// Coroutine used for ability cooldown
 IEnumerator CooldownHandler(AbilityTest ability, SkillBarElement hudElement)
     hudElement.image.color = Color.black;
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(ability.cooldown);
     hudElement.image.color = Color.white;
    public SkillBarElement Ultimate; //contains UI elements for players Ultimate

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    //Constructor for adding the defined UI image placeholders and UI Text placeholders to SkillBarElements
    public SkillBar(Image[] hudImgs, Text[] cdTxt)
        Attack1 = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[0], cdTxt[0]);
        Attack2 = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[1], cdTxt[1]);
        Spell1 = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[2], cdTxt[2]);
        Spell2 = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[3], cdTxt[3]);
        Spell3 = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[4], cdTxt[4]);
        Ultimate = new SkillBarElement(hudImgs[5], cdTxt[5]);