public void RollbackChangesToAFile() { string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: false)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> editor = table.BeginEdit()) { key.TimestampAsDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); key.PointID = 234; value.AsString = "Add Me"; editor.AddPoint(key, value); editor.Commit(); } using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> editor = table.BeginEdit()) { key.Timestamp = 31; value.AsString = "But Not Me"; editor.AddPoint(key, value); editor.Rollback(); //These changes will not be written to the disk } } ReadDataFromAFile(); }
public void EnduranceTest() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> target = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory().OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { for (uint x = 0; x < 100; x++) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> fileEditor = target.BeginEdit()) { for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { key.Timestamp = x; key.PointID = x; value.Value1 = x; value.Value3 = x; fileEditor.AddPoint(key, value); x++; } fileEditor.Commit(); } Assert.AreEqual(target.FirstKey.Timestamp, 0); Assert.AreEqual(target.LastKey.Timestamp, x - 1); } } }
public void WriteFile() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); if (File.Exists("c:\\temp\\ArchiveTestFileBig.d2")) { File.Delete("c:\\temp\\ArchiveTestFileBig.d2"); } //using (var af = ArchiveFile.CreateInMemory(CompressionMethod.TimeSeriesEncoded)) using (SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateFile("c:\\temp\\ArchiveTestFileBig.d2")) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af2 = af.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { Random r = new Random(3); for (ulong v1 = 1; v1 < 36; v1++) { using (var edit = af2.BeginEdit()) { for (ulong v2 = 1; v2 < 86000; v2++) { key.Timestamp = v1 * 2342523; key.PointID = v2; value.Value1 = (ulong)r.Next(); value.Value3 = 0; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); } af2.Count(); } af2.Count(); } }
public void GetDifference() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Bucket Number, Count"); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Unison\GPA\Codeplex\openHistorian\Main\Build\Output\Release\Applications\openHistorian\Archive\635293583194231435-Stage2-0ef36dcc-4264-498f-b194-01b2043a9231.d2", true)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader = table.BeginRead()) using (SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scan = reader.GetTreeScanner()) { HistorianKey key1 = new HistorianKey(); HistorianKey key2 = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); int count = 0; scan.SeekToStart(); while (scan.Read(key1, value)) { count++; } int[] bucket = new int[130]; scan.SeekToStart(); while (true) { if (!scan.Read(key1, value)) { break; } if (key1.Timestamp == key2.Timestamp) { int diff = Math.Abs((int)(key1.PointID - key2.PointID)); diff = Math.Min(129, diff); bucket[diff]++; } if (!scan.Read(key2, value)) { break; } if (key1.Timestamp == key2.Timestamp) { int diff = Math.Abs((int)(key1.PointID - key2.PointID)); diff = Math.Min(129, diff); bucket[diff]++; } } for (uint x = 0; x < bucket.Length; x++) { sb.AppendLine(x.ToString() + "," + (bucket[x] / (double)count * 100.0).ToString("0.00")); } } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
public void TestSmall() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> file = af.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> edit = file.BeginEdit()) { for (int x = 0; x < 10000000; x++) { key.Timestamp = (ulong)x; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); } using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> read = file.BeginRead()) using (SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scan = read.GetTreeScanner()) { int count = 0; scan.SeekToStart(); while (scan.Read(key, value)) { count++; } System.Console.WriteLine(count.ToString()); } } }
SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> CreateTable() { SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(); SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding); return(table); }
public void TestBulkRolloverFile() { Stats.LookupKeys = 0; DiskIoSession.ReadCount = 0; DiskIoSession.WriteCount = 0; Stats.ChecksumCount = 0; DiskIoSession.Lookups = 0; DiskIoSession.CachedLookups = 0; long cnt; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); //using (SortedTreeTable<HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(4096).OpenOrCreateTable<HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(SortedTree.FixedSizeNode)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(blockSize: 4096).OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(HistorianFileEncodingDefinition.TypeGuid)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> edit = af.BeginEdit()) { edit.AddPoints(new PointStreamSequentialPoints(1, 20000000)); edit.Commit(); } sw.Stop(); cnt = af.Count(); System.Console.WriteLine(cnt); } System.Console.WriteLine((float)(20 / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); }
public void GetBits() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Higher Bits, Bucket Number, Count, FloatValue"); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Archive\635184227258021940-Stage2-8b835d6a-8299-45bb-9624-d4a470e4abe1.d2", true)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader = table.BeginRead()) using (SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scan = reader.GetTreeScanner()) { int count = 0; scan.SeekToStart(); while (scan.Read(key, value)) { count++; } for (int x = 1; x < 24; x++) { scan.SeekToStart(); int[] bucket = MeasureBits(scan, x); Write(sb, bucket, x, count); } } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
public void ReadDataFromAFile() { string fileName = @"c:\temp\Tulsa Bank 1 LTC 1.d2"; DateTime start = DateTime.Parse("4/17/2013 10:38 AM"); DateTime stop = DateTime.Parse("4/17/2013 10:38 AM"); HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (var file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: true)) using (var table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (var snapshot = table.BeginRead()) { var scanner = snapshot.GetTreeScanner(); var seekKey = new HistorianKey(); seekKey.TimestampAsDate = start; seekKey.PointID = 3142023; scanner.SeekToKey(seekKey); while (scanner.Read(key, value) && key.TimestampAsDate <= stop) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", key.TimestampAsDate.ToString(), key.PointID, value.AsString); } } }
public void TestFile() { // FilePath "C:\\Temp\\Historian\\635287587300536177-Stage1-d559e63e-d938-46a9-8d57-268f7c8ba194.d2" string //635329017197429979-Stage1-38887e11-4097-4937-b269-ce4037157691.d2 //using (var file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Temp\Historian\635287587300536177-Stage1-d559e63e-d938-46a9-8d57-268f7c8ba194.d2", true)) using (var file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Archive\635329017197429979-Stage1-38887e11-4097-4937-b269-ce4037157691.d2", true)) //using (var file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Temp\Historian\635255664136496199-Stage2-6e758046-b2af-40ff-ae4e-85cd0c0e4501.d2", true)) using (var table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (var reader = table.BeginRead()) { var scanner = reader.GetTreeScanner(); scanner.SeekToStart(); scanner.TestSequential().Count(); HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); int x = 0; scanner.Peek(key, value); while (scanner.Read(key, value) && x < 10000) { System.Console.WriteLine(key.PointID); x++; scanner.Peek(key, value); } scanner.Count(); } }
private void StartStream(object args) { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (HistorianClient client = new HistorianClient("", 54996)) using (ClientDatabaseBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> database = client.GetDatabase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(string.Empty)) { using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"H:\OGE 2009.d2", isReadOnly: true).OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> read = file.BeginRead()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scan = read.GetTreeScanner(); scan.SeekToStart(); long count = 0; while (scan.Read(key, value)) { count++; database.Write(key, value); if ((count % 10) == 1) { Thread.Sleep(1); } } } } } }
public void ReadFromAFileWhileWritingToIt() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: false)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> writer = table.BeginEdit()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader = table.BeginRead()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner = reader.GetTreeScanner(); scanner.SeekToStart(); while (scanner.Read(key, value)) { key.Timestamp++; value.Value1++; writer.AddPoint(key, value); } writer.Commit(); } } ReadDataFromAFile(); }
private void TestFile(int pageSize, string fileName) { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); key.Timestamp = 1; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af = SortedTreeFile.CreateFile(fileName, blockSize: pageSize).OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> edit = af.BeginEdit()) { for (uint x = 0; x < 1000000; x++) { key.PointID = x; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); } sw.Stop(); System.Console.WriteLine("Size: " + pageSize + " Rate: " + (1 / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).ToString()); }
public void TestCompressed() { int count = 10000000; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); using (SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) using (SortedTreeTable <AmiKey, AmiValue> table = af.OpenOrCreateTable <AmiKey, AmiValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <AmiKey, AmiValue> edit = table.BeginEdit()) { sw.Start(); AmiKey key = new AmiKey(); AmiValue value = new AmiValue(); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { key.Timestamp = (uint)x; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(af.ArchiveSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0); Console.WriteLine(count / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1000000); } } }
private TestResults TestRandom(int pageSize, uint count) { //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Random R = new Random(1); HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); DiskIoSession.ReadCount = 0; DiskIoSession.WriteCount = 0; Stats.ChecksumCount = 0; DiskIoSession.Lookups = 0; DiskIoSession.CachedLookups = 0; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); using (SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(blockSize: pageSize)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af2 = af.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { uint pointPairs = count / 5000; for (uint i = 0; i < pointPairs; i++) { uint max = i * 5000 + 5000; using (var edit = af2.BeginEdit()) { for (ulong x = i * 5000; x < max; x++) { key.Timestamp = (uint)R.Next(); key.PointID = 2 * x; value.Value3 = 3 * x; value.Value1 = 4 * x; //if ((x % 100) == 0) // sb.AppendLine(x + "," + DiskIoSession.ReadCount + "," + DiskIoSession.WriteCount); //if (x == 1000) // DiskIoSession.BreakOnIO = true; edit.AddPoint(key, value); //edit.AddPoint(uint.MaxValue - x, 2 * x, 3 * x, 4 * x); } edit.Commit(); } } //long cnt = af.Count(); } sw.Stop(); //File.WriteAllText(@"C:\temp\" + pageSize + ".csv",sb.ToString()); return(new TestResults() { PageSize = pageSize, Rate = (float)(count / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1000000), ReadCount = DiskIoSession.ReadCount, WriteCount = DiskIoSession.WriteCount, ChecksumCount = Stats.ChecksumCount, Lookups = DiskIoSession.Lookups, CachedLookups = DiskIoSession.CachedLookups }); }
public void AddPointTest() { using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> target = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory().OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> fileEditor = target.BeginEdit()) { fileEditor.AddPoint(new HistorianKey(), new HistorianValue()); fileEditor.Commit(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="SortedTreeTable{TKey,TValue}"/> based on the settings passed to this class. /// Once created, it is up to he caller to make sure that this class is properly disposed of. /// </summary> /// <param name="startKey">the first key in the archive file</param> /// <param name="endKey">the last key in the archive file</param> /// <param name="estimatedSize">The estimated size of the file. -1 to ignore this feature and write to the first available directory.</param> /// <param name="archiveIdCallback">the archiveId to assign to the new file.</param> /// <returns></returns> public SortedTreeTable <TKey, TValue> CreateArchiveFile(TKey startKey, TKey endKey, long estimatedSize, TreeStream <TKey, TValue> data, Action <Guid> archiveIdCallback) { SimplifiedArchiveInitializerSettings settings = m_settings; string pendingFile = CreateArchiveName(GetPathWithEnoughSpace(estimatedSize), startKey, endKey); string finalFile = Path.ChangeExtension(pendingFile, settings.FinalExtension); SortedTreeFileSimpleWriter <TKey, TValue> .Create(pendingFile, finalFile, 4096, archiveIdCallback, settings.EncodingMethod, data, settings.Flags.ToArray()); return(SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(finalFile, true).OpenTable <TKey, TValue>()); }
public void Test() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(@"C:\Unison\GPA\Codeplex\openHistorian\Main\Build\Output\Release\Applications\openHistorian\Archive\635293583194231435-Stage2-0ef36dcc-4264-498f-b194-01b2043a9231.d2", true)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader = table.BeginRead()) using (SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scan = reader.GetTreeScanner()) { scan.SeekToStart(); while (scan.Read(key, value)) { ; } } }
public void CreateSnapshotTest() { HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); key.Timestamp = 1; key.PointID = 2; value.Value1 = 3; value.Value2 = 4; using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> target = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory().OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { ulong date = 1; ulong pointId = 2; ulong value1 = 3; ulong value2 = 4; SortedTreeTableSnapshotInfo <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> snap1; using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> fileEditor = target.BeginEdit()) { fileEditor.AddPoint(key, value); key.Timestamp++; fileEditor.AddPoint(key, value); snap1 = target.AcquireReadSnapshot(); fileEditor.Commit(); } SortedTreeTableSnapshotInfo <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> snap2 = target.AcquireReadSnapshot(); using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> instance = snap1.CreateReadSnapshot()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner = instance.GetTreeScanner(); scanner.SeekToStart(); Assert.AreEqual(false, scanner.Read(key, value)); } using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> instance = snap2.CreateReadSnapshot()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner = instance.GetTreeScanner(); scanner.SeekToStart(); Assert.AreEqual(true, scanner.Read(key, value)); Assert.AreEqual(1uL, key.Timestamp); Assert.AreEqual(2uL, key.PointID); Assert.AreEqual(3uL, value.Value1); Assert.AreEqual(4uL, value.Value2); } Assert.AreEqual(1uL, target.FirstKey.Timestamp); Assert.AreEqual(2uL, target.LastKey.Timestamp); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="SortedTreeTable{TKey,TValue}"/> based on the settings passed to this class. /// Once created, it is up to he caller to make sure that this class is properly disposed of. /// </summary> /// <param name="estimatedSize">The estimated size of the file. -1 to ignore this feature and write to the first available directory.</param> /// <returns></returns> public SortedTreeTable <TKey, TValue> CreateArchiveFile(long estimatedSize = -1) { using (m_lock.EnterReadLock()) { if (m_settings.IsMemoryArchive) { SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(blockSize: 4096, flags: m_settings.Flags.ToArray()); return(af.OpenOrCreateTable <TKey, TValue>(m_settings.EncodingMethod)); } else { string fileName = CreateArchiveName(GetPathWithEnoughSpace(estimatedSize)); SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateFile(fileName, blockSize: 4096, flags: m_settings.Flags.ToArray()); return(af.OpenOrCreateTable <TKey, TValue>(m_settings.EncodingMethod)); } } }
public void AppendDataToAnExistingFile() { string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: false)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> editor = table.BeginEdit()) { key.TimestampAsDate = DateTime.Now; key.PointID = 2; value.AsString = "Test Append"; editor.AddPoint(key, value); editor.Commit(); } ReadDataFromAFile(); }
public void BenchmarkWriteSpeed() { DebugStopwatch sw = new DebugStopwatch(); double time; double count = 0; using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) { var table = file.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(HistorianFileEncodingDefinition.TypeGuid); HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); time = sw.TimeEvent(() => { //TreeKeyMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.ClearStats(); //TreeValueMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.ClearStats(); count = 0; using (var scan = table.BeginEdit()) { for (uint x = 0; x < 10000000; x++) { key.PointID = x; scan.AddPoint(key, value); count++; } scan.Rollback(); } }); } Console.WriteLine((count / 1000000 / time).ToString() + " Million PPS"); //Console.WriteLine("KeyMethodsBase calls"); //for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(TreeKeyMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.CallMethods[x] + "\t" + ((TreeKeyMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.Method)(x)).ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("ValueMethodsBase calls"); //for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(TreeValueMethodsBase<HistorianValue>.CallMethods[x] + "\t" + ((TreeValueMethodsBase<HistorianValue>.Method)(x)).ToString()); //} }
public void ConcurrentReadingFromAFile() { string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; HistorianKey key1 = new HistorianKey(); HistorianKey key2 = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value1 = new HistorianValue(); HistorianValue value2 = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: true)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) { SortedTreeTableSnapshotInfo <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> snapshotInfo = table.AcquireReadSnapshot(); using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader1 = snapshotInfo.CreateReadSnapshot()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> reader2 = snapshotInfo.CreateReadSnapshot()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner1 = reader1.GetTreeScanner(); SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner2 = reader2.GetTreeScanner(); scanner1.SeekToStart(); scanner2.SeekToStart(); bool scanner1Read = scanner1.Read(key1, value1); bool scanner2Read = scanner2.Read(key2, value2); while (scanner1Read && scanner2Read) { Assert.AreEqual(key1.Timestamp, key2.Timestamp); Assert.AreEqual(key1.PointID, key2.PointID); Assert.AreEqual(key1.EntryNumber, key2.EntryNumber); Assert.AreEqual(value1.Value1, value2.Value1); Assert.AreEqual(value1.Value2, value2.Value2); Assert.AreEqual(value1.Value3, value2.Value3); scanner1Read = scanner1.Read(key1, value1); scanner2Read = scanner2.Read(key2, value2); } } } ReadDataFromAFile(); }
public void TestRollover() { int count = 1000000; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); using (SortedTreeFile af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) using (SortedTreeTable <AmiKey, AmiKey> table = af.OpenOrCreateTable <AmiKey, AmiKey>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <AmiKey, AmiKey> edit = table.BeginEdit()) { sw.Start(); AmiKey key = new AmiKey(); AmiKey value = new AmiKey(); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { key.Timestamp = (uint)x; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(af.ArchiveSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0); Console.WriteLine(count / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1000000); } using (SortedTreeFile af2 = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) using (SortedTreeTable <AmiKey, AmiKey> table2 = af2.OpenOrCreateTable <AmiKey, AmiKey>(new EncodingDefinition(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding.KeyValueEncodingMethod, EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding.KeyValueEncodingMethod))) using (SortedTreeTableEditor <AmiKey, AmiKey> edit = table2.BeginEdit()) { using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <AmiKey, AmiKey> read = table.BeginRead()) using (SortedTreeScannerBase <AmiKey, AmiKey> scan = read.GetTreeScanner()) { scan.SeekToStart(); edit.AddPoints(scan); } } Console.WriteLine(count); } }
public void ReadDataFromAFile() { string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(fileName, isReadOnly: true)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>()) using (SortedTreeTableReadSnapshot <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> snapshot = table.BeginRead()) { SortedTreeScannerBase <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> scanner = snapshot.GetTreeScanner(); scanner.SeekToStart(); while (scanner.Read(key, value)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", key.TimestampAsDate.ToString(), key.PointID, value.AsString); } } }
public void TestReadDataFromArchive() { DebugStopwatch sw = new DebugStopwatch(); HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); string path = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\temp\Scada\", "*.d2")[0]; double time; double count = 0; using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.OpenFile(path, true)) { var table = file.OpenTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(); time = sw.TimeEvent(() => { count = 0; using (var scan = table.BeginRead()) { var t = scan.GetTreeScanner(); t.SeekToStart(); while (t.Read(key, value)) { count++; } } }); } Console.WriteLine((count / 1000000 / time).ToString() + " Million PPS"); //Console.WriteLine("KeyMethodsBase calls"); //for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(TreeKeyMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.CallMethods[x] + "\t" + ((TreeKeyMethodsBase<HistorianKey>.Method)(x)).ToString()); //} //Console.WriteLine("ValueMethodsBase calls"); //for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(TreeValueMethodsBase<HistorianValue>.CallMethods[x] + "\t" + ((TreeValueMethodsBase<HistorianValue>.Method)(x)).ToString()); //} }
private TestResults Test(int pageSize) { Stats.LookupKeys = 0; DiskIoSession.ReadCount = 0; DiskIoSession.WriteCount = 0; Stats.ChecksumCount = 0; DiskIoSession.Lookups = 0; DiskIoSession.CachedLookups = 0; long cnt; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(blockSize: pageSize).OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> edit = af.BeginEdit()) { for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { edit.AddPoints(new PointStreamSequential(x * 10000, 10000)); } edit.Commit(); } sw.Stop(); sw2.Start(); cnt = af.Count(); sw2.Stop(); } return(new TestResults() { Count = cnt, PageSize = pageSize, RateWrite = (float)(1 / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), RateRead = (float)(1 / sw2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), ReadCount = DiskIoSession.ReadCount, WriteCount = DiskIoSession.WriteCount, ChecksumCount = Stats.ChecksumCount, Lookups = DiskIoSession.Lookups, CachedLookups = DiskIoSession.CachedLookups }); }
public void TestFixed() { int count = 10000000; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); using (var af = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory()) using (var table = af.OpenOrCreateTable <AmiKey, AmiKey>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) { var key = new AmiKey(); var value = new AmiKey(); using (var edit = table.BeginEdit()) { sw.Start(); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { key.Timestamp = (uint)x; edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(af.ArchiveSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0); Console.WriteLine(count / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1000000); } using (var read = table.BeginRead()) using (var scan = read.GetTreeScanner()) { scan.SeekToStart(); while (scan.Read(key, value)) { count--; } } Console.WriteLine(count); } }
public void WriteDataToAFile() { Logger.Console.Verbose = VerboseLevel.All; string fileName = @"C:\Temp\ArchiveFile.d2"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } HistorianKey key = new HistorianKey(); HistorianValue value = new HistorianValue(); using (SortedTreeFile file = SortedTreeFile.CreateFile(fileName)) using (SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> table = file.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding)) using (SortedTreeTableEditor <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> editor = table.BeginEdit()) { key.TimestampAsDate = DateTime.Now; key.PointID = 1; value.AsString = "Test Write"; editor.AddPoint(key, value); editor.Commit(); } }
SortedTreeTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue> CreateTable() { var r = new Random(seed++); var key = new HistorianKey(); var value = new HistorianValue(); var file = SortedTreeFile.CreateInMemory(); var table = file.OpenOrCreateTable <HistorianKey, HistorianValue>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding); using (var edit = table.BeginEdit()) { for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++) { key.Timestamp = (ulong)r.Next(); key.PointID = (ulong)r.Next(); key.EntryNumber = (ulong)r.Next(); edit.AddPoint(key, value); } edit.Commit(); } return(table); }