private void PreviewChanges()
            SinkPostProcess postProcess = new SinkPostProcess(this.Provider.Sink);

            if (!postProcess.ItemsToProcess)
                MessageBox.Show("There are no items to process at this time.", "Preview Changes", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                String status = postProcess.CollectSummary();
                MessageBox.Show(status, "Process Changes Queued", MessageBoxButton.OK);
        private void ProcessChanges()
            SinkPostProcess postProcess = new SinkPostProcess(this.Provider.Sink);

            if (!postProcess.ItemsToProcess)
                MessageBox.Show("There are no items to process at this time.", "Processing", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                message.AppendFormat("This action will move images to new locations on your disk. Use the Process Changes button to view the actions that will be taken {0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                message.AppendFormat("If all moves are succesfully completed, the history of your changes will be cleared. {0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                message.AppendFormat("Would you like to continue with this processing step?");

                if (MessageBox.Show(message.ToString(), "Process Changes", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    // Process the changes
                    if (postProcess.Process())
                        MessageBox.Show("Processing complete, provider will be reset", "Processing Complete", MessageBoxButton.OK);

                        // FOrce updates to clear sink and reset UI
                        StringBuilder errorstatus = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (String err in postProcess.Status)
                            errorstatus.AppendFormat(String.Format("{0}{1}", err, Environment.NewLine));
                        MessageBox.Show(errorstatus.ToString(), "Processing Errors Occured", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);