/*  This method Saves data from the screen when the Submit button is clicked.
         *  The concept is that we know which Section was last displayed from the session variables.
         *  So we cycle through the ItemVariables and update the associated ResponseValues from the FormCollection of screen values.
        public ActionResult Save(FormCollection frmCllctn, Assmnts.Models.TemplateItems ti)
            mLogger.Debug("  ResultController:Save");

            Dictionary <string, string> previousResponseValues = SessionHelper.ResponseValues;

            if (previousResponseValues != null)
                //Throw out responses that haven't changed
                foreach (var previousResponseKvp in previousResponseValues)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousResponseKvp.Key))
                        var newResponseValue = frmCllctn.GetValue(previousResponseKvp.Key);
                        //If the value is bool and it is now false (checkbox for example) it won't be sent back in the form collection
                        //we need to test for bool and set these values to false (if they are true)
                        var itemVariable = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(previousResponseKvp.Key);
                        //itemVariable will often be null because all the PREVIOUS_ identifiers get sent through also
                        var impliedBooleanFalseResult = false;
                        if (newResponseValue == null && itemVariable != null && itemVariable.baseTypeId == Assmnts.Constants.CAADAP.BASE_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
                            newResponseValue          = new ValueProviderResult("0", "0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            impliedBooleanFalseResult = true;
                        if (newResponseValue != null)
                            //Compare previous with posted values
                            //Note if they are both null or both empty we want to throw it out
                            if (newResponseValue.AttemptedValue == null && previousResponseKvp.Value == null)
                            else if (newResponseValue.AttemptedValue != null && previousResponseKvp.Value != null)
                                var  previousResponseString = previousResponseKvp.Value;
                                var  newResponseString      = newResponseValue.AttemptedValue;
                                bool previousResponseTrue   = false;
                                bool previousResponseFalse  = false;
                                //If it's a bool, try to convert 'false' to '0' and so on
                                if (previousResponseTrue = previousResponseString.Equals("true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                                                           (previousResponseFalse = previousResponseString.Equals("false", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                    if (itemVariable != null && itemVariable.baseTypeId == Assmnts.Constants.CAADAP.BASE_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
                                        if (previousResponseFalse)
                                            previousResponseString = "0";
                                        else if (previousResponseTrue)
                                            previousResponseString = "1";
                                if (newResponseString.Equals(previousResponseString))
                                else if (impliedBooleanFalseResult)
                                    //The values are different, but the form collection doesn't contain the result
                                    frmCllctn.Add(previousResponseKvp.Key, newResponseValue.AttemptedValue);

            // If User is not logged in, there are no session variables.
            // This prevents saving the formResultId
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            //check if the form is unchanged
            //bool unchanged = true;
            //foreach (string key in frmCllctn.Keys)
            //    HttpCookie oldVal = Request.Cookies["frmOriginal___" + key];
            //    if (oldVal != null && !frmCllctn[key].Trim().Equals(oldVal.Value.Replace("%0d%0a","").Trim()))
            //    {
            //        //mLogger.Debug("* * *  ResultsController:SaveSectionItems changed key: \"" + key + "\", original value: \"" + Session["frmOriginal___" + key] + "\", new value: \"" + frmCllctn[key] + "\"" );
            //        unchanged = false;
            //        break;
            //    }

            bool        unchanged = false;
            SessionForm sf        = SessionHelper.SessionForm;

            if (unchanged || sf.readOnlyMode)
                mLogger.Debug("* * *  ResultsController:SaveSectionItems form is unchanged, skipping update");
                mLogger.Debug("* * *  ResultsController:Save method  * * *    sectionId: {0}", sf.sectionId);

                // save responses to database

                //* * * OT 03/10/16 Switched to using AJBoggs\Def\Domain\UserData.SaveFormCollection.cs
                UserData ud = new UserData(formsRepo);
                ud.SaveFormCollection(frmCllctn, sf.sectionId, sf.formResultId);
                ud.SaveFileUploads(sf.formResultId, Request);

                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);
                formResult.LastModifiedByUserId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID;
                formResult.dateUpdated          = DateTime.Now;

                // Update the assigned field in the formResults based on the data in the Interviewer field on idprof1.
                if (sf.sectionId == 1)
                    def_ItemVariables interviewerVar = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier("sis_int_id");
                    if (interviewerVar != null)
                        def_ItemResults ir = formsRepo.GetItemResultByFormResItem(formResult.formResultId, interviewerVar.itemId);
                        if (ir != null)
                            def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByItemResultItemVariable(ir.itemResultId, interviewerVar.itemVariableId);
                            if (rv != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(rv.rspValue))
                                int rspInt;
                                if (Int32.TryParse(rv.rspValue, out rspInt))
                                    formResult.assigned = rspInt;
                                    mLogger.Error("Error converting response value {0} to int.", rv.rspValue);


                //set status to "in progress" for SIS forms
                //if (sf.formIdentifier.Equals("SIS-A") || sf.formIdentifier.Equals("SIS-C"))

                //if ( (fr.reviewStatus != ReviewStatus.APPROVED) && (fr.reviewStatus != ReviewStatus.REVIEWED) && (fr.reviewStatus != ReviewStatus.PRE_QA) )
                //    fr.formStatus = (byte)FormResults_formStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
                //    // this will be saved to the database in one of the scoring updates below


                bool isSisForm = sf.formIdentifier.Equals("SIS-A") || sf.formIdentifier.Equals("SIS-C");

                //run single-section validation for sis forms
                if (isSisForm)
                    List <string> validationErrorMessages;
                    bool          ssValidationFailed = SisOneOffValidation.RunSingleSectionOneOffValidation(
                        formsRepo, frmCllctn, sf.sectionId, out validationErrorMessages);
                    if (ssValidationFailed)
                        return(Template(sf.sectionId, validationErrorMessages));

                    //run full-assessment validation and update scores for completed SIS forms
                    if (formResult.formStatus == (byte)FormResults_formStatus.COMPLETED || formResult.locked)
                        //if validation passes, it will trigger scoring automatically
                        if (sf.sectionId != 504 && !ValidateFormResult(formResult))                         // Section 504 is interview planning
                            //if validation fails set the form status to in-progress
                            formsRepo.SetFormResultStatus(formResult, (byte)FormResults_formStatus.IN_PROGRESS);

            // string ctrl = "Results";
            // if (frmCllctn.AllKeys.Contains("UseThisControllerForTemplate"))
            //    ctrl = frmCllctn["UseThisControllerForTemplate"];

            //debug runtime
            //TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - startTime;
            //using (StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(@"C:\Users\otessmer\Desktop\log.txt"))
            //    sw.WriteLine(duration.Milliseconds);

            // if necessary, redirect to a different section now that we've saved the results
            string navSectionId = String.Empty;

            if (frmCllctn.AllKeys.Contains("navSectionId"))
                navSectionId = frmCllctn["navSectionId"];
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(navSectionId))
                    if (navSectionId == "search")
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Search", new { }));

                    if (navSectionId == "logout")
                        return(RedirectToAction("LogoutUAS", "Account"));

                    if (navSectionId == "new")
                        return(RedirectToAction("NewBlankAssessment", "Search", new { formId = SessionHelper.Read <int>("newFormId") }));

                    // Redirect subforms to the original parent page.
                    if (navSectionId == "SubForm")
                        SessionForm psf = (SessionForm)Session["ParentFormData"];
                        return(RedirectToAction("ToTemplate", "Adap", new {
                            formResultId = psf.formResultId,
                            formId = psf.formId,
                            partId = psf.partId,
                            sectionIdOverride = psf.sectionId

                    // Must be a Form Part Section
                    //Displays successful save message
                    Session["part"] = frmCllctn["navPartId"];
                    Session["form"] = frmCllctn["navFormId"];
                navSectionId = sf.sectionId.ToString();

            if (Session["IsPageLoad"] != null)
            if (navSectionId == "703")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Contact info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "704")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Demographics info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "705")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Clinical info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "706")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Health Coverage info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "726")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Income info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "732")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Insurance Assistance info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "734")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Attachment info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "753")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Medical Out of Pocket info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "708")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Consent&Submit info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "756")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "Eligibility info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
            else if (navSectionId == "759")
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "SVF info save successful";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "Saved";
                TempData["Savemsg"]       = "";
                TempData["SavemsgHeader"] = "";

            if (sf.sectionId == 708)
                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);
                IEnumerable <def_FormResults> frElgList = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormSubject(18, formResult.subject);

                var adapCaController = new AdapCaController(formsRepo);

                if (!frElgList.Any())

                adapCaController.CopyToEligibility("C1_FormSubmitEnrollmentSiteName", "C1_MemberSelectedEnrollmentSite", formResult.formResultId, formResult.subject.Value);

            //$$ Start of people Picker V2 Functionality

            PeoplePickerHelper objUtility = new PeoplePickerHelper(authClient, formsRepo);

            objUtility.SaveresultsForEnWrkerPicker(sf.sectionId, sf.formResultId);

            //$$ End of people Picker V2 Functionality

            var redirect = frmCllctn["navRedirect"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(redirect))
                return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = navSectionId }));
        /*  This method validates the SIS templates in Views/Templates/SIS
        private bool ValidateFormResult(def_FormResults fr, TemplateItems amt = null)
            // * * * OT 3-15-16 completed form results need to be validated on every save (Bug 13110)
            //// * * * OT 1-4-16   form results that are already marked as completed get to skip validation
            //if (fr.formStatus == (byte)FormResults_formStatus.COMPLETED)
            //    return true;

            if (amt == null)
                amt = new GeneralForm();

            //retrieve all responses for this formResult, by def_ItemVariable identifier
            List <ValuePair> allResponses = CommonExport.GetDataByFormResultId(fr.formResultId);

            //pass the response data through generic validation (meta-data driven validation)
            def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(fr.formId);

            string[]         ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip = { "Notes", "portantTo", "portantFor", "cl_age", "int_id" };
            SharedValidation sv      = new SharedValidation(allResponses);
            bool             invalid = sv.DoGenericValidation(formsRepo, amt, frm, ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip);

            //pass the response data through one-off validation (rules that can't be encoded into meta-data)
            //populate amt.valdiationMessages in the process
            amt.validationMessages = new List <string>();
            if (SisOneOffValidation.RunOneOffValidation(formsRepo, frm, fr.EnterpriseID.Value, allResponses, amt))
                invalid = true;

            if (invalid)

            //  Mark the FormResult as Complete
            new Assessments(formsRepo).AssessmentComplete(fr);// formsRepo.FormResultComplete(fr);

            // Insert status log indicating assessment has been marked complete
            if (SessionHelper.IsVentureMode == false)
                ReviewStatus.AssessmentIsCompleted(formsRepo, fr);

                if (WebServiceActivity.IsWebServiceEnabled())
                    WebServiceActivity.CallWebService(formsRepo, (int)WebServiceActivity.webServiceActivityFunctions.COMPLETE, "formResultId=" + fr.formResultId.ToString());

            // Populate the hidden Venture Version field upon validation

            if (SessionHelper.IsVentureMode == true)
                string ventureVersion = SessionHelper.Read <string>("venture_version");

                if (ventureVersion != null)
                    Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, fr, Updates.VENTURE_VERSION, ventureVersion);
