static void Main(string[] args) { SomeStruct a = new SomeStruct(1, 1); a.PublicProperty++; a.SetProperty(a.GetProperty() + 1); }
static string testExprWithDefault( int value = 10, Enum value2 = Enum.Val2, ExprClass value3 = null, ExprClass value4 = default, int value5 = default, SomeStruct value6 = new SomeStruct(), SomeStruct value7 = default(TestScript.SomeStruct), SomeStruct value8 = default ) => throw new NotImplementedException();
public Entity ReplaceSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var component = CreateComponent<SomeStructComponent>(ComponentIds.SomeStruct); component.value = newValue; ReplaceComponent(ComponentIds.SomeStruct, component); return this; }
public void When_comparing_a_struct_object_to_itself_excluding_base_including_privates() { var obj = new SomeStruct(); EasyComparer.Instance.Compare(obj, obj, false, true, out KeyedCollectionEx <PropertyInfo, Variance> result) .ShouldBeTrue(); result.ShouldNotBeNull(); result.ShouldNotBeEmpty(); result.Count.ShouldBe(13); result.ShouldAllBe(v => v.Varies == false); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "Age"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "Stopwatch"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "Bytes"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "Name"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeArray"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeList"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeCollection"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeEnumerable"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeDictionary"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeNullable"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeDate"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomePrivate"); result.ShouldContain(p => p.Property.Name == "SomeInternal"); }
public void When_comparing_equal_struct_objects_with_different_collections() { var left = new SomeStruct { Bytes = new byte[] { 1, 2, 0 }, }; var right = new SomeStruct { Bytes = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }, }; EasyComparer.Instance.Compare(left, right, true, true, out KeyedCollectionEx <PropertyInfo, Variance> result) .ShouldBeFalse(); result.ShouldNotBeNull(); result.ShouldNotBeEmpty(); result.Count.ShouldBe(13); result.Count(v => v.Varies == false) .ShouldBe(12); var varriedProperty = result.Single(p => p.Property.Name == "Bytes"); varriedProperty.Varies.ShouldBeTrue(); varriedProperty.LeftValue.ShouldBe(new byte[] { 1, 2, 0 }); varriedProperty.RightValue.ShouldBe(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }); }
public void NullableOk() { var s1 = new SomeStruct(5, new object()); var c1 = Clone((SomeStruct?)s1); Assert.True(c1.HasValue); Assert.Equal(5, c1.Value.Int); Assert.NotNull(c1.Value.Obj); Assert.NotSame(s1.Obj, c1.Value.Obj); var cloneNull = Clone((SomeStruct?)null); Assert.False(cloneNull.HasValue); var s2 = new SomeStruct(null, s1); var c2 = Clone((SomeStruct?)s2); Assert.True(c2.HasValue); Assert.False(c2.Value.Int.HasValue); Assert.NotNull(c2.Value.Obj); Assert.IsType <SomeStruct>(c2.Value.Obj); var inner2 = (SomeStruct)c2.Value.Obj; Assert.Equal(5, inner2.Int); Assert.NotNull(inner2.Obj); Assert.NotSame(s1.Obj, inner2.Obj); }
public void ReplaceSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var component = CreateComponent <SomeStructComponent>(GameComponentsLookup.SomeStruct); component.value = newValue; ReplaceComponent(GameComponentsLookup.SomeStruct, component); }
public void Simple(SomeClass someClass, SomeStruct someStruct) { if (DictionaryParamInstance[1234] != "it's an instance getter") { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect dictionary (instance"); } if (DictionaryParamStatic[1234] != "it's a static getter") { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect dictionary (static)"); } if (!(someStruct.RangeEnd == 100 || someStruct.RangeEnd == 1000)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect struct values were passed"); } if (someStruct.RangeEnd != someClass.Values.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect length"); } for (int i = 0; i < someStruct.RangeEnd; i++) { if (someClass.Values[i] != i * 2) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Incorrect array values were passed"); } } }
public Entity AddSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var component = CreateComponent <SomeStructComponent>(ComponentIds.SomeStruct); component.value = newValue; return(AddComponent(ComponentIds.SomeStruct, component)); }
static void Recursive(int a, int b, int c) { RuntimeHelpers.EnsureSufficientExecutionStack(); var ss = new SomeStruct(); Recursive(a, b, c); }
public Entity ReplaceSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var component = CreateComponent <SomeStructComponent>(ComponentIds.SomeStruct); component.value = newValue; ReplaceComponent(ComponentIds.SomeStruct, component); return(this); }
public void AddSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var index = GameComponentsLookup.SomeStruct; var component = CreateComponent <SomeStructComponent>(index); component.value = newValue; AddComponent(index, component); }
public void AcceptImplementingValuesWhenArrayIsInterfaceType() { var array = new ISomeInterface[5]; array[3] = new SomeDerivedClass(); array[2] = new SomeClass(); array[0] = new SomeStruct(); }
public unsafe void TestIndexers() { var someStruct = new SomeStruct(); Assert.That(someStruct[0], Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(someStruct["foo"], Is.EqualTo(1)); someStruct[0] = 2; Assert.That(someStruct[0], Is.EqualTo(2)); }
public SomeStruct DoStuff(Span <byte> data) { var someStruct = new SomeStruct(); var span = AsSpan(ref someStruct); data.CopyTo(span); return(someStruct); }
public void ReplaceSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var index = GameComponentsLookup.SomeStruct; var component = (SomeStructComponent)CreateComponent(index, typeof(SomeStructComponent)); component.value = newValue; ReplaceComponent(index, component); }
public static void ByRefValueType(ref SomeStruct data) { data.Field = 11; //for (int i = 0; i < data.Field; ++i) //{ // Console.WriteLine(data.Field); // data.KeepMeAlive(); //} }
public void NullableValueShouldNotBeNullWithChaining() { DocExampleWriter.Document(() => { SomeStruct?nullableValue = new SomeStruct { IntProperty = 41 }; nullableValue.ShouldNotBeNull().IntProperty.ShouldBe(42); }, _testOutputHelper); }
void M <SomeTypeParameter>( SomeClass a, SomeStruct b, SomeRecord c, SomeEnum d, SomeInterface e, SomeDelegate f, SomeTypeParameter g) { }
public static SomeStruct?GetSomeStructFromStringValue(object value) { var parsedValue = new SomeStruct(); if ((string)value == parsedValue.ToString()) { return(parsedValue); } throw new FormatException(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { var result = SomeStruct.GetHashCode(); if (!_cpuIntensive) { return(result); } return(result ^ List.Aggregate(0, (curr, str) => curr ^ str.GetHashCode())); }
void Fun(SomeStruct _s) { if (_s) { Debug.Log(true); } else { Debug.Log(false); } }
public void Structs() { var actual = new SomeStruct { Num = 3 }.ToStringReflection(); const string expected = "SomeStruct@15 {\n" + " Num = 3,\n" + "}"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void When_getting_property_names_of_a_struct() { var model = new SomeStruct(); var propertyNames = ((object)model).GetPropertyNames(true, false); propertyNames.ShouldNotBeNull(); propertyNames.Length.ShouldBe(2); propertyNames[0].ShouldBe("Name"); propertyNames[1].ShouldBe("Age"); }
public void NoCloneStatic() { var o = SomeStruct.NoCloneObj = new object(); var s = new SomeStruct(5, new object()); var c = Clone(s); Assert.Equal(5, c.Int); Assert.NotNull(c.Obj); Assert.NotSame(s.Obj, c.Obj); Assert.Same(o, SomeStruct.NoCloneObj); }
public void Setup() { classes = new SomeClass[limit]; structs = new SomeStruct[limit]; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { classes[i] = new SomeClass(i); structs[i] = new SomeStruct(i); } }
void UseSomeStruct() { SomeStruct[] LotsOfStructs = new SomeStruct[10000000]; //allocates a bunch of memory. // about 40MBs also causes Unity to warn about a // memory leak! for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { LotsOfStructs[i] = new SomeStruct(i); } //as soon as we exit this function they're all gone. }
/// <summary> /// SomeStruct[] call on element /// </summary> public static uint CMPStructArrayCall () { SomeStruct [] arr = new SomeStruct [1]; int i = 0; arr [0] = new SomeStruct (42); if (arr [i].Value != 42) return 0; return 1; }
public SomeClass(int x, bool cpuIntensive) { SomeStruct = new SomeStruct(x, x + 1); _cpuIntensive = cpuIntensive; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { List.AddLast(new LinkedListNode <SomeStruct>(new SomeStruct(i, i + 1))); } Bytes = new byte[1020]; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var someStruct = new SomeStruct { b1 = 1, b2 = 2, i1 = 3, i2 = 4 }; Console.WriteLine("field b1 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("b1").Value); Console.WriteLine("field b2 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("b2").Value); Console.WriteLine("field i1 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("i1").Value); Console.WriteLine("field i2 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("i2").Value); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void GetValue_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior() { // Arrange var someStruct = new SomeStruct(TODO, TODO); int c = 0; // Act var result = someStruct.GetValue( c); // Assert Assert.Fail(); }
public void TestSimpleSerialization() { SomeStruct s = new SomeStruct(); s.header = "dkjkgk"; s.later = 911100299; s.ater = true; s.color = HairColor.WHITE; r2.CreateTable("characters"); TableTwo c = r2.GetTable("characters"); c.AddField<string>("name"); c.AddField<int>("age"); c.AddField<HairColor>("hairColor"); c.AddField<SomeStruct>("other"); c.CreateRow().Set("name", @"Johann3||¤%¤%&'''\'es").Set("age", 23).Set("hairColor", HairColor.RAT).Set("other", s); Console.WriteLine(String.Join("|", c[0].valuesAsStrings)); }
public void CreatePropertiesFormatter_expands_fields_of_objects() { var func = new FormatterSet().CreatePropertiesFormatter<SomeStruct>(); var today = DateTime.Today; var tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); var id = new SomeStruct { DateField = today, DateProperty = tomorrow }; var value = func(id); Console.WriteLine(value); Assert.That(value, Contains.Substring("DateField = ")); Assert.That(value, Contains.Substring("DateProperty = ")); }
public virtual void GenerateForAllMembers_expands_fields_of_objects() { var write = Formatter<SomeStruct>.GenerateForAllMembers(); var today = DateTime.Today; var tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); var id = new SomeStruct { DateField = today, DateProperty = tomorrow }; var writer = new StringWriter(); write(id, writer); var value = writer.ToString(); Assert.That(value, Contains.Substring("DateField = ")); Assert.That(value, Contains.Substring("DateProperty = ")); }
public Entity AddSomeStruct(SomeStruct newValue) { var component = CreateComponent<SomeStructComponent>(ComponentIds.SomeStruct); component.value = newValue; return AddComponent(ComponentIds.SomeStruct, component); }