Пример #1
        public static IDisposable RegisterOperations(SpatialOperations operations)
            var originalValue = SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations;

            SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations = operations;

            return(new ActionOnDispose(() =>
                SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations = originalValue;
Пример #2
        public void SetShipPosition(IShip s)
            float tempx = 0;
            float tempy = 0;

            SpatialOperations.GetRandomPointInRadius(ref tempx, ref tempy, Size, Size + 1);

            s.PosX = tempx;
            s.PosY = tempy;
            s.VelX = 0;
            s.VelY = 0;
Пример #3
        public override void SetEntryPosition(IHasPosition warpingObject, IArea oldArea)
            if (oldArea == null)
                warpingObject.PosX = 0;
                warpingObject.PosY = 0;
                warpingObject.SetRandomPointInRadius(Star.Radius + .1f, Star.Radius + 1f);
                switch (oldArea.AreaType)
                case AreaTypes.System:

                case AreaTypes.Planet:
                case AreaTypes.Port:
                case AreaTypes.StarBase:
                    warpingObject.PosX = oldArea.PosX;
                    warpingObject.PosY = oldArea.PosY;
                    warpingObject.SetRandomPointInRadius(oldArea.AreaSize / 100f + .1f, oldArea.AreaSize / 100f + 1.5f);

                case AreaTypes.Colony:
                    var   pa         = oldArea.GetParentArea();
                    float parentPosX = pa.PosX;
                    float parentPosY = pa.PosY;
                    SpatialOperations.GetRandomPointInRadius(ref parentPosX, ref parentPosY, pa.AreaSize / 100f + .1f, pa.AreaSize / 100f + 1.5f);
                    warpingObject.PosX = parentPosX;
                    warpingObject.PosY = parentPosY;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the shapes from the inputSF which fall within the given polygon, saving to the resultSF provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>False if an error occurs, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool SelectPolygonsWithPolygon(ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile inputSF, ref MapWinGIS.Shape polygon, ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultSF, bool SkipMWShapeID)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("SelectPolygonsWithPolygon(inputSF: " + Macro.ParamName(inputSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                          polygon: " + Macro.ParamName(polygon) + ",\n" +
                                     "                          resultSF: ref " + Macro.ParamName(resultSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                          SkipMWShapeID: " + SkipMWShapeID.ToString() + ")");
            int numShapes = inputSF.NumShapes;
            int shpIndex  = 0;

            if (Globals.CopyFields(ref inputSF, ref resultSF) == false)

            for (int i = 0; i <= numShapes - 1; i++)
                MapWinGIS.Shape currShape = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                currShape = inputSF.get_Shape(i);
                bool boundsIntersect = Globals.CheckBounds(ref currShape, ref polygon);
                if (boundsIntersect)
                    //check that actual intersection occurs
                    MapWinGIS.Shape intersectShp = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    intersectShp = SpatialOperations.Intersection(currShape, polygon);
                    if (intersectShp != null && intersectShp.numPoints > 0)
                        //shape has at least a small portion inside polygon
                        shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                        if (resultSF.EditInsertShape(currShape, ref shpIndex) == false)
                            gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting shape into result file: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                        //add the table values
                        int numFields = resultSF.NumFields;
                        for (int j = 0; j <= numFields - 1; j++)
                            if (resultSF.EditCellValue(j, shpIndex, inputSF.get_CellValue(j, i)) == false)
                                gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting value into DBF table: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                        } //end of looping through table
                    }     //end of checking for intersection
                }         //end of checking bounds
            }             //end of looping through shapes
            if (resultSF.NumShapes > 0)
                if (resultSF.NumFields == 0 || !SkipMWShapeID)
                    //add the ID field and values
                    if (Globals.DoInsertIDs(ref resultSF) == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished SelectPolygonsWithPolygon");
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished SelectPolygonsWithPolygon");
Пример #5
        public void SupportedLinqQueries_GeometryPoint_OrderByDistanceFromLiteralToLiteral()
            // Verify URI and results for LINQ queries that are valid only for GeometryPoint, orderby with literals
            Func <DataServiceContext, LinqTestCase[]> getTests =
                context =>
                var allEntities = new GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint>[]
                    new GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint>()
                        ID        = 1,
                        Property1 = GeometryFactory.Point(1, 2),
                        Property2 = GeometryFactory.Point(3, 4),

                return(new LinqTestCase[]
                    new LinqTestCase()
                        Query = from t in context.CreateQuery <GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint> >("TripLegs")
                                orderby GeometryFactory.Point(5, 6).Build().Distance(GeometryFactory.Point(0, 0).Build())
                                select t,

                        ExpectedUri = "?$orderby=1.0",
                        ExpectedResults = allEntities,
                        ServerPayload = GetSampleFeedPayload(allEntities, null),
                        ExpectKeyInUri = false,
                    new LinqTestCase()
                        Query = from t in context.CreateQuery <GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint> >("TripLegs")
                                orderby GeometryFactory.Point(5, 6).Build().Distance(null)
                                select t,

                        ExpectedUri = "?$orderby=null",
                        ExpectedResults = allEntities,
                        ServerPayload = GetSampleFeedPayload(allEntities, null),
                        ExpectKeyInUri = false,
                    new LinqTestCase()
                        Query = from t in context.CreateQuery <GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint> >("TripLegs")
                                orderby((GeometryPoint)null).Distance(GeometryFactory.Point(5, 6).Build())
                                select t,

                        ExpectedUri = "?$orderby=null",
                        ExpectedResults = allEntities,
                        ServerPayload = GetSampleFeedPayload(allEntities, null),
                        ExpectKeyInUri = false,
                    new LinqTestCase()
                        Query = from t in context.CreateQuery <GeometricEntity <GeometryPoint> >("TripLegs")
                                select t,

                        ExpectedUri = "?$orderby=null",
                        ExpectedResults = allEntities,
                        ServerPayload = GetSampleFeedPayload(allEntities, null),
                        ExpectKeyInUri = false,

            SpatialOperations previousOperations = SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations;

            SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations = new DistanceOperationImplementation();
                SpatialImplementation.CurrentImplementation.Operations = previousOperations;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes portions of the lineSF that fall within the erase polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineSF">The shapefile of lines to be erased.</param>
        /// <param name="erasePoly">The polygon to be used for erasing portion of the line shapefile.</param>
        /// <param name="resultSF">The resulting line shapefile with portions removed.</param>
        /// <param name="CopyAttributes">Indicates whether to copy attributes</param>
        /// <returns>False if an error was encountered, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool EraseLineSFWithPoly(ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile lineSF, ref MapWinGIS.Shape erasePoly, ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultSF, bool CopyAttributes)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("EraseLineSFWithPoly(lineSF: " + Macro.ParamName(lineSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    erasePoly: " + Macro.ParamName(erasePoly) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    resultSF: " + Macro.ParamName(resultSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    CopyAttributes: " + CopyAttributes.ToString() + ")");
            if (lineSF == null || erasePoly == null || resultSF == null)
                gErrorMsg = "One of the input parameters is null.";

            if (CopyAttributes)
                string          tmpName;
                MapWinGIS.Field tmpField, currField;
                for (int f = 0; f <= lineSF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                    tmpField      = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                    currField     = lineSF.get_Field(f);
                    tmpName       = currField.Name;
                    tmpField.Name = tmpName;

                    tmpField.Width     = currField.Width;
                    tmpField.Type      = currField.Type;
                    tmpField.Precision = currField.Precision;
                    tmpField.Key       = currField.Key;
                    resultSF.EditInsertField(tmpField, ref f, null);

            int shpIndex = 0;
            int numLines = lineSF.NumShapes;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numLines - 1; i++)
                MapWinGIS.Shape currLine = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                currLine = lineSF.get_Shape(i);

                MapWinGIS.Shape lineEnvelope = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                //create lineExtents' points out of the line extent points
                MapWinGIS.Point lTop, rTop, rBottom, lBottom;
                lTop      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                lTop.x    = currLine.Extents.xMin;
                lTop.y    = currLine.Extents.yMax;
                rTop      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                rTop.x    = currLine.Extents.xMax;
                rTop.y    = currLine.Extents.yMax;
                rBottom   = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                rBottom.x = currLine.Extents.xMax;
                rBottom.y = currLine.Extents.yMin;
                lBottom   = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                lBottom.x = currLine.Extents.xMin;
                lBottom.y = currLine.Extents.yMin;
                //now add the extent points to the new polygon shape: lineEnvelope
                int ptIndex = 0;
                lineEnvelope.InsertPoint(lTop, ref ptIndex);
                lineEnvelope.InsertPoint(rTop, ref ptIndex);
                lineEnvelope.InsertPoint(rBottom, ref ptIndex);
                lineEnvelope.InsertPoint(lBottom, ref ptIndex);
                lineEnvelope.InsertPoint(lTop, ref ptIndex);
                //remove COM points from memory
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(lTop) != 0)
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rTop) != 0)
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rBottom) != 0)
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(lBottom) != 0)

                //Check if line extents and polygon extents overlap
                if (Globals.CheckBounds(ref lineEnvelope, ref erasePoly))
                    //make the envelope polygon slightly larger
                    MapWinGIS.Shape lgEnvelope = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    SpatialOperations.BufferPolygon(ref lineEnvelope, 0.5, Enumerations.Buffer_HoleTreatment.Ignore, Enumerations.Buffer_CapStyle.Pointed, out lgEnvelope);
                    //take the difference of the envelope polygon with the erase polygon.
                    MapWinGIS.Shape diff = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    diff = SpatialOperations.Difference(lgEnvelope, erasePoly);
                    if (diff.numPoints > 0)
                        //the difference shape represents the line envelope
                        //minus the area of the erase polygon.
                        MapWinGIS.Shapefile inputLine = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
                        string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "tempInputLine.shp";
                        //CDM 8/4/2006 inputLine.CreateNew(tempPath, lineSF.ShapefileType);
                        Globals.PrepareResultSF(ref tempPath, ref inputLine, lineSF.ShapefileType);
                        shpIndex = 0;
                        inputLine.EditInsertShape(currLine, ref shpIndex);

                        int numParts = diff.NumParts;
                        if (numParts == 0)
                            numParts = 1;

                        if (numParts > 1)
                            //separate and test each part individually
                            MapWinGIS.Shape[] diffParts = new MapWinGIS.Shape[numParts];
                            Globals.SeparateParts(ref diff, out diffParts);
                            for (int j = 0; j <= numParts - 1; j++)
                                //don't check inside of holes
                                if (Globals.IsClockwise(ref diffParts[j]))
                                    MapWinGIS.Shapefile tempLineResult = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
                                    string tempLineFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "tempLines.shp";
                                    DataManagement.DeleteShapefile(ref tempLineFile);
                                    //CDM 8/4/2006 tempLineResult.CreateNew(tempLineFile, lineSF.ShapefileType);
                                    Globals.PrepareResultSF(ref tempLineFile, ref tempLineResult, lineSF.ShapefileType);
                                    tempLineResult.StartEditingShapes(true, null);

                                    SpatialOperations.ClipShapesWithPolygon(ref inputLine, ref diffParts[j], out tempLineResult, false);

                                    int numResults = tempLineResult.NumShapes;
                                    if (numResults > 0)
                                        //add results to the final result file.
                                        for (int k = 0; k <= numResults - 1; k++)
                                            shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                                            resultSF.EditInsertShape(tempLineResult.get_Shape(k), ref shpIndex);
                                            if (CopyAttributes)
                                                for (int f = 0; f <= lineSF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                                                    bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shpIndex, lineSF.get_CellValue(f, i));
                                    }                    //clipping successful
                                }                        //done checking islands
                            }                            //done looping through parts of the difference shape
                            MapWinGIS.Shapefile tempLineResult = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
                            string tempLineFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "tempLines.shp";
                            DataManagement.DeleteShapefile(ref tempLineFile);
                            //CDM 8/4/2006 tempLineResult.CreateNew(tempLineFile, lineSF.ShapefileType);
                            Globals.PrepareResultSF(ref tempLineFile, ref tempLineResult, lineSF.ShapefileType);

                            tempLineResult.StartEditingShapes(true, null);

                            SpatialOperations.ClipShapesWithPolygon(ref inputLine, ref diff, out tempLineResult, false);

                            int numResults = tempLineResult.NumShapes;
                            if (numResults > 0)
                                //add results to the final result file.
                                for (int k = 0; k <= numResults - 1; k++)
                                    shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                                    resultSF.EditInsertShape(tempLineResult.get_Shape(k), ref shpIndex);
                                    if (CopyAttributes)
                                        for (int f = 0; f <= lineSF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                                            bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shpIndex, lineSF.get_CellValue(f, i));
                            }    //clipping successful
                    }            //difference operation successful
                }                //bounds overlapped
                    shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                    resultSF.EditInsertShape(currLine, ref shpIndex);
                    if (CopyAttributes)
                        for (int f = 0; f <= lineSF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                            bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shpIndex, lineSF.get_CellValue(f, i));
            }            //end of looping through lines in the input shapefile
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished EraseLineSFWithPoly");
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes portions of the input polygon shapefile that are within the erase polygons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputSF">The input polygon shapefile.</param>
        /// <param name="eraseSF">The erase polygon shapefile.</param>
        /// <param name="resultSF">The resulting shapefile, with portions removed.</param>
        /// <returns>False if an error was encountered, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ErasePolySFWithPolySF(ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile inputSF, ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile eraseSF, ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultSF)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ErasePolySFWithPolySF(inputSF: " + Macro.ParamName(inputSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                      eraseSF: " + Macro.ParamName(eraseSF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                      resultSF: " + Macro.ParamName(resultSF) + ",\n");
            if (inputSF == null || eraseSF == null || resultSF == null)
                gErrorMsg = "One of the input parameters is null.";
            int numInputs = inputSF.NumShapes;
            int shpIndex  = 0;

            //create the result shapefile out of the original inputSF
            for (int i = 0; i <= numInputs - 1; i++)
                shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                resultSF.EditInsertShape(inputSF.get_Shape(i), ref shpIndex);

            int numErase = eraseSF.NumShapes;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numErase - 1; i++)
                MapWinGIS.Shape eraseShape = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                eraseShape = eraseSF.get_Shape(i);

                MapWinGIS.Shape resultShp = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                for (int j = 0; j <= numInputs - 1; j++)
                    MapWinGIS.Shape currShape = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    currShape = resultSF.get_Shape(j);

                    //if bounds intersect, then check if all polygon points are inside the currShape
                    if (Globals.CheckBounds(ref currShape, ref eraseShape))
                        int  numPts    = eraseShape.numPoints;
                        bool allInside = true;
                        int  numParts  = eraseShape.NumParts;
                        if (numParts == 0)
                            numParts = 1;
                        Globals.Vertex[][] vertArray = new Globals.Vertex[numParts][];
                        Globals.ConvertPolyToVertexArray(ref currShape, out vertArray);
                        for (int k = 0; k <= numPts - 1; k++)
                            double x = eraseShape.get_Point(k).x;
                            double y = eraseShape.get_Point(k).y;
                            if (Utils.PointInPoly(ref vertArray, x, y) == false)
                                allInside = false;

                        if (allInside == true)
                            resultShp = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                            //we want the symmetric difference of these two shapes
                            //which should leave us with a hole where the erase polygon was in the currShape
                            resultShp = SpatialOperations.SymmetricDifference(eraseShape, currShape);
                            //erase overlapping section and add result to the file.
                            MapWinGIS.Shape intersect = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                            intersect.ShapeType = inputSF.ShapefileType;
                            intersect           = SpatialOperations.Intersection(eraseShape, currShape);
                            if (intersect.numPoints > 0)
                                MapWinGIS.Shape diff = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                                diff.ShapeType = eraseShape.ShapeType;
                                diff           = SpatialOperations.Difference(currShape, eraseShape);
                                int numPoints = diff.numPoints;
                                if (numPoints > 0)
                                    resultShp = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                                    resultShp = diff;
                                }                        //difference operation successful
                            }                            //intersect operation successful
                                //no intersection, shapes do not collide
                                resultShp = currShape;
                        }                        //all points of erase polygon are not inside currShape

                        if (resultShp.numPoints > 0)
                            shpIndex = j;
                            resultSF.EditInsertShape(resultShp, ref shpIndex);
                    }    //end of bounds intersect
                }        //end of looping through input polygons
            }            //end of looping through erase polygons
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finsihed ErasePolySFWithPolySF");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Erases the portions of the polygon shapefile that are within the polygon shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polySF">The polygon shapefile.</param>
        /// <param name="polygon">The erase polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="resultSF">The resulting shapefile, with portions removed.</param>
        /// <param name="CopyAttributes">Indicates whether to copy attributes or not.</param>
        /// <returns>False if an error was encountered, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ErasePolySFWithPoly(ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile polySF, ref MapWinGIS.Shape polygon, ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultSF, bool CopyAttributes)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ErasePolySFWithPoly(polySF: " + Macro.ParamName(polySF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    polygon: " + Macro.ParamName(polygon) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    resultSF: " + Macro.ParamName(resultSF) + "\n" +
                                     "                    CopyAttributes: " + CopyAttributes.ToString());
            if (polySF == null || polygon == null || resultSF == null)
                gErrorMsg = "One of the input parameters is null.";

            if (CopyAttributes)
                string          tmpName;
                MapWinGIS.Field tmpField, currField;
                for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                    tmpField      = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                    currField     = polySF.get_Field(f);
                    tmpName       = currField.Name;
                    tmpField.Name = tmpName;

                    tmpField.Width     = currField.Width;
                    tmpField.Type      = currField.Type;
                    tmpField.Precision = currField.Precision;
                    tmpField.Key       = currField.Key;
                    resultSF.EditInsertField(tmpField, ref f, null);

            int numShapes = polySF.NumShapes;
            int shpIndex  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numShapes - 1; i++)
                MapWinGIS.Shape currShape = new MapWinGIS.Shape();
                MapWinGIS.Shape resultShp = new MapWinGIS.Shape();

                currShape = polySF.get_Shape(i);

                //if bounds intersect, then check if all polygon points are inside the currShape
                if (Globals.CheckBounds(ref currShape, ref polygon))
                    int  numPts    = polygon.numPoints;
                    bool allInside = true;
                    int  numParts  = currShape.NumParts;
                    if (numParts == 0)
                        numParts = 1;
                    Globals.Vertex[][] vertArray = new Globals.Vertex[numParts][];
                    Globals.ConvertPolyToVertexArray(ref currShape, out vertArray);
                    for (int j = 0; j <= numPts - 1; j++)
                        double x = polygon.get_Point(j).x;
                        double y = polygon.get_Point(j).y;
                        if (Utils.PointInPoly(ref vertArray, x, y) == false)
                            allInside = false;

                    if (allInside == true)
                        resultShp = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                        //we want the symmetric difference of these two shapes
                        //which should leave us with a hole where the erase polygon was in the currShape
                        resultShp = SpatialOperations.SymmetricDifference(polygon, currShape);
                        //erase overlapping section and add result to the file.
                        MapWinGIS.Shape intersect = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                        intersect.ShapeType = polygon.ShapeType;
                        intersect           = SpatialOperations.Intersection(polygon, currShape);
                        if (intersect.numPoints > 0)
                            //there might be parts in the difference result that do not belong,
                            //perform an intersection operation with currShape to remove them.
                            MapWinGIS.Shape diff = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                            diff.ShapeType = polygon.ShapeType;
                            //diff = SpatialOperations.SymmetricDifference(intersect, currShape);
                            diff = SpatialOperations.Difference(currShape, polygon);
                            int numPoints = diff.numPoints;
                            if (numPoints > 0)
                                resultShp = diff;
                            }                    //difference operation successful
                        }                        //intersect operation successful
                            //no intersection, shapes do not collide
                            resultShp = currShape;
                    }                    //all points of erase polygon are not inside currShape

                    if (resultShp.numPoints > 0)
                        shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                        if (resultSF.EditInsertShape(resultShp, ref shpIndex) == false)
                            gErrorMsg = "ErasePolySF: problem inserting shape into result file: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                        if (CopyAttributes)
                            for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                                bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shpIndex, polySF.get_CellValue(f, i));
                }                //end of if bounds intersect
                    //the erase object does not intersect with the current polygon,
                    //add current polygon to resultSF in unchanged form
                    shpIndex = resultSF.NumShapes;
                    if (resultSF.EditInsertShape(currShape, ref shpIndex) == false)
                        gErrorMsg = "ErasePolySF: problem inserting shape into result file: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                    if (CopyAttributes)
                        for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                            bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shpIndex, polySF.get_CellValue(f, i));
            }            //end of looping through shapes in shapefile
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished ErasePolySFWithPoly");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all portions of the shapefile polygons that fall within the clipper polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polySFPath">The full path to the shapefile of polygons to be clipped.</param>
        /// <param name="polygon">The polygon used for clipping the shapefile.</param>
        /// <param name="resultSFPath">The full path to the result file for where the clipped polygons should be saved.</param>
        /// <param name="copyAttributes">True if copying attrs</param>
        /// <returns>False if an error was encountered, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ClipPolygonSFWithPolygon(ref string polySFPath, ref MapWinGIS.Shape polygon, ref string resultSFPath, bool copyAttributes)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ClipPolygonSFWithPolygon(polySFPath: " + polySFPath + ",\n " +
                                     "                         polygon: + " + Macro.ParamName(polygon) + ",\n" +
                                     "                         resultsSFPath: " + resultSFPath + ",\n" +
                                     "                         copyAttributes: " + copyAttributes + ",\n");

            MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultSF = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile polySF   = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
            polySF.Open(polySFPath, null);
            MapWinGIS.ShpfileType sfType = polySF.ShapefileType;
            int    shapeIndex            = 0;//insert new shapes at the beginning of the shapefile
            string tmpName;

            if (Globals.PrepareResultSF(ref resultSFPath, ref resultSF, sfType, copyAttributes) == false)

            if (copyAttributes)
                MapWinGIS.Field tmpField, currField;
                for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                    tmpField  = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                    currField = polySF.get_Field(f);
                    tmpName   = currField.Name;
                    if (tmpName.Contains("MWShapeID"))
                        tmpField.Name = "Last_" + tmpName;
                        tmpField.Name = tmpName;

                    tmpField.Width     = currField.Width;
                    tmpField.Type      = currField.Type;
                    tmpField.Precision = currField.Precision;
                    tmpField.Key       = currField.Key;
                    resultSF.EditInsertField(tmpField, ref f, null);

            if (sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGON || sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGONM || sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGONZ)
                MapWinGIS.Shape   resultShape = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                MapWinGIS.Extents shpExtents  = new MapWinGIS.ExtentsClass();
                int  numShapes       = polySF.NumShapes;
                bool boundsIntersect = false;

                for (int i = 0; i <= numShapes - 1; i++)
                    MapWinGIS.Shape currPoly = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    currPoly = polySF.get_Shape(i);
                    //check to see if bounds intersect before sending shape to GPC clip function
                    boundsIntersect = Globals.CheckBounds(ref currPoly, ref polygon);

                    if (boundsIntersect == true)
                        //find the shape resulting from intersection
                        resultShape = SpatialOperations.Intersection(currPoly, polygon);
                        if (resultShape.numPoints != 0)
                            //save the new shape to the result shapefile
                            if (resultSF.EditInsertShape(resultShape, ref shapeIndex) == false)
                                gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting shape: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                            if (copyAttributes)
                                for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                                    bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shapeIndex, polySF.get_CellValue(f, i));
            if (copyAttributes)
                MapWinGIS.Field ID = new MapWinGIS.FieldClass();
                ID.Name = "MWShapeID";
                ID.Type = MapWinGIS.FieldType.INTEGER_FIELD;
                int fieldIndex = 0;
                if (resultSF.EditInsertField(ID, ref fieldIndex, null) == false)
                    gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting field into .dbf table: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
            int numIDs = resultSF.NumShapes;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numIDs - 1; i++)
                if (resultSF.EditCellValue(0, i, i) == false)
                    gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting value into .dbf table for shape " + i + ": " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
            if (resultSF.StopEditingShapes(true, true, null) == false)
                gErrorMsg = "Problem with StopEditingShapes: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished ClipPolygonSFWithPolygon");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the portions of the polygons in polySF that lie within polygon as a
        /// new shapefile of polygons: resultPolySF.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polySF">The shapefile of polygons that are to be clipped.</param>
        /// <param name="polygon">The polygon used for clipping.</param>
        /// <param name="resultPolySF">The result shapefile for the resulting polygons to be saved (in-memory).</param>
        /// <param name="copyAttributes">True if copying attrs</param>
        /// <returns>False if an error was encountered, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ClipPolygonSFWithPolygon(ref MapWinGIS.Shapefile polySF, ref MapWinGIS.Shape polygon, out MapWinGIS.Shapefile resultPolySF, bool copyAttributes)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ClipPolygonSFWithPolygon(polySF: " + Macro.ParamName(polySF) + ",\n" +
                                     "                         polygon: " + Macro.ParamName(polygon) + ",\n" +
                                     "                         resultPolySF: out,\n" +
                                     "                         copyAttributes: " + copyAttributes.ToString() + "\n");

            MapWinGIS.Shapefile   resultSF = new MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass();
            MapWinGIS.ShpfileType sfType   = polySF.ShapefileType;
            string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "resultSF.shp";

            DataManagement.DeleteShapefile(ref tempPath);
            string tmpName;

            Globals.PrepareResultSF(ref tempPath, ref resultSF, sfType, copyAttributes);

            if (copyAttributes)
                MapWinGIS.Field tmpField, currField;
                for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                    tmpField  = new MapWinGIS.Field();
                    currField = polySF.get_Field(f);
                    tmpName   = currField.Name;
                    if (tmpName.Contains("MWShapeID"))
                        tmpField.Name = "Last_" + tmpName;
                        tmpField.Name = tmpName;
                    tmpField.Width     = currField.Width;
                    tmpField.Type      = currField.Type;
                    tmpField.Precision = currField.Precision;
                    tmpField.Key       = currField.Key;
                    resultSF.EditInsertField(tmpField, ref f, null);

            int shapeIndex = 0;            //insert new shapes at the beginning of the shapefile

            if (polySF.NumShapes != 0 && polygon.numPoints != 0 && (sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGON || sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGONM || sfType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYGONZ))
                MapWinGIS.Shape resultShape     = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                int             numShapes       = polySF.NumShapes;
                bool            boundsIntersect = false;

                for (int i = 0; i <= numShapes - 1; i++)
                    MapWinGIS.Shape currPoly = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                    currPoly = polySF.get_Shape(i);
                    //check to see if bounds intersect before sending shape to GPC clip function
                    boundsIntersect = Globals.CheckBounds(ref currPoly, ref polygon);

                    if (boundsIntersect == true)
                        //find the shape resulting intersection
                        resultShape = SpatialOperations.Intersection(polySF.get_Shape(i), polygon);
                        if (resultShape.numPoints != 0)
                            //save the new shape to the result shapefile
                            if (resultSF.EditInsertShape(resultShape, ref shapeIndex) == false)
                                gErrorMsg = "Problem inserting shape: " + resultSF.get_ErrorMsg(resultSF.LastErrorCode);
                                resultPolySF = resultSF;
                            if (copyAttributes)
                                for (int f = 0; f <= polySF.NumFields - 1; f++)
                                    bool tmpbool = resultSF.EditCellValue(f, shapeIndex, polySF.get_CellValue(f, i));
            resultPolySF = resultSF;
Пример #11
 private static double GetIDWeightBrute(InterpolationPoint CellPoint, InterpolationPoint TestPoint, String ProjUnits, double Power)
     return(1 / Math.Pow(SpatialOperations.Distance(CellPoint.X, CellPoint.Y, TestPoint.X, TestPoint.Y, ProjUnits), Power));
Пример #12
 private static double GetIDWeight(double[] InCellPoint, double[] InTestPoint, String ProjUnits, double Power)
     return(1 / Math.Pow(SpatialOperations.Distance(InCellPoint[0], InCellPoint[1], InTestPoint[0], InTestPoint[1], ProjUnits), Power));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new grid containing data from the input grid that
        /// falls within the polygon boundary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputGF">Full path to the input grid file.</param>
        /// <param name="poly">The 2D polygon used for clipping the input grid.</param>
        /// <param name="resultGF">Full path to where the resulting grid will be saved.</param>
        /// <param name="clipToExtents">True if clipping to polygon extents rather than actual polygon shape.</param>
        /// <returns>True if clipping was successful, false if an error occurs.</returns>
        public static bool ClipGridWithPolygon(ref string inputGF, ref MapWinGIS.Shape poly, ref string resultGF, bool clipToExtents)
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("ClipGridWithPolygon(inputGF: " + inputGF + ",\n" +
                                     "                    poly: " + Macro.ParamName(poly) + ",\n" +
                                     "                    resultGF: " + resultGF + ",\n" +
                                     "                    clipToExtents: " + clipToExtents.ToString());
            //			System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter ramCounter;
            //			ramCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available Bytes");
            //			float availableRAM = ramCounter.NextValue();
            bool inRAM = true;

            //open grid to get info and traverse through points
            MapWinGIS.Grid grid = new MapWinGIS.GridClass();

            //check memory availability
            //			availableRAM = ramCounter.NextValue();//amount of RAM in bytes
            //			Debug.WriteLine("available RAM: " + availableRAM.ToString() + " bytes");

            //			System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(inputGF);
            //			long fileSize = fileInfo.Length; //size of file in bytes
            //			Debug.WriteLine("file size: " + fileSize.ToString() + " bytes");
            //			if(fileSize*2 < availableRAM)
            //			{//go ahead and load grid into memory
            //				inRAM = true;
            //			}
            //			else
            //			{
            //				inRAM = false;
            //			}
            if (grid.Open(inputGF, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, inRAM, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null) == false)
                gErrorMsg = "Error occurred while trying to open grid: " + grid.get_ErrorMsg(grid.LastErrorCode);

            int    numCols    = grid.Header.NumberCols;
            int    numRows    = grid.Header.NumberRows;
            double cellWidth  = grid.Header.dX;
            double cellHeight = grid.Header.dY;
            double xllCenter  = grid.Header.XllCenter;
            double yllCenter  = grid.Header.YllCenter;
            //now calculate the UNCOMPRESSED grid file size:
            long inputGFSize = numCols * numRows * 8;

            //find the grid extents
            double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;

            minX = xllCenter - (cellWidth / 2);
            maxX = xllCenter + (cellWidth * (numCols - 1)) + (cellWidth / 2);
            minY = yllCenter - (cellHeight / 2);
            maxY = yllCenter + (cellHeight * (numRows - 1)) + (cellHeight / 2);

            //see if grid and poly extents cross:
            double polyMinX = poly.Extents.xMin;
            double polyMaxX = poly.Extents.xMax;
            double polyMinY = poly.Extents.yMin;
            double polyMaxY = poly.Extents.yMax;

            bool boundsIntersect = Globals.CheckBounds(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, polyMinX, polyMaxX, polyMinY, polyMaxY);

            if (boundsIntersect == false)
                gErrorMsg = "Polygon and Grid boundaries do not overlap.";

            double newXll, newYll, firstXPt, firstYPt;
            int    newNumCols, newNumRows, firstCol, firstRow;

            //check if polygon extents are completely inside of grid extents
            if ((polyMinX >= minX && polyMinX <= maxX) && (polyMaxX >= minX && polyMaxX <= maxX) &&
                (polyMinY >= minY && polyMinY <= maxY) && (polyMaxY >= minY && polyMaxY <= maxY))
                Debug.WriteLine("Poly extents are inside of grid extents.");
                minX = polyMinX;
                minY = polyMinY;
                maxX = polyMaxX;
                maxY = polyMaxY;

                //Find the new number of cols, rows, Xll and Yll values.
                int lastCol, lastRow;
                Globals.ProjToCell(minX, maxY, out firstCol, out firstRow, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);
                Globals.ProjToCell(maxX, minY, out lastCol, out lastRow, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);
                newNumCols = (lastCol - firstCol) + 1;
                newNumRows = (lastRow - firstRow) + 1;
                Debug.WriteLine("New numRows = " + newNumRows + " New numCols = " + newNumCols);
                Globals.CellToProj(firstCol, lastRow, out newXll, out newYll, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);
                Globals.CellToProj(firstCol, firstRow, out firstXPt, out firstYPt, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);

            //check if grid extents are completely inside of polygon extents
            //note: there is really no purpose in this, as the new grid is the same
            //as the orgiginal grid....but we'll do it anyway.
            else if ((minX >= polyMinX && minX <= polyMaxX) && (maxX >= polyMinX && maxX <= polyMaxX) &&
                     (minY >= polyMinY && minY <= polyMaxY) && (maxY >= polyMinY && maxY <= polyMaxY))
                Debug.WriteLine("Grid extents are inside of polygon extents.");
                //keep min and max values the same....no need to change them.
                newNumCols = numCols;
                newNumRows = numRows;
                newXll     = xllCenter;
                newYll     = yllCenter;
                firstCol   = 0;
                firstRow   = 0;
                Globals.CellToProj(0, 0, out firstXPt, out firstYPt, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);
            else             //part of polygon lies outside of the grid, find intersecting boundary shape
                Debug.WriteLine("Grid extents and polygon extents overlap.");
                //create a new shape out of the grid extents
                MapWinGIS.Shape gridEnvelope = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                MapWinGIS.Point pt = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                pt.x = minX;
                pt.y = maxY;
                int ptIndex = 0;
                gridEnvelope.InsertPoint(pt, ref ptIndex);
                pt      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                pt.x    = maxX;
                pt.y    = maxY;
                ptIndex = 1;
                gridEnvelope.InsertPoint(pt, ref ptIndex);
                pt      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                pt.x    = maxX;
                pt.y    = minY;
                ptIndex = 2;
                gridEnvelope.InsertPoint(pt, ref ptIndex);
                pt      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                pt.x    = minX;
                pt.y    = minY;
                ptIndex = 3;
                gridEnvelope.InsertPoint(pt, ref ptIndex);
                pt      = new MapWinGIS.PointClass();
                pt.x    = minX;
                pt.y    = maxY;
                ptIndex = 4;
                gridEnvelope.InsertPoint(pt, ref ptIndex);

                //create the final bounding envelope which is
                //the intersection of the polygon and grid envelope:
                MapWinGIS.Shape envelope = new MapWinGIS.ShapeClass();
                envelope = SpatialOperations.Intersection(gridEnvelope, poly);
                if (envelope.numPoints == 0)
                    gErrorMsg = "Problem creating the bounding envelope. Aborting ClipGrid().";

                //calculate how many rows and columns will exist within the new grid
                //that is: how many rows/cols fit within the bounding envelope.
                minX = envelope.Extents.xMin;
                minY = envelope.Extents.yMin;
                maxX = envelope.Extents.xMax;
                maxY = envelope.Extents.yMax;

                newNumCols = (int)(((maxX - minX) / cellWidth) + 0.5);
                newNumRows = (int)(((maxY - minY) / cellHeight) + 0.5);
                newXll     = minX + (cellWidth / 2);
                newYll     = minY + (cellHeight / 2);
                firstXPt   = newXll;
                firstYPt   = newYll + (cellHeight * (newNumRows - 1));
                Globals.ProjToCell(firstXPt, firstYPt, out firstCol, out firstRow, xllCenter, yllCenter, cellWidth, cellHeight, numRows);

                //done using COM objects, release them
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pt) != 0)
                pt = null;
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(gridEnvelope) != 0)
                gridEnvelope = null;
                while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(envelope) != 0)
                envelope = null;

            // Chris M 12/13/2006 for BugZilla 377
            // Below code:
            // The grid header cannot be copied right across like that! The first line creates
            // a new grid header; the second line deletes the newly created grid header and
            // copies a reference to the original grid's header. Both grids then are using
            // the same header; and when the last lines set the XllCenter and YllCenter,
            // BOTH grids are updated with that information! A classic example of pointers gone wrong.
            //MapWinGIS.GridHeader resultHeader = new MapWinGIS.GridHeaderClass();
            //resultHeader = grid.Header;
            //resultHeader.NodataValue = grid.Header.NodataValue;
            //resultHeader.NumberCols = newNumCols;
            //resultHeader.NumberRows = newNumRows;
            //resultHeader.XllCenter = newXll;
            //resultHeader.YllCenter = newYll;
            // The right way to do it:
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader resultHeader = new MapWinGIS.GridHeaderClass();
            // Not really needed due to CopyFrom: resultHeader.NodataValue = grid.Header.NodataValue;
            resultHeader.NumberCols = newNumCols;
            resultHeader.NumberRows = newNumRows;
            resultHeader.XllCenter  = newXll;
            resultHeader.YllCenter  = newYll;
            // Not really needed due to CopyFrom: resultHeader.dX = grid.Header.dX;
            // Not really needed due to CopyFrom: resultHeader.dY = grid.Header.dY;
            // Not really needed due to CopyFrom: resultHeader.Projection = grid.Header.Projection;

            //create the new grid object
            MapWinGIS.Grid resultGrid = new MapWinGIS.GridClass();
            DataManagement.DeleteGrid(ref resultGF);

            //check memory availability
            //			availableRAM = ramCounter.NextValue();//amount of RAM in bytes
            //			Debug.WriteLine("available RAM: " + availableRAM.ToString() + " bytes");

            long resultGFSize = newNumCols * newNumRows * 8;             //projected size of grid in bytes

            //			if(resultGFSize * 2 < availableRAM)
            //			{//go ahead and load grid into memory
            //				inRAM = true;
            //			}
            //			else
            //			{
            //				inRAM = false;
            //			}

            if (resultGrid.CreateNew(resultGF, resultHeader, grid.DataType, grid.Header.NodataValue, inRAM, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null) == false)
                gErrorMsg = "Problem creating the result grid: " + resultGrid.get_ErrorMsg(resultGrid.LastErrorCode);
            //close the grids, we need to use the wrapper class now due to memory issues
            resultGrid.Save(resultGF, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null);
            while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(resultGrid) != 0)
            resultGrid = null;
            while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(grid) != 0)
            grid = null;

            //fill the result grid with values from the original grid
                Debug.WriteLine("newNumRows = " + newNumRows + " newNumCols = " + newNumCols);

                int rowClearCount = Globals.DetermineRowClearCount(newNumRows, newNumCols);

                Debug.WriteLine("Clearing COM resources every " + rowClearCount + " rows.");

                if (FillGrid(ref inputGF, ref resultGF, ref poly, newNumRows, newNumCols, rowClearCount, firstCol, firstRow, firstXPt, firstYPt, clipToExtents) == false)
                    MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Error running FillGrid\n");
            }            //end of try block
            catch (Exception e)
                gErrorMsg = e.Message + e.ToString();

            //NOTE: The need for trimGrid has been removed from this function.
            //It will always return the smallest possible grid because we
            //build it based on the intersection boundary.

            DataManagement.CopyGridLegend(inputGF, resultGF);
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished ClipGridWithPolygon");
Пример #14
        public IShip KillShip(IShip s, ICanFire killingObject)
            if (s.IsDead)
                ConsoleManager.WriteLine("Killing a ship which was already dead.", ConsoleMessageType.Warning);

            s.IsDead           = true;
            s.KillTimeStamp    = TimeKeeper.MsSinceInitialization;
            s.RespawnTimeDelay = 3000;//TODO: This will be a problem later, if a IShip warps into a new system where a dead IShip is waiting to respawn, the warping IShip will see a live ship. Needs to be fully implemented.
            s.CurrentHealth    = 0;

            if (s.GetPlayer().IsTrading)
                _tradeTerminator.TerminateTrade(s.Id, true);

            var currentArea = s.GetArea();

            if (currentArea.NumOnlinePlayers > 0)
                MessageRemoveKillRevive msgData = new MessageRemoveKillRevive();
                msgData.ActionType = ActionType.Kill;
                msgData.ObjectType = RemovableObjectTypes.Ship;

                currentArea.BroadcastMessage(new NetworkMessageContainer(msgData, MessageTypes.RemoveKillRevive));

                // Send chat messages
                if (killingObject is IShip)
                    var killingPlayer = ((IShip)killingObject).GetPlayer();


                    var killText = string.Format("{0} was shot down by {1}!", s.GetPlayer().Username, killingPlayer.Username);

                    _chatManager.BroadcastSimpleChat(s.GetArea(), "", killText, ChatTypes.None);
                else if (killingObject is Turret)

                    var killedPlayer = s.GetPlayer();

                    var defensesOwner = _playerLocator.GetPlayerAsync(((Turret)killingObject).OwnerID).Result.Username;

                    var killText = string.Format("{0} was shot down by defenses of {1}!", killedPlayer.Username, defensesOwner);

                    _chatManager.BroadcastSimpleChat(s.GetArea(), "", killText, ChatTypes.None);

            #region Modules
            //For now, just make the ship drop one mod to space. Later we'll figure out how many to destroy/keep with the ship
            var moduleToRemove = s.Cargo.GetAnyStatefulCargo(StatefulCargoTypes.Module);
            if (moduleToRemove != null)
                var ct = new TransactionRemoveStatefulCargo(s, StatefulCargoTypes.Module, moduleToRemove.Id);
                ct.OnCompletion += s.CargoRemoved;
                ct.OnCompletion += _messageManager.NotifyCargoRemoved;
                ct.OnCompletion += _addCargoToArea;

                var mod = moduleToRemove as Module;
                mod.PosX       = s.PosX;
                mod.PosY       = s.PosY;
                mod.Rotation   = s.Rotation;
                mod.NextAreaID = (int)s.CurrentAreaId;



            s.CurrentHealth = s.ShipStats.MaxHealth;
            //s.IsDead = false;
            float tempx = 0;
            float tempy = 0;
            SpatialOperations.GetRandomPointInRadius(ref tempx, ref tempy, 10, 20);

            s.PosX = tempx;
            s.PosY = tempy;

Пример #15
 private void LoadSpatialOperations(SpatialOperations[] spatialOps)
     btnSpatial.Visible = (spatialOps.Length > 0);
     foreach (SpatialOperations op in spatialOps)
         ToolStripMenuItem item = null;
         switch (op)
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Contains:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Contains";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> CONTAINS GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_CoveredBy:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Covered By";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> COVEREDBY GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Crosses:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Crosses";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> CROSSES GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Disjoint:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Disjoint";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> DISJOINT GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_EnvelopeIntersects:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Envelope Intersects";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> INTERSECTS GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Equals:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Equals";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> EQUALS GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Inside:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Inside";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> INSIDE GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Intersects:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Intersects";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> INTERSECTS GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Overlaps:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Overlaps";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> OVERLAPS GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Touches:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Touches";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> TOUCHES GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
             case SpatialOperations.SpatialOperations_Within:
                     item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                     item.Text = item.Name = "Within";
                     item.Tag = op;
                     item.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertText("<geometry property> WITHIN GeomFromText('<geometry text>')"); };
         if (item != null)