Пример #1
    //Events for when the projectile collides with objects in the world with appropriate layers
    #region Collision Response Methods
    private void OnHitObject(RaycastHit a_hit, bool a_hitEntity)
        IDamagable damagableObject = a_hit.collider.GetComponent <IDamagable>();

        if (damagableObject != null)
            damagableObject.TakeImpact(m_damage, a_hit, this);
        if (m_targetInvincible)
            if (m_entityInvincibleParticle != null)
                GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_entityInvincibleParticle, a_hit.point, transform.rotation);
                Destroy(GO, m_entityInvincibleParticleTimer);

            if (m_entityInvincibleAudioClip != null && m_spawnedSpeaker != null)
                SpawnedSpeaker SS = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, a_hit.point, transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
                SS.AudioSource.clip = m_entityInvincibleAudioClip;
            if (m_destroy == false)
                m_destroy = true;
            if (m_trailRenderer != null)
                Destroy(m_instancedTrailRenderer, m_trailRendererLifeTime);

        m_insideEntity = a_hitEntity;
        if (m_insideEntity)
        if (m_destroy == false)
            m_destroy = true;
        if (m_trailRenderer != null)
            Destroy(m_instancedTrailRenderer, m_trailRendererLifeTime);
Пример #2
    //Create the trail renderer and check for initial collisions
    private void Start()
        m_insideEntity = false;

        //Merge all layers into a new layer set for checking with a ray
        m_hittableCollisionMask = m_ricochetCollisionMask | m_entityCollisionMask | m_environmentCollisionMask;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_environmentCollisionMasks.Count; i++)
            m_hittableCollisionMask = m_hittableCollisionMask | m_environmentCollisionMasks[i];
        #region one layer at a time

         * //If the projectile spawns within a collider, it will activate the appropriate collision response
         * Collider[] initialEnemyCollision = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, .1f, m_entityCollisionMask);
         * if (initialEnemyCollision.Length > 0) {
         *  OnHitObject(initialEnemyCollision[0], true);
         *  return;
         * }
         * Collider[] initialEnvironmentCollision = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, .1f, m_environmentCollisionMask);
         * if (initialEnvironmentCollision.Length > 0) {
         *  OnHitObject(initialEnvironmentCollision[0], false);
         *  return;
         * }
         * Collider[] initialRicochetCollision = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, .1f, m_ricochetCollisionMask);
         * if (initialRicochetCollision.Length > 0) {
         *  OnHitObject(initialRicochetCollision[0], false);
         *  return;
         * }
         * /*
        #region multilayer
        //If the projectile spawns within a collider, it will activate the appropriate collision response
        Collider[] initialCollision = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, .1f, m_hittableCollisionMask);

        if (initialCollision.Length > 0)
            LayerMask hitLayer = (1 << initialCollision[0].transform.gameObject.layer);
            if (hitLayer == m_ricochetCollisionMask)
                if (m_ricochetParticle != null)
                    GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_ricochetParticle, transform.position, transform.rotation);
                    Destroy(GO, m_ricochetParticleTimer);

                if (m_ricochetAudioClip != null && m_spawnedSpeaker != null)
                    SpawnedSpeaker SS = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, transform.position, transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
                    SS.AudioSource.clip = m_ricochetAudioClip;
                m_destroy = false;
                OnHitObject(initialCollision[0], false);

            else if (hitLayer == m_entityCollisionMask)
                if (m_insideEntity == false)
                    OnHitObject(initialCollision[0], true);
                    m_currentlyInside = initialCollision[0].transform.gameObject;
            else if (hitLayer == m_environmentCollisionMask)
                OnHitObject(initialCollision[0], false);

                for (int i = 0; i < m_environmentCollisionMasks.Count; i++)
                    if (hitLayer == m_environmentCollisionMasks[i])
                        if (m_environmentParticles[i] != null)
                            //Gross horrible way of seperating a specific layer change
                            Quaternion goRot = transform.rotation;
                            if (i != 1)
                                GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(-transform.forward));
                                Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
                            //Cactus grossness
                                GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], transform.position, goRot);
                                Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
                        if (m_environmentAudioClips[i] != null)
                            SpawnedSpeaker audio = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, transform.position, transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
                            audio.AudioSource.clip = m_environmentAudioClips[i];
                        if (i == 1)
                            m_destroy = false;

                        OnHitObject(initialCollision[0], false);


        if (m_trailRenderer != null)
            m_instancedTrailRenderer = Instantiate(m_trailRenderer, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(0f, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0f);
        transform.rotation = rot;
Пример #3
    //Use ray casts to check for collisions
    #region Collision Detection and First Response Methods
    private void CheckCollisions(float a_distanceToMove)
        Ray        ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);
        RaycastHit hit;

        #region Multilayered layer detection

        //Casts a ray checking all they layers it could potentially hit and then reacting accoridingly
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, a_distanceToMove + m_skinWidth, m_hittableCollisionMask))
            //Stores the raycasthit's layer for checking what what hit
            LayerMask hitLayer = (1 << hit.transform.gameObject.layer);

            if (hitLayer == m_ricochetCollisionMask)
                if (m_ricochetParticle != null)
                    GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_ricochetParticle, hit.point, transform.rotation);
                    Destroy(GO, m_ricochetParticleTimer);

                if (m_ricochetAudioClip != null && m_spawnedSpeaker != null)
                    SpawnedSpeaker SS = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, hit.point, hit.transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
                    SS.AudioSource.clip = m_ricochetAudioClip;
                m_destroy = false;
                OnHitObject(hit, this, false);

            else if (hitLayer == m_entityCollisionMask)
                if (m_insideEntity == false)
                    OnHitObject(hit, true);
                    m_currentlyInside = hit.transform.gameObject;
            else if (hitLayer == m_environmentCollisionMask)
                OnHitObject(hit, false);

            //Checking the list of extra environmental collisions which will have their own effect
                for (int i = 0; i < m_environmentCollisionMasks.Count; i++)
                    if (hitLayer == m_environmentCollisionMasks[i])
                        if (m_environmentParticles[i] != null)
                            //Gross horrible way of seperating a specific layer change
                            Quaternion goRot = transform.rotation;
                            if (i != 1)
                                GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(-transform.forward));
                                Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
                            //Cactus grossness
                                GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], hit.point, goRot);
                                Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
                                m_destroy = false;
                        if (m_environmentAudioClips[i] != null)
                            SpawnedSpeaker audio = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, hit.point, transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
                            audio.AudioSource.clip = m_environmentAudioClips[i];

                        OnHitObject(hit, false);


        #region Original collision detection

         * //The case where the projectile hits a ricochet object
         * if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, a_distanceToMove + m_skinWidth, m_ricochetCollisionMask)) {
         *  //if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == m_ricochetCollisionMask) {
         *      if (m_ricochetParticle != null) {
         *          GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_ricochetParticle, hit.point, transform.rotation);
         *          Destroy(GO, m_ricochetParticleTimer);
         *      }
         *      if (m_ricochetAudioClip != null && m_spawnedSpeaker != null) {
         *          SpawnedSpeaker SS = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, transform) as SpawnedSpeaker;
         *          SS.AudioSource.clip = m_ricochetAudioClip;
         *          SS.AudioSource.Play();
         *      }
         *      OnHitObject(hit, this, false);
         *  //}
         * }
         * //The case where the projectile hits an entity
         * if (m_insideEntity == false) {
         *  if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, a_distanceToMove + m_skinWidth, m_entityCollisionMask)) {
         *      //if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == m_entityCollisionMask) {
         *          OnHitObject(hit, true);
         *          m_currentlyInside = hit.transform.gameObject;
         *      //}
         *  }
         * }
         * //Checking for the case where the projectile hits an environment object with custom effects
         * if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, a_distanceToMove + m_skinWidth, m_environmentCollisionMask))
         *  OnHitObject(hit, false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < m_environmentCollisionMasks.Count; i++) {
         *  if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, a_distanceToMove + m_skinWidth, m_environmentCollisionMasks[i])) {
         *      //if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == m_environmentCollisionMasks[i]) {
         *      //Gross horrible way of seperating a specific layer change
         *      if (m_environmentParticles[i] != null) {
         *          Quaternion goRot = transform.rotation;
         *          if (i != 1) {
         *              GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(-transform.forward));
         *              Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
         *          }
         *          //Cactus grossness
         *          else {
         *              GameObject GO = Instantiate(m_environmentParticles[i], hit.point, goRot);
         *              Destroy(GO, m_environmentParticleTimers[i]);
         *              m_destroy = false;
         *          }
         *      }
         *      if (m_environmentAudioClips[i] != null) {
         *          SpawnedSpeaker audio = Instantiate(m_spawnedSpeaker, hit.point, transform.rotation) as SpawnedSpeaker;
         *          audio.AudioSource.clip = m_environmentAudioClips[i];
         *          audio.AudioSource.Play();
         *      }
         *      OnHitObject(hit, false);
         *      //}
         *  }
         * }
         * /*