protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { string sFilePath = GetPath(sMessage); if (!ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.FileExists(sFilePath)) { return(GetMessage(550, "File doesn't exist")); } var replySocket = new FtpReplySocket(ConnectionObject); if (!replySocket.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(550, "Unable to establish data connection")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, "150 Starting data transfer, please wait...\r\n"); const int m_nBufferSize = 65536; IFile file = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.OpenFile(sFilePath, false); if (file == null) { return(GetMessage(550, "Couldn't open file")); } var abBuffer = new byte[m_nBufferSize]; int nRead = file.Read(abBuffer, m_nBufferSize); while (nRead > 0 && replySocket.Send(abBuffer, nRead)) { nRead = file.Read(abBuffer, m_nBufferSize); } file.Close(); replySocket.Close(); return(GetMessage(226, "File download succeeded.")); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { sMessage = sMessage.Trim(); if (sMessage == "") { return(GetMessage(501, string.Format("{0} needs a parameter", Command))); } string sFile = GetPath(sMessage); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); if (!FileNameHelpers.IsValid(sFile)) { FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 553, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(553, string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid file name", sMessage))); } var socketData = new FtpDataSocket(ConnectionObject); if (!socketData.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(425, "Unable to establish the data connection")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, GetMessage(150, "Opening connection for data transfer."), ConnectionObject.Encoding); if (!ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.AppendFile(sFile, socketData.Socket.GetStream())) { FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 553, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(553, string.Format("{0} error", Command))); } // remove the orginal blob ContentMD5 ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.SetFileMd5(sFile, string.Empty); sw.Stop(); FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 250, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(250, string.Format("{0} successful", Command))); }
/// <summary> /// Resumes asynchronous TCP receiving from the server. /// </summary> private void ResumeReceive() { if (this._tcpSock != null && this._tcpSock.Connected) { SocketAsyncEventArgs socketArgs = SocketHelpers.AcquireSocketArg(); int offset = this._offset + this._remainingLength; socketArgs.SetBuffer( this._bufferSegment.Buffer.Array, this._bufferSegment.Offset + offset, BufferSize - offset); socketArgs.UserToken = this; socketArgs.Completed += this.ReceiveAsyncComplete; bool willRaiseEvent = this._tcpSock.ReceiveAsync(socketArgs); if (!willRaiseEvent) { this.ProcessRecieve(socketArgs); } } }
private string GetPassiveAddressInfo() { // get local ipv4 ip IPAddress ipAddress = SocketHelpers.GetLocalAddress(); if (ipAddress == null) { throw new Exception("The ftp server do not have a ipv4 address"); } string retIpPort = ipAddress.ToString(); retIpPort = retIpPort.Replace('.', ','); // append the port retIpPort += ','; retIpPort += (m_nPort / 256).ToString(); retIpPort += ','; retIpPort += (m_nPort % 256).ToString(); return(retIpPort); }
private string GetPassiveAddressInfo() { // get routable ipv4 address of load balanced service IPAddress ipAddress = SocketHelpers.GetLocalAddress(StorageProviderConfiguration.FtpServerHostPublic); if (ipAddress == null) { throw new Exception("The ftp server do not have a ipv4 address"); } string retIpPort = ipAddress.ToString(); retIpPort = retIpPort.Replace('.', ','); // append the port retIpPort += ','; retIpPort += (m_nPort / 256).ToString(); retIpPort += ','; retIpPort += (m_nPort % 256).ToString(); return(retIpPort); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { if (ConnectionObject.PassiveSocket != null) { ConnectionObject.PassiveSocket.Close(); ConnectionObject.PassiveSocket = null; } ConnectionObject.DataConnectionType = DataConnectionType.Passive; string pasvListenAddress = GetPassiveAddressInfo(); TcpListener listener; if (StorageProviderConfiguration.Mode == Modes.Live) { listener = SocketHelpers.CreateTcpListener( RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["FTP2Azure.Passive"].IPEndpoint); } else { listener = SocketHelpers.CreateTcpListener(new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Parse(""), RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["FTP2Azure.Passive"].IPEndpoint.Port)); } if (listener == null) { return(GetMessage(550, $"Couldn't start listener on port {m_nPort}")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, GetMessage(227, $"Entering Passive Mode ({pasvListenAddress})"), ConnectionObject.Encoding); listener.Start(); ConnectionObject.PassiveSocket = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); listener.Stop(); return(string.Empty); }
protected override string OnProcess(string message) { string filePath = this.GetPath(message); if (!this.ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.FileExists(filePath)) { return(this.GetMessage(550, "File doesn't exist")); } var replySocket = new FtpReplySocket(this.ConnectionObject); if (!replySocket.Loaded) { return(this.GetMessage(550, "Unable to establish data connection")); } SocketHelpers.Send(this.ConnectionObject.Socket, "150 Starting data transfer, please wait...\r\n"); var file = this.ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.OpenFile(filePath, false); if (file == null) { return(this.GetMessage(550, "Couldn't open file")); } const int BufferSize = 65536; var buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; int read = file.Read(buffer, BufferSize); while (read > 0 && replySocket.Send(buffer, read)) { read = file.Read(buffer, BufferSize); } file.Close(); replySocket.Close(); return(this.GetMessage(226, "File download succeeded.")); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { if (sMessage.Length != 0) { return(GetMessage(501, "Invalid syntax for FEAT command")); } string response = "211-Extensions supported:\r\n"; response += " XCUP\r\n"; response += " XCWD\r\n"; response += " XMKD\r\n"; response += " XPWD\r\n"; response += " XRMD\r\n"; response += " MDTM\r\n"; response += " MLSD\r\n"; response += " MLST\r\n"; response += " SIZE\r\n"; response += "211 END\r\n"; SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, response, ConnectionObject.Encoding); return(""); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { ConnectionObject.DataConnectionType = DataConnectionType.Passive; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string pasvListenAddress = GetPassiveAddressInfo(); //return GetMessage(227, string.Format("Entering Passive Mode ({0})", pasvListenAddress)); // listen at the port by the "FTP" endpoint setting int port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTPPASV"]); System.Net.IPAddress ipaddr = SocketHelpers.GetLocalAddress(); System.Net.IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipaddr.Address, port); TcpListener listener = SocketHelpers.CreateTcpListener(ipEndPoint); if (listener == null) { FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 550, 0); return(GetMessage(550, string.Format("Couldn't start listener on port {0}", m_nPort))); } Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("Entering Passive Mode on {0}", pasvListenAddress)); SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, string.Format("227 Entering Passive Mode ({0})\r\n", pasvListenAddress), ConnectionObject.Encoding); listener.Start(); ConnectionObject.PassiveSocket = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); listener.Stop(); sw.Stop(); FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 0, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(""); }
protected override string OnProcess(string message) { if (this.ConnectionObject.PasvSocket == null) { var listener = SocketHelpers.CreateTcpListener(Port); if (listener == null) { return(this.GetMessage(550, string.Format("Couldn't start listener on port {0}", Port))); } this.SendPasvReply(); listener.Start(); this.ConnectionObject.PasvSocket = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); listener.Stop(); return(string.Empty); } this.SendPasvReply(); return(string.Empty); }
protected override string OnProcess(string message) { SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, "150 Opening data connection for LIST\r\n"); string[] asFiles = null; string[] asDirectories = null; message = message.Trim(); var path = GetPath(string.Empty); if (message.Length == 0 || message[0] == '-') { asFiles = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetFiles(path); asDirectories = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetDirectories(path); } else { asFiles = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetFiles(path, message); asDirectories = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetDirectories(path, message); } var asAll = ArrayHelpers.Add(asDirectories, asFiles) as string[]; var fileList = BuildReply(message, asAll); var socketReply = new FtpReplySocket(ConnectionObject); if (!socketReply.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(550, "LIST unable to establish return connection.")); } socketReply.Send(fileList); socketReply.Close(); return(GetMessage(226, "LIST successful.")); }
public void Process(byte[] data) { var message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); message = message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf('\r')); FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(this.Id, message); string command; string value; int spaceIndex = message.IndexOf(' '); if (spaceIndex < 0) { command = message.ToUpper(); value = string.Empty; } else { command = message.Substring(0, spaceIndex).ToUpper(); value = message.Substring(command.Length + 1); } var handler = this.commandHashTable[command] as FtpCommandHandler; if (handler == null) { FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(this.Id, string.Format("\"{0}\" : Unknown command", command)); SocketHelpers.Send(this.Socket, "550 Unknown command\r\n"); } else { handler.Process(value); } }
public void Process(Byte[] abData) { string sMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(abData); sMessage = sMessage.Substring(0, sMessage.IndexOf('\r')); FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(Id, sMessage); string sCommand; string sValue; int nSpaceIndex = sMessage.IndexOf(' '); if (nSpaceIndex < 0) { sCommand = sMessage.ToUpper(); sValue = ""; } else { sCommand = sMessage.Substring(0, nSpaceIndex).ToUpper(); sValue = sMessage.Substring(sCommand.Length + 1); } var handler = m_theCommandHashTable[sCommand] as FtpCommandHandler; if (handler == null) { FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(Id, string.Format("\"{0}\" : Unknown command", sCommand)); SocketHelpers.Send(Socket, "550 Unknown command\r\n"); } else { handler.Process(sValue); } }
private void ThreadMonitor() { while (m_theThread.IsAlive) { DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSpan = currentTime - m_lastActiveTime; // has been idle for a long time if ((timeSpan.TotalSeconds > m_maxIdleSeconds) && !m_theCommands.DataSocketOpen) { SocketHelpers.Send(m_theSocket, string.Format("426 No operations for {0}+ seconds. Bye!", m_maxIdleSeconds), m_theCommands.Encoding); FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(m_nId, "Connection closed for too long idle time."); if (Closed != null) { Closed(this); } m_theSocket.Close(); this.Stop(); return; } Thread.Sleep(1000 * m_maxIdleSeconds); } return; // only monitor the work thread }
private static void SendAcceptMessage(TcpClient socket) { SocketHelpers.Send(socket, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("220 WheelMUD FTP Server Ready\r\n")); }
public void RandomSendAndReceiveTest() { var random = new Random(); var caseList = new List <int>(); caseList.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 32)); caseList.AddRange(new int[] { 100, 1000, 10000, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024 * 32 }); var(socket1, socket2) = SocketHelpers.GetSockets(); var options = new OmniNonblockingConnectionOptions() { MaxReceiveByteCount = 1024 * 1024 * 256, MaxSendByteCount = 1024 * 1024 * 256, BufferPool = BufferPool.Shared, }; using (var baseConnection1 = new OmniNonblockingConnection(new SocketCap(socket1, false), options)) using (var baseConnection2 = new OmniNonblockingConnection(new SocketCap(socket2, false), options)) using (var connection1 = new OmniSecureConnection(baseConnection1, new OmniSecureConnectionOptions() { Type = OmniSecureConnectionType.Connect })) using (var connection2 = new OmniSecureConnection(baseConnection2, new OmniSecureConnectionOptions() { Type = OmniSecureConnectionType.Accept })) { // ハンドシェイクを行う { var valueTask1 = connection1.Handshake(); var valueTask2 = connection2.Handshake(); var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (!valueTask1.IsCompleted || !valueTask2.IsCompleted) { if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 60) { throw new TimeoutException("Handshake"); } Thread.Sleep(100); connection1.DoEvents(); connection2.DoEvents(); } } foreach (var bufferSize in caseList) { var buffer1 = new byte[bufferSize]; var buffer2 = new byte[bufferSize]; random.NextBytes(buffer1); var valueTask1 = connection1.EnqueueAsync((bufferWriter) => { bufferWriter.Write(buffer1); }); var valueTask2 = connection2.DequeueAsync((sequence) => { sequence.CopyTo(buffer2); }); var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (!valueTask1.IsCompleted || !valueTask2.IsCompleted) { if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 60) { throw new TimeoutException("SendAndReceive"); } Thread.Sleep(100); connection1.DoEvents(); connection2.DoEvents(); } Assert.True(BytesOperations.SequenceEqual(buffer1, buffer2)); } } }
public bool Send(byte[] abData, int nSize) { return(SocketHelpers.Send(m_theSocket, abData, 0, nSize)); }
public void Stop() { SocketHelpers.Close(this.clientSocket); ////_mainThread.Join(); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> /// </param> /// <param name="args"> /// </param> private static void SendAsyncComplete(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs args) { args.Completed -= SendAsyncComplete; SocketHelpers.ReleaseSocketArg(args); }
private void SendAcceptMessage(TcpClient socket) { SocketHelpers.Send(socket, m_encoding.GetBytes( "220 FTP to Windows Azure Blob Storage Bridge Ready\r\n")); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { sMessage = sMessage.Trim(); // Get the dir to list string targetToList = GetPath(sMessage); // checks the dir name if (!FileNameHelpers.IsValid(targetToList)) { return(GetMessage(501, $"\"{sMessage}\" is not a valid directory name")); } // specify the directory tag targetToList = FileNameHelpers.AppendDirTag(targetToList); bool targetIsDir = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.DirectoryExists(targetToList); if (!targetIsDir) { return(GetMessage(550, $"Directory \"{targetToList}\" not exists")); } #region Generate response StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); string[] files = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetFiles(targetToList); string[] directories = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetDirectories(targetToList); if (files != null && files.Any()) { foreach (var file in files) { var fileInfo = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetFileInfo(file); response.Append(GenerateEntry(fileInfo)); response.Append("\r\n"); } } if (directories != null && directories.Any()) { foreach (var dir in directories) { var dirInfo = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetDirectoryInfo(dir); response.Append(GenerateEntry(dirInfo)); response.Append("\r\n"); } } #endregion #region Write response var socketData = new FtpDataSocket(ConnectionObject); if (!socketData.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(425, "Unable to establish the data connection")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, $"150 {ConnectionObject.DataType} Opening data connection for MLSD {targetToList}\r\n", ConnectionObject.Encoding); try { // ToDo, send response according to ConnectionObject.DataType, i.e., Ascii or Binary socketData.Send(response.ToString(), ConnectionObject.Encoding); } finally { socketData.Close(); } #endregion return(GetMessage(226, "MLSD successful")); }
public bool Send(char[] chars, int size) { return(SocketHelpers.Send(socket, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(chars), 0, size)); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { sMessage = sMessage.Trim(); if (sMessage == "") { return(GetMessage(501, string.Format("{0} needs a parameter", Command))); } string sFile = GetPath(sMessage); if (!FileNameHelpers.IsValid(sFile) || sFile.EndsWith(@"/")) { return(GetMessage(553, string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid file name", sMessage))); } if (ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.FileExists(sFile)) { // 2015-11-24 cljung : RFC959 says STOR commands overwrite files, so delete if exists if (!StorageProviderConfiguration.FtpOverwriteFileOnSTOR) { return(GetMessage(553, string.Format("File \"{0}\" already exists.", sMessage))); } Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("STOR {0} - Deleting existing file", sFile)); if (!ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.DeleteFile(sFile)) { return(GetMessage(550, string.Format("Delete file \"{0}\" failed.", sFile))); } } var socketData = new FtpDataSocket(ConnectionObject); if (!socketData.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(425, "Unable to establish the data connection")); } Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("STOR {0} - BEGIN", sFile)); IFile file = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.OpenFile(sFile, true); if (file == null) { socketData.Close();// close data socket return(GetMessage(550, "Couldn't open file")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, GetMessage(150, "Opening connection for data transfer."), ConnectionObject.Encoding); string md5Value = string.Empty; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); // TYPE I, default if (ConnectionObject.DataType == DataType.Image) { // md5 hash function MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); var abData = new byte[m_nBufferSize]; int nReceived = socketData.Receive(abData); while (nReceived > 0) { int writeSize = file.Write(abData, nReceived); // maybe error if (writeSize != nReceived) { file.Close(); socketData.Close(); FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 451, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(451, "Write data to Azure error!")); } md5Hash.TransformBlock(abData, 0, nReceived, null, 0); nReceived = socketData.Receive(abData); } md5Hash.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[1], 0, 0); md5Value = BytesToStr(md5Hash.Hash); } // TYPE A // won't compute md5, because read characters from client stream else if (ConnectionObject.DataType == DataType.Ascii) { int readSize = SocketHelpers.CopyStreamAscii(socketData.Socket.GetStream(), file.BlobStream, m_nBufferSize); FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(ConnectionObject.Id, string.Format("Use ascii type success, read {0} chars!", readSize)); } else // mustn't reach { file.Close(); socketData.Close(); FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 451, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(451, "Error in transfer data: invalid data type.")); } sw.Stop(); Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("STOR {0} - END, Time {1} ms", sFile, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)); // upload notification ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.Log4Upload(sFile); file.Close(); socketData.Close(); // record md5 ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.SetFileMd5(sFile, md5Value); FtpServer.LogWrite(this, sMessage, 226, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(GetMessage(226, string.Format("{0} successful. Time {1} ms", Command, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))); }
public bool Send(byte[] data, int size) { return(SocketHelpers.Send(socket, data, 0, size)); }
/// <summary> /// The main thread of the ftp server /// Listen and acception clients, create handler threads for each client /// </summary> private void ThreadRun() { FtpServerMessageHandler.Message += TraceMessage; // listen at the port by the "FTP" endpoint setting var ipEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 21); m_socketListen = SocketHelpers.CreateTcpListener(ipEndPoint); if (m_socketListen != null) { Console.WriteLine("Information: FTP Server listened at: " + ipEndPoint); m_socketListen.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Information: FTP Server Started"); bool fContinue = true; while (fContinue) { TcpClient socket = null; try { socket = m_socketListen.AcceptTcpClient(); } catch (SocketException) { fContinue = false; } finally { if (socket == null) { fContinue = false; } else if (m_apConnections.Count >= m_maxClients) { Console.WriteLine( "Warning: Too many clients, won't handle this connection"); SendRejectMessage(socket); socket.Close(); } else { socket.NoDelay = false; m_nId++; FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(m_nId, "New connection"); SendAcceptMessage(socket); InitialiseSocketHandler(socket); } } } } else { FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(0, "Error in starting FTP server"); } }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { sMessage = sMessage.Trim(); if (sMessage == "") { return(GetMessage(501, string.Format("{0} needs a parameter", Command))); } string sFilePath = GetPath(sMessage); if (!ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.FileExists(sFilePath)) { return(GetMessage(550, string.Format("File \"{0}\" doesn't exist", sMessage))); } var socketData = new FtpDataSocket(ConnectionObject); if (!socketData.Loaded) { return(GetMessage(425, "Unable to establish the data connection")); } SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, "150 Starting data transfer, please wait...\r\n", ConnectionObject.Encoding); IFile file = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.OpenFile(sFilePath, false); if (file == null) { return(GetMessage(550, "Couldn't open file")); } // TYPE I, default if (ConnectionObject.DataType == DataType.Image) { var abBuffer = new byte[m_nBufferSize]; int nRead = file.Read(abBuffer, m_nBufferSize); while (nRead > 0 && socketData.Send(abBuffer, nRead)) { nRead = file.Read(abBuffer, m_nBufferSize); } } // TYPE A else if (ConnectionObject.DataType == DataType.Ascii) { int writeSize = SocketHelpers.CopyStreamAscii(file.BlobStream, socketData.Socket.GetStream(), m_nBufferSize); FtpServerMessageHandler.SendMessage(ConnectionObject.Id, string.Format("Use ascii type success, write {0} chars!", writeSize)); } else // mustn't reach { file.Close(); socketData.Close(); return(GetMessage(451, "Error in transfer data: invalid data type.")); } file.Close(); socketData.Close(); return(GetMessage(226, "File download succeeded.")); }
protected override string OnProcess(string sMessage) { sMessage = sMessage.Trim(); if (sMessage == "") { return(GetMessage(211, "Server status: OK")); } // if no parameter is given, STAT works as LIST // but won't use data connection string[] asFiles = null; string[] asDirectories = null; // Get the file/dir to list string targetToList = GetPath(sMessage); // checks the file/dir name if (!FileNameHelpers.IsValid(targetToList)) { return(GetMessage(501, string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid file/directory name", sMessage))); } // two vars indicating different list results bool targetIsFile = false; bool targetIsDir = false; // targetToList ends with '/', must be a directory if (targetToList.EndsWith(@"/")) { targetIsFile = false; if (ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.DirectoryExists(targetToList)) { targetIsDir = true; } } else { // check whether the target to list is a directory if (ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.DirectoryExists(FileNameHelpers.AppendDirTag(targetToList))) { targetIsDir = true; } // check whether the target to list is a file if (ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.FileExists(targetToList)) { targetIsFile = true; } } if (targetIsFile) { asFiles = new string[1] { targetToList }; if (targetIsDir) { asDirectories = new string[1] { FileNameHelpers.AppendDirTag(targetToList) } } ; } // list a directory else if (targetIsDir) { targetToList = FileNameHelpers.AppendDirTag(targetToList); asFiles = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetFiles(targetToList); asDirectories = ConnectionObject.FileSystemObject.GetDirectories(targetToList); } else { return(GetMessage(550, string.Format("\"{0}\" not exists", sMessage))); } // generate the response string sFileList = BuildReply(asFiles, asDirectories); SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, string.Format("213-Begin STAT \"{0}\":\r\n", sMessage), ConnectionObject.Encoding); SocketHelpers.Send(ConnectionObject.Socket, sFileList, ConnectionObject.Encoding); return(GetMessage(213, string.Format("{0} successful.", Command))); }
public void Stop() { SocketHelpers.Close(m_theSocket); m_theThread.Join(); m_theMonitorThread.Join(); }
public void Close() { SocketHelpers.Close(socket); this.socket = null; }
private void SendRejectMessage(TcpClient socket) { SocketHelpers.Send(socket, m_encoding.GetBytes("421 Too many users now\r\n")); }