Пример #1
        void OnBeforeTextBufferChanged(object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
            foreach (var change in e.Changes)
                var offset = change.NewLength - change.OldLength;

                if (change.OldEnd < _span.Start)
                    _span = new Span(_span.Start + offset, _span.Length);
                else if (change.OldPosition > _span.End)
                else if (change.OldPosition == _span.End && _span.Length == 0)
                    _span = new Span(_span.Start, _span.Length + offset);
                else if (_span.Contains(change.OldPosition) &&
                        (_span.Contains(change.OldEnd) || _span.End == change.OldEnd) &&
                        (_span.Contains(change.NewEnd) || _span.End == change.NewEnd))
                    _span = new Span(_span.Start, _span.Length + offset);
Пример #2
 public Parameter(ISignature signature, string name, string documentation, Span locus)
     Signature = signature;
     Name = name;
     Documentation = documentation;
     Locus = locus;
        public ProvisionalText(ITextView textView, Span textSpan)
            IgnoreChange = false;

            _textView = textView;

            var wpfTextView = (IWpfTextView)_textView;
            _layer = wpfTextView.GetAdornmentLayer("HtmlProvisionalTextHighlight");

            var textBuffer = _textView.TextBuffer;
            var snapshot = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            var provisionalCharSpan = new Span(textSpan.End - 1, 1);

            TrackingSpan = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(textSpan, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
            _textView.Caret.PositionChanged += OnCaretPositionChanged;

            textBuffer.Changed += OnTextBufferChanged;
            textBuffer.PostChanged += OnPostChanged;

            var projectionBuffer = _textView.TextBuffer as IProjectionBuffer;
            if (projectionBuffer != null)
                projectionBuffer.SourceSpansChanged += OnSourceSpansChanged;

            Color highlightColor = SystemColors.HighlightColor;
            Color baseColor = Color.FromArgb(96, highlightColor.R, highlightColor.G, highlightColor.B);
            _highlightBrush = new SolidColorBrush(baseColor);

            ProvisionalChar = snapshot.GetText(provisionalCharSpan)[0];
Пример #4
        public void BufferReaderRead()

            ulong value = 0x8877665544332211; // [11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88]
            Span<byte> span;
            unsafe {
                span = new Span<byte>(&value, 8);

            Assert.Equal<byte>(0x11, span.ReadBigEndian<byte>());
            Assert.Equal<byte>(0x11, span.ReadLittleEndian<byte>());
            Assert.Equal<sbyte>(0x11, span.ReadBigEndian<sbyte>());
            Assert.Equal<sbyte>(0x11, span.ReadLittleEndian<sbyte>());

            Assert.Equal<ushort>(0x1122, span.ReadBigEndian<ushort>());
            Assert.Equal<ushort>(0x2211, span.ReadLittleEndian<ushort>());
            Assert.Equal<short>(0x1122, span.ReadBigEndian<short>());
            Assert.Equal<short>(0x2211, span.ReadLittleEndian<short>());

            Assert.Equal<uint>(0x11223344, span.ReadBigEndian<uint>());
            Assert.Equal<uint>(0x44332211, span.ReadLittleEndian<uint>());
            Assert.Equal<int>(0x11223344, span.ReadBigEndian<int>());
            Assert.Equal<int>(0x44332211, span.ReadLittleEndian<int>());

            Assert.Equal<ulong>(0x1122334455667788, span.ReadBigEndian<ulong>());
            Assert.Equal<ulong>(0x8877665544332211, span.ReadLittleEndian<ulong>());
            Assert.Equal<long>(0x1122334455667788, span.ReadBigEndian<long>());
            Assert.Equal<long>(unchecked((long)0x8877665544332211), span.ReadLittleEndian<long>());

Пример #5
 public EditingTests()
     m_promptSpan = new Span( m_prompt );
      m_promptWrapSpan = new Span( m_promptWrap );
      m_promptOutputSpan = new Span( m_promptOutput );
      m_promptOutputWrapSpan = new Span( m_promptOutputWrap );
        protected override bool Execute(CommandId commandId, uint nCmdexecopt, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)
            var point = TextView.GetSelection("css");
            if (point == null) return false;

            ITextBuffer buffer = point.Value.Snapshot.TextBuffer;
            CssEditorDocument doc = CssEditorDocument.FromTextBuffer(buffer);
            ICssSchemaInstance rootSchema = CssSchemaManager.SchemaManager.GetSchemaRoot(null);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(buffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText());
            int scrollPosition = TextView.TextViewLines.FirstVisibleLine.Extent.Start.Position;

            using (EditorExtensionsPackage.UndoContext("Add Missing Vendor Specifics"))
                int count;
                string result = AddMissingVendorDeclarations(sb, doc, rootSchema, out count);
                Span span = new Span(0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length);
                buffer.Replace(span, result);

                var selection = EditorExtensionsPackage.DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection as TextSelection;

                TextView.ViewScroller.ScrollViewportVerticallyByLines(ScrollDirection.Down, TextView.TextSnapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(scrollPosition));
                EditorExtensionsPackage.DTE.StatusBar.Text = count + " missing vendor specific properties added";

            return true;
        private static Span FindTabSpan(Span zenSpan, bool isReverse, string text, Regex regex)
            MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(text);

            if (!isReverse)
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    Group group = match.Groups[2];

                    if (group.Index >= zenSpan.Start)
                        return new Span(group.Index, group.Length);
                for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Group group = matches[i].Groups[2];

                    if (group.Index < zenSpan.End)
                        return new Span(group.Index, group.Length);

            return new Span();
Пример #8
        public void CtorSpanOverByteArrayValidCasesWithPropertiesAndBasicOperationsChecks(byte[] array)
            Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(array);
            Assert.Equal(array.Length, span.Length);

            Assert.NotSame(array, span.ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<byte>());
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<MyByte>().Value);

                array[i] = unchecked((byte)(array[i] + 1));
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<byte>());
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<MyByte>().Value);

                span.Slice(i).Write<byte>(unchecked((byte)(array[i] + 1)));
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<byte>());
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<MyByte>().Value);

                span.Slice(i).Write<MyByte>(unchecked(new MyByte((byte)(array[i] + 1))));
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<byte>());
                Assert.Equal(array[i], span.Slice(i).Read<MyByte>().Value);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes written to the destination.</returns>
        public static int Encode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<byte> destination)
            int di = 0;
            int si = 0;
            byte b0, b1, b2, b3;
            for (; si<source.Length - 2;) {
                var result = Encode(source.Slice(si));
                si += 3;
                di += 4;

            if (si == source.Length - 1) {
                Encode(source[si], 0, 0, out b0, out b1, out b2, out b3);
                destination[di++] = b0;
                destination[di++] = b1;
                destination[di++] = s_encodingMap[64];
                destination[di++] = s_encodingMap[64];
            else if(si == source.Length - 2) {
                Encode(source[si++], source[si], 0, out b0, out b1, out b2, out b3);
                destination[di++] = b0;
                destination[di++] = b1;
                destination[di++] = b2;
                destination[di++] = s_encodingMap[64];

            return di; 
Пример #10
 public NodejsParameter(ISignature signature, ParameterResult param, Span locus, Span ppLocus, string documentation = null) {
     _signature = signature;
     _param = param;
     _locus = locus;
     _ppLocus = ppLocus;
     _documentation = (documentation ?? _param.Documentation).LimitLines(15, stopAtFirstBlankLine: true);
        public static bool TryFormat(this DateTime value, Span<byte> buffer, Format.Parsed format, FormattingData formattingData, out int bytesWritten)
            if (format.IsDefault)
                format.Symbol = 'G';
            Precondition.Require(format.Symbol == 'R' || format.Symbol == 'O' || format.Symbol == 'G');

            switch (format.Symbol)
                case 'R':
                    var utc = value.ToUniversalTime();
                    if (formattingData.IsUtf16)
                        return TryFormatDateTimeRfc1123(utc, buffer, FormattingData.InvariantUtf16, out bytesWritten);
                        return TryFormatDateTimeRfc1123(utc, buffer, FormattingData.InvariantUtf8, out bytesWritten);
                case 'O':
                    if (formattingData.IsUtf16)
                        return TryFormatDateTimeFormatO(value, true, buffer, FormattingData.InvariantUtf16, out bytesWritten);
                        return TryFormatDateTimeFormatO(value, true, buffer, FormattingData.InvariantUtf8, out bytesWritten);
                case 'G':
                    return TryFormatDateTimeFormagG(value, buffer, formattingData, out bytesWritten);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #12
        internal static bool TryRewrite(DbQueryCommandTree tree, Span span, MergeOption mergeOption, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator, out DbExpression newQuery, out SpanIndex spanInfo)
            newQuery = null;
            spanInfo = null;

            ObjectSpanRewriter rewriter = null;
            bool requiresRelationshipSpan = Span.RequiresRelationshipSpan(mergeOption);

            // Potentially perform a rewrite for span.
            // Note that the public 'Span' property is NOT used to retrieve the Span instance
            // since this forces creation of a Span object that may not be required.
            if (span != null && span.SpanList.Count > 0)
                rewriter = new ObjectFullSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, span, aliasGenerator);
            else if (requiresRelationshipSpan)
                rewriter = new ObjectSpanRewriter(tree, tree.Query, aliasGenerator);

            if (rewriter != null)
                rewriter.RelationshipSpan = requiresRelationshipSpan;
                newQuery = rewriter.RewriteQuery();
                if (newQuery != null)
                    Debug.Assert(rewriter.SpanIndex != null || tree.Query.ResultType.EdmEquals(newQuery.ResultType), "Query was rewritten for Span but no SpanIndex was created?");
                    spanInfo = rewriter.SpanIndex;

            return (spanInfo != null);
 public WriteOutputTests()
     m_promptSpan = new Span( m_prompt );
      m_promptWrapSpan = new Span( m_promptWrap );
      m_promptOutputSpan = new Span( m_promptOutput );
      m_promptOutputWrapSpan = new Span( m_promptOutputWrap );
Пример #14
        public static bool TryDecodeCodePoint(Span<byte> buffer, out UnicodeCodePoint codePoint, out int encodedBytes)
            if (buffer.Length == 0)
                codePoint = default(UnicodeCodePoint);
                encodedBytes = default(int);
                return false;

            byte first = buffer[0];
            if (!TryGetFirstByteCodePointValue(first, out codePoint, out encodedBytes))
                return false;

            if (buffer.Length < encodedBytes)
                return false;

            // TODO: Should we manually inline this for values 1-4 or will compiler do this for us?
            for (int i = 1; i < encodedBytes; i++)
                if (!TryReadCodePointByte(buffer[i], ref codePoint))
                    return false;

            return true;
Пример #15
        public static BratAnnotation ParseSpanAnnotation(Span[] tokens, string line) {
            if (tokens.Length > 4) {
                string type = tokens[TYPE_OFFSET].GetCoveredText(line);

                int endOffset = -1;

                int firstTextTokenIndex = -1;

                for (int i = END_OFFSET; i < tokens.Length; i++) {
                    if (!tokens[i].GetCoveredText(line).Contains(";")) {

                        endOffset = ParseInt(tokens[i].GetCoveredText(line));
                        firstTextTokenIndex = i + 1;

                var id = tokens[ID_OFFSET].GetCoveredText(line);

                var coveredText = line.Substring(tokens[firstTextTokenIndex].Start, tokens[endOffset].End);

                return new SpanAnnotation(
                    new Span(ParseInt(tokens[BEGIN_OFFSET].GetCoveredText(line)), endOffset, type), 

            throw new InvalidFormatException("Line must have at least 5 fields.");
Пример #16
        internal static bool TryFormatUInt64(ulong value, byte numberOfBytes, Span<byte> buffer, TextFormat format, EncodingData formattingData, out int bytesWritten)
            if(format.Symbol == 'g')
                format.Symbol = 'G';

            if (format.IsHexadecimal && formattingData.IsInvariantUtf16) {
                return TryFormatHexadecimalInvariantCultureUtf16(value, buffer, format, out bytesWritten);

            if (format.IsHexadecimal && formattingData.IsInvariantUtf8) {
                return TryFormatHexadecimalInvariantCultureUtf8(value, buffer, format, out bytesWritten);

            if ((formattingData.IsInvariantUtf16) && (format.Symbol == 'D' || format.Symbol == 'G')) {
                return TryFormatDecimalInvariantCultureUtf16(value, buffer, format, out bytesWritten);

            if ((formattingData.IsInvariantUtf8) && (format.Symbol == 'D' || format.Symbol == 'G')) {
                return TryFormatDecimalInvariantCultureUtf8(value, buffer, format, out bytesWritten);

            return TryFormatDecimal(value, buffer, format, formattingData, out bytesWritten);     
Пример #17
        public unsafe void ByteSpanEqualsTestsTwoDifferentInstancesOfBuffersWithOneValueDifferent()
            const int bufferLength = 128;
            byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferLength];
            byte[] buffer2 = new byte[bufferLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++)
                buffer1[i] = (byte)(bufferLength + 1 - i);
                buffer2[i] = (byte)(bufferLength + 1 - i);

            fixed (byte* buffer1pinned = buffer1)
            fixed (byte* buffer2pinned = buffer2)
                Span<byte> b1 = new Span<byte>(buffer1pinned, bufferLength);
                Span<byte> b2 = new Span<byte>(buffer2pinned, bufferLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++)
                    for (int diffPosition = i; diffPosition < bufferLength; diffPosition++)
                        buffer1[diffPosition] = unchecked((byte)(buffer1[diffPosition] + 1));
Пример #18
        // TODO: format should be ReadOnlySpan<char>
        internal static bool TryFormatInt64(long value, byte numberOfBytes, Span<byte> buffer, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, EncodingData formattingData, out int bytesWritten)
            Precondition.Require(numberOfBytes <= sizeof(long));

            TextFormat parsedFormat = TextFormat.Parse(format);
            return TryFormatInt64(value, numberOfBytes, buffer, parsedFormat, formattingData, out bytesWritten);
Пример #19
        internal static bool TryFormatInt64(long value, byte numberOfBytes, Span<byte> buffer, TextFormat format, EncodingData formattingData, out int bytesWritten)
            Precondition.Require(numberOfBytes <= sizeof(long));

            if (value >= 0)
                return TryFormatUInt64(unchecked((ulong)value), numberOfBytes, buffer, format, formattingData, out bytesWritten);
            else if (format.IsHexadecimal)
                ulong bitMask = GetBitMask(numberOfBytes);
                return TryFormatUInt64(unchecked((ulong)value) & bitMask, numberOfBytes, buffer, format, formattingData, out bytesWritten);
                int minusSignBytes = 0;
                if(!formattingData.TryEncode(EncodingData.Symbol.MinusSign, buffer, out minusSignBytes))
                    bytesWritten = 0;
                    return false;

                int digitBytes = 0;
                if(!TryFormatUInt64(unchecked((ulong)-value), numberOfBytes, buffer.Slice(minusSignBytes), format, formattingData, out digitBytes))
                    bytesWritten = 0;
                    return false;
                bytesWritten = digitBytes + minusSignBytes;
                return true;
Пример #20
 //TODO: this should use Span<byte>
 public void Append(Span<char> substring)
     for (int i = 0; i < substring.Length; i++)
Пример #21
 private IncludeToken(Token parent, Scope scope, Span span, PreprocessorToken prepToken, string fileName, bool searchFileDir)
     : base(parent, scope, span)
     _prepToken = prepToken;
     _fileName = fileName;
     _searchFileDir = searchFileDir;
Пример #22
        // TODO: format should be ReadOnlySpan<T>
        public static Format.Parsed Parse(Span<char> format)
            if (format.Length == 0)
                return default(Format.Parsed);

            uint precision = NoPrecision;
            if (format.Length > 1)
                var span = format.Slice(1, format.Length - 1);

                if (!InvariantParser.TryParse(span, out precision))
                    throw new NotImplementedException("UnableToParsePrecision");

                if (precision > Parsed.MaxPrecision)
                    // TODO: this is a contract violation
                    throw new Exception("PrecisionValueOutOfRange");

            // TODO: this is duplicated from above. It needs to be refactored
            var specifier = format[0];
            return new Parsed(specifier, (byte)precision);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        ///     Provides the intersection of two spans
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="span1"></param>
        /// <param name="span2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Span Intersection(Span span1, Span span2)
            Span retVal;

            if (span1.LowBound > span2.LowBound)
                Span tmp = span1;
                span1 = span2;
                span2 = tmp;
            // span1.LowBound <= span2.LowBound

            if (span1.HighBound < span2.LowBound)
                retVal = null;
                // span1.LowBound < span2.LowBound and span1.HighBound >= span2.LowBound
                int lowBound = span2.LowBound;
                int highBound;
                if (span1.HighBound > span2.HighBound)
                    highBound = span2.HighBound;
                    highBound = span1.HighBound;

                retVal = new Span(lowBound, highBound);

            return retVal;
Пример #24
 public SparkTagParameter(string documentation, Span span, string name, ISignature signature)
     Documentation = documentation;
     Locus = span;
     Name = name;
     Signature = signature;
        private static List<Tuple<string, string>> Classify(string markdown, Span? subSpan = null)
            if (subSpan == null)
                var spanStart = markdown.IndexOf("(<");
                if (spanStart >= 0)
                    markdown = markdown.Remove(spanStart, 2);
                    var spanEnd = markdown.IndexOf(">)", spanStart);
                    if (spanEnd < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Markdown (<...>) span indicator must be well-formed", "markdown");
                    markdown = markdown.Remove(spanEnd, 2);
                    subSpan = Span.FromBounds(spanStart, spanEnd);

            var crlf = newline.Replace(markdown, "\r\n");
            var lf = newline.Replace(markdown, "\n");
            var cr = newline.Replace(markdown, "\r");

            // Test newline equivalence on the full source
            // string.  We cannot pass the subspan because
            // newline replacements will move its indices.
            // Also, this part is only to test the parser,
            // which doesn't get subspans anyway.
            var fullResult = RunParseCase(crlf);
            RunParseCase(lf).Should().Equal(fullResult, "LF should be the same as CRLF");
            RunParseCase(cr).Should().Equal(fullResult, "CR should be the same as CRLF");

            return RunParseCase(markdown, subSpan);
 public void StartServerTrace()
     if (isTraceOn)
         serverSpan = StartTrace(spanTracer.ReceiveServerSpan);
        private bool InvokeZenCoding()
            Span zenSpan = GetText();

            if (zenSpan.Length == 0 || TextView.Selection.SelectedSpans[0].Length > 0 || !IsValidTextBuffer())
                return false;

            string zenSyntax = TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText(zenSpan);

            Parser parser = new Parser();
            string result = parser.Parse(zenSyntax, ZenType.HTML);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    using (EditorExtensionsPackage.UndoContext("ZenCoding"))
                        ITextSelection selection = UpdateTextBuffer(zenSpan, result);


                        Span newSpan = new Span(zenSpan.Start, selection.SelectedSpans[0].Length);
                        SetCaret(newSpan, false);
                }), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, null);

                return true;

            return false;
Пример #28
        public override void DisplayRecognitionError(string[] tokenNames, RecognitionException e)
            var outputWindow = OutputWindowService.TryGetPane(PredefinedOutputWindowPanes.TvlIntellisense);
            if (outputWindow != null)
                string header = GetErrorHeader(e);
                string message = GetErrorMessage(e, tokenNames);
                Span span = new Span();
                if (e.Token != null)
                    span = Span.FromBounds(e.Token.StartIndex, e.Token.StopIndex + 1);

                if (message.Length > 100)
                    message = message.Substring(0, 100) + " ...";

                ITextDocument document;
                if (TextBuffer.Properties.TryGetProperty(typeof(ITextDocument), out document) && document != null)
                    string fileName = document.FilePath;
                    var line = Snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(span.Start);
                    message = string.Format("{0}({1},{2}): {3}: {4}", fileName, line.LineNumber + 1, span.Start - line.Start.Position + 1, GetType().Name, message);


            base.DisplayRecognitionError(tokenNames, e);
 public void StartClientTrace()
     if (isTraceOn)
         clientSpan = StartTrace(spanTracer.SendClientSpan);
Пример #30
    public bool TestCreateOverArray(Tester t)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            var ints = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

            // Try out two ways of creating a slice:
            Span<int> slice;
            if (i == 0) {
                slice = new Span<int>(ints);
            else {
                slice = ints.Slice();
            t.AssertEqual(ints.Length, slice.Length);
            t.AssertEqual(0, 1);
            // Now try out two ways of walking the slice's contents:
            for (int j = 0; j < ints.Length; j++) {
                t.AssertEqual(ints[j], slice[j]);
                int j = 0;
                foreach (var x in slice) {
                    t.AssertEqual(ints[j], x);
        return true;
Пример #31
        public static bool TryFormat(this Guid value, Span <byte> buffer, TextFormat format, EncodingData encoding, out int bytesWritten)
            if (format.IsDefault)
                format.Symbol = 'G';
            Precondition.Require(format.Symbol == 'G' || format.Symbol == 'D' || format.Symbol == 'N' || format.Symbol == 'B' || format.Symbol == 'P');
            bool dash = true;
            char tail = '\0';

            bytesWritten = 0;

            switch (format.Symbol)
            case 'D':
            case 'G':

            case 'N':
                dash = false;

            case 'B':
                if (!TryWriteChar('{', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))
                tail = '}';

            case 'P':
                if (!TryWriteChar('(', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))
                tail = ')';

                Precondition.Require(false);     // how did we get here?

            var byteFormat = new TextFormat('x', 2);

                byte *bytes = (byte *)&value;

                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[3], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[2], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[1], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[0], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (dash)
                    if (!TryWriteChar('-', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[5], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[4], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (dash)
                    if (!TryWriteChar('-', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[7], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[6], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (dash)
                    if (!TryWriteChar('-', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[8], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[9], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (dash)
                    if (!TryWriteChar('-', buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))

                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[10], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[11], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[12], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[13], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[14], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))
                if (!TryWriteByte(bytes[15], buffer, byteFormat, encoding, ref bytesWritten))

            if (tail != '\0')
                if (!TryWriteChar(tail, buffer, encoding.TextEncoding, ref bytesWritten))

Пример #32
        public void ReadSegment(IBinaryStorageFile reader, long startOffset, long length)
            // Impossible for length to be lower than 2
            // Consider this: length 2 has to be 00 ??
            // But strings have to be null terminated thus data should be 00 ?? 00
            // Which is 3 bytes.
            // Above sligtly wrong, nothing prevents a 1-byte string block with 00 but in that case we already handle it
            // by returning string.Empty if offset was not found in the block.
            // This is based off the assumption that strings at offset 0 will always be the null string
            // which it has to be for empty string blocks. For non-empty blocks,  let's just say blizzard's space saving
            // track record isn't the best, and saving one byte by pointing the null string to the middle of any delimiter
            // is something probably not worth the effort.
            if (length <= 2)

            reader.DataStream.Position = startOffset;

            // Next target: Pray for C# 9 to expose null-terminated strings
#if EXPERIMENTAL // This nets about 4% gain on string parsing alone (which is hardly a bottleneck, but still)
            var internStrings = reader.Options.InternStrings;

            // Requesting bytes aligned to int boundary
            // Add an extra byte to ensure we never go out of bounds
            var alignedLength = ((int)length + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1);
            var byteBuffer    = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(alignedLength);

            Span <byte> byteSpan = new Span <byte>(byteBuffer, 0, alignedLength);

            // Read exactly what is needed
            reader.DataStream.Read(byteSpan.Slice(0, (int)length));
            // Zero the trailing bytes because Rent does not guarantee that
            // One is enough to ensure mask checking will fail
            byteBuffer[length] = 0x00;

            var stringOffset = 1L;
            while (stringOffset < length)
                var wordSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(byteSpan.Slice((int)stringOffset));

                var wordCursor = 0;
                var mask       = wordSpan[wordCursor];
                while (((mask - 0x01010101) & ~mask & 0x80808080) == 0)
                    mask = wordSpan[++wordCursor];

                var trailingCount = 0;
                if ((mask & 0x000000FF) != 0x00)
                    if ((mask & 0x0000FF00) != 0x00)
                        if ((mask & 0x00FF0000) != 0x00)

                var strLength = (wordCursor * sizeof(int) + trailingCount);
                if (strLength > 0)
                    var value = (reader.Options.Encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8).GetString(byteBuffer, (int)stringOffset, strLength);
                    if (internStrings)
                        value = string.Intern(value);

                    _blockData.Add(stringOffset, value);
                    stringOffset += strLength + 1;

            ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(byteBuffer);
            var byteBuffer = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent((int)length);

            var actualLength = reader.DataStream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, (int)length);

            Debug.Assert(actualLength == length);

            // We start at 1 because 0 is always 00, aka null string
            var cursor = 1;
            while (cursor != length)
                var stringStart = cursor;
                while (byteBuffer[cursor] != 0)

                if (cursor - stringStart > 1)
                    var value = (reader.Options.Encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8).GetString(byteBuffer, stringStart, cursor - stringStart);
                    if (reader.Options.InternStrings)
                        value = string.Intern(value);

                    _blockData[stringStart] = value;

                cursor += 1;

            ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(byteBuffer);
        private void GatherChunksToSend(Player player)
            int viewDistance = player.ViewDistance;

            ChunkPosition previousPos = player.CameraPosition;
            ChunkPosition currentPos  = player.ChunkPosition;

            if (_firstSend)
                player.ScheduleFullChunkView = true;
                _firstSend = false;

            bool positionChanged = previousPos != currentPos;
            bool shouldSend      = player.ScheduleFullChunkView || positionChanged;

            if (player.ScheduleFullChunkView)
                SendAllChunks(player, currentPos, viewDistance);
                player.ScheduleFullChunkView = false;

            if (positionChanged)
                    var lastCameraPos = player.CameraPosition;
                    player.CameraPosition = currentPos;

                        new ServerUpdateViewPosition(

                        player.UserName + " moved from chunk " +
                        lastCameraPos + " to " + player.CameraPosition);

            if (!shouldSend)

            if (Math.Abs(previousPos.X - currentPos.X) <= viewDistance * 2 &&
                Math.Abs(previousPos.Z - currentPos.Z) <= viewDistance * 2)
                int minX = Math.Min(currentPos.X, previousPos.X) - viewDistance;
                int minZ = Math.Min(currentPos.Z, previousPos.Z) - viewDistance;
                int maxX = Math.Max(currentPos.X, previousPos.X) + viewDistance;
                int maxZ = Math.Max(currentPos.Z, previousPos.Z) + viewDistance;

                for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
                    for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
                        var  chunkPos      = new ChunkPosition(x, z);
                        bool withinView    = GetChebyshevDistance(chunkPos, currentPos) <= viewDistance;
                        bool withinMaxView = GetChebyshevDistance(chunkPos, previousPos) <= viewDistance;

                        if (withinView && !withinMaxView)
                            if (player.ChunkLoadSet.Add(chunkPos))
                                EnqueueChunkForLoad(player, chunkPos);

                        if (!withinView && withinMaxView)
                for (int x = previousPos.X - viewDistance; x <= previousPos.X + viewDistance; x++)
                    for (int z = previousPos.Z - viewDistance; z <= previousPos.Z + viewDistance; z++)
                        player.ChunksToUnload.Add(new ChunkPosition(x, z));

                SendAllChunks(player, currentPos, viewDistance);

            var        loadLists = player.ChunkLoadLists;
            Span <int> posCounts = stackalloc int[loadLists.Count];

            // Gather all position counts for later.
            for (int i = 0; i < posCounts.Length; i++)
                posCounts[i] = loadLists[i].Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < posCounts.Length; i++)
                int posCount = posCounts[i];
                if (posCount == 0)

                // Iterate positions of the current list and enqueue them to update distances.
                // We use a "fixed" count in the loop as a position may be readded to the current list.
                // If distance didn't change, the position is appended after the current positions.

                var loadList = loadLists[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < posCount; j++)
                    var chunkPos = loadList[j];
                    if (player.ChunksToUnload.Remove(chunkPos))
                        // We can skip sending the chunk as it was queued for unload.
                        EnqueueChunkForLoad(player, chunkPos);

                // Remove all old positions as they are now in front of the new positions.
                loadList.RemoveRange(0, posCount);
Пример #34
        private static void EmitDecimal(this ILGenerator il, decimal value)
            Span <int> bits = stackalloc int[4];

            decimal.GetBits(value, bits);

            int scale = (bits[3] & int.MaxValue) >> 16;

            if (scale == 0)
                if (int.MinValue <= value)
                    if (value <= int.MaxValue)
                        int intValue = decimal.ToInt32(value);
                        switch (intValue)
                        case -1:
                            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Decimal_MinusOne);

                        case 0:
                            il.EmitDefault(typeof(decimal), locals: null);     // locals won't be used.

                        case 1:
                            il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Decimal_One);


                    if (value <= uint.MaxValue)

                if (long.MinValue <= value)
                    if (value <= long.MaxValue)

                    if (value <= ulong.MaxValue)

                    if (value == decimal.MaxValue)
                        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Decimal_MaxValue);
                else if (value == decimal.MinValue)
                    il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, Decimal_MinValue);

            il.EmitPrimitive((bits[3] & 0x80000000) != 0);
            il.EmitPrimitive(unchecked ((byte)scale));
Пример #35
 public UserTextReader(Stream stream, Span <byte> bytesRead, ICatalog catalog = null)
     : this(new UnicodeStream(stream, bytesRead), catalog)
 private void Read(RegisterAG register, Span <byte> buffer)
     _i2c.WriteByte((byte)((byte)register | ReadMask));
 protected abstract int GetChars(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes, Span<char> chars, bool write);
 private void Write(Span <byte> bytes)
     bytes.CopyTo(new Span <byte>(_buffer).Slice(_position));
     _position += bytes.Length;
Пример #39
        private bool TryGetNamedPropertyValue(
            int startIndex,
            int endIndex,
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> propertyName,
            out JsonElement value)
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> documentSpan = _utf8Json.Span;

            // Move to the row before the EndObject
            int index = endIndex - DbRow.Size;

            while (index > startIndex)
                DbRow row = _parsedData.Get(index);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName);

                // Move before the value
                if (row.IsSimpleValue)
                    index -= DbRow.Size;
                    Debug.Assert(row.NumberOfRows > 0);
                    index -= DbRow.Size * (row.NumberOfRows + 1);

                row = _parsedData.Get(index);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName);

                ReadOnlySpan <byte> currentPropertyName = documentSpan.Slice(row.Location, row.SizeOrLength);

                if (row.HasComplexChildren)
                    // An escaped property name will be longer than an unescaped candidate, so only unescape
                    // when the lengths are compatible.
                    if (currentPropertyName.Length > propertyName.Length)
                        int idx = currentPropertyName.IndexOf(JsonConstants.BackSlash);
                        Debug.Assert(idx >= 0);

                        // If everything up to where the property name has a backslash matches, keep going.
                        if (propertyName.Length > idx &&
                            currentPropertyName.Slice(0, idx).SequenceEqual(propertyName.Slice(0, idx)))
                            int    remaining = currentPropertyName.Length - idx;
                            int    written   = 0;
                            byte[] rented    = null;

                                Span <byte> utf8Unescaped = remaining <= JsonConstants.StackallocThreshold ?
                                                            stackalloc byte[remaining] :
                                                            (rented = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(remaining));

                                // Only unescape the part we haven't processed.
                                JsonReaderHelper.Unescape(currentPropertyName.Slice(idx), utf8Unescaped, 0, out written);

                                // If the unescaped remainder matches the input remainder, it's a match.
                                if (utf8Unescaped.Slice(0, written).SequenceEqual(propertyName.Slice(idx)))
                                    // If the property name is a match, the answer is the next element.
                                    value = new JsonElement(this, index + DbRow.Size);
                                if (rented != null)
                                    rented.AsSpan(0, written).Clear();
                                    ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(rented);
                else if (currentPropertyName.SequenceEqual(propertyName))
                    // If the property name is a match, the answer is the next element.
                    value = new JsonElement(this, index + DbRow.Size);

                // Move to the previous value
                index -= DbRow.Size;

            value = default;
Пример #40
        public static bool TryFormat(this Guid value, Span <byte> buffer, ReadOnlySpan <char> format, EncodingData formattingData, out int bytesWritten)
            TextFormat parsedFormat = TextFormat.Parse(format);

            return(TryFormat(value, buffer, parsedFormat, formattingData, out bytesWritten));
Пример #41
 public static void bits(MklRng stream, Span <ulong> dst)
 => VSL.viRngUniformBits64(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst)).ThrowOnError();
Пример #42
        public bool HandleRequest()
            // Blocking until header is received.
            _socket.Receive(new Span <byte>(_bufferIn, 0, MessageHeader.SizeInBytes));

            var message = new Message(_bufferIn);

            // Request too short
            if (message.SizeInBytes <= MessageHeader.SizeInBytes)
                Span <byte> errorBuffer  = stackalloc byte[ProtocolErrorResponse.SizeInBytes];
                var         errorMessage = new ProtocolErrorResponse(errorBuffer,
                                                                     RequestId.MinRequestId, ClientId.MinClientId, ProtocolErrorStatus.RequestTooShort);


            var kind      = message.Header.MessageKind;
            var requestId = message.Header.RequestId;

            // Request too long
            if (message.SizeInBytes >= Constants.MaxRequestSize)
                Span <byte> errorBuffer  = stackalloc byte[ProtocolErrorResponse.SizeInBytes];
                var         errorMessage = new ProtocolErrorResponse(errorBuffer,
                                                                     requestId, ClientId.MinClientId, ProtocolErrorStatus.RequestTooLong);


            // Invalid message kind
            if (!kind.IsDefined() || kind.IsResponse())
                // Unknown kind is invalid.
                // Response kind is invalid.
                Span <byte> buffer       = stackalloc byte[ProtocolErrorResponse.SizeInBytes];
                var         errorMessage = new ProtocolErrorResponse(
                    buffer, requestId, ClientId.MinClientId, ProtocolErrorStatus.InvalidMessageKind);


            // Blocking until the rest of the message is received.
            _socket.Receive(new Span <byte>(_bufferIn,
                                            message.SizeInBytes - MessageHeader.SizeInBytes));

            message.Header.ClientId = _clientId;

            // Client request to close the connection.
            if (message.Header.MessageKind == MessageKind.CloseConnection)
                Span <byte> buffer        = stackalloc byte[CloseConnectionResponse.SizeInBytes];
                var         closeResponse = new CloseConnectionResponse(buffer, requestId, ClientId.MinClientId);


            // Forwards the message to the dispatch controller.
            if (_dispatchInbox.TryWrite(message.Span))
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _requestsInProgress);

            //  The dispatch inbox is full.
                Span <byte> errorBuffer  = stackalloc byte[ProtocolErrorResponse.SizeInBytes];
                var         errorMessage = new ProtocolErrorResponse(errorBuffer,
                                                                     requestId, ClientId.MinClientId, ProtocolErrorStatus.ServerBusy);


Пример #43
 public static void uniform(MklRng stream, Interval <double> range, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngUniform(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), range.Left, range.Right).ThrowOnError();
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        ///   This is an implementation detail and MUST NOT be called by source-package consumers.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool TryGetNamedPropertyValue(int index, ReadOnlySpan <char> propertyName, out JsonElement value)

            DbRow row = _parsedData.Get(index);

            CheckExpectedType(JsonTokenType.StartObject, row.TokenType);

            // Only one row means it was EndObject.
            if (row.NumberOfRows == 1)
                value = default;

            int maxBytes   = JsonReaderHelper.s_utf8Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(propertyName.Length);
            int startIndex = index + DbRow.Size;
            int endIndex   = checked (row.NumberOfRows * DbRow.Size + index);

            if (maxBytes < JsonConstants.StackallocThreshold)
                Span <byte> utf8Name = stackalloc byte[JsonConstants.StackallocThreshold];
                int         len      = JsonReaderHelper.GetUtf8FromText(propertyName, utf8Name);
                utf8Name = utf8Name.Slice(0, len);

                           out value));

            // Unescaping the property name will make the string shorter (or the same)
            // So the first viable candidate is one whose length in bytes matches, or
            // exceeds, our length in chars.
            // The maximal escaping seems to be 6 -> 1 ("\u0030" => "0"), but just transcode
            // and switch once one viable long property is found.

            int minBytes = propertyName.Length;
            // Move to the row before the EndObject
            int candidateIndex = endIndex - DbRow.Size;

            while (candidateIndex > index)
                int passedIndex = candidateIndex;

                row = _parsedData.Get(candidateIndex);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName);

                // Move before the value
                if (row.IsSimpleValue)
                    candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size;
                    Debug.Assert(row.NumberOfRows > 0);
                    candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size * (row.NumberOfRows + 1);

                row = _parsedData.Get(candidateIndex);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName);

                if (row.SizeOrLength >= minBytes)
                    byte[] tmpUtf8 = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(maxBytes);

                    Span <byte> utf8Name = default;

                        int len = JsonReaderHelper.GetUtf8FromText(propertyName, tmpUtf8);
                        utf8Name = tmpUtf8.AsSpan(0, len);

                                   passedIndex + DbRow.Size,
                                   out value));
                        // While property names aren't usually a secret, they also usually
                        // aren't long enough to end up in the rented buffer transcode path.
                        // On the basis that this is user data, go ahead and clear it.
                        ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(tmpUtf8);

                // Move to the previous value
                candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size;

            // None of the property names were within the range that the UTF-8 encoding would have been.
            value = default;
Пример #45
 public static void laplace(MklRng stream, double mean, double beta, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngLaplace(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), mean, beta).ThrowOnError();
Пример #46
 public static void uniform(MklRng stream, double min, double max, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngUniform(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), min, max).ThrowOnError();
Пример #47
 public static void poisson(MklRng stream, double alpha, Span <int> dst)
 => VSL.viRngPoisson(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), alpha).ThrowOnError();
Пример #48
 public static void uniform(MklRng stream, float min, float max, Span <float> dst)
 => VSL.vsRngUniform(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), min, max).ThrowOnError();
Пример #49
 public static void exp(MklRng stream, float dx, float beta, Span <float> dst)
 => VSL.vsRngExponential(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), dx, beta).ThrowOnError();
Пример #50
 public static void laplace(MklRng stream, float a, float b, Span <float> dst)
 => VSL.vsRngLaplace(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), a, b).ThrowOnError();
Пример #51
 public static void gamma(MklRng stream, float alpha, float dx, float beta, Span <float> dst)
 => VSL.vsRngGamma(VslGammaMethod.GNorm, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), alpha, dx, beta).ThrowOnError();
Пример #52
 public static void exp(MklRng stream, double dx, double beta, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngExponential(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), dx, beta).ThrowOnError();
Пример #53
 public static void gaussian(MklRng stream, float mu, float sigma, Span <float> dst)
 => VSL.vsRngGaussian(VslGaussianMethod.BoxMuller1, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), mu, sigma).ThrowOnError();
Пример #54
 public static void gamma(MklRng stream, double alpha, double dx, double beta, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngGamma(VslGammaMethod.GNorm, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), alpha, dx, beta).ThrowOnError();
Пример #55
 public static void bernoulli(MklRng stream, double p, Span <int> dst)
 => VSL.viRngBernoulli(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), p).ThrowOnError();
Пример #56
 public static void gaussian(MklRng stream, double mu, double sigma, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngGaussian(VslGaussianMethod.BoxMuller1, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), mu, sigma).ThrowOnError();
Пример #57
 public static void cauchy(MklRng stream, double a, double b, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngCauchy(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), a, b).ThrowOnError();
Пример #58
 public static void chi2(MklRng stream, int dof, Span <double> dst)
 => VSL.vdRngChiSquare(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), dof).ThrowOnError();
Пример #59
 public static unsafe void GetUniform(this ArbGpuShaderInt64 thisApi, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] uint program, [Flow(FlowDirection.In)] int location, [Count(Computed = "program, location"), Flow(FlowDirection.Out)] Span <ulong> @params)
     // SpanOverloader
     thisApi.GetUniform(program, location, out @params.GetPinnableReference());
Пример #60
 public static void geometric(MklRng stream, double p, Span <int> dst)
 => VSL.viRngGeometric(0, stream.Source, dst.Length, ref head(dst), p).ThrowOnError();