Пример #1
        public void HtmlAttributeFilterTest()
            ValidTagCollection tags = new ValidTagCollection("a@href@title,img@src");

            string one        = "aa<a href=\"attValue\" title=\"attTitle\">bb</a>";
            string one_result = one;

            Assert.AreEqual(one_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(one, tags), "Test one failed.");

            string two        = "aa<a onclick=\"evil javascript\" href=\"link\">bb</a>";
            string two_result = "aa<a href=\"link\">bb</a>";

            Assert.AreEqual(two_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(two, tags), "Test two failed.");

            string three        = "aa<a href=attValue title=attTitle>bb</a>";
            string three_result = "aa<a href=\"attValue\" title=\"attTitle\">bb</a>";

            Assert.AreEqual(three_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(three, tags), "Test three failed.");

            string four        = "aa<a href title=\"title\">bb</a>";
            string four_result = "aa<a title=\"title\">bb</a>";

            Assert.AreEqual(four_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(four, tags), "Test four failed.");

            string five        = "aa<a title=\"title\" href>bb</a>";
            string five_result = "aa<a title=\"title\">bb</a>";

            Assert.AreEqual(five_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(five, tags), "Test five failed.");
Пример #2
        public void HtmlFilterTests()
            string one        = "a<b>aa</b>a";
            string one_result = "a&lt;b&gt;aa&lt;/b&gt;a";

            Assert.AreEqual(one_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(one, null), "Test one failed.");

            string two        = "aaa";
            string two_result = two;             // must remain unchanged

            Assert.AreEqual(two_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(two, new ValidTagCollection("a")), "Test two failed.");

            string three        = "aa<i>aa";
            string three_result = "aa&lt;i&gt;aa";

            Assert.AreEqual(three_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(three, new ValidTagCollection("a")), "Test three failed.");

            string four        = "aa<i />aa";
            string four_result = four;             //must remain unchanged

            Assert.AreEqual(four_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(four, new ValidTagCollection("i")), "Test four failed.");

            string five        = "aa<b>aa<i />";
            string five_result = "aa&lt;b&gt;aa<i />";

            Assert.AreEqual(five_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(five, new ValidTagCollection("i")), "Test five failed.");

            string six        = "aa<a>aa";
            string six_result = "aa<a />aa";

            Assert.AreEqual(six_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(six, new ValidTagCollection("a")), "Test six failed.");

            string seven        = "aa<a>aa</a>aa";
            string seven_result = seven;             // must remain unchanged

            Assert.AreEqual(seven_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(seven, new ValidTagCollection("a")), "Test seven failed.");

            string eight        = "aa<a>aa<b>bb</b>aa</a>aa";
            string eight_result = eight;             // must remain unchanged

            Assert.AreEqual(eight_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(eight, new ValidTagCollection("a,b")), "Test eight failed.");

            string nine        = "aa<a>aa<b>b<img>b</b>aa</a>aa";
            string nine_result = "aa<a>aa<b>b<img />b</b>aa</a>aa";

            Assert.AreEqual(nine_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(nine, new ValidTagCollection("a,b,img")), "Test nine failed.");

            string ten        = "aa</a>aa";
            string ten_result = "aa&lt;/a&gt;aa";

            Assert.AreEqual(ten_result, SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(ten, new ValidTagCollection("a")), "Test ten failed.");
Пример #3
        public void AddNewComment(string name, string email, string homepage, string comment, string entryId, bool openid)
            SharedBasePage requestPage = Page as SharedBasePage;

            // if we allow tags, use the allowed tags, otherwise use an empty array
            ValidTagCollection allowedTags = (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsAllowHtml ? requestPage.SiteConfig.AllowedTags : new ValidTagCollection(null));

            Entry entry = requestPage.DataService.GetEntry(entryId);

            if ((entry != null) && SiteUtilities.AreCommentsAllowed(entry, requestPage.SiteConfig))
                Comment c = new Comment();
                c.OpenId          = openid;
                c.Author          = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(name);
                c.AuthorEmail     = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(email);
                c.AuthorHomepage  = FixUrl(homepage);
                c.AuthorIPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress;
                c.AuthorUserAgent = Request.UserAgent;
                c.Referer         = Request.UrlReferrer != null?Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() : String.Empty;

                // clean the code from html tags

                c.TargetEntryId = entryId;
                c.TargetTitle   = entry.Title;

                if (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsRequireApproval == true &&
                    (requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer == null || requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer.Length == 0))
                    requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, "ERROR: Comment Moderation is turned on, but you haven't configured an SMTP Server for sending mail!", ""));

                // if comments require moderation, they are not public.
                // except when the commenter is a contributor
                if (SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor())
                    c.IsPublic = true;
                    // bypass spam when the comment is authenticated by openid en openid doesn't require approval
                    if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSpamBlockingService && (requestPage.SiteConfig.BypassSpamOpenIdComment && openid) == false)
                        // make sure to send the unfiltered comment for analysis by external service
                        c.Content = comment;
                        bool externalServiceSucceeded = false;
                            if (requestPage.SiteConfig.SpamBlockingService.IsSpam(c))
                                potentialSpamSubmitted = true;
                                if (!requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSpamModeration)
                                    // abort saving the comment
                                    requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.CommentBlocked, String.Format("Blocking suspected spam from {0} {1} [{2}].", c.Author, c.AuthorEmail, c.AuthorIPAddress), SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId)));
                                c.SpamState = SpamState.Spam;
                                c.IsPublic  = false;
                                c.SpamState = SpamState.NotSpam;
                                c.IsPublic  = true;
                            externalServiceSucceeded = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, String.Format("The external spam blocking service failed for comment {0}. Original exception: {1}", c.EntryId, ex), SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId)));
                        if (!externalServiceSucceeded)
                            // If the external service fails, we will hide the comment, but not delete it,
                            // even if moderation is disabled.
                            c.SpamState = SpamState.NotChecked;
                            if (doesFeedbackHaveSpamPotential(c))
                                potentialSpamSubmitted = true;
                                c.IsPublic             = false;
                                c.IsPublic = true;
                        c.IsPublic = true;
                    // If comment moderation enabled, hide all comments regardless of the what the external spam service says
                    if (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsRequireApproval)
                        c.IsPublic = false;

                // FilterHtml html encodes anything we don't like
                string filteredText = SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(comment, allowedTags);
                c.Content = filteredText;

                if (requestPage.SiteConfig.SendCommentsByEmail &&
                    requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer != null &&
                    requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer.Length > 0)
                    SendMailInfo defaultMailInfo = ComposeMail(c);
                    requestPage.DataService.AddComment(c, defaultMailInfo);
                    requestPage.DataService.RunActions(ComposeMailForUsers(entry, c));

                    string commentShort = c.Content.Replace("\n", "");
                    if (commentShort.Length > 50)
                        commentShort = commentShort.Substring(0, 50) + "...";
                        new EventDataItem(
                            EventCodes.CommentAdded, commentShort, SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(entryId)));


                // break the caching

                //Send the user to the comment they JUST posted.
                if (!potentialSpamSubmitted)
                    Response.Redirect(SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(c.TargetEntryId) + "#" + c.EntryId);
Пример #4
 public static string FilterHtml(string input, ValidTagCollection allowedTags)
     return(SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(input, allowedTags));