Пример #1
        public void DotWaitAndDotResultAreNeverUsed()
            //TODO: We should use Roslyn to do this

            //What this expression means:
            //(?<!//.*?) -- Make sure that any await we find is not preceeded on the same line by //
            //(?s: -- means . will match newlines in this sub-expression.
            //\\.Wait\\(\\) -- matches .Wait()
            //(?<!this\\.?)\\.Result(\\.|;|\\s|,) -- matches .Result followed by a ., ;, whitespace, or , which is not prefixed immediately by "this."
            const string pattern = "(?<!//.*?)(?s:(\\.Wait\\(\\)|(?<!this\\.?)\\.Result(\\.|;|\\s|,)))";

            SourceParser sourceParser = new SourceParser(this.sourceLocation, SourceFileType, null, pattern);

            List <SourceParserResult> results = sourceParser.Parse().ToList();

            //There should be no .Result or .Wait() calls outside of the two which are expected below
            //Remove the two we expect
            results.Remove(results.First(r => r.File.Contains("UtilitiesInternal.cs")));
            results.Remove(results.First(r => r.File.Contains("SynchronousMethodExceptionBehavior.cs")));

            foreach (SourceParserResult parserResult in results)
                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found .Wait or .Result in {0} at {1} -- {2}", parserResult.File, parserResult.LineNumber, parserResult.Match);

            Assert.Equal(0, results.Count);
Пример #2
        public void ExceptionsThrownDirectlyByObjectModelDontChange()
            const string exceptionNameCaptureGroup = "ExceptionName";
            string       pattern = GetExceptionCaptureRegex(exceptionNameCaptureGroup);

            SourceParser sourceParser = new SourceParser(this.sourceLocation, SourceFileType, GeneratedProtocolFolder, pattern);

            List <SourceParserResult> results = sourceParser.Parse().ToList();

            //Ensure we've scanned at least some files...
            const int expectedExceptionCount = 50;

            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found {0} \"throw new Exception\" strings", results.Count);
            Assert.True(results.Count > expectedExceptionCount);

            HashSet <string> exceptionSet = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (SourceParserResult parserResult in results)
                string exceptionName = parserResult.Match.Groups[exceptionNameCaptureGroup].Value;

            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found {0} types of exception thrown by object model", exceptionSet.Count);
            foreach (string exceptionType in exceptionSet)
                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("{0}", exceptionType);

            var expectedExceptions = new HashSet <string>

            Assert.Equal(expectedExceptions.OrderBy(e => e), exceptionSet.OrderBy(e => e));
Пример #3
        public async Task <List <ISourceVacancy> > Load()
            if (SourceParser == null)
                throw new Exception("Не определен адаптер для разбора данных с ресурса.");

            if (Url == null)
                throw new Exception("Не определен адрес ресурса ресурса.");

            var htmlText = await GetSourcHtmlText();

            var results = SourceParser.Parse(htmlText);

            return(await Task.FromResult(results));
Пример #4
        public void ExceptionsThrownDirectlyByRestProxyDontChange()
            const string exceptionNameCaptureGroup = "ExceptionName";
            string       pattern = GetExceptionCaptureRegex(exceptionNameCaptureGroup);

            SourceParser sourceParser = new SourceParser(this.proxySourceLocation, SourceFileType, null, pattern);

            List <SourceParserResult> results = sourceParser.Parse().ToList();

            //Ensure we've scanned at least some files...
            const int expectedExceptionCount = 100;

            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found {0} \"throw new Exception\" strings", results.Count);
            Assert.True(results.Count > expectedExceptionCount);

            HashSet <string> exceptionSet = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (SourceParserResult parserResult in results)
                string exceptionName = parserResult.Match.Groups[exceptionNameCaptureGroup].Value;

            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Found {0} types of exception thrown by rest proxy", exceptionSet.Count);
            foreach (string exceptionType in exceptionSet)
                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("{0}", exceptionType);

            IEnumerable <string> expectedExceptions = new List <string>()

            Assert.Equal(expectedExceptions, exceptionSet);