/// <summary>
        /// Performs a delayed init on the sent list of sosigs. If a sosig fails to init, any character using that sosig will be removed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sosigs"></param>
        private static void InitSosigs(List <SosigTemplate> sosigs)
            for (int i = 0; i < sosigs.Count; i++)
                SosigTemplate sosig = sosigs[i];

                catch (Exception e)
                    TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("TNHTweaker -- Failed to load sosig: " + sosig.DisplayName + ". Error Output:\n" + e.ToString());

                    //Find any characters that use this sosig, and remove them
                    for (int j = 0; j < LoadedTemplateManager.LoadedCharactersDict.Values.Count; j++)
                        //This is probably monsterously inefficient, but if you're at this point you're already f****d :)
                        KeyValuePair <TNH_CharacterDef, CustomCharacter> value_pair = LoadedTemplateManager.LoadedCharactersDict.ToList()[j];

                        if (value_pair.Value.CharacterUsesSosig(sosig.SosigEnemyID))
                            TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("TNHTweaker -- Removing character that used removed sosig: " + value_pair.Value.DisplayName);
                            j -= 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a custom SosigTemplate object, and adds it to the necessary dictionaries. This method assumes that you are sending a template for a custom sosig, and that it should be given a new the SosigEnemyID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">A template for a custom sosig (Loaded at runtime)</param>
        public static void AddSosigTemplate(SosigTemplate template)
            SosigEnemyTemplate realTemplate = template.GetSosigEnemyTemplate();

            //Since this template is for a custom sosig, we should give it a brand new SosigEnemyID
            if (!SosigIDDict.ContainsKey(template.SosigEnemyID))
                SosigIDDict.Add(template.SosigEnemyID, NewSosigID);
                NewSosigID += 1;
                TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("TNHTweaker -- Loaded sosig had same SosigEnemyID as another sosig -- SosigEnemyID : " + template.SosigEnemyID);

            //Now fill out the SosigEnemyIDs values for the real sosig template (These will effectively be ints, but this is ok since enums are just ints in disguise)
            realTemplate.SosigEnemyID = (SosigEnemyID)SosigIDDict[template.SosigEnemyID];

            //Finally add the templates to our global dictionary
            LoadedSosigsDict.Add(realTemplate, template);

            TNHTweakerLogger.Log("TNHTweaker -- Sosig added successfuly : " + template.DisplayName, TNHTweakerLogger.LogType.Character);
        //TODO To choose spawn based on IFF, we need to basically generate spawn points on our own in this method!
        public static TNH_Manager.SosigPatrolSquad GeneratePatrol(TNH_Manager instance, Patrol patrol, List <Vector3> SpawnPoints, List <Vector3> ForwardVectors, List <Vector3> PatrolPoints, int patrolIndex)
            TNH_Manager.SosigPatrolSquad squad = new TNH_Manager.SosigPatrolSquad();
            squad.PatrolPoints = new List <Vector3>(PatrolPoints);

            for (int i = 0; i < patrol.PatrolSize && i < SpawnPoints.Count; i++)
                SosigEnemyTemplate template;

                bool allowAllWeapons;

                //If this is a boss, then we can only spawn it once, so add it to the list of spawned bosses
                if (patrol.IsBoss)

                //Select a sosig template from the custom character patrol
                if (i == 0)
                    template        = IM.Instance.odicSosigObjsByID[(SosigEnemyID)LoadedTemplateManager.SosigIDDict[patrol.LeaderType]];
                    allowAllWeapons = true;

                    template        = IM.Instance.odicSosigObjsByID[(SosigEnemyID)LoadedTemplateManager.SosigIDDict[patrol.EnemyType.GetRandom()]];
                    allowAllWeapons = false;

                CustomCharacter character      = LoadedTemplateManager.LoadedCharactersDict[instance.C];
                SosigTemplate   customTemplate = LoadedTemplateManager.LoadedSosigsDict[template];
                FVRObject       droppedObject  = instance.Prefab_HealthPickupMinor;

                //If squad is set to swarm, the first point they path to should be the players current position
                Sosig sosig;
                if (patrol.SwarmPlayer)
                    squad.PatrolPoints[0] = GM.CurrentPlayerBody.transform.position;
                    sosig = SpawnEnemy(customTemplate, character, SpawnPoints[i], Quaternion.LookRotation(ForwardVectors[i], Vector3.up), instance.AI_Difficulty, patrol.IFFUsed, true, squad.PatrolPoints[0], allowAllWeapons);
                    sosig = SpawnEnemy(customTemplate, character, SpawnPoints[i], Quaternion.LookRotation(ForwardVectors[i], Vector3.up), instance.AI_Difficulty, patrol.IFFUsed, true, squad.PatrolPoints[0], allowAllWeapons);

                //Handle patrols dropping health
                if (i == 0 && UnityEngine.Random.value < patrol.DropChance)


        public void LoadAsset(SetupStage stage, Mod mod, IHandle handle)
            if (handle is not IFileHandle file)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not load sosig! Make sure you're pointing to a sosig template json file in the manifest");

                SosigTemplate sosig = stage.ImmediateReaders.Get <JToken>()(file).ToObject <SosigTemplate>();
                TNHTweakerLogger.Log("TNHTweaker -- Sosig loaded successfuly : " + sosig.DisplayName, TNHTweakerLogger.LogType.File);

            catch (Exception e)
                TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("Failed to load setup assets for sosig file! Caused Error: " + e.ToString());
        public static void AddSosigTemplate(SosigEnemyTemplate realTemplate)
            SosigTemplate template = new SosigTemplate(realTemplate);

            //This template is from a sogig that already has a valid SosigEnemyID, so we can just add that to the dictionary casted as an int
            if (!SosigIDDict.ContainsKey(template.SosigEnemyID))
                SosigIDDict.Add(template.SosigEnemyID, (int)realTemplate.SosigEnemyID);
                TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("TNHTweaker -- Loaded sosig had same SosigEnemyID as another sosig -- SosigEnemyID : " + template.SosigEnemyID);

            //Since the real template already had a valid SosigEnemyID, we can skip the part where we reassign them
            LoadedSosigsDict.Add(realTemplate, template);

            TNHTweakerLogger.Log("TNHTweaker -- Sosig added successfuly : " + template.DisplayName, TNHTweakerLogger.LogType.Character);
Пример #6
        public static void CreateDefaultSosigTemplateFiles(List <SosigEnemyTemplate> sosigs, string path)
                TNHTweakerLogger.Log("TNHTweaker -- Creating default sosig template files", TNHTweakerLogger.LogType.File);

                path = path + "/DefaultSosigTemplates";

                if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                foreach (SosigEnemyTemplate template in sosigs)
                    if (File.Exists(path + "/" + template.SosigEnemyID + ".json"))
                        File.Delete(path + "/" + template.SosigEnemyID + ".json");

                    // Create a new file
                    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path + "/" + template.SosigEnemyID + ".json"))
                        SosigTemplate sosig           = new SosigTemplate(template);
                        string        characterString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sosig, Formatting.Indented, new StringEnumConverter());

            catch (Exception ex)
        public static Sosig SpawnEnemy(SosigTemplate template, CustomCharacter character, Vector3 spawnLocation, Quaternion spawnRotation, TNHModifier_AIDifficulty difficulty, int IFF, bool isAssault, Vector3 pointOfInterest, bool allowAllWeapons)
            if (character.ForceAllAgentWeapons)
                allowAllWeapons = true;

            TNHTweakerLogger.Log("TNHTWEAKER -- Spawning sosig: " + template.SosigEnemyID, TNHTweakerLogger.LogType.TNH);

            //Create the sosig object
            GameObject sosigPrefab    = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(IM.OD[template.SosigPrefabs.GetRandom <string>()].GetGameObject(), spawnLocation, spawnRotation);
            Sosig      sosigComponent = sosigPrefab.GetComponentInChildren <Sosig>();

            //Fill out the sosigs config based on the difficulty
            SosigConfig config;

            if (difficulty == TNHModifier_AIDifficulty.Arcade && template.ConfigsEasy.Count > 0)
                config = template.ConfigsEasy.GetRandom <SosigConfig>();
            else if (template.Configs.Count > 0)
                config = template.Configs.GetRandom <SosigConfig>();
                TNHTweakerLogger.LogError("TNHTweaker -- Sosig did not have normal difficulty config when playing on normal difficulty! Not spawning this enemy!");


            //Setup the sosigs inventory

            //Equip the sosigs weapons
            if (template.WeaponOptions.Count > 0)
                GameObject weaponPrefab = IM.OD[template.WeaponOptions.GetRandom <string>()].GetGameObject();
                EquipSosigWeapon(sosigComponent, weaponPrefab, difficulty);

            if (template.WeaponOptionsSecondary.Count > 0 && allowAllWeapons && template.SecondaryChance >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                GameObject weaponPrefab = IM.OD[template.WeaponOptionsSecondary.GetRandom <string>()].GetGameObject();
                EquipSosigWeapon(sosigComponent, weaponPrefab, difficulty);

            if (template.WeaponOptionsTertiary.Count > 0 && allowAllWeapons && template.TertiaryChance >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                GameObject weaponPrefab = IM.OD[template.WeaponOptionsTertiary.GetRandom <string>()].GetGameObject();
                EquipSosigWeapon(sosigComponent, weaponPrefab, difficulty);

            //Equip clothing to the sosig
            OutfitConfig outfitConfig = template.OutfitConfigs.GetRandom <OutfitConfig>();

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Headwear >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Headwear, sosigComponent.Links[0], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllHead);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Facewear >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Facewear, sosigComponent.Links[0], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllFace);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Eyewear >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Eyewear, sosigComponent.Links[0], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllEye);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Torsowear >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Torsowear, sosigComponent.Links[1], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllTorso);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Pantswear >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Pantswear, sosigComponent.Links[2], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllPants);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Pantswear_Lower >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Pantswear_Lower, sosigComponent.Links[3], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllPantsLower);

            if (outfitConfig.Chance_Backpacks >= UnityEngine.Random.value)
                EquipSosigClothing(outfitConfig.Backpacks, sosigComponent.Links[1], outfitConfig.ForceWearAllBackpacks);

            //Setup the sosigs orders
            if (isAssault)
                sosigComponent.CurrentOrder  = Sosig.SosigOrder.Assault;
                sosigComponent.FallbackOrder = Sosig.SosigOrder.Assault;
                sosigComponent.CurrentOrder  = Sosig.SosigOrder.Wander;
                sosigComponent.FallbackOrder = Sosig.SosigOrder.Wander;
                sosigComponent.CommandGuardPoint(pointOfInterest, true);

            //Handle sosig dropping custom loot
            if (UnityEngine.Random.value < template.DroppedLootChance && template.DroppedObjectPool != null)
                SosigLinkLootWrapper component = sosigComponent.Links[2].gameObject.AddComponent <SosigLinkLootWrapper>();
                component.shouldDropOnCleanup = !character.DisableCleanupSosigDrops;
                component.group = template.DroppedObjectPool;

 public static Sosig SpawnEnemy(SosigTemplate template, CustomCharacter character, Transform spawnLocation, TNHModifier_AIDifficulty difficulty, int IFF, bool isAssault, Vector3 pointOfInterest, bool allowAllWeapons)
     return(SpawnEnemy(template, character, spawnLocation.position, spawnLocation.rotation, difficulty, IFF, isAssault, pointOfInterest, allowAllWeapons));
Пример #9
        public static void RemoveUnloadedObjectIDs(SosigTemplate template)
            //Loop through all outfit configs and remove any clothing objects that don't exist
            foreach (OutfitConfig config in template.OutfitConfigs)
                for (int i = 0; i < config.Headwear.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Headwear[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Headwear[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Headwear.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Headwear = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Facewear.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Facewear[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Facewear[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Facewear.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Facewear = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Eyewear.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Eyewear[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Eyewear[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Eyewear.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Eyewear = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Torsowear.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Torsowear[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Torsowear[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Torsowear.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Torsowear = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Pantswear.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Pantswear[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Pantswear[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Pantswear.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Pantswear = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Pantswear_Lower.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Pantswear_Lower[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Pantswear_Lower[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Pantswear_Lower.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Pantswear_Lower = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < config.Backpacks.Count; i++)
                    if (!IM.OD.ContainsKey(config.Backpacks[i]))
                        TNHTweakerLogger.LogWarning("TNHTweaker -- Clothing item not loaded, removing it from clothing config! ObjectID : " + config.Backpacks[i]);
                        i -= 1;
                if (config.Backpacks.Count == 0)
                    config.Chance_Backpacks = 0;