Пример #1
            public object Clone()
                var clone = new SolutionCandidate
                    LowerBound  = this.LowerBound,
                    Assignments = new List <int>(this.Assignments)

Пример #2
        int CalculateLowerBound(SolutionCandidate branch)
            var lowerBound = 0;

            // Add the costs for the already fixed agents:
            for (var agent = 0; agent < branch.Assignments.Count; agent++)
                var task = branch.Assignments[agent];
                lowerBound += costMatrix[agent, task];

            // Add "minimum cost" for remaining agents:
            for (var agent = branch.Assignments.Count; agent < numAgents; agent++)
                lowerBound += minimumCosts[agent];

Пример #3
        public List <int> FindAssignment(out int solutionCost)
            // Initialize first solution candidate:
            var currentSolution = new SolutionCandidate()
                Assignments = new List <int>()

            for (var i = 0; i < numAgents; i++)
                currentSolution.LowerBound += costMatrix[i, i];

            // Prepare queue and initialize it with an empty candidate:
            var queue = new IntervalHeap <SolutionCandidate>(); // A queue or a stack could be used instead.

            queue.Add(new SolutionCandidate()
                Assignments = new List <int>()

            // Here is the main algorithm...
            while (!queue.IsEmpty)
                // Get next candidate. If a priority queue is used, the "next" candidate is the
                // most promising (with lowest lower bound):
                var candidate = queue.DeleteMin();

                // Branch out:
                for (var task = 0; task < numTasks; task++)
                    // Only create the branch if the current task is not already taken by an agent:
                    if (!candidate.Assignments.Contains(task)) // A HashSet on the side could speed up the .Contains() call...
                        var branch = (SolutionCandidate)candidate.Clone();
                        branch.LowerBound = CalculateLowerBound(branch);

                        // Only use the generated branch if its lower bound is strictly better than
                        // the currently found solution cost.
                        // This is the "bound" part in "Branch and Bound":
                        if (branch.LowerBound >= currentSolution.LowerBound)

                        // Do we have a solution?
                        if (branch.Assignments.Count == numAgents)
                            currentSolution = branch;
                        else // If not, use it for further extension:
            solutionCost = currentSolution.LowerBound;