Пример #1
        private void LoadLogs()
            jobSys = SmsFactory.getSystem("eJobs");
            //get unset list from db
            DataTable MessageList = jobSys.getLogs();

            //convert datasource to list
            List <DataRow> Messagelist = MessageList.AsEnumerable().ToList();

            LogsTablePanel.RowCount = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in MessageList.Rows)
                string notificationID = row["NotficationId"].ToString();
                string serviceId      = row["ServiceId"].ToString();
                string clientName     = row["ClientName"].ToString();
                string message        = row["Message"].ToString();
                string schedule       = row["DTlog"].ToString();
                string status         = row["Status"].ToString();

                LogsControl logs = new LogsControl();
                logs.setDetails(Int32.Parse(notificationID), Int32.Parse(serviceId), clientName, status);

                //SMSinbox msgbox = new SMSinbox();
                //msgbox.setContent(Int32.Parse(notificationID), ClientName, message, Schedule, msgStatus);
                LogsTablePanel.RowCount = LogsTablePanel.RowCount + 1;
Пример #2
        private void LoadSentItems()
            jobSys = SmsFactory.getSystem("eJobs");
            //get unset list from db
            DataTable MessageList = jobSys.getRecord();

            //convert datasource to list
            List <DataRow> Messagelist = MessageList.AsEnumerable().ToList();

            tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in MessageList.Rows)
                string notificationID = row["NotficationId"].ToString();
                string ClientName     = row["ClientName"].ToString();
                string message        = row["Message"].ToString();
                string Schedule       = row["DTlog"].ToString();
                string msgStatus      = row["Status"].ToString();

                SMSinbox msgbox = new SMSinbox();
                msgbox.setContent(Int32.Parse(notificationID), ClientName, message, Schedule, msgStatus);
                tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount + 1;
Пример #3
        private void SendBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            jobSys = SmsFactory.getSystem("eJobs");
            jobSys.SendSMS("09950753794", "Pickup Details" +
                           "Date:18 Jul 2018 (Wed)" +
                           "Time&Location:12:00:00 Airport" +
                           "Guest:Admin Test #09950753794" +
                           "Driver:Supplier #09950753794" +
                           "Unit:Default ");



Пример #4
        private void LoadMsgPending()
            jobSys = SmsFactory.getSystem("eJobs");

            //get unset list from db
            DataTable MessageList = jobSys.getUnsentItemsOnline();

                //convert datasource to list
                List <DataRow> Messagelist = MessageList.AsEnumerable().ToList();

                tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in MessageList.Rows)
                    string rqID       = row["RequestId"].ToString();
                    string svcID      = row["RequestId"].ToString();
                    string jobId      = row["ServiceID"].ToString();
                    int    serviceID  = Int32.Parse(svcID);
                    string recipient  = row["Recipient"].ToString();
                    string message    = row["Message"].ToString();
                    string Schedule   = row["DTSchedule"].ToString();
                    string RefId      = row["RecType"].ToString();
                    string ClientName = row["ClientName"].ToString();
                    //messageStatus = LabSys.SendSMS(recipient, message); //uncomment to enable sending
                    //Console.WriteLine("notificationID: " + serviceID);
                    Console.WriteLine("recipient: " + recipient);
                    //Console.WriteLine("message: " + message);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Schedule: " + Schedule);
                    //Console.WriteLine("RefId: " + RefId);
                    string msgStatus = "Pending";

                    //check if service id have record in local db
                    if (jobSys.checkrecord(serviceID))  //true if serviceID has record on local db
                        Console.WriteLine("ID " + serviceID + ", Has Record on local. ");

                        //get notification referenceID
                        int refID = Int32.Parse(jobSys.getRefID(svcID));
                        Console.WriteLine("RefID : " + refID);

                        //check record status
                        if (jobSys.checkstatus(serviceID))
                            Console.WriteLine("Status: Sent");

                            //possible scenario, status on online db is PENDING,
                            //while status on localdb is SENT
                            //Action: update online db

                            //update onlinedb
                            jobSys.updateRecordOnline(serviceID, refID);
                        else  //local db notification status is PENDING
                            Console.WriteLine("Status: Pending, Attempting to Send Message.");
                            //attempt to sms

                            //get response (Sent/Failed)
                            string response = "Sent";
                            //response = jobSys.SendSMS("09950753794", "Test from eJobs Manger program ");
                            response = jobSys.sendMessageOnList(refID, message);
                            if (response == "Sent")
                                //update onlinedb
                                jobSys.updateRecordOnline(serviceID, refID);

                                //update localdb
                                Console.WriteLine("serviceID: " + serviceID);

                                //insert sent to log
                                jobSys.insertLog(refID, "Sent");
                            else    //COM error / Failed

                            //insert failed to log,
                            //no update on notification status
                            //to resend on next refresh
                                jobSys.insertLog(refID, response);
                        Console.WriteLine("Updating Record Successful");
                        Console.WriteLine("ID " + serviceID + ", Has NO Record on local. ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding NEW record to the Local Database");
                        //add record to the db
                        jobSys.insertRecord(svcID, jobId, "1", message, Schedule, "Pending");

                        //add message to view
                        Console.WriteLine("adding sms inbox ");

                        //get notification referenceID
                        Console.WriteLine("getRefID : " + svcID);
                        int refID = Int32.Parse(jobSys.getRefID(svcID));

                        Console.WriteLine("recipient: " + recipient);

                        //add Recipients to the table
                        // Split string on spaces.
                        // ... This will separate all the words.
                        string[] recipients = recipient.Split(',');
                        foreach (string number in recipients)
                            Console.WriteLine("Recipient " + number + "added - RefID: " + refID);
                            jobSys.insertRecipients(refID.ToString(), number);

                        Console.WriteLine("Adding Record Successful");

                    //inset new activity log
                    //LabSys.SetActivityLog(notificationID, messageStatus, "none");

                    // break;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("No Pending Record");