public IFood Create(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; switch (type) { case "Dessert": food = new Dessert(name, price); break; case "MainCourse": food = new MainCourse(name, price); break; case "Salad": food = new Salad(name, price); break; case "Soup": food = new Soup(name, price); break; } return(food); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); //[1] 밥 만들기 Rice rice = (new Cooking()).MakeRice(); // 스레드 차단: true Console.WriteLine($"밥 준비 완료 - {rice.GetHashCode()}"); //[2] 국 만들기 Soup soup = (new Cooking()).MakeSoup(); Console.WriteLine($"국 준비 완료 - {soup.GetHashCode()}"); //[3] 달걀 만들기 Egg egg = (new Cooking()).MakeEgg(); Console.WriteLine($"달걀 준비 완료 - {egg.GetHashCode()}"); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\n시간: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}밀리초"); Console.WriteLine("동기 방식으로 식사 준비 완료"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <string> avVegetables = new List <string> { "carrots", "tomatos", "potatos", "onion", "garlic" }; List <string> avSpices = new List <string> { "salt", "pepper", "basil" }; Chef chef = new Chef(); Soup tomatoSoup = chef.PrepareSoup(new TomatoSoupCook(), avVegetables, avSpices); tomatoSoup.GetLabel(); avVegetables.Add("chicken meat"); Soup chickenSoup = chef.PrepareSoup(new ChickenSoupCook(), avVegetables, avSpices); chickenSoup.GetLabel(); Console.Read(); }
public void Empty() { GameObject o = Instantiate(soup.gameObject); soup = o.GetComponent <Soup>(); sp.sprite = empty; }
public string AddFood(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "dessert": food = new Dessert(name, price); break; case "salad": food = new Salad(name, price); break; case "soup": food = new Soup(name, price); break; case "maincourse": food = new MainCourse(name, price); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid food type {type}!"); }; return($"Added {food.Name} ({type}) with price {food.Price:f2} to the pool"); }
public IProduct CreatePOCOProduct(Product product) { IProduct pocoProduct = null; switch (product.ProductType) { case ProductType.Pizza: pocoProduct = new Pizza(product.Name, product.Price, product.Remarks); break; case ProductType.PizzaTopping: pocoProduct = new PizzaTopping(product.Name, product.Price); break; case ProductType.MainCourse: pocoProduct = new MainCourse(product.Name, product.Price); break; case ProductType.MainCourseSideDish: pocoProduct = new MainCourseSideDish(product.Name, product.Price); break; case ProductType.Beverage: pocoProduct = new Beverage(product.Name, product.Price); break; case ProductType.Soup: pocoProduct = new Soup(product.Name, product.Price); break; default: break; } return(pocoProduct); }
private void SetSoupRating(Comment comment) { var sumSoupRatings = 0; double soupRating; Lunch lunch = db.Lunches.Find(comment.LunchId); var soupId = lunch.SoupId; int countSoupRatings = db.Comments.Where(c => c.Lunch.SoupId == soupId).Count(); if (countSoupRatings == 0) { soupRating = comment.SoupRating; } else { sumSoupRatings = db.Comments.Include(c => c.Lunch).Where(c => c.Lunch.SoupId == soupId).Sum(c => c.SoupRating); soupRating = (double)(sumSoupRatings + comment.SoupRating) / (countSoupRatings + 1); } Soup soup = db.Soups.Find(soupId); soup.Rating = soupRating; db.Entry(soup).State = EntityState.Modified; }
private void btnMakeDinner_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); //[1] 밥 만들기 Rice rice = (new Cooking()).MakeRice(); lblDisplay.Text = $"밥 준비 완료 - {rice.GetHashCode()}"; //[2] 국 만들기 Soup soup = (new Cooking()).MakeSoup(); lblDisplay.Text = $"국 준비 완료 - {soup.GetHashCode()}"; //[3] 달걀 만들기 Egg egg = (new Cooking()).MakeEgg(); lblDisplay.Text = $"달걀 준비 완료 - {egg.GetHashCode()}"; stopwatch.Stop(); lblDisplay.Text = $"\n시간: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}밀리초"; lblDisplay.Text = ("동기 방식으로 식사 준비 완료"); }
public string AddFood(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; string output = string.Empty; if (type == "Dessert") { food = new Dessert(name, price); menu.Add(food); output = $"Added {name} ({type}) with price {price:f2} to the pool"; } else if (type == "MainCourse") { food = new MainCourse(name, price); menu.Add(food); output = $"Added {name} ({type}) with price {price:f2} to the pool"; } else if (type == "Salad") { food = new Salad(name, price); menu.Add(food); output = $"Added {name} ({type}) with price {price:f2} to the pool"; } else if (type == "Soup") { food = new Soup(name, price); menu.Add(food); output = $"Added {name} ({type}) with price {price:f2} to the pool"; } return(output); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------- After we "CookSoup()", we use the returned soup and create a Soup object and attach the appropriate Soup stats to the SoupData script. ------------------------- // public void MakeSoup() { Soup newSoup = CookSoup(); Transform newSoupOrb = GameObject.Instantiate(soupOrb, soupOrb.position, soupOrb.rotation); // The setting active is moved to the State Machine because of the added cooking timer mechanic. // //newSoupOrb.gameObject.SetActive(true); SoupData newSoupsData = newSoupOrb.GetComponent <SoupData>(); newSoupsData.theSoup = newSoup; // Setting max amount of "portions" of soup. The player can keep grabbing soup until they've depleted all the portions. // // Hey get out of here! If you want to set the portion sizes do it through the inspector ! // //newSoupsData.currentPortions = 5; //newSoupsData.maxPortions = 5; occupyingSoup = newSoupOrb; // Setting the colour of the occupying soup. // Material newMaterial = new Material(waterShader); newMaterial.SetColor("Color_6EDA1D08", gameManager.colourManager.ConvertColour(newSoup.colour)); occupyingSoup.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = newMaterial; // Removing and resetting stuff to do with the water display. // RemoveWater(); }
public IFood CreateFood(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; if (type == "Dessert") { food = new Dessert(name, price); } else if (type == "Salad") { food = new Salad(name, price); } else if (type == "Soup") { food = new Soup(name, price); } else if (type == "MainCourse") { food = new MainCourse(name, price); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid food type!"); } return(food); }
public void Run() { List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); ColdBeverage coldBeverage = new ColdBeverage("Coka-Cola", 1.20M, 0.750); Coffee coffee = new Coffee("Expreso", 500); Tea tea = new Tea("Black", 0.90M, 200); Cake cake = new Cake("Choco"); Soup soup = new Soup("Chicken", 2.20M, 200); Fish fish = new Fish("Hake", 3.60M); products.Add(coldBeverage); products.Add(coffee); products.Add(tea); products.Add(cake); products.Add(soup); products.Add(fish); foreach (Product product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product.ToString()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name")] Soup soup) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { string msg = (ModelState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Errors.Any()).Value.Errors.FirstOrDefault().ErrorMessage).Replace("'", ""); _toastNotification.AddErrorToastMessage(msg); return(View(soup)); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var checkExit = _context.Soup.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower() == soup.Name.ToLower()).Count(); if (checkExit == 0) { _context.Add(soup); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); _toastNotification.AddErrorToastMessage(ResponseMessageUtilities.CREATED_SUCESSFUL); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } _toastNotification.AddErrorToastMessage(ResponseMessageUtilities.ITEM_EXIST); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(soup)); }
public string AddFood(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; if (type == "Dessert") { food = new Dessert(name, price); } else if (type == "Salad") { food = new Salad(name, price); } else if (type == "Soup") { food = new Soup(name, price); } else if (type == "MainCourse") { food = new MainCourse(name, price); } if (food != null) {; } return($"Added {food.Name} ({food.GetType().Name}) with price {food.Price:F2} to the pool"); }
public string AddFood(string type, string name, decimal price) { IFood food = null; switch (type) { case "Dessert": food = new Dessert(name, price); break; case "MainCourse": food = new MainCourse(name, price); break; case "Salad": food = new Salad(name, price); break; case "Soup": food = new Soup(name, price); break; } menu.Add(food); return($"Added {name} ({type}) with price {price:f2} to the pool"); }
public IntersectionTest() { var dataGenerator = IoC.Services.GetService <TestDataGenerator>(); SoupGenerator generator = dataGenerator.InitGenerator(allowedDirections: Directions.E | Directions.N); soup = generator.Init().Soup; }
public Cheff(RestaurantFactory restaurantFactory) { this.restaurantFactory = restaurantFactory; this.soup = restaurantFactory.CreateSoup(); this.meal = restaurantFactory.CreateMeal(); this.dessert = restaurantFactory.CreateDessert(); }
public EntityEditor(Soup soup) { var settings = new SimulationSettings(); _simulation = new EntityEditorSimulation(soup.Window, settings); soup.CurrentSimulation = _simulation; BuildUI(); }
private static List <Soup> GetSoups(HtmlNode day) { var soup = new Soup(day.SelectNodes(".//td[2]")[0].InnerText); return(new List <Soup> { soup }); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Soup soup = db.Soups.Find(id); db.Soups.Remove(soup); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private void Start() { GameObject o = Instantiate(soup.gameObject); o.transform.parent = transform; soup = o.GetComponent <Soup>(); sp = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); empty = sp.sprite; }
public MainUI(Soup soup) { BuildUI(); _quit.Selected += (s, a) => { soup.EndExperiment(); }; }
public void MatrixDimensions() { Soup soup = new Soup { Matrix = new char[10, 5] }; Assert.Equal(10, soup.Matrix.GetLength(0)); //The X axis Assert.Equal(5, soup.Matrix.GetLength(1)); //The Y axis }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Category,Name,ShortDescription,LongDescription,ThumbnailImage,FullImage,Price")] Soup soup) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(soup).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(soup)); }
public void LoadCanon(Soup theDataToLoad) { isLoaded = true; // Actual loading of soup data. // canonCapsule.GetComponent <SoupData>().theSoup = theDataToLoad; Debug.Log("Canon loaded and received data successfully."); currentSoup = canonCapsule.GetComponent <SoupData>(); }
public IActionResult Delete([FromBody] Soup product) { var result = this.productsRepository.DeleteProduct(product); if (result == false) { return(new StatusCodeResult(202)); } return(new JsonResult(result)); }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] Soup value) { var result = this.productsRepository.UpdateProduct(value); if (result == false) { return(new StatusCodeResult(202)); } return(new JsonResult(result)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Item,Description,Image,Price")] Soup soup) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(soup).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(soup)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "SoupId,SoupName,SoupshortDescription,SoupLongDescription,SoupPrice,SoupImage")] Soup Soup) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // db.Entry(Soup).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Admin")); } return(View(Soup)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Item,Description,Image,Price")] Soup soup) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Soups.Add(soup); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(soup)); }