public static void SendMessage(string messageText) { SlackClient client = new SlackClient(_SlackUrlWithAccessToken); client.PostMessage(username: _SlackWebHookName, text: messageText, channel: _SlackChannelName); }
public void DoIt() { string urlWithAccessToken = ""; SlackClient client = new SlackClient(urlWithAccessToken); client.PostMessage(username: "******", text: "Message from Mmap man, step complete", channel: "#shipitday-mmapman"); }
private void appDocSynched(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs e) { Variables.logSyncEnd = DateTime.Now; Variables.logSyncDuration = Variables.logSyncEnd - Variables.logSyncStart; Document doc = e.Document; #region Settings: Reload from Extensible Storage ParameterCommands.Load(doc); #endregion #region Extra: Tracking-Report Differences after Sync IEnumerable <Element> a = TrackChanges.Command.GetTrackedElements(doc); Dictionary <int, string> end_state = TrackChanges.Command.GetSnapshot(a); string results = TrackChanges.Command.ReportDifferences(doc, _start_state, end_state); _start_state = TrackChanges.Command.GetSnapshot(a); #endregion #region Post: Worksharing Info-Synchronized to Central if (Variables.slackOn && Variables.slackWSInfo) { string gif_lg_url = null; string gif_sm_url = null; if (Variables.giphySet > 0) { var giphyClient = new GiphyClient(); string gif_msg = giphyClient.GetRandomGif("ThumbsUp").Content; var gif_resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Giphy.Response>(gif_msg); if (Variables.giphySet == 1) { gif_sm_url =; } if (Variables.giphySet == 2) { gif_lg_url =; } } var slackClient = new SlackClient(Variables.slackToken); //Delete previous synching message, if enabled if (Variables.tidySet > 0) { slackClient.DeleteMessage(msgts_synching, Variables.slackChId); msgts_synching.Clear(); } //Post synched message string text = ""; string channel = Variables.slackChId; string botname = "Synching Info"; string icon_url = Variables.icon_revit; var attachments = new Attachments { fallback = Variables.logUsername + "has synched", color = "good", fields = new Fields[] { new Fields { title = "Status", value = Variables.logUsername + " has synched to central.\n[" + Variables.logFileCentralName + " (Size: " + Variables.logFileSize.ToString() + "MB) ]", @short = true }, new Fields { title = "Duration", value = string.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", Variables.logSyncDuration), @short = true } }, image_url = gif_lg_url, thumb_url = gif_sm_url }; string msg_response = slackClient.PostMessage(text, channel: channel, botName: botname, attachments: attachments, icon_url: icon_url).Content; var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChatPostMessageResponse>(msg_response); msgts_synching.Add(resp.ts); } #endregion }
public void SlackErrorReport(string message) { SlackClient client = new SlackClient(); client.PostMessage($"ERROR: {message}"); }
public void PostMessageToAdageTracker(string text, string botName) { slackClient.PostMessage(null, "#adage-tracker", text, botName); }
public void PostMessageToSlack(SlackMessage message) { SlackClient.PostMessage(message); ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <SlackHub>().Clients.All.addMessage(message.UserName, message.Text); SlackMessageStore.SaveMessage(message); }
private static async Task postaMessagetoSlack() { TFSBuildService bs = new TFSBuildService(tfsserverKey); List <BuildDefinition> buildsDefn; BuildDefinition psi = null;; BuildDefinition psv = null; BuildDefinition oc = null; buildsDefn = bs.GetAllbuildsOnServer(teamProjectName); foreach (var buildDefinition in buildsDefn) { if (buildDefinition.DefinitionName.Equals(psibuildName)) { psi = buildDefinition; } if (buildDefinition.DefinitionName.Equals(psvbuildName)) { psv = buildDefinition; } if (buildDefinition.DefinitionName.Equals(ocbuildName)) { oc = buildDefinition; } } BuildStatus psibuildStatus = BuildStatus.None; BuildStatus psvbuildStatus = BuildStatus.None; BuildStatus ocbuildStatus = BuildStatus.None; if (psi != null) { IBuildDetail[] bd = bs.GetLatestBuild(new BuildDefinition(psi.TeamProject, psi.DefinitionName)); if (bd != null && bd.Length > 0) { psibuildStatus = bs.GetLatestBuildStatusForProject(bd[0]); } } if (psv != null) { IBuildDetail[] bd = bs.GetLatestBuild(new BuildDefinition(psv.TeamProject, psv.DefinitionName)); if (bd != null && bd.Length > 0) { psvbuildStatus = bs.GetLatestBuildStatusForProject(bd[0]); } } if (oc != null) { IBuildDetail[] bd = bs.GetLatestBuild(new BuildDefinition(oc.TeamProject, oc.DefinitionName)); if (bd != null && bd.Length > 0) { ocbuildStatus = bs.GetLatestBuildStatusForProject(bd[0]); } } StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); sb1.Append("Time:" + DateTime.Now); sb1.Append("\n"); sb1.Append("PSI status:"); sb1.Append(psibuildStatus.ToString()); sb1.Append("\n"); sb1.Append("PSV status:"); sb1.Append(psvbuildStatus.ToString()); sb1.Append("\n"); sb1.Append("OC status:"); sb1.Append(ocbuildStatus.ToString()); SlackClient client = new SlackClient(incomingwebhookurl); var response = await client.PostMessage(username : "******", text : sb1.ToString(), channel : "#localtfs"); var isValid = response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? "valid" : "invalid"; Console.WriteLine($"Received {isValid} response."); }
public void Send(string accountId) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(response1 => { }, "my channel", $"{accountId} try to login failed", "my bot name"); }
static void ScrapeKrubbstugan(SlackClient client, List <Resturante> resturangList, int day, bool send) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb web = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb(); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load(""); Resturante krubbstugan = new Resturante("Krubbstugan"); resturangList.Add(krubbstugan); string id = "t3"; var matsedel = doc.GetElementbyId(id); string food = matsedel.InnerText; var vecka = new List <Veckodag>(); var innerScrapedText = new List <string>(); //Get the whole meny innerScrapedText.AddRange(food.Split("\n")); //Remove the first to lines, they are irrilevant innerScrapedText.RemoveAt(0); innerScrapedText.RemoveAt(0); //Gather the names of the week days. for (int i = 0; i < innerScrapedText.Count; i += 3) { Veckodag veckodag = new Veckodag(); innerScrapedText[i] = innerScrapedText[i].Replace(" ", " "); innerScrapedText[i] = innerScrapedText[i].Replace(" ", ""); veckodag.Name = innerScrapedText[i]; vecka.Add(veckodag); } int y = 0; int x = 1; //Gather the food of each days for (int i = 0; i < vecka.Count + 2; i++) { innerScrapedText[x] = innerScrapedText[x].Replace(" ", " "); innerScrapedText[x] = innerScrapedText[x].Replace("&", " "); if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 || i == 12) { continue; } vecka[y].FoodAlternativ.Add(innerScrapedText[x]); x++; vecka[y].FoodAlternativ.Add(innerScrapedText[x]); x += 2; y++; } //Get the right day of the week if (send == true) { client.PostMessage(username: "******", text: $"{vecka[day].Name} Alternativ 1 {vecka[day].FoodAlternativ[0]}", channel: "#foodchannel"); client.PostMessage(username: "******", text: $"{vecka[day].Name} Alternativ 2 {vecka[day].FoodAlternativ[1]}", channel: "#foodchannel"); } Console.WriteLine($"{vecka[day].Name} Alternativ 1 {vecka[day].FoodAlternativ[0]}"); Console.WriteLine($"{vecka[day].Name} Alternativ 2 {vecka[day].FoodAlternativ[1]}"); }
public void PushMessage(string accountId) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(responseMessage => { }, "my channel", $"my message : {accountId}", "my bot name"); }
public async override Task <UpdateStepRequest> HandleStep(Step step) { var updateRequest = new UpdateStepRequest() { Id = step.Id }; switch (step.StepTemplateId) { case "_GenerateSystemReport:0": var totalStepCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <Step> { Page = 0, Size = 0, })).Count; var totalUnassignedStepCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <Step> { Page = 0, Size = 0, Expression = e => e.Status == StepStatuses.Unassigned })).Count; var totalActiveBotCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <BotKey> { Page = 0, Size = 0, Expression = e => e.IsDisabled == false })).Count; updateRequest.Outputs = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "report", "Total Steps: " + totalStepCount + ", Total Unassigned Steps:" + totalUnassignedStepCount + ", Total Active Bots: " + totalActiveBotCount }, { "slack_report", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[] { new { type = "section", fields = new[] { new { text = "Total Unassigned Steps: " + totalUnassignedStepCount, type = "mrkdwn" } } }, new { type = "section", fields = new[] { new { text = "Total Steps: " + totalStepCount, type = "mrkdwn" } } }, new { type = "section", fields = new[] { new { text = "Total Active Bots: " + totalActiveBotCount, type = "mrkdwn" } } } }) }, { "markdown", "" } }; updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Successful; updateRequest.StatusCode = 0; return(updateRequest); case "_SendSlackMessage:0": var client = new SlackClient(_clientFactory); await client.PostMessage((string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "webhook_url").Value, new { username = (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "from").Value, icon_emoji = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("icon_emoji") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "icon_emoji").Value : null, icon_url = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("icon_url") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "icon_url").Value : null, channel = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("channel") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "channel").Value : null, blocks = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("blocks") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "blocks").Value) : null, text = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("text") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "text").Value : null }); updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Successful; return(updateRequest); } updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Error; updateRequest.Log = "Bot does not have a catch for " + step.StepTemplateId; return(updateRequest); }
public void Process(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { IsComplete = false; Message message = null; List <string> botParameters = null; Stats stats = null; SlackClient slackClient = null; string userName = null; foreach (var item in parameters) { switch (item.Key) { case "stats": stats = (Stats)item.Value; break; case "userName": userName = (string)item.Value; break; case "message": message = (Message)item.Value; break; case "parameters": botParameters = (List <string>)item.Value; break; case "_slackClient": slackClient = (SlackClient)item.Value; break; default: break; } } if (botParameters.Count == 4 && botParameters[1] == "weather" && botParameters[2] == "now") { stats.MessageDelivered(); Models.Attachment attachment = new Models.Attachment { Footer = "BordaBot", Ts = Extension.ToProperTimeStamp(DateTime.Now) }; RestClient restClient = new RestClient(""); RestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest("weather", Method.GET); restRequest.AddParameter("q", botParameters[3]); restRequest.AddParameter("units", "metric"); restRequest.AddParameter("appid", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WeatherApiKey"]); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherData>(restClient.Execute(restRequest).Content); TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; var querryName = char.ToUpper(botParameters[3][0]) + botParameters[3].Substring(1, botParameters[3].Length - 1); attachment.Color = "#00CEE9"; attachment.Text = "Weather now in " + querryName + " is " + textInfo.ToTitleCase(response.Weather[0].Description); attachment.ThumbUrl = "" + response.Weather[0].Icon + ".png"; Field temp = new Field { Title = "Temperature", Value = response.Main.Temp + " ℃", Short = true }; Field hum = new Field { Title = "Humidity", Value = response.Main.Humidity + "%", Short = true }; Field pres = new Field { Title = "Pressure Level", Value = response.Main.Pressure + " hPa", Short = true }; Field windsp = new Field { Title = "Wind Speed", Value = response.Wind.Speed + " meter/sec", Short = true }; attachment.Fields = new List <Field> { temp, hum, pres, windsp }; string attachments = "[" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachment) + "]"; slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ", here is the weather in " + querryName + ":", false, attachments); } else if (botParameters.Count == 4 && botParameters[1] == "weather" && botParameters[2] == "forecast") { stats.MessageDelivered(); List <Models.Attachment> attachments = new List <Models.Attachment>(); RestClient restClient = new RestClient(""); RestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest("forecast", Method.GET); restRequest.AddParameter("q", botParameters[3]); restRequest.AddParameter("units", "metric"); restRequest.AddParameter("appid", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WeatherApiKey"]); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherForecast>(restClient.Execute(restRequest).Content); var querryName = char.ToUpper(botParameters[3][0]) + botParameters[3].Substring(1, botParameters[3].Length - 1); foreach (var item in response.List) { if (item.DtTxt.Hour == 12) { Models.Attachment attachment = new Models.Attachment(); TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; attachment.Color = "#00CEE9"; attachment.Text = "Weather in " + querryName + " on " + item.DtTxt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm") + " is " + textInfo.ToTitleCase(item.Weather[0].Description); attachment.ThumbUrl = "" + item.Weather[0].Icon + ".png"; Field temp = new Field { Title = "Temperature", Value = item.Main.Temp + " ℃", Short = true }; Field hum = new Field { Title = "Humidity", Value = item.Main.Humidity + "%", Short = true }; Field pres = new Field { Title = "Pressure Level", Value = item.Main.Pressure + " hPa", Short = true }; Field windsp = new Field { Title = "Wind Speed", Value = item.Wind.Speed + " meter/sec", Short = true }; attachment.Fields = new List <Field> { temp, hum, pres, windsp }; attachments.Add(attachment); } } attachments.Last().Footer = "BordaBot"; attachments.Last().Ts = Extension.ToProperTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); string attachmentString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachments); slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ", here is the weather forecast for 5 days in " + querryName + ":", false, attachmentString); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post() { var file = await client.Files.DownloadAsync("/Documents/Employee Birthday List.xlsx"); var birthdays = new List <Birthday>(); var stream = await file.GetContentAsStreamAsync(); IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(stream); var sheet = workbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); for (var i = 2; i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { var row = sheet.GetRow(i); var name = row.GetCell(0).StringCellValue; var dateString = row.GetCell(1).StringCellValue; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dateString)) { continue; } try { var formattedDateString = $@"{ dateString .TrimEnd() .TrimEnd("nd", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) .Replace("Autust", "August") .Replace("Spetember", "September") .TrimEnd("th", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) .TrimEnd("rd", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) .TrimEnd("st", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) .Trim() } 2010".Trim(); var date = DateTime.ParseExact(formattedDateString, "MMMM d yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); birthdays.Add(new Birthday { Name = name, Date = date }); } catch (FormatException) { // TODO: log error when I actually have an error logger // throw new Exception($"{dateString} is not recognized as a valid date", ex); } } var slackClient = new SlackClient( ""); var lastNight = new DateTime(2010, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day) .Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1).Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))); var nextSundayNight = lastNight.AddDays(7); var thisWeeksBdays = birthdays.Where(bday => bday.Date > lastNight && bday.Date <= nextSundayNight); var messageString = ":tada: :birthday: We wish the following team members a very Happy Birthday :tada: :birthday:" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var personBirthday in thisWeeksBdays) { messageString += personBirthday.Name + " - " + personBirthday.Date.ToString("MM/dd") + Environment.NewLine; } slackClient.PostMessage(new Payload { Text = messageString }); return(this.Ok(birthdays)); }
public void PushMessage(string accountId) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my Api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(r => { }, "mychannel", $"message {accountId}"); }
private void appDocClosing(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentClosingEventArgs e) { BasicFileInfo fileInfo = BasicFileInfo.Extract(Variables.logFilePath); #region Post: Worksharing Warning-Close without saving if (Variables.slackOn && Variables.slackWSWarn) { if (fileInfo.AllLocalChangesSavedToCentral == false) { string gif_lg_url = null; string gif_sm_url = null; if (Variables.giphySet > 0) { var giphyClient = new GiphyClient(); string gif_msg = giphyClient.GetRandomGif("Disappointed").Content; var gif_resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Giphy.Response>(gif_msg); if (Variables.giphySet == 1) { gif_sm_url =; } if (Variables.giphySet == 2) { gif_lg_url =; } } var slackClient = new SlackClient(Variables.slackToken); string text = ""; string channel = Variables.slackChId; string botname = "Worksharing Warning"; string icon_url = Variables.icon_revit; var attachments = new Attachments { fallback = Variables.logUsername + "did not save to central before closing", color = "danger", fields = new Fields[] { new Fields { title = "Description", value = "The user has closed the model without saving their changes back to the central model. Open the model and save changes back to the central model.", @short = false }, new Fields { title = "User", value = Variables.logUsername, @short = true }, new Fields { title = "File", value = Variables.logFileCentralName, @short = true } }, image_url = gif_lg_url, thumb_url = gif_sm_url }; string msg_response = slackClient.PostMessage(text, channel: channel, botName: botname, attachments: attachments, icon_url: icon_url).Content; var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChatPostMessageResponse>(msg_response); msgts_ws.Add(resp.ts); } } #endregion }
private void appDocOpened(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentOpenedEventArgs e) { Variables.logOpenEnd = DateTime.Now; Variables.logOpenDuration = Variables.logOpenEnd - Variables.logOpenStart; Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = sender as Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application; Document doc = e.Document; #region Variables: Document & Application Variables string path = GetUNCPath(doc.PathName); BasicFileInfo fileInfo = BasicFileInfo.Extract(path); FileInfo f = new FileInfo(path); Variables.logComputerName = Environment.MachineName; Variables.logChangesSaved = fileInfo.AllLocalChangesSavedToCentral; Variables.logFileCentral = GetUNCPath(fileInfo.CentralPath); Variables.logFileCentralName = Path.GetFileName(Variables.logFileCentral); Variables.logIsCentral = fileInfo.IsCentral; Variables.logIsWorkshared = fileInfo.IsWorkshared; Variables.logCreatedLocal = fileInfo.IsCreatedLocal; Variables.logFileName = doc.Title; Variables.logFilePath = GetUNCPath(doc.PathName); Variables.logFileSize = Convert.ToInt32(f.Length / 1000000); Variables.logUsername = app.Username; Variables.logVersionBuild = app.VersionBuild; Variables.logVersionName = app.VersionName; Variables.logVersionNumber = app.VersionNumber; #endregion #region Tracking: Start Logging Pinned Elements IEnumerable <Element> a = TrackChanges.Command.GetTrackedElements(doc); _start_state = TrackChanges.Command.GetSnapshot(a); #endregion #region Settings: Load settings if they exist (Extensible Storage) ParameterCommands.Load(doc); #endregion #region Post: Worksharing Warning-Opened Central Model bool patheq = string.Equals(Variables.logFileCentral, Variables.logFilePath); if (Variables.slackOn && Variables.slackWSWarn) { if (patheq && Variables.logIsWorkshared) { string gif_lg_url = null; string gif_sm_url = null; if (Variables.giphySet > 0) { var giphyClient = new GiphyClient(); string gif_msg = giphyClient.GetRandomGif("Alarm").Content; var gif_resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Giphy.Response>(gif_msg); if (Variables.giphySet == 1) { gif_sm_url =; } if (Variables.giphySet == 2) { gif_lg_url =; } } var slackClient = new SlackClient(Variables.slackToken); string text = ""; string channel = Variables.slackChId; string botname = "Worksharing Warning"; string icon_url = Variables.icon_revit; var attachments = new Attachments { fallback = Variables.logUsername + "has opened the central model", color = "danger", fields = new Fields[] { new Fields { title = "Description", value = "The user has opened the central model. Close the central model and create a new local file> to work from.", @short = false }, new Fields { title = "User", value = Variables.logUsername, @short = true }, new Fields { title = "File", value = Variables.logFileCentralName, @short = true } }, image_url = gif_lg_url, thumb_url = gif_sm_url }; string msg_response = slackClient.PostMessage(text, channel: channel, botName: botname, attachments: attachments, icon_url: icon_url).Content; var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChatPostMessageResponse>(msg_response); msgts_ws.Add(resp.ts); } } #endregion #region Post: Model Warning-File Size > 300MB if (Variables.slackOn && Variables.slackModelWarn) { string gif_lg_url = null; string gif_sm_url = null; if (Variables.logFileSize > 300) { if (Variables.giphySet > 0) { var giphyClient = new GiphyClient(); string gif_msg = giphyClient.GetRandomGif("Gasp").Content; var gif_resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Giphy.Response>(gif_msg); if (Variables.giphySet == 1) { gif_sm_url =; } if (Variables.giphySet == 2) { gif_lg_url =; } var slackClient = new SlackClient(Variables.slackToken); string text = ""; string channel = Variables.slackChId; string botname = "Model Warning"; string icon_url = Variables.icon_revit; var attachments = new Attachments { fallback = "The file size has gone above 300MB, time to do some model file size management.", color = "danger", fields = new Fields[] { new Fields { title = "Description", value = "The file size is above 300MB, time to do some model maintenance", @short = false }, new Fields { title = "File Size", value = Variables.logFileSize.ToString() + "MB", @short = true }, new Fields { title = "File", value = Variables.logFileCentralName, @short = true } }, image_url = gif_lg_url, thumb_url = gif_sm_url }; string msg_response = slackClient.PostMessage(text, channel: channel, botName: botname, attachments: attachments, icon_url: icon_url).Content; var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChatPostMessageResponse>(msg_response); msgts_model.Add(resp.ts); } } #endregion #region Post: Tracking-Pinned Element-Started if (Variables.slackOn && Variables.slackExtraTrackPin) { var slackClient = new SlackClient(Variables.slackToken); //Post pinned elements message string text = ""; string channel = Variables.slackChId; string botname = "Pinning Info"; string icon_url = Variables.icon_revit; var attachments = new Attachments { fallback = Variables.logUsername + "has started tracking pinned elements.", color = "good", fields = new Fields[] { new Fields { title = "Status", value = Variables.logUsername + " has started tracking pinned elements.\n[" + Variables.logFileCentralName + "]", @short = true } } }; string msg_response = slackClient.PostMessage(text, channel: channel, botName: botname, attachments: attachments, icon_url: icon_url).Content; var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChatPostMessageResponse>(msg_response); msgts_extra.Add(resp.ts); } #endregion } }
public void Notify() { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(response1 => { }, "my channel", "my message", "my bot name"); }
public void ReportMe(Exception xception) { string test1 = default(string); string test2 = default(string); string test3 = default(string); string gpu = default(string); string cpu = "CPU Model: "; string clr = "CLR Version: " + System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion(); string space = Environment.NewLine; ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"); foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in mos.Get()) { if (managementObject["Caption"] != null) { test1 = "Operating System Name : " + managementObject["Caption"].ToString(); } if (managementObject["OSArchitecture"] != null) { test2 = "Operating System Architecture : " + managementObject["OSArchitecture"].ToString(); } if (managementObject["CSDVersion"] != null) { test3 = "Operating System Service Pack : " + managementObject["CSDVersion"].ToString() + space; } } ManagementObjectSearcher myVideoObject = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_VideoController"); foreach (ManagementObject obj in myVideoObject.Get()) { gpu = "GPU Model: " + obj["Name"] + space; } RegistryKey processor_name = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree); //This registry entry contains entry for processor info. string test4 = (string)processor_name.GetValue("ProcessorNameString"); string divider = "----------SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE BROKE SYNTHESIS----------" + space; osDetails = space + space + test1 + space + test2 + space + test3 + space + clr + space + space + cpu + test4 + space + gpu + space; errorDetails = "Exception Message: " + xception.Message + space + "Exception Data: " + xception.Data + space + "Exception Source: " + xception.Source + space + space + "Stack Trace:" + "```" + xception.StackTrace + "```"; userDetails = space + "User Email: " + textBox1.Text + space + "User Error Details: " + textBox2.Text + space; File.WriteAllText(@"Synthesis Crash Report.txt", errorDetails + space + osDetails + space + userDetails); if (DontSend == false) { try { //ulong toalRam = cinfo.TotalPhysicalMemory; //double toal = Convert.ToDouble(toalRam / (1024 * 1024)); //int t = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(toal / 1024).ToString()); //label6.Text = t.ToString() + " GB";// ram detail string urlWithAccessToken = "INSERT WEBHOOK LINK HERE"; SlackClient client = new SlackClient(urlWithAccessToken); client.PostMessage(username: "******", text: divider + errorDetails + osDetails + userDetails, channel: "#failures"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } Environment.Exit(0); } }
public static void TestPostMessage() { SlackClient client = new SlackClient(); client.PostMessage("THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE! SQUEEDLYBAMBLYFEEDLYMEEDLYMOWWWWWWWW!"); }
public void Notify(string accountId) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(response1 => { }, "my channel", accountId, "my bot name"); }
public void Process(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { Message message = null; List <string> botParameters = null; Stats stats = null; SlackClient slackClient = null; TimerPipeline timerPipeline = null; string userName = null; string userId = null; foreach (var item in parameters) { switch (item.Key) { case "stats": stats = (Stats)item.Value; break; case "userName": userName = (string)item.Value; break; case "userId": userId = (string)item.Value; break; case "message": message = (Message)item.Value; break; case "parameters": botParameters = (List <string>)item.Value; break; case "_timerPipeline": timerPipeline = (TimerPipeline)item.Value; break; case "_slackClient": slackClient = (SlackClient)item.Value; break; default: break; } } if (botParameters[1] == "stayhydrated" && botParameters[2] == "subscribe" && botParameters.Count == 4) { foreach (var item in timerPipeline._pipelineElemets) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(StayHydratedTimerMiddleware)) { if (!item.SubscribersList.Exists(obj => obj.UserId == userId)) { Pair newPair = new Pair { UserId = userId, SubscriptionDate = DateTime.Now, LastReminded = DateTime.Now, Interval = Int32.Parse(botParameters[3]), UserName = userName }; item.SubscribersList.Add(newPair); Models.Attachment attachment = new Models.Attachment { Color = "#04DF00", Text = "You are added to subscription list of Stay Hydrated. You will be notified every " + Int32.Parse(botParameters[3]) + " minute(s) to drink water. Wish you a nice day.", Footer = "BordaBot", Ts = Extension.ToProperTimeStamp(DateTime.Now) }; string attachments = "[" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachment) + "]"; slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ":", false, attachments); } else { slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ", you have already subscribed for this service."); } } } } else if (botParameters[1] == "stayhydrated" && botParameters[2] == "unsubscribe") { foreach (var item in timerPipeline._pipelineElemets) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(StayHydratedTimerMiddleware)) { if (item.SubscribersList.Exists(obj => obj.UserId == userId)) { item.SubscribersList.RemoveAll(obj => obj.UserId == userId); Models.Attachment attachment = new Models.Attachment { Color = "danger", Text = "You are removed from subscription list of Stay Hydrated.", Footer = "BordaBot", Ts = Extension.ToProperTimeStamp(DateTime.Now) }; string attachments = "[" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachment) + "]"; slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ":", false, attachments); } else { slackClient.PostMessage(message.Channel, "@" + userName + ", you are not subscribed for this service."); } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var clientId = "PUT CLIENT ID FROM SLACK APPLICATION REGISTATION HERE"; var clientSecret = "PUT CLIENT SECRET FROM SLACK APPLICATION REGISTATION HERE"; var redirectUri = "PUT REDIRECT FROM SLACK APPLICATION REGISTATION HERE"; Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("This app will open your web browser pointing at an authentication"); Console.WriteLine("page. When you complete authentication, you'll be sent back to "); Console.WriteLine("whatever 'redirectUri' is above, plus some query-string values. "); Console.WriteLine("Paste the URI into the console window when prompted."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("In a proper web application, the user experience will obviously"); Console.WriteLine("be more sensible..."); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------"); // start... var state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var uri = SlackClient.GetAuthorizeUri(clientId, SlackScope.Identify | SlackScope.Read | SlackScope.Post, redirectUri, state, "socialsaleslounge"); Console.WriteLine("Directing to: " + uri); Process.Start(uri.ToString()); // read the result -- in a web application you can pick this up directly, here we're fudging it... Console.WriteLine("Paste in the URL of the authentication result..."); var asString = Console.ReadLine(); var index = asString.IndexOf('?'); if (index != -1) { asString = asString.Substring(index + 1); } // parse... var qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(asString); var code = qs["code"]; var newState = qs["state"]; // validate the state. this isn't required, but it's makes sure the request and response line up... if (state != newState) { throw new InvalidOperationException("State mismatch."); } // then get the token... Console.WriteLine("Requesting access token..."); SlackClient.GetAccessToken((response) => { var accessToken = response.access_token; Console.WriteLine("Got access token '{0}'...", accessToken); // post... var client = new SlackClient(accessToken); client.PostMessage(null, "#registrations", "Test", "Jo the Robot"); }, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri, code); // finished... Console.WriteLine("Done."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } finally { Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void PushMessage(string account) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(slackResponse => { }, "my channel", $"{account} message", "my bot name"); }
public void PushMessage(string message) { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(resp => { }, "my channel", message, "my bot name"); }
private static void PushMessage() { var slackClient = new SlackClient("my api token"); slackClient.PostMessage(postMessageResponse => { }, "my channel", "my message", "my bot name"); }