Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct an NPC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapRef">Which map are they on?</param>
        /// <param name="sched">daily schedule</param>
        /// <param name="npcType">type of NPC they are</param>
        /// <param name="dialogNumber">dialog number referencing data OVL</param>
        /// <param name="dialogIndex">0-31 index of it's position in the NPC arrays (used for saved.gam references)</param>
        /// <param name="talkScript">their conversation script</param>
        public NonPlayerCharacterReference(SmallMapReferences.SingleMapReference.Location location, GameState gameStateRef, NPC_Schedule sched,
                                           byte npcType, byte dialogNumber, int dialogIndex, TalkScript talkScript, int nKeySprite)
            Schedule = new NonPlayerCharacterSchedule(sched);

            MapLocation  = location;
            NPCKeySprite = nKeySprite;

            CharacterType     = npcType;
            DialogNumber      = dialogNumber;
            Script            = talkScript;
            DialogIndex       = dialogIndex;
            this.gameStateRef = gameStateRef;

            // no schedule? I guess you're not real
            if (!IsEmptySched(sched))
                System.Console.WriteLine(location.ToString() + "     NPC Number: " + this.DialogNumber + " in " + location.ToString());
Пример #2
        public string GetLocationName(SmallMapReferences.SingleMapReference.Location location)
            Func <DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS, string> getLocationNameStr = delegate(DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS index)
                return(dataRef.GetStringFromDataChunkList(DataOvlReference.DataChunkName.LOCATION_NAMES, (int)index));

            // filthy way to convert our more commonly used Location enum to the less used LOCATION_STRINGS
            // they didn't even bother having them all match, and then decided to leave some out
            DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS newLocStrEnum = (DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS), location.ToString());

            // if the DataOVL didn't provide a name, then we are forced to set our own... :(
            if ((int)newLocStrEnum < 0)
                switch (newLocStrEnum)
                case DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS.Suteks_Hut:
                    return("SUTEK'S HUT");

                case DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS.SinVraals_Hut:
                    return("SIN VRAAL'S HUT");

                case DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS.Grendels_Hut:
                    return("GRENDAL'S HUT");

                case DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS.Lord_Britishs_Castle:
                    return("LORD BRITISH'S CASTLE");

                case DataOvlReference.LOCATION_STRINGS.Palace_of_Blackthorn:
                    return("PALACE OF BLACKTHORN");

                    throw new Exception("Ummm asked for a location name and wasn't on the guest list.");