public bool SetUserStatus(UserStatus status) { try { _skype.ChangeUserStatus((TUserStatus)status); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); }
private static void ForceStatus() { if (skype.CurrentUserStatus != activeStatus) { try { skype.ChangeUserStatus(activeStatus); } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing; } } }
private static bool ChageStatus(TUserStatus status) { try { var skype = new Skype(); skype.Attach(7, true); skype.ChangeUserStatus(status); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private static void changeUserStatus(string desiredStatusString) { Skype skype = new Skype(); TUserStatus status = skype.Convert.TextToUserStatus(desiredStatusString); if (status == TUserStatus.cusUnknown) { Console.WriteLine("{0} can not be converted to a skype user status", desiredStatusString); return; } Console.WriteLine("Changing user status to {0}...", status); skype.ChangeUserStatus(status); }
public void _Tree() { while (t) { Thread.Sleep(50); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusDoNotDisturb); break; } case 1: { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusOnline); break; } } } } }
private void EnableThread(object sender, EventArgs e) { var skype = new Skype(); if (metroTile1WasClicked == true) { if (skypeAttached == false) { metroTile4.Visible = false; skype.Attach(5, true); skypeAttached = true; Console.WriteLine(skypeAttached); } Console.WriteLine(gameRunning()); if (gameRunning()) { if (metroComboBox1.Text == "Away") { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusAway); } else if (metroComboBox1.Text == "Do Not Disturb") { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusDoNotDisturb); } else if (metroComboBox1.Text == "Invisible") { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusInvisible); } else { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusOffline); } if (metroToggle2.Checked == true) { skype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText = metroTextBox1.Text; } metroTile3.Text = "Running"; metroTile3.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.Blue; } else { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusOnline); if (metroToggle2.Checked == true) { skype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText = ""; } metroTile3.Text = "Enabled"; metroTile3.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.Green; } //} } else { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusOnline); skype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText = ""; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Started!!"); Console.Title = "Skype Toolkit"; Skype skype = new Skype(); skype.Attach(7, false); List <string> allcontacts = new List <string>(); List <string> blacklist; bool containsuser; //add all contacts to a list foreach (User user in skype.Friends) { allcontacts.Add(user.Handle); } //check if the blacklist file exists. If it does not, it creates it and loads its contents into a list try { blacklist = File.ReadLines("blacklist.txt").ToList(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Blacklist failed to load!\nCreating new one"); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("blacklist.txt")) sw.Close(); } finally { blacklist = File.ReadLines("blacklist.txt").ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Blacklist loaded"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } #region s while (1 < 2) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("watdo?\n1. Send Message\n2. Clever Responses\n3. Change Mood\n4. Spam status\n5. Add user to blacklist\n6. Remove user from blacklist\n7. Show blacklist\n8. List Contacts\n9. Interpret commands\n\n99. Exit"); int choice; if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice)) { switch (choice) { case 1: //send message Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Send Message\"\nPlease enter a contact: "); string contacttosend = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter message: "); string messagetosend = Console.ReadLine(); SendMessage(contacttosend, messagetosend); break; case 2: //respond to unread messages with cleverbot's replies Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Cleverbot Replies\"\n\nPress any key to stop."); //TODO: add option to choose whcih service to use ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory(); ChatterBot bot1 = factory.Create(ChatterBotType.CLEVERBOT); ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.CreateSession(); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { foreach (IChatMessage msg in skype.MissedMessages) { if (!blacklist.Contains(msg.Sender.Handle)) { try { Console.WriteLine("Message received from [" + msg.Sender.Handle + "]\n"); msg.Seen = true; Console.WriteLine("Message: [" + msg.Body + "]\n"); string reply = "bot> " + bot1session.Think(msg.Body); Console.WriteLine("Reply: [" + reply + "]\n"); SendMessage(msg.Sender.Handle, reply); } catch (Exception e) { //usually a timeout Console.WriteLine("Timed out..\n\n" + e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\nUser is on blacklist. ABORT!!1\n"); //ext0 msg.Seen = true; } } } break; case 3: //change skype mood Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Change Mood\"\nPlease enter new status:"); string status = Console.ReadLine(); skype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText = status; break; case 4: //spam skype status Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Spam Status\"\nPress any key to stop."); int c = 0; while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { if (c == 0) { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusOnline); } else if (c == 1) { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusAway); } else if (c == 2) { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusDoNotDisturb); } else if (c == 3) { skype.ChangeUserStatus(TUserStatus.cusInvisible); c = -1; } c++; //hehehehehe } break; case 5: //add user to blacklist Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Add user to blacklist\".\nPlease enter username:"******"blacklist.txt").Contains(usertoadd); if (!containsuser == true) { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("blacklist.txt"); blacklist.ForEach(tw.WriteLine); tw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Added user to blacklist."); } else { Console.WriteLine("User is already blacklisted."); } break; case 6: //remove user from blacklist Console.WriteLine("You have selected \"Remove user from blacklist\".\nPlease enter username:"******"blacklist.txt").Contains(usertoremove); if (containsuser == true) { blacklist.Remove(usertoremove); File.WriteAllLines(("blacklist.txt"), blacklist.ToList()); Console.WriteLine("User removed from blacklist."); } else { Console.WriteLine("User is not on blacklist."); } break; case 7: //display blacklist to user Console.WriteLine("\n"); blacklist.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("{0}", i)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case 8: //display all contacts to user int n = 1; Console.WriteLine("\n"); allcontacts.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", n++, i)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); break; case 9: //commands Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for commands."); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { foreach (IChatMessage msg in skype.MissedMessages) { string trigger = "!"; if (!blacklist.Contains(msg.Sender.Handle) && msg.Body.IndexOf(trigger) == 0) { msg.Seen = true; string command = msg.Body.Remove(0, trigger.Length).ToLower(); string message; if (command == "time") { message = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); } else if (command == "date") { message = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); } else if (command == "about") { message = "made by yars 2016 and such and such."; } else if (command == "help") { message = "Commands include:\n!help - Shows this message\n!time - shows current time (local to this program)\n!date - Shows current date\n!about - Shows about info\n!int2binary - Convert integers to binary\n!binary2int - Convert binary to integers\n!catfacts\n!blacklist - Add yourself to blacklist\n!collatzcon - THE SYNTAX IS !collatzcon number\n!stallman"; } #endregion else if (command == "stallman") { //get a list of rms qoutes and tell them to the user List <String> stallman = File.ReadAllLines("stallman.txt").ToList(); Random r = new Random(); int i = r.Next(stallman.Count); message = stallman[i]; } else if (command == "blacklist") { usertoadd = msg.Sender.Handle; containsuser = File.ReadLines("blacklist.txt").Contains(usertoadd); if (!containsuser == true) { blacklist.Add(msg.Sender.Handle); message = "Added to blacklist."; TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("blacklist.txt"); blacklist.ForEach(tw.WriteLine); tw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Added user to blacklist."); } else { message = "This should never be seen by user.."; } } else if (command == "catfact") { CatFacts(msg.Sender.Handle); message = " "; } else //magic dont touch. seriously. { try //not the most elegant solution { if (command.Substring(0, 10) == "int2binary") //this usually breaks so dont scare it { string inttoconvert = command.Substring(10, command.Length - 10); string binary = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(inttoconvert), 2); message = inttoconvert + " in binary is: " + binary; } else if (command.Substring(0, 10) == "binary2int") //dont scare this guy too { string bits = command.Substring(11, command.Length - 11); int convertedbinary = Convert.ToInt32(bits, 2); message = bits + " in decimal is: " + convertedbinary.ToString(); } else if (command.Substring(0, 10) == "collatzcon") //Collatz conjecture { int number = int.Parse(command.Substring(11, command.Length - 11)); c = 1; string premessage = number.ToString(); if (number > 0) { do { if (number % 2 == 0) //even { number = number / 2; } else //odd { number = number * 3 + 1; } c++; //hehehe i gotta stop premessage += ", " + number; } while (number != 1); message = premessage + "\nThat took " + c + " iterations."; } else { message = "Input must be a positive integer."; } } else { message = "Unknown Command"; } } catch (Exception) { message = "Unknown Command"; } } Console.WriteLine(msg.Sender.Handle + " >> " + command); SendMessage(msg.Sender.Handle, message); } } } break; case 99: Environment.Exit(0); break; } Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to Continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }