpawnerTile(temp.sprite, temp.spawnedEnemy, genWaves(AvgMobs, waves, spawners.Count), changedV); t.sprite = temp.sprite; t.spawnedEnemy = temp.spawnedEnemy; t.wavesTillSpawn = genWaves(AvgMobs, waves, initialSpawnersLeft); t.pos = changedV; t.player = player; t.f = this.gameObject; return(t); }
private void Awake() { sTile = GetComponent <SpawnerTile>(); }