private async void GetSoundCloudSessionStatus() { try { IsSoundCloudButtonEnabled = false; _soundCloudSessionStatus = await SoundCloudHelper.GetSessionStatusAsync(); switch (_soundCloudSessionStatus) { case SoundCloudSessionStatus.Connected: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountConnectedStatusText; break; case SoundCloudSessionStatus.NotConnected: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountDisconnectedStatusText; break; case SoundCloudSessionStatus.Unknown: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountUnknownStatusText; break; } } catch { SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountErrorStatusText; } finally { IsSoundCloudButtonEnabled = true; } }
private async void SoundCloudLogin() { try { _soundCloudSessionStatus = await SoundCloudHelper.LoginAsync(); switch (_soundCloudSessionStatus) { case SoundCloudSessionStatus.Connected: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountConnectedStatusText; break; case SoundCloudSessionStatus.NotConnected: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountDisconnectedStatusText; break; case SoundCloudSessionStatus.Unknown: SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountUnknownStatusText; break; } } catch { SkyDriveStatusText = AppResources.AccountErrorStatusText; } }
public async override Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> state) { try { // Fill Genres and Kinds dictionaries GenresDictionary = await SoundCloudHelper.GetGenres(); KindsDictionary = await SoundCloudHelper.GetKinds(); foreach (var g in GenresDictionary) { Genres.Add(g.Value); } foreach (var k in KindsDictionary) { Kinds.Add(k.Value); } // Select first Genre and Kind SelectedGenre = Genres.FirstOrDefault(); SelectedKind = Kinds.FirstOrDefault(); await base.OnNavigatedToAsync(parameter, mode, state); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during fetching tracks from SoundCloud."); } }
public async Task FetchIdTestAsync() { await SoundCloudHelper.ValidateClientIdAsync(_restClient) .ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.IsNotNull(SoundCloudHelper.ClientId); }
public async void SearchTracks() { try { List <SoundCloudTrack> searchResult = await SoundCloudHelper.SearchTracks(TextToSearch, 50); Tracks.Clear(); foreach (var result in searchResult) { Tracks.Add(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during searching tracks."); } }
protected async void PlayLikes() { try { var userLikes = LikeService.GetLikes(; if (userLikes.Count > 0) { List <SoundCloudTrack> likedTracks = new List <SoundCloudTrack>(); List <LikeToDisplay> likesToDelete = new List <LikeToDisplay>(); foreach (var like in userLikes) { var track = await SoundCloudHelper.GetSoundCloudTrack(like.TrackID); if (track != null) { likedTracks.Add(track); } else { likesToDelete.Add(like); } } App.PlaylistManager.PlayTracks(likedTracks); if (likesToDelete.Count > 0) { foreach (var likeToDelete in likesToDelete) { LikeService.DeleteLike(; } throw new SoundCloudTrackNotAvailableException($"Some of your tracks were deleted from likes, because they were no longer available on SoundCloud", likesToDelete.Select(l => l.TrackID).ToList()); } } } catch (SoundCloudTrackNotAvailableException ex) { Logger.LogWarning(this, ex.Message); ShowWarningMessage(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during playing liked tracks."); } }
private async Task <string> UploadToSoundCloudAsync() { _cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); _cts.Token.Register(OnUploadCanceled); _scProgress = new Progress <SoundCloudUploadProgressChangedEventArgs>(OnSoundCloudUploadProgress); _cts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var status = await SoundCloudHelper.GetSessionStatusAsync(); if (status != SoundCloudSessionStatus.Connected) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connected."); } var link = await SoundCloudHelper.UploadFileAsync(_memo.Title, _memo.AudioFile, _memo.AudioFormat == "MP3"? "audio/x-mpeg" : "audio/x-wav", _cts.Token, _scProgress); return(link); }
private async void SearchViewModel_SearchQueryChangedEvent() { try { if (textToSearch.Length > 2) { SearchQuery.Clear(); List <SoundCloudTrack> searchResult = await SoundCloudHelper.SearchTracks(textToSearch, 50); foreach (var result in searchResult) { SearchQuery.Add(result.title); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during searching tracks."); } }
public async Task GetTracks() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedGenre) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedKind)) { try { Tracks.Clear(); var tempTracks = await SoundCloudHelper.GetTracksByKindAndGenre(KindsDictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == SelectedKind).Key, GenresDictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == SelectedGenre).Key); foreach (var track in tempTracks) { Tracks.Add(track); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during fetching tracks from SoundCloud."); } } }
private async void GetLikes() { try { var likesTrackIDs = LikeService.GetLikes( => l.TrackID).ToList(); if (likesTrackIDs.Count > 0) { foreach (var trackID in likesTrackIDs) { var track = await SoundCloudHelper.GetSoundCloudTrack(trackID); Likes.Add(track); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during getting licked tracks."); } }
public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary <string, object> suspensionState) { try { HelloUserText = $"Hello, {App.User.username}"; var recentlyPopularTracks = (from th in TrackHistoryService.GetTracksHistory(, 250) group th by th.TrackID into g select new { TrackID = g.Key, TrackCount = g.Count() }).Take(5); foreach (var track in recentlyPopularTracks) { var t = await SoundCloudHelper.GetSoundCloudTrack(track.TrackID); RecentlyPopularTracks.Add(t); } await Task.CompletedTask; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(this, ex.Message); ShowErrorMessage("There was an error during fetching your recently popular tracks."); } }
private void SoundCloudLogout() { SoundCloudHelper.Logout(); _soundCloudSessionStatus = SoundCloudSessionStatus.NotConnected; SoundCloudStatusText = AppResources.AccountDisconnectedStatusText; }