Пример #1
            public Sky(bool dayTime)
                : base(0, 0, 1, 1)
                _texture = new Gradient(dayTime ? Day : Night);

                var vertices = new float[16];

                _verticesBuffer = Quad.Create();

                vertices[2]  = 0.25f;
                vertices[6]  = 0.25f;
                vertices[10] = 0.75f;
                vertices[14] = 0.75f;

                vertices[3]  = 0;
                vertices[7]  = 1;
                vertices[11] = 1;
                vertices[15] = 0;

                vertices[0] = 0;
                vertices[1] = 0;

                vertices[4] = 1;
                vertices[5] = 0;

                vertices[8] = 1;
                vertices[9] = 1;

                vertices[12] = 0;
                vertices[13] = 1;

Пример #2
        public Font(SmartTexture tx, int width, int height, string chars)
            : base(tx)
            Texture = tx;

            AutoUppercase = chars.Equals(LatinUpper);

            var length = chars.Length;

            var uw = (float)width / tx.Width;
            var vh = (float)height / tx.Height;

            var left   = 0;
            var top    = 0;
            var bottom = vh;

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                left += (int)uw;
                var rect = new RectF(left, top, left, bottom);
                Add(chars[i], rect);

                if (left < 1)

                left    = 0;
                top     = (int)bottom;
                bottom += vh;

            LineHeight = BaseLine = height;
Пример #3
        public WndHero()
            icons = TextureCache.Get(Assets.BUFFS_LARGE);
            film  = new TextureFilm(icons, 16, 16);

            stats = new StatsTab(this);

            buffs = new BuffsTab(this);

            var statsTab = new LabeledTab(this, TXT_STATS);

            statsTab.SelectAction = StatsSelect;

            var buffsTab = new LabeledTab(this, TXT_BUFFS);

            buffsTab.SelectAction = BuffsSelect;

            foreach (var tab in Tabs)
                tab.SetSize(TAB_WIDTH, TabHeight());

            Resize(WIDTH, (int)Math.Max(stats.Height(), buffs.Height()));

Пример #4
        public virtual void Copy(Image other)
            texture = other.texture;
            frame   = new RectF(other.frame);

            _Width  = other.Width;
            _Height = other.Height;

Пример #5
        public Flare(int nRays, float radius)
            : base(0, 0, 0, 0)
            // FIXME
            // Texture is incorrectly created every time we need
            // to show the effect, it must be refactored

            var gradient = new[] {
                Android.Graphics.Color.Argb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF),
                Android.Graphics.Color.Argb(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

            _texture = new Gradient(gradient);

            _nRays = nRays;

            Angle        = 45;
            AngularSpeed = 180;

            _vertices = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect((nRays * 2 + 1) * 4 * (sizeof(float))).Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()).AsFloatBuffer();

            _indices = ByteBuffer.AllocateDirect(nRays * 3 * sizeof(short)).Order(ByteOrder.NativeOrder()).AsShortBuffer();

            var v = new float[4];

            v[0] = 0;
            v[1] = 0;
            v[2] = 0.25f;
            v[3] = 0;

            v[2] = 0.75f;
            v[3] = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < nRays; i++)
                var a = i * 3.1415926f * 2 / nRays;
                v[0] = FloatMath.Cos(a) * radius;
                v[1] = FloatMath.Sin(a) * radius;

                a   += 3.1415926f * 2 / nRays / 2;
                v[0] = FloatMath.Cos(a) * radius;
                v[1] = FloatMath.Sin(a) * radius;

                _indices.Put((short)(1 + i * 2));
                _indices.Put((short)(2 + i * 2));

Пример #6
        public Tilemap(object tx, TextureFilm tileset)
            : base(0, 0, 0, 0)
            texture      = TextureCache.Get(tx);
            this.tileset = tileset;

            var r = tileset.Get(0);

            _cellW = tileset.Width(r);
            _cellH = tileset.Height(r);

            vertices = new float[16];

            updated = new Rect();
Пример #7
        public NinePatch(object tx, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom)
            : base(0, 0, 0, 0)
            texture = TextureCache.Get(tx);
            w       = w == 0 ? texture.Width : w;
            h       = h == 0 ? texture.Height : h;

            nWidth  = _Width = w;
            nHeight = _Height = h;

            vertices       = new float[16];
            verticesBuffer = Quad.CreateSet(9);

            marginLeft   = Left;
            marginRight  = Right;
            marginTop    = Top;
            marginBottom = Bottom;

            outterF = texture.UvRect(x, y, x + w, y + h);
            innerF  = texture.UvRect(x + Left, y + Top, x + w - Right, y + h - Bottom);

Пример #8
 public virtual void Texture(object tx)
     texture = tx is SmartTexture ? (SmartTexture)tx : TextureCache.Get(tx);
     Frame(new RectF(0, 0, 1, 1));
Пример #9
 public TextureFilm(SmartTexture texture, int Width)
     : this(texture, Width, texture.Height)
Пример #10
 protected override void CreateChildren()
     texture = TextureCache.Get(Assets.BUFFS_SMALL);
     film    = new TextureFilm(texture, SIZE, SIZE);
Пример #11
 public Font(SmartTexture tx, int width, string chars)
     : this(tx, width, tx.Height, chars)
Пример #12
 protected internal Font(SmartTexture tx)
     : base(tx)
     Texture = tx;