Пример #1
    public void DisplayToyData(SmartPiece sp)
        // if ID is null, no smart piece was read
        if (sp.id != "null")
            GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
            Debug.Log("Scanned SmartPiece Id is " + sp.id);

            // trim ID to its 7 byte UID
            string trimmedId = sp.id.Substring(0, 14);

            // if ID begins with AF, we know its UID is only 4 bytes. Set the last 3 bytes to 0.
            if (trimmedId[0] == 'A')
                trimmedId  = trimmedId.Substring(0, 8);
                trimmedId += "000000";

            // convert UID string to long
            long id = long.Parse(trimmedId, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            // check if UID is registered in toyManager
            if (toyManager.toyUidToIndex.ContainsKey(id))
                int    index = toyManager.toyUidToIndex[id];
                string owner = toyManager.toyTokens[index].Owner;

                // check if scanned toy's owner is current wallet
                if (owner == accountManager.Account)
                    for (int i = 0; i < inventory.ownedToyUids.Count; ++i)
                        if (id == inventory.ownedToyUids[i])
                // if scanned toy's owner is not current wallet, reload inventory
                    inventory.uidToDisplay = id;
            // If UID is not registered in toyManager, display unregistered toy
                inventory.DisplayUnregistered(sp.id.Substring(0, 14));
        // no smartpiece read, only a touch
            Debug.Log("id was null");
Пример #2
 void HeartbeatScanAutoFast()
     if (Input.touchCount > 0)
         int  xCoordinate = 0;
         int  yCoordinate = 0;
         bool ynFound     = false;
         foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
             if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                 ynFound     = true;
                 xCoordinate = (int)touch.position.x;
                 yCoordinate = canvasHeight - (int)touch.position.y;
         if (ynFound == true)
             Vector2 p1   = new Vector2(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
             Vector2 p2   = new Vector2(xCoordinateLast, yCoordinateLast);
             float   dist = Vector2.Distance(p1, p2);
             if (dist > distNear || uidLast == "null")
                 string uid = IssueScan(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
                 spOrig = new SmartPiece(xCoordinate, canvasHeight - yCoordinate, uid);
                 string txt = "(" + cntScans + ") fast |||||||||||||||||| SmartPiece IssueScan for ";
                 txt += xCoordinate + ", " + yCoordinate + " |" + uid + "|";
                 //textLog.text += txt + "\n";
                 Debug.Log("BlockChainReader " + txt);
                 uidLast         = uid;
                 xCoordinateLast = xCoordinate;
                 yCoordinateLast = yCoordinate;
     Invoke("HeartbeatScanAutoFast", .01f);
Пример #3
    void VerifyNextInTouches()
        if (Input.touchCount == 0)
            // simulates heartbeat even when no touch, returning nulls
            for (int n = 0; n < maxNumTouchGos; n++)
                lastTouchUids[n]     = "null";
                lastYnTouchExists[n] = false;
        if (currentTouchN >= Input.touchCount)
            currentTouchN = 0;
        Debug.Log("TouchExists ---- currentTouchN: " + currentTouchN + " TouchCount: " + Input.touchCount + "-----------------------------------------");

        int xCoordinate = (int)Input.touches[currentTouchN].position.x;
        int yCoordinate = canvasHeight - (int)Input.touches[currentTouchN].position.y;

        // silent heartbeat
        string uid = IssueScan(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);

        // two consecutive nulls = touch up, non-null uid = touch down, touchup followed by touchdown calls delegate
        bool ynTouchExists = lastYnTouchExists[currentTouchN];

        if (uid != "null")
            ynTouchExists = true;
            if (lastTouchUids[currentTouchN] == "null" && uid == "null")
                ynTouchExists = false;
            //            if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastScanTimestamp > 1f)
            //            {
            //                lastYnTouchExists[currentTouchN] = false;
            //            }

        string txtCall = "";

        if (lastYnTouchExists[currentTouchN] == false && ynTouchExists == true)
            spOrig = new SmartPiece(xCoordinate, canvasHeight - yCoordinate, uid);
            Debug.Log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TouchExists SmartPieceManager calling delegate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
            txtCall = " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
        Debug.Log("TouchExists ---------------------------------------------");
        Debug.Log("TouchExists uids: " + lastTouchUids[currentTouchN] + ", " + uid);
        Debug.Log("TouchExists touch: " + lastYnTouchExists[currentTouchN] + ", " + ynTouchExists + "    " + txtCall);
        if (currentTouchN >= 0 && currentTouchN < maxNumTouchGos)
            lastYnTouchExists[currentTouchN] = ynTouchExists;
            lastTouchUids[currentTouchN]     = uid;
        //        lastScanTimestamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;