     * When spatialProcessing is over, get the computed height and store it.
     * Notify that the height has been computed, and destroy the spatialMapping and spatialProcessing.
    private void Update()
        // No update needed, if spatialProcessing is already destroyed.
        if (SpatialProcessing == null)

        // UNITY EDITOR
        if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup > 13)
            floorProcessingIsReady = true;

        // Store the graphHeight, notify being ready and destroy spatialMapping and spatialProcessing.
        var updatedYPosition = SpatialProcessing.GetComponent <SurfaceMeshesToPlanes>().FloorYPosition;

        if (updatedYPosition != floorYInitialValue)
            GRAPH_HEIGHT           = updatedYPosition;
            floorProcessingIsReady = true;

            // Deactivate SM and SP, to avoid nullpointer exceptions.
            SpatialMapping.GetComponent <SMDeactivator>().deactivate();
            SpatialProcessing.GetComponent <SPDeactivator>().deactivate();
 // Used to get the inital graph_height value.
 private void Start()
     floorYInitialValue = SpatialProcessing.GetComponent <SurfaceMeshesToPlanes>().FloorYPosition;