private void processKronoAccount(Pop3Client clientPOP3, AccountDetails account, ApplicationSystem appServer)
            const string METHOD = CLASS + "processKronoAccount()";


            //Create the application client and connect to our project and get users..
            SoapServiceClient clientAppl = (SoapServiceClient)this.CreateApplicationClient(appServer, account);

            //Get the products and settings from Kronodesk.
            List <RemoteProduct> krnProds = clientAppl.Product_Retrieve(false);

            //Get list of blocked emails..
            List <string> blockedEmails = clientAppl.System_GetBlockedEmails();
            //Get list of seperator lines..
            List <string> seperatorLines = clientAppl.System_GetEmailSeparator();

            //Get the known message IDs..
            List <string> seenUIDs = readMessageIDsForAccount(account.AccountID.Value);

            //Get new emails from the client.
            List <Message> newMsgs = popGetNewMessages(clientPOP3, account, seenUIDs);

            //Loop through each email.
            foreach (Message msg in newMsgs)
                    _eventLog.WriteTrace(METHOD, "Starting on message " + msg.MessageLogID + "...");

                    //First see if the message should be skipped. (Keywords, Headers, or Email Addresses)
                    if (msg.Headers != null &&
                        msg.Headers.From != null &&
                        !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.Headers.From.Address) &&
                        msg.Headers.From.Address.ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != account.AccountEmail.ToLowerInvariant().Trim())
                        string filterMsg;

                        //Run it though our own filters.
                        if (doesMessageClearFilters(msg, out filterMsg, blockedEmails))
                            long?tktId = null;

                            //See if we can get a ticket ID..
                            if ((!tktId.HasValue) && msg.Headers.UnknownHeaders[Common.MESSAGEHEADER_KRONO_TICKET] != null)
                                tktId = retrieveTicketId(msg.Headers.UnknownHeaders[Common.MESSAGEHEADER_KRONO_TICKET]);

                            if (!tktId.HasValue)
                                Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\[[a-zA-Z]{2}[\:-][0-9]+\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
                                tktId = retrieveTicketId(rgx.Match(msg.Headers.Subject).Value);

                            //Get user that this email is from..
                            RemoteUser usrFrom = clientAppl.User_RetrieveByEmailAddress(msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address);

                            //See if we have any CC users
                            List <string> ccList = null;
                            if (msg.Headers.Cc != null && msg.Headers.Cc.Count > 0)
                                ccList = msg.Headers.Cc.Select(c => c.MailAddress.Address).ToList();

                            //Now process the email.
                            RemoteTicket     newTicket  = null;
                            RemoteTicketNote newTktNote = null;

                            if (tktId.HasValue)
                                    //The ticket exists, we're going to add the text as a new comment.

                                    //The flag on whether we need to make it a '3rd party' note.
                                    bool add3rd = (usrFrom == null);

                                    //If at least one user exists..
                                    if (!add3rd)
                                        //Create the note..
                                        newTktNote = new RemoteTicketNote();
                                        newTktNote.CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                        newTktNote.AuthorId     = usrFrom.UserId;
                                        newTktNote.TicketId     = tktId.Value;
                                        newTktNote.Text         = getTextFromMessage(msg, true, true, seperatorLines);

                                            newTktNote = clientAppl.Ticket_AddNote(newTktNote);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Error adding note to message. Adding it as third-party.");
                                            add3rd = true;

                                        if (!add3rd)
                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Note #" + newTktNote.NoteId.ToSafeString() + " added to Ticket #" + newTktNote.TicketId.ToSafeString() + " created from message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                            //If we get this far, mark the message as processed.
                                                if (account.RemoveFromServer)
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Trying to delete message " + msg.MessageLogID + " from server.");
                                            //We processed the message, add it.

                                    if (add3rd)
                                            //An email was sent in from a third party.
                                            string strDescDetails = "Full Subject: " + msg.Headers.Subject + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                    "From Address: " + ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.Headers.From.Address)) ? "< empty >" : msg.Headers.From.Address) + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                    "From Name:    " + ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.Headers.From.DisplayName)) ? "< empty >" : msg.Headers.From.DisplayName);

                                            RemoteDocument rawMsg = getMsgAsAttachment(msg, tktId.Value, null, "3rd Party Email:" + Environment.NewLine + strDescDetails);
                                            rawMsg = clientAppl.Document_AddFile(rawMsg, msg.RawMessage);

                                            //Add comment.
                                            newTktNote = new RemoteTicketNote();
                                            newTktNote.CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                            newTktNote.TicketId     = tktId.Value;
                                            newTktNote.Text         = "An email for this ticket was recieved from a third unknown party, and has been attached to this ticket as a file. Details:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                      "<pre>" + strDescDetails + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                      "Attachment:   " + rawMsg.FilenameOrUrl +
                                            newTktNote.Text = newTktNote.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />");                                             //Convert to HTML.

                                            newTktNote = clientAppl.Ticket_AddNote(newTktNote);

                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message from 3rd party to ticket. Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " saved as Attachment #" + rawMsg.AttachmentId.ToSafeString() + " & Note #" + newTktNote.NoteId + " added.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                            //If we get this far, mark the message as processed.
                                                if (account.RemoveFromServer)
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Trying to delete message " + msg.MessageLogID + " from server.");

                                            //We processed the message, add it.
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Error adding 3rd party email to ticket from message " + msg.MessageLogID);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Error adding note to ticket from message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".");
                                    //Create the fake user first..
                                    if (usrFrom == null)
                                        RemoteUser newUser = new RemoteUser();
                                        newUser.Active       = true;
                                        newUser.Approved     = false;
                                        newUser.EmailAddress = msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address;
                                        newUser.Login        = msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address;
                                        Dictionary <string, string> names = getFullNameFromAddress(msg.Headers.From);
                                        newUser.FirstName = names["first"];
                                        newUser.LastName  = names["last"];

                                        //Check for too-long strings..
                                        if (newUser.FirstName.Length > 49)
                                            newUser.FirstName = newUser.FirstName.Substring(0, 49);
                                        if (newUser.LastName.Length > 49)
                                            newUser.LastName = newUser.LastName.Substring(0, 49);
                                        if (newUser.Login.Length > 49)
                                            newUser.Login = newUser.Login.Substring(0, 49);
                                        if (newUser.EmailAddress.Length > 49)
                                            newUser.EmailAddress = newUser.EmailAddress.Substring(0, 49);

                                        usrFrom = clientAppl.User_Create(newUser, "abcdefghijkLMNOPQ1", "Registration Code", Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 0), new List <string>());
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage("Temporary user '" + newUser.Login + "' created, user ID#" + usrFrom.UserId.ToSafeString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                    //Need to create a new ticket.
                                    newTicket = new RemoteTicket();
                                    newTicket.CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    newTicket.Name         = msg.Headers.Subject;
                                    newTicket.Description  = getTextFromMessage(msg, true);
                                    newTicket.OpenerId     = usrFrom.UserId;
                                    newTicket.ProductId    = account.ProductOrProjectId.Value;

                                    //Add any CC users
                                    newTicket.CCList = ccList;

                                    //Add the source
                                    newTicket.SourceId = -2; //Email

                                    //Check regex other products
                                    if (account.UseRegexToMatch)
                                        Regex regProd1 = new Regex(@"\[PR[\:\-\s](\d*?)\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                        if (regProd1.IsMatch(newTicket.Description) || regProd1.IsMatch(newTicket.Name))
                                            //Someone used the PR tag in the email body, we'll use it, if possible.
                                            string matchNum = "";
                                            if (regProd1.IsMatch(newTicket.Name))
                                                matchNum = regProd1.Matches(newTicket.Name)[0].Groups[1].Value;
                                            else if (regProd1.IsMatch(newTicket.Description))
                                                matchNum = regProd1.Matches(newTicket.Description)[0].Groups[1].Value;
                                                _eventLog.WriteMessage("ERROR: At least one RegEx returned IsMatch, but none contained match.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                            int prodNum = 0;
                                            if (int.TryParse(matchNum, out prodNum))
                                                //We had a number, let's see if it's a valid product.
                                                RemoteProduct prod = krnProds.Where(prd => prd.ProductId == prodNum).SingleOrDefault();
                                                if (prod != null)
                                                    newTicket.ProductId = (int)prod.ProductId.Value;
                                                    _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " changed to Product '" + prod.Name + "' due to having [PR:xx] tag.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                                            bool foundToken = false;
                                            foreach (RemoteProduct prod in krnProds)
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prod.ProductToken))
                                                    Regex regProd2 = new Regex(@"\b" + prod.ProductToken + @"\b", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                                                    if (regProd2.IsMatch(newTicket.Description) || regProd2.IsMatch(newTicket.Name))
                                                        newTicket.ProductId = (int)prod.ProductId.Value;
                                                        foundToken          = true;
                                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " changed to Product '" + prod.Name + "' due to having Product token '" + prod.ProductToken + "'", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                            if (!foundToken)
                                                foreach (RemoteProduct prod in krnProds)
                                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prod.Name))
                                                        Regex regProd3 = new Regex(@"\b" + prod.Name + @"\b", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                                                        if (regProd3.IsMatch(newTicket.Description) || regProd3.IsMatch(newTicket.Name))
                                                            newTicket.ProductId = (int)prod.ProductId.Value;
                                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " changed to Product '" + prod.Name + "' due to having Product name '" + prod.Name + "'", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                    //Check for string overrun..
                                    if (newTicket.Name.Length > 254)
                                        newTicket.Name = newTicket.Name.Substring(0, 254);
                                    //Check for null (or empty) Name..
                                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newTicket.Name))
                                        newTicket.Name = "(no subject)";

                                    newTicket = clientAppl.Ticket_Create(newTicket);
                                    tktId     = newTicket.TicketId;
                                    _eventLog.WriteMessage("Ticket #" + newTicket.TicketId.ToSafeString() + " created from message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

                                    //If we get this far, mark the message as processed.
                                        //Add it to our list..

                                        if (account.RemoveFromServer)
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Trying to delete message " + msg.MessageLogID + " from server.");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Creating new ticket/user for message " + msg.MessageLogID);

                            //Check for attachments now..
                            if (tktId.HasValue)
                                //The list of contentID's mapped to URLs..
                                Dictionary <string, string> mappedURLs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                    //Get existing attachments and add them to the list.
                                    List <RemoteDocument> tktDocs = clientAppl.Document_GetForArtifact(6, tktId.Value, true);
                                    Dictionary <string, RemoteDocument> savedHashes = new Dictionary <string, RemoteDocument>();
                                    foreach (RemoteDocument doc in tktDocs)
                                        string hash = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(doc.Hash).Trim();
                                        if (!savedHashes.ContainsKey(hash))
                                            savedHashes.Add(hash.Trim(), doc);

                                    foreach (MessagePart attach in msg.FindAllAttachments().Where(aa => aa.IsMultiPart == false && aa.IsText == false))
                                        //First get the MD5 of the attachment..
                                        string attHash;
                                        using (var md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
                                            attHash = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(md5.ComputeHash(attach.Body)).Trim();

                                        //Make sure the hash dosen't already exist..
                                        bool doesExist = false;
                                        if (savedHashes.ContainsKey(attHash))
                                            //It exists, so se tthe flag and add the URL and Id to our dictionary..
                                            doesExist = true;
                                            if (!mappedURLs.ContainsKey(attach.ContentId))
                                                mappedURLs.Add(attach.ContentId, savedHashes[attHash].DocumentURL);

                                        if (!doesExist)
                                            //Add the file..
                                            RemoteDocument newDoc = new RemoteDocument();
                                            newDoc.ArtifactId       = tktId.Value;
                                            newDoc.ArtifactTypeId   = 6;
                                            newDoc.AttachmentTypeId = 1;
                                            newDoc.AuthorId         = usrFrom.UserId;
                                            newDoc.FilenameOrUrl    = attach.FileName;
                                            newDoc.UploadDate       = DateTime.UtcNow;

                                            //Check for string overrun and add extension if necessary.
                                            if (newDoc.FilenameOrUrl.Length > 250)
                                                newDoc.FilenameOrUrl = newDoc.FilenameOrUrl.Substring(0, 250);
                                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Path.GetExtension(newDoc.FilenameOrUrl)) && attach.ContentType != null)
                                                string tempFileExtension = clientAppl.System_GetExtensionFromMimeType(attach.ContentType.MediaType);
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tempFileExtension))
                                                    newDoc.FilenameOrUrl += "." + tempFileExtension;

                                            //Call the function and update mappings..
                                            newDoc = clientAppl.Document_AddFile(newDoc, attach.Body);
                                            savedHashes.Add(attHash, newDoc);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attach.ContentId))
                                                mappedURLs.Add(attach.ContentId, newDoc.DocumentURL);

                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Attachment #" + newDoc.AttachmentId.ToSafeString() + " created from file '" + attach.FileName + "' for Ticket #" + tktId.ToSafeString() + " from message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Attachment file '" + attach.FileName + "' not uploaded from message " + msg.MessageLogID + ", hash already exists in Ticket #" + tktId.ToSafeString() + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Saving attachment for message " + msg.MessageLogID);

                                //If the flag's set, get the entire message..
                                if (account.SaveRawEmailAsAttachment)
                                        RemoteDocument rawMsg = getMsgAsAttachment(msg, tktId.Value, usrFrom.UserId, null);
                                        rawMsg = clientAppl.Document_AddFile(rawMsg, msg.RawMessage);

                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " saved as Attachment #" + rawMsg.AttachmentId.ToSafeString() + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Saving message " + msg.MessageLogID + " as attachment:");

                                //Now loop through each saved attachment, and update URLs..
                                bool needsTktUpdating  = false;
                                bool needsNoteUpdating = false;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvpURL in mappedURLs)
                                    //See if we need to updat ethe note or the ticket..
                                    if (newTicket == null && newTktNote != null)
                                        if (newTktNote.Text.Contains(kvpURL.Key))
                                            newTktNote.Text   = newTktNote.Text.Replace("cid:" + kvpURL.Key, kvpURL.Value);
                                            needsNoteUpdating = true;
                                    else if (newTicket != null && newTktNote == null)
                                        if (newTicket.Description.Contains(kvpURL.Key))
                                            newTicket.Description = newTicket.Description.Replace("cid:" + kvpURL.Key, kvpURL.Value);
                                            needsTktUpdating      = true;
                                        //Log warning message here.
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage("Both newTicket and newTktNote were null or not null while processing message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
                                if (needsTktUpdating)
                                        //The date is set to 4/26/1976 so that the KronoDesk code knows not to record history changes and send out another notification.
                                        //All we're doing is converting the description URLs for the newly-uploaded attachments.
                                        _eventLog.WriteTrace(METHOD, "Updating ticket description with attachment URLs for message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".");
                                        newTicket.LastUpdateDate = new DateTime(1976, 4, 26);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Trying to update ticket description for message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".");
                                else if (needsNoteUpdating)
                                        _eventLog.WriteTrace(METHOD, "Updating note text with attachment URLs for message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".");
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "Trying to update note text for message " + msg.MessageLogID + ".");
                            //Log it..
                            _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " on the server did not pass filters:" + Environment.NewLine + "Subject: " + msg.Headers.Subject + Environment.NewLine + "Reasons: " + Environment.NewLine + filterMsg, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
                        //Log it..
                        _eventLog.WriteMessage("Message " + msg.MessageLogID + " had no From address or was from the import account --" + Environment.NewLine + "Subject: " + msg.Headers.Subject + Environment.NewLine + "Msg UID: " + msg.Headers.MessageId + Environment.NewLine + "For reason: From Email address same as importing account, or was null.", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _eventLog.WriteMessage(METHOD, ex, "While importing message " + msg.MessageLogID);

            //Save the seen message IDs first, in case there's a problem disconnecting.
            saveMessageIDsForAccount(account.AccountID.Value, seenUIDs);

            //Disconnect client and POP3..
            catch (Exception ex)
                _eventLog.WriteMessage("Trying to disconnect from server.", ex);