void TestSkin() { Skinning.Init(data); foreach (SkinGraphic graphic in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SkinGraphic>()) { graphic.Skin(); } }
void Awake() { if (!isTesting) { return; } actualDialogue = 0; blockInput = true; isPlayerNext = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialogues[0].playerLine) ? false : true; toShogunCallback = () => Debug.Log(debugableInterface.debugLabel + "Can't change scen in test mode"); Skinning.Init(test); StartDialogue(); }
void Init() { Get = this; actualEnemy = (Enemy)0; // makes object persistant so that they don't get destroyed on scene unloading DontDestroyOnLoad(persistantContainer); // initializes all text content gameData.Init(); // initializes all managers panelManager.Init(() => { eventSystem = FindObjectOfType <EventSystem>(); actualTutorial = FindObjectOfType <Tutorial>(); // gets refs to popups and closes them without cool effect (as if it was never here) popupManager.GetAllScenePopups(); popupManager.ForceCancelPop(); audioProjectManager.FadeMusicIn(); SetAllTextFont(); }); audioManager.Init(); audioProjectManager.Init(panelManager.fadeDuration, popupManager.fadeDuration, () => { return(panelManager.nextPanel); }, () => { return(panelManager.actualPanel); }, () => { return(popupManager.actualPopup); }); popupManager.Init(audioProjectManager.FadePopupMusicOut); PlugPanelEvents(); PlugPopupEvents(); // real start of game (these actions are normally called during transition events) popupManager.GetAllScenePopups(); popupManager.ForceCancelPop(); InitTitlePanel(); audioProjectManager.FadeMusicIn(); Skinning.Init(selectedSkin); SetAllTextFont(); }