Пример #1
        private SocketConnection(Socket socket, PipeOptions sendPipeOptions, PipeOptions receivePipeOptions,
                                 SocketConnectionOptions socketConnectionOptions, string name, ILogger logger)
            if (socket == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(socket));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                Name = GetType().Name.Trim();
            if (sendPipeOptions == null)
                sendPipeOptions = PipeOptions.Default;
            if (receivePipeOptions == null)
                receivePipeOptions = PipeOptions.Default;

            Socket  = socket;
            _logger = logger ?? NullLoggerFactory.Instance.CreateLogger("NetGear.Core.SocketConnection");
            _trace  = new TraceDebugger(_logger);
            var localEndPoint  = (IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint;
            var remoteEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)Socket.RemoteEndPoint;

            LocalAddress  = localEndPoint.Address;
            LocalPort     = localEndPoint.Port;
            RemoteAddress = remoteEndPoint.Address;
            RemotePort    = remoteEndPoint.Port;

            SocketConnectionOptions = socketConnectionOptions;
            _sendOptions            = sendPipeOptions;
            _receiveOptions         = receivePipeOptions;
            _sendToSocket           = new Pipe(_sendOptions);    // read from this pipe and send to socket
            _receiveFromSocket      = new Pipe(_receiveOptions); // recv from socket and push to this pipe

            _output = new WrappedWriter(_sendToSocket.Writer, this);
            _input  = new WrappedReader(_receiveFromSocket.Reader, this);

            _sendOptions.ReaderScheduler.Schedule(s_DoSendAsync, this);
            _receiveOptions.WriterScheduler.Schedule(s_DoReceiveAsync, this);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Open a new or existing socket as a client
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <SocketConnection> ConnectAsync(
            EndPoint endpoint,
            PipeOptions sendPipeOptions, PipeOptions receivePipeOptions,
            SocketConnectionOptions connectionOptions = SocketConnectionOptions.None,
            Func <SocketConnection, Task> onConnected = null,
            Socket socket = null, string name = null)
            var addressFamily = endpoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.Unspecified ? AddressFamily.InterNetwork : endpoint.AddressFamily;
            var protocolType  = addressFamily == AddressFamily.Unix ? ProtocolType.Unspecified : ProtocolType.Tcp;

            if (socket == null)
                socket = new Socket(addressFamily, SocketType.Stream, protocolType);
            if (sendPipeOptions == null)
                sendPipeOptions = PipeOptions.Default;
            if (receivePipeOptions == null)
                receivePipeOptions = PipeOptions.Default;


            using (var args = CreateArgs(receivePipeOptions.ReaderScheduler, out _))
                Helpers.DebugLog(name, $"connecting to {endpoint}...");

                await ConnectAsync(socket, args, endpoint);

            Helpers.DebugLog(name, "connected");

            var connection = Create(socket, sendPipeOptions, receivePipeOptions, connectionOptions, name);

            if (onConnected != null)
                await onConnected(connection);

Пример #3
 private bool HasFlag(SocketConnectionOptions option) => (option & SocketConnectionOptions) != 0;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a SocketConnection instance over an existing socket;
 /// 进出两个方向都采用完全一样的设置。通常用于客户端,服务端不会也不应该这样子搞
 /// </summary>
 public static SocketConnection Create(Socket socket, PipeOptions pipeOptions          = null,
                                       SocketConnectionOptions socketConnectionOptions = SocketConnectionOptions.None, string name = null, ILogger logger = null)
     return(new SocketConnection(socket, pipeOptions, pipeOptions, socketConnectionOptions, name, logger));