public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if ( && !owner.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.MotherSlime) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } // A cooldown of 20 seconds (1200 ticks) - 1 second per soul stack (minimum of 720 ticks/12 seconds). float summonCooldown = 1260 - (60 *[0]); // Spawn a new mini slime. if (Main.myPlayer == projectile.owner &&[1]++ >= summonCooldown) { int damage = (int)(20 +[0] * 2); Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(7) - 3, -4); Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, velocity, ProjectileType <MiniSlimeProj>(), damage, .2f, owner.whoAmI);[1] = 0; } // Apply gravity. projectile.velocity.Y += .2f; // Animate projectile. if (projectile.frameCounter++ >= 10) { projectile.frameCounter = 0; projectile.frame = (projectile.frame + 1) % Main.projFrames[projectile.type]; } return(false); }
public override bool SoulUpdate(Player p, short stack) { SoulPlayer sp = p.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); sp.cyanBeetleSoul = !sp.cyanBeetleSoul; return(true); }
public override bool SoulUpdate(Player p, short stack) { SoulPlayer sp = p.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); sp.preHurtModifier += ModifyHit; return(true); }
public override bool SoulUpdate(Player p, short stack) { SoulPlayer sp = p.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); float modifier = .0025f; if (stack >= 3) { modifier += 0.0025f; } if (stack >= 6) { modifier += 0.0025f; } if (stack >= 9) { modifier += 0.0025f; } sp.soulDropModifier[0] += modifier; sp.soulDropModifier[1] += modifier; sp.soulDropModifier[2] += modifier; return(true); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); soulSlots[0].SetSoulReference(sp.RedSoul, false); soulSlots[1].SetSoulReference(sp.BlueSoul, false); soulSlots[2].SetSoulReference(sp.YellowSoul, false); }
public override void GrabRange(Item item, Player player, ref int grabRange) { SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (sp.poltergeistSoul == true) { grabRange += sp.YellowSoulNet.stack * 3; } }
private void SoulSlotRightClick(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement e) { if (!(e is SoulIndexUISoulSlot slot) || slot.soulReference == null) { return; } SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); sp.activeSouls[sp.activeSoulConfig, (int)slot.soulType].soulNPC = 0; }
private void PresetButtonLeftClick(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement e) { SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (this.presetIndex >= sp.activeSouls.GetLength(0)) { return; } sp.activeSoulConfig = this.presetIndex; sp.UpdateActiveSoulData(); }
/// <summary> /// Triggers on pickup. Checks if a corresponding soul exists and sets that soul as acquired. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The player that interacts with this item.</param> /// <returns>Always returns false. This item is not actually added to the players' inventory.</returns> public override bool OnPickup(Player player) { SoulPlayer sp = player.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (MysticHunter.Instance.SoulDict.TryGetValue(soulNPC, out BaseSoul soul)) { Color c = Color.Red; if (soul.soulType == SoulType.Blue) { c = Color.Blue; } else if (soul.soulType == SoulType.Yellow) { c = Color.Yellow; } if (!sp.UnlockedSouls.ContainsKey(soulNPC)) { sp.UnlockedSouls.Add(soulNPC, 0); } if (!sp.HasMaxSouls(soulNPC)) { // Display a message in chat. Main.NewText($"You collected your {numberList[sp.UnlockedSouls[soulNPC]]} {soul.SoulNPCName()} soul.", c); // Increase the stack for this soul. sp.UnlockedSouls[soulNPC]++; // Update the local player soul data and UI. sp.UpdateActiveSoulData(); SoulManager.ReloadSoulIndexUI(); // Emit a sound a particle effect. Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/SoulPickup"), player.Center); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Dust d = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(player.position, player.width, player.height, DustID.AncientLight, 0f, 0f, 255, c, Main.rand.Next(20, 26) * 0.1f)]; d.noLight = true; d.noGravity = true; d.velocity *= 0.5f; } } } else { // Debug message for when a soul with the given `soulDataID` cannot be found. Main.NewText("Soul with ID '" + soulNPC + "' cannot be found."); } return(false); }
public override void AI() { Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = player.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (!player.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.ElfCopter) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } if (Main.myPlayer == projectile.owner && shootTimer++ >= 120) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; ++i) { if (Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy(projectile) && Collision.CanHitLine(projectile.Center, 1, 1, Main.npc[i].Center, 1, 1)) { Vector2 newProjVelocity = Vector2.Normalize(Main.npc[i].Center - projectile.Center) * 8; Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, newProjVelocity, ProjectileID.Bullet, projectile.damage, 1f, projectile.owner); shootTimer = -20; return; } } shootTimer = 0; } if (shootTimer < 0) { if (projectile.frameCounter++ >= 5) { projectile.frame = (projectile.frame + 1) % Main.projFrames[projectile.type]; } if (projectile.frame < 4) { projectile.frame = 4; } } else { if (projectile.frame > 3) { projectile.frame = 0; } } }
private void SetSoulSlot(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement e) { if (!(e is SoulIndexUISoulSlot slot)) { return; } int soulIndex = (int)slot.soulReference.soulType; SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); // TODO: Eldrazi - Maybe change the sound? Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item37); sp.activeSouls[sp.activeSoulConfig, soulIndex].soulNPC = slot.soulReference.soulNPC; sp.UpdateActiveSoulData(); }
public override void PostUpdate(Player player) { SoulPlayer sp = player.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (!sp.seaSnailSoul) { return; } player.statDefense += sp.BlueSoulNet.stack; player.thorns += (.15f + .05f * sp.BlueSoulNet.stack); if (sp.seaSnailAnimationCounter < 24) { sp.seaSnailAnimationCounter++; } }
public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); // Check to see if the NPC should still be alive. if ( && !owner.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.GraniteFlyer) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } if (projectile.localAI[1] == 0) { SpawnDust(); projectile.localAI[1] = 1; } // Start calculating the correct position of the elemental. Vector2 newPos = owner.Center + new Vector2(0, 4); // We calculate the new position of the NPC based on its given index ([1]) and a timer/counter which makes it rotate constantly ([2]). newPos.X += (float)Math.Cos((MathHelper.TwoPi /[1]) *[0] + projectile.localAI[0]) * 50; newPos.Y += (float)Math.Sin((MathHelper.TwoPi /[1]) *[0] + projectile.localAI[0]) * 50; projectile.Center = newPos; projectile.localAI[0] += .035f; // Hit check. if (owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; ++i) { if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].hostile && projectile.Hitbox.Intersects(Main.projectile[i].Hitbox)) { BlockProjectile(Main.projectile[i]); } } } // Animation. if (projectile.frameCounter++ >= 6) { projectile.frame = (projectile.frame + 1) % 12; projectile.frameCounter = 0; } return(false); } //SoundID.NPCHit7
public override void ExtractinatorUse(int extractType, ref int resultType, ref int resultStack) { SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (sp.undeadMinerSoul) { int amount = 1; int stack = sp.UnlockedSouls[sp.YellowSoul.soulNPC]; if (stack >= 5) { amount++; } if (stack >= 9) { amount++; } resultStack += amount; } }
public override void Action(CommandCaller caller, string input, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { throw new UsageException("Must provide at least one argument."); } if (!short.TryParse(args[0], out short type)) { throw new UsageException(args[0] + " is not an short."); } if (type > Main.maxNPCTypes) { throw new UsageException(args[0] + " is not a valid NPC type."); } byte stack; if (args.Length > 1) { if (!byte.TryParse(args[1], out stack)) { stack = 1; } } else { stack = 1; } SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (sp.UnlockedSouls.ContainsKey(type)) { if (sp.UnlockedSouls[type] < stack) { stack = sp.UnlockedSouls[type]; } sp.UnlockedSouls[type] -= stack; } }
public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if ( && !owner.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.DeadlySphere) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } float swarmAcceleration = 0.05f; for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; ++i) { bool isSame = Main.projectile[i].type == projectile.type; if (i != projectile.whoAmI && Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].owner == projectile.owner && isSame && Math.Abs(projectile.position.X - Main.projectile[i].position.X) + Math.Abs(projectile.position.Y - Main.projectile[i].position.Y) < (float)projectile.width) { if (projectile.position.X < Main.projectile[i].position.X) { projectile.velocity.X -= swarmAcceleration; } else { projectile.velocity.X += swarmAcceleration; } if (projectile.position.Y < Main.projectile[i].position.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y -= swarmAcceleration; } else { projectile.velocity.Y += swarmAcceleration; } } } return(true); }
public void ReloadList() { this.Clear(); SoulPlayer sp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); foreach (short key in sp.UnlockedSouls.Keys) { if (!MysticHunter.Instance.SoulDict.TryGetValue(key, out BaseSoul value) || value.soulType != filter) { continue; } SoulIndexUISoulSlot newSoulSlot = new SoulIndexUISoulSlot(value); newSoulSlot.Width.Pixels = this.Width.Pixels / 2 - 12; newSoulSlot.OnClick += SetSoulSlot; newSoulSlot.OnMouseOver += SetDescriptionPanelContent; newSoulSlot.OnMouseOut += ResetDescriptionPanelContent; this.Add(newSoulSlot); } }
public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if ( && !owner.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.StardustJellyfishBig) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; ++i) { if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].owner == projectile.owner && Main.projectile[i].type == projectile.type) { Vector2 directionToOther = projectile.Center - Main.projectile[i].Center; if (directionToOther.HasNaNs() || directionToOther == Vector2.Zero) { directionToOther = -Vector2.UnitY; } if (directionToOther.Length() <= projectile.width * 2) { projectile.velocity += Vector2.Normalize(directionToOther) * 0.05f; } } } if ([1] == 0) {[1] = 1; bodyParts = new BodyPart[bodyLength]; for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.Length; ++i) { bodyParts[i] = new BodyPart(projectile.position); } } else { Vector2 targetPosition = owner.Center; // Searching for a target. if ( == 255) { float distance = maxTargetingDistance; for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; ++i) { if (Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy(projectile)) { float d = Vector2.Distance(Main.npc[i].Center, owner.Center); if (d <= distance) { target = i; distance = d; projectile.netUpdate = true; } } } } else { if (!Main.npc[target].active || Vector2.Distance(Main.npc[target].Center, owner.Center) > maxTargetingDistance * 2) { = 255; } else { targetPosition = Main.npc[target].Center; } } // Calculate desired velocity towards target. Vector2 projectileCenter = new Vector2((int)(projectile.Center.X / 16) * 16, (int)(projectile.Center.Y / 16) * 16); targetPosition = new Vector2((int)(targetPosition.X / 16) * 16, (int)(targetPosition.Y / 16) * 16); targetPosition = Vector2.Normalize(targetPosition - projectileCenter) * speed; if ( != 255) { targetPosition *= 2; } else { if ((projectile.position - owner.position).Length() >= 800) { DustEffect(); projectile.position = owner.Center + new Vector2(Main.rand.NextFloat(-1, 1) * 60, Main.rand.NextFloat(-1, 1) * 60); DustEffect(); } } // Update velocity. if (Math.Sign(projectile.velocity.X) == Math.Sign(targetPosition.X) || Math.Sign(projectile.velocity.Y) == Math.Sign(targetPosition.Y)) { if (projectile.velocity.X < targetPosition.X) { projectile.velocity.X += acceleration; } else if (projectile.velocity.X > targetPosition.X) { projectile.velocity.X -= acceleration; } if (projectile.velocity.Y < targetPosition.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y += acceleration; } else if (projectile.velocity.Y > targetPosition.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y -= acceleration; } if (Math.Abs(targetPosition.Y) < speed * .2f && ((projectile.velocity.X > 0 && targetPosition.X < 0) || (projectile.velocity.X < 0 && targetPosition.X > 0))) { if (projectile.velocity.Y > 0) { projectile.velocity.Y += acceleration * 2f; } else { projectile.velocity.Y -= acceleration * 2; } } if (Math.Abs(targetPosition.X) < speed * .2 && ((projectile.velocity.Y > 0 && targetPosition.Y < 0) || (projectile.velocity.Y < 0 && targetPosition.Y > 0))) { if (projectile.velocity.X > 0) { projectile.velocity.X += acceleration * .2f; } else { projectile.velocity.X -= acceleration * .2f; } } } else if (Math.Abs(targetPosition.X) > Math.Abs(targetPosition.Y)) { if (projectile.velocity.X < targetPosition.X) { projectile.velocity.X += acceleration * 1.1f; } else if (projectile.velocity.X > targetPosition.X) { projectile.velocity.X -= acceleration * 1.1f; } if (Math.Abs(projectile.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(projectile.velocity.Y) < speed * .5f) { if (projectile.velocity.Y > 0) { projectile.velocity.Y += acceleration; } else { projectile.velocity.Y -= acceleration; } } } else { if (projectile.velocity.Y < targetPosition.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y += acceleration * 1.1f; } else if (projectile.velocity.Y > targetPosition.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y -= acceleration * 1.1f; } if (Math.Abs(projectile.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(projectile.velocity.Y) < speed * .5f) { if (projectile.velocity.X > 0) { projectile.velocity.X += acceleration; } else { projectile.velocity.X -= acceleration; } } } UpdateBodyParts(); } projectile.rotation = projectile.velocity.ToRotation() + MathHelper.PiOver2; return(false); }
public override void PostUpdate(Player player) { SoulPlayer sp = player.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if (sp.eocSoulDash && dashTime > 0) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)(player.position.X + player.velocity.X * 0.5 - 4.0), (int)(player.position.Y + player.velocity.Y * 0.5 - 4.0), player.width + 8, player.height + 8); for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; ++i) { NPC npc = Main.npc[i]; if ( && !npc.dontTakeDamage && !npc.friendly) { Rectangle rect = npc.getRect(); if (rectangle.Intersects(rect) && (npc.noTileCollide || player.CanHit(npc))) { bool crit = false; float knockback = 9f; float damage = (25 + 3 * sp.UnlockedSouls[this.soulNPC]) * player.meleeDamage; if (player.kbGlove) { knockback *= 2; } if (player.kbBuff) { knockback *= 1.5f; } if (Main.rand.Next(100) < player.meleeCrit) { crit = true; } int dir = player.direction; if (player.velocity.X < 0) { dir = -1; } if (player.velocity.X > 0) { dir = 1; } if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { player.ApplyDamageToNPC(npc, (int)damage, knockback, dir, crit); } // Make sure the EoC shield dash doesn't stack. player.eocDash = 10; player.dashDelay = 30; player.immune = true; player.immuneNoBlink = true; player.immuneTime = 4; } } } } if (dashTime > 0) { dashTime--; if (dashTime <= 0) { player.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>().eocSoulDash = false; } } }
public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); if ( && !owner.dead && sp.BlueSoulNet.soulNPC == NPCID.SolarCrawltipedeHead) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } // Projectile state management. float maxSpeed = .25f; Vector2 targetPosition = Vector2.Zero; // Projectile state: Idle. if ([0] == -1) { maxSpeed = 1; // Default position right above the player's head. targetPosition.X = owner.position.X + (owner.width / 2) * projectile.scale; targetPosition.Y = owner.position.Y - 20; if (++randomIdleRotationTimer >= 60) { randomIdleRotationTimer = 0; projectile.localAI[0] = Main.rand.NextFloat(-MathHelper.PiOver4, MathHelper.PiOver4); } //projectile.rotation = (float)(owner.direction == -1 ? Math.PI : 0) - MathHelper.PiOver2; projectile.rotation = MathHelper.Lerp(projectile.rotation, (owner.direction == -1 ? MathHelper.Pi : 0) + projectile.localAI[0] - MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.05f); if (projectile.direction != -owner.direction) { projectile.direction = -owner.direction; projectile.rotation += MathHelper.Pi * projectile.direction; } // Projectile target acquisition. if ([1] >= 120) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; ++i) { if (Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy(projectile) && Vector2.Distance(owner.Center, Main.npc[i].Center) <= TailLength) {[0] = i;[1] = 0; projectile.netUpdate = true; break; } } } } // Projectile state: target acquired. else { // Check if target NPC is still alive and in-range. NPC target = Main.npc[(int)[0]]; if (Main.myPlayer == projectile.owner && (! || Vector2.Distance(owner.Center, target.Center) > TailLength)) {[0] = -1; projectile.netUpdate = true; return(false); } targetPosition = target.Center; projectile.rotation = (targetPosition - projectile.Center).ToRotation() - MathHelper.PiOver2; } // Teleport in case there's too much distance between projectile and owner. if (Vector2.Distance(projectile.Center, owner.Center) > TailLength * 1.5f) { Vector2 teleportDir = Vector2.Normalize(owner.Center - projectile.Center); projectile.Center = owner.Center + teleportDir * (TailLength * .75f); projectile.netUpdate = true; } targetPosition -= projectile.Center; targetPosition *= (maxSpeed / TailLength) * targetPosition.Length(); projectile.velocity = targetPosition; projectile.spriteDirection = -projectile.direction; return(false); }
public override bool PreAI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; SoulPlayer sp = owner.GetModPlayer <SoulPlayer>(); // Check to see if the NPC should still be alive. if ( && !owner.dead && sp.RedSoulNet.soulNPC != NPCID.EaterofSouls) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } bool hasTarget = true; NPC target = Main.npc[targetIndex]; if (!target.CanBeChasedBy() || Vector2.Distance(projectile.Center, target.Center) > maxTargetingDistance) { TargetClosestNPC(); target = Main.npc[targetIndex]; if (targetIndex == 0) { hasTarget = false; } } Vector2 targetPosition = owner.Center; if (hasTarget) { targetPosition = target.Center; } // Calculate position relative to target and move accordingly. Vector2 direction = ((targetPosition / 8) * 8) - ((projectile.Center / 8) * 8); float length = direction.Length(); // direction vector normalization with speed parameter. if (length != 0) { direction *= (speed / length); } // If the projectile does not have a target, make sure it can follow the player properly. if (!hasTarget && !Collision.CanHitLine(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, owner.position, owner.width, owner.height)) { projectile.tileCollide = false; } // If it *does* have a target but is set to not collide with tiles, takes proper measurements. else if (projectile.tileCollide == false) { if (!Collision.SolidCollision(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height)) { projectile.tileCollide = true; } } if (length > 100f) { if ([0]++ > 0f) { projectile.velocity.Y += .023f; } else { projectile.velocity.Y -= .023f; } if ([0] < -100f ||[0] > 100f) { projectile.velocity.X += .023f; } else { projectile.velocity.X -= .023f; } if ([0] > 200f) {[0] = -200f; } } if (length < 150f) { projectile.velocity.X += direction.X * .007f; projectile.velocity.Y += direction.Y * .007f; } // Set velocity accordingly. if (projectile.velocity.X < direction.X) { projectile.velocity.X += acceleration; } else if (projectile.velocity.X > direction.X) { projectile.velocity.X -= acceleration; } if (projectile.velocity.Y < direction.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y += acceleration; } else if (projectile.velocity.Y > direction.Y) { projectile.velocity.Y -= acceleration; } // Set the correct rotation for the projectile. projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.Y, direction.X) - MathHelper.PiOver2; // Netupdate if the velocity has changed 'dramatically'. if ((projectile.velocity.X > 0f && projectile.oldVelocity.X < 0f) || (projectile.velocity.X < 0f && projectile.oldVelocity.X > 0f) || (projectile.velocity.Y > 0f && projectile.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) || (projectile.velocity.Y < 0f && projectile.oldVelocity.Y > 0f)) { projectile.netUpdate = true; } // Spawn some fancy particles. if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Dust d = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y + projectile.height * 0.25f),