public override IComparable Value(ScoreDoc doc) { int ord = m_values.GetOrd(doc.Doc); BytesRef term = new BytesRef(); m_values.LookupOrd(ord, term); return(term.Utf8ToString()); }
protected override BytesRef GetDocGroupValue(int doc) { int ord = index.GetOrd(doc); if (ord == -1) { return(null); } else { index.LookupOrd(ord, scratchBytesRef); return(scratchBytesRef); } }
private int DocVal(int doc) { int ord = idIndex.GetOrd(doc); if (ord == -1) { return(0); } else { idIndex.LookupOrd(ord, tempBR); if (outerInstance.priority.TryGetValue(tempBR, out int?prio)) { return((int)prio); } return(0); } }
public override void Collect(int doc) { int key = index.GetOrd(doc); if (!ordSet.Exists(key)) { ordSet.Put(key); BytesRef term; if (key == -1) { term = null; } else { term = new BytesRef(); index.LookupOrd(key, term); } groups.Add(term); } }
public override void LookupOrd(int ord, BytesRef result) { @in.LookupOrd(ord, result); }
public virtual void Test() { #pragma warning disable 612, 618 IFieldCache cache = FieldCache.DEFAULT; FieldCache.Doubles doubles = cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(doubles, cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(doubles, cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", FieldCache.DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(doubles.Get(i) == (double.MaxValue - i), doubles.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (double.MaxValue - i)); } FieldCache.Int64s longs = cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(longs, cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(longs, cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT64_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(longs.Get(i) == (long.MaxValue - i), longs.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (long.MaxValue - i) + " i=" + i); } FieldCache.Bytes bytes = cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(bytes, cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(bytes, cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", FieldCache.DEFAULT_BYTE_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue((sbyte)bytes.Get(i) == (sbyte)(sbyte.MaxValue - i), (sbyte)bytes.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (sbyte.MaxValue - i)); } FieldCache.Int16s shorts = cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(shorts, cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(shorts, cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT16_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(shorts.Get(i) == (short)(short.MaxValue - i), shorts.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (short.MaxValue - i)); } FieldCache.Int32s ints = cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(ints, cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(ints, cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT32_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(ints.Get(i) == (int.MaxValue - i), ints.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (int.MaxValue - i)); } FieldCache.Singles floats = cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", Random.NextBoolean()); Assert.AreSame(floats, cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.AreSame(floats, cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", FieldCache.DEFAULT_SINGLE_PARSER, Random.NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(floats.Get(i) == (float.MaxValue - i), floats.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (float.MaxValue - i)); } #pragma warning restore 612, 618 IBits docsWithField = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theLong"); Assert.AreSame(docsWithField, cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theLong"), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField is Bits.MatchAllBits, "docsWithField(theLong) must be class Bits.MatchAllBits"); Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField.Length == NUM_DOCS, "docsWithField(theLong) Size: " + docsWithField.Length + " is not: " + NUM_DOCS); for (int i = 0; i < docsWithField.Length; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField.Get(i)); } docsWithField = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "sparse"); Assert.AreSame(docsWithField, cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "sparse"), "Second request to cache return same array"); Assert.IsFalse(docsWithField is Bits.MatchAllBits, "docsWithField(sparse) must not be class Bits.MatchAllBits"); Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField.Length == NUM_DOCS, "docsWithField(sparse) Size: " + docsWithField.Length + " is not: " + NUM_DOCS); for (int i = 0; i < docsWithField.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i % 2 == 0, docsWithField.Get(i)); } // getTermsIndex SortedDocValues termsIndex = cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString"); Assert.AreSame(termsIndex, cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString"), "Second request to cache return same array"); BytesRef br = new BytesRef(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { BytesRef term; int ord = termsIndex.GetOrd(i); if (ord == -1) { term = null; } else { termsIndex.LookupOrd(ord, br); term = br; } string s = term == null ? null : term.Utf8ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(UnicodeStrings[i] == null || UnicodeStrings[i].Equals(s, StringComparison.Ordinal), "for doc " + i + ": " + s + " does not equal: " + UnicodeStrings[i]); } int nTerms = termsIndex.ValueCount; TermsEnum tenum = termsIndex.GetTermsEnum(); BytesRef val = new BytesRef(); for (int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++) { BytesRef val1 = tenum.Next(); termsIndex.LookupOrd(i, val); // System.out.println("i="+i); Assert.AreEqual(val, val1); } // seek the enum around (note this isn't a great test here) int num = AtLeast(100); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int k = Random.Next(nTerms); termsIndex.LookupOrd(k, val); Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND, tenum.SeekCeil(val)); Assert.AreEqual(val, tenum.Term); } for (int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++) { termsIndex.LookupOrd(i, val); Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND, tenum.SeekCeil(val)); Assert.AreEqual(val, tenum.Term); } // test bad field termsIndex = cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "bogusfield"); // getTerms BinaryDocValues terms = cache.GetTerms(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString", true); Assert.AreSame(terms, cache.GetTerms(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString", true), "Second request to cache return same array"); IBits bits = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { terms.Get(i, br); BytesRef term; if (!bits.Get(i)) { term = null; } else { term = br; } string s = term == null ? null : term.Utf8ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(UnicodeStrings[i] == null || UnicodeStrings[i].Equals(s, StringComparison.Ordinal), "for doc " + i + ": " + s + " does not equal: " + UnicodeStrings[i]); } // test bad field terms = cache.GetTerms(Reader, "bogusfield", false); // getDocTermOrds SortedSetDocValues termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField"); int numEntries = cache.GetCacheEntries().Length; // ask for it again, and check that we didnt create any additional entries: termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField"); Assert.AreEqual(numEntries, cache.GetCacheEntries().Length); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++) { termOrds.SetDocument(i); // this will remove identical terms. A DocTermOrds doesn't return duplicate ords for a docId IList <BytesRef> values = MultiValued[i].Distinct().ToList(); foreach (BytesRef v in values) { if (v == null) { // why does this test use null values... instead of an empty list: confusing break; } long ord = termOrds.NextOrd(); Debug.Assert(ord != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS); BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(); termOrds.LookupOrd(ord, scratch); Assert.AreEqual(v, scratch); } Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, termOrds.NextOrd()); } // test bad field termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "bogusfield"); Assert.IsTrue(termOrds.ValueCount == 0); FieldCache.DEFAULT.PurgeByCacheKey(Reader.CoreCacheKey); }