Пример #1
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="point">Point to add.</param>
        public void AddNewSimplexPoint(ref Vector3 point)
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Empty:
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A     = point;

            case SimplexState.Point:
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B     = point;

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                C     = point;

            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                State = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                D     = point;
Пример #2
        /// Gets the point on the segment closest to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Point closest to origin.</param>
        public void GetPointOnSegmentClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 segmentDisplacement;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out segmentDisplacement);

            float dotA;

            Vector3.Dot(ref segmentDisplacement, ref A, out dotA);
            if (dotA > 0)
                //'Behind' segment.  This can't happen in a boolean version,
                //but with closest points warmstarting or raycasts, it will.
                State = SimplexState.Point;

                U     = 1;
                point = A;

            float dotB;

            Vector3.Dot(ref segmentDisplacement, ref B, out dotB);
            if (dotB > 0)
                //Inside segment.
                U = dotB / segmentDisplacement.LengthSquared();
                V = 1 - U;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref segmentDisplacement, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //It should be possible in the warmstarted closest point calculation/raycasting to be outside B.
            //It is not possible in a 'boolean' GJK, where it early outs as soon as a separating axis is found.

            //Outside B.
            //Remove current A; we're becoming a point.
            A          = B;
            SimplexA.A = SimplexA.B;
            SimplexB.A = SimplexB.B;
            State      = SimplexState.Point;

            U     = 1;
            point = A;
Пример #3
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="point">Point to add.</param>
        ///<param name="hitLocation">Current ray hit location.</param>
        ///<param name="shiftedSimplex">Simplex shifted with the hit location.</param>
        public void AddNewSimplexPoint(ref Vector3 point, ref Vector3 hitLocation, out RaySimplex shiftedSimplex)
            shiftedSimplex = new RaySimplex();
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Empty:
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A     = point;

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);

            case SimplexState.Point:
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B     = point;

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                C     = point;

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref C, out shiftedSimplex.C);

            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                State = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                D     = point;

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref C, out shiftedSimplex.C);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref D, out shiftedSimplex.D);

            shiftedSimplex.State = State;
Пример #4
 private PairSimplex(ref RigidTransform localTransformB)
     //This isn't a very good approach since the transform position is not guaranteed to be within the object.  Would have to use the GetNewSimplexPoint to make it valid.
     previousDistanceToClosest = Fix64.MaxValue;
     errorTolerance            = F64.C0;
     LocalTransformB           = localTransformB;
     //Warm up the simplex using the centroids.
     //Could also use the GetNewSimplexPoint if it had a Empty case, but test before choosing.
     State    = SimplexState.Point;
     SimplexA = new ContributingShapeSimplex();
     SimplexB = new ContributingShapeSimplex {
         A = localTransformB.Position
     //minkowski space support = shapeA-shapeB = 0,0,0 - positionB
     Vector3.Negate(ref localTransformB.Position, out A);
     B = new Vector3();
     C = new Vector3();
     D = new Vector3();
     U = F64.C0;
     V = F64.C0;
     W = F64.C0;
Пример #5
 /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
 ///<param name="point">Point to add.</param>
 public void AddNewSimplexPoint(ref System.Numerics.Vector3 point)
     switch (State)
         case SimplexState.Empty:
             State = SimplexState.Point;
             A = point;
         case SimplexState.Point:
             State = SimplexState.Segment;
             B = point;
         case SimplexState.Segment:
             State = SimplexState.Triangle;
             C = point;
         case SimplexState.Triangle:
             State = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
             D = point;
Пример #6
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="point">Point to add.</param>
        ///<param name="hitLocation">Current ray hit location.</param>
        ///<param name="shiftedSimplex">Simplex shifted with the hit location.</param>
        public void AddNewSimplexPoint(ref Vector3 point, ref Vector3 hitLocation, out RaySimplex shiftedSimplex)
            shiftedSimplex = new RaySimplex();
            switch (State)
                case SimplexState.Empty:
                    State = SimplexState.Point;
                    A = point;

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                case SimplexState.Point:
                    State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    B = point;

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);
                case SimplexState.Segment:
                    State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                    C = point;

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref C, out shiftedSimplex.C);
                case SimplexState.Triangle:
                    State = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                    D = point;

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref A, out shiftedSimplex.A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref B, out shiftedSimplex.B);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref C, out shiftedSimplex.C);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref hitLocation, ref D, out shiftedSimplex.D);
            shiftedSimplex.State = State;
Пример #7
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="iterationCount">Current iteration count.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPoint">Current point on simplex closest to origin.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not GJK should exit due to a lack of progression.</returns>
        public bool GetNewSimplexPoint(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, int iterationCount, ref Vector3 closestPoint)
            Vector3 negativeDirection;

            Vector3.Negate(ref closestPoint, out negativeDirection);
            Vector3 sa, sb;

            shapeA.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref negativeDirection, out sa);
            shapeB.GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(closestPoint, ref LocalTransformB, out sb);
            Vector3 S;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref sa, ref sb, out S);
            //If S is not further towards the origin along negativeDirection than closestPoint, then we're done.
            Fix64 dotS;

            Vector3.Dot(ref S, ref negativeDirection, out dotS); //-P * S
            Fix64 distanceToClosest = closestPoint.LengthSquared();

            Fix64 progression = dotS + distanceToClosest;

            //It's likely that the system is oscillating between two or more states, usually because of a degenerate simplex.
            //Rather than detect specific problem cases, this approach just lets it run and catches whatever falls through.
            //During oscillation, one of the states is usually just BARELY outside of the numerical tolerance.
            //After a bunch of iterations, the system lets it pick the 'better' one.
            if (iterationCount > GJKToolbox.HighGJKIterations && distanceToClosest - previousDistanceToClosest < DistanceConvergenceEpsilon * errorTolerance)
            if (distanceToClosest < previousDistanceToClosest)
                previousDistanceToClosest = distanceToClosest;

            //If "A" is the new point always, then the switch statement can be removed
            //in favor of just pushing three points up.
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Point:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Segment;
                B          = S;
                SimplexA.B = sa;
                SimplexB.B = sb;

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Triangle;
                C          = S;
                SimplexA.C = sa;
                SimplexB.C = sb;

            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), MathHelper.Max(C.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared()))) * ProgressionEpsilon)

                State      = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                D          = S;
                SimplexA.D = sa;
                SimplexB.D = sb;
Пример #8
        /// Gets the point on the triangle closest to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Point closest to origin.</param>
        public void GetPointOnTriangleClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 ab, ac;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
            //just use -A.
            //Same for B->P, C->P...

            //Check to see if it's outside A.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside A.
            Fix64 AdotAB, AdotAC;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
            AdotAB = -AdotAB;
            AdotAC = -AdotAC;
            if (AdotAC <= F64.C0 && AdotAB <= F64.C0)
                //It is A!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                U     = F64.C1;
                point = A;

            //Check to see if it's outside B.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside B.
            Fix64 BdotAB, BdotAC;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
            BdotAB = -BdotAB;
            BdotAC = -BdotAC;
            if (BdotAB >= F64.C0 && BdotAC <= BdotAB)
                //It is B!
                State      = SimplexState.Point;
                A          = B;
                U          = F64.C1;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.B;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.B;
                point      = B;

            //Check to see if it's outside AB.
            Fix64 vc = AdotAB * BdotAC - BdotAB * AdotAC;

            if (vc <= F64.C0 && AdotAB > F64.C0 && BdotAB < F64.C0)//Note > and < instead of => <=; avoids possibly division by zero
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                V     = AdotAB / (AdotAB - BdotAB);
                U     = F64.C1 - V;

                Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check to see if it's outside C.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
            Fix64 CdotAB, CdotAC;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out CdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out CdotAC);
            CdotAB = -CdotAB;
            CdotAC = -CdotAC;
            if (CdotAC >= F64.C0 && CdotAB <= CdotAC)
                //It is C!
                State      = SimplexState.Point;
                A          = C;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.C;
                U          = F64.C1;
                point      = A;

            //Check if it's outside AC.
            //Fix64 AdotAB, AdotAC;
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
            //AdotAB = -AdotAB;
            //AdotAC = -AdotAC;
            Fix64 vb = CdotAB * AdotAC - AdotAB * CdotAC;

            if (vb <= F64.C0 && AdotAC > F64.C0 && CdotAC < F64.C0)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Get rid of B.  Compress C into B.
                State      = SimplexState.Segment;
                B          = C;
                SimplexA.B = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.B = SimplexB.C;
                V          = AdotAC / (AdotAC - CdotAC);
                U          = F64.C1 - V;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check if it's outside BC.
            //Fix64 BdotAB, BdotAC;
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
            //BdotAB = -BdotAB;
            //BdotAC = -BdotAC;
            Fix64 va = BdotAB * CdotAC - CdotAB * BdotAC;
            Fix64 d3d4;
            Fix64 d6d5;

            if (va <= F64.C0 && (d3d4 = BdotAC - BdotAB) > F64.C0 && (d6d5 = CdotAB - CdotAC) > F64.C0)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Throw away A.  C->A.
                //TODO: Does B->A, C->B work better?
                State      = SimplexState.Segment;
                A          = C;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.C;
                U          = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);
                V          = F64.C1 - U;

                Vector3 bc;
                Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, U, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

            //On the face of the triangle.
            Fix64 denom = F64.C1 / (va + vb + vc);

            V = vb * denom;
            W = vc * denom;
            U = F64.C1 - V - W;
            Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, V, out point);
            Vector3 acw;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, W, out acw);
            Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
            Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
Пример #9
        /// Constructs a new pair simplex.
        ///<param name="cachedSimplex">Cached simplex to use to warmstart the simplex.</param>
        ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of shape B in the local space of A.</param>
        public PairSimplex(ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, ref RigidTransform localTransformB)
            //To get those assumptions back, either DO NOT USE CACHED SIMPLEXES, or
            //-A point requires no verification.
            //-A segment needs verification that the origin is in front of A in the direction of B.
            //-A triangle needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes and in the direction of C.
            //-A tetrahedron needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes of triangle ABC and is in the direction of D.

            //This simplex implementation will not ignore any cases, so we can warm start safely with one problem.
            //Due to relative movement, the simplex may become degenerate.  Edges could become points, etc.
            //Some protections are built into the simplex cases, but keep an eye out for issues.
            //Most dangerous degeneracy seen so far is tetrahedron.  It fails to find any points on opposing sides due to numerical problems and returns intersection.

            previousDistanceToClosest = Fix64.MaxValue;
            errorTolerance            = F64.C0;
            LocalTransformB           = localTransformB;

            //Transform the SimplexB into the working space of the simplex and compute the working space simplex.
            State    = cachedSimplex.State;
            SimplexA = cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexA;
            SimplexB = new ContributingShapeSimplex();
            U        = F64.C0;
            V        = F64.C0;
            W        = F64.C0;
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Point:
                Quaternion.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Orientation, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                B = new Vector3();
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                Matrix3x3 transform;
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();

                ////Test for degeneracy.
                //Fix64 edgeLengthAB;
                //Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref A, ref B, out edgeLengthAB);
                //if (edgeLengthAB < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                //    State = SimplexState.Point;


            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                D = new Vector3();

                ////Test for degeneracy.
                //Vector3 AB, AC;
                //Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out AB);
                //Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out AC);
                //Vector3 cross;
                //Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out cross);
                ////If the area is small compared to a tolerance (adjusted by the partial perimeter), it's degenerate.
                //if (cross.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon * (AB.LengthSquared() + AC.LengthSquared()))
                //    State = SimplexState.Point;


            case SimplexState.Tetrahedron:
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.D, ref transform, out SimplexB.D);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.D, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.D);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.D, ref SimplexB.D, out D);

                ////Test for degeneracy.
                //Vector3 AD;
                //Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out AB);
                //Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out AC);
                //Vector3.Subtract(ref D, ref A, out AD);
                //Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out cross);
                //Fix64 volume;
                //Vector3.Dot(ref cross, ref AD, out volume);

                ////Volume is small compared to partial 'perimeter.'
                //if (volume < Toolbox.BigEpsilon * (AB.LengthSquared() + AC.LengthSquared() + AD.LengthSquared()))
                //    State = SimplexState.Point;

                A = new Vector3();
                B = new Vector3();
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();
Пример #10
        /// Adds a new point to the simplex.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape in the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="iterationCount">Current iteration count.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPoint">Current point on simplex closest to origin.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not GJK should exit due to a lack of progression.</returns>
        public bool GetNewSimplexPoint(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, int iterationCount, ref Vector3 closestPoint)
            Vector3 negativeDirection;
            Vector3.Negate(ref closestPoint, out negativeDirection);
            Vector3 sa, sb;
            shapeA.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref negativeDirection, out sa);
            shapeB.GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(closestPoint, ref LocalTransformB, out sb);
            Vector3 S;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref sa, ref sb, out S);
            //If S is not further towards the origin along negativeDirection than closestPoint, then we're done.
            float dotS;
            Vector3.Dot(ref S, ref negativeDirection, out dotS); //-P * S
            float distanceToClosest = closestPoint.LengthSquared();

            float progression = dotS + distanceToClosest;
            //It's likely that the system is oscillating between two or more states, usually because of a degenerate simplex.
            //Rather than detect specific problem cases, this approach just lets it run and catches whatever falls through.
            //During oscillation, one of the states is usually just BARELY outside of the numerical tolerance.
            //After a bunch of iterations, the system lets it pick the 'better' one.
            if (iterationCount > GJKToolbox.HighGJKIterations && distanceToClosest - previousDistanceToClosest < DistanceConvergenceEpsilon * errorTolerance)
                return true;
            if (distanceToClosest < previousDistanceToClosest)
                previousDistanceToClosest = distanceToClosest;

            //If "A" is the new point always, then the switch statement can be removed
            //in favor of just pushing three points up.
            switch (State)
                case SimplexState.Point:
                    if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)
                        return true;

                    State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    B = S;
                    SimplexA.B = sa;
                    SimplexB.B = sb;
                    return false;
                case SimplexState.Segment:
                    if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), S.LengthSquared())) * ProgressionEpsilon)
                        return true;

                    State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                    C = S;
                    SimplexA.C = sa;
                    SimplexB.C = sb;
                    return false;
                case SimplexState.Triangle:
                    if (progression <= (errorTolerance = MathHelper.Max(MathHelper.Max(A.LengthSquared(), B.LengthSquared()), MathHelper.Max(C.LengthSquared(), S.LengthSquared()))) * ProgressionEpsilon)
                        return true;

                    State = SimplexState.Tetrahedron;
                    D = S;
                    SimplexA.D = sa;
                    SimplexB.D = sb;
                    return false;
            return false;
Пример #11
        /// Gets the point on the triangle closest to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Point closest to origin.</param>
        public void GetPointOnTriangleClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 ab, ac;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
            //just use -A.
            //Same for B->P, C->P...

            //Check to see if it's outside A.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside A.
            float AdotAB, AdotAC;
            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
            AdotAB = -AdotAB;
            AdotAC = -AdotAC;
            if (AdotAC <= 0f && AdotAB <= 0)
                //It is A!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                U = 1;
                point = A;

            //Check to see if it's outside B.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside B.
            float BdotAB, BdotAC;
            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
            BdotAB = -BdotAB;
            BdotAC = -BdotAC;
            if (BdotAB >= 0f && BdotAC <= BdotAB)
                //It is B!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A = B;
                U = 1;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.B;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.B;
                point = B;

            //Check to see if it's outside AB.
            float vc = AdotAB * BdotAC - BdotAB * AdotAC;
            if (vc <= 0 && AdotAB > 0 && BdotAB < 0)//Note > and < instead of => <=; avoids possibly division by zero
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                V = AdotAB / (AdotAB - BdotAB);
                U = 1 - V;

                Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check to see if it's outside C.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
            float CdotAB, CdotAC;
            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out CdotAB);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out CdotAC);
            CdotAB = -CdotAB;
            CdotAC = -CdotAC;
            if (CdotAC >= 0f && CdotAB <= CdotAC)
                //It is C!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A = C;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.C;
                U = 1;
                point = A;

            //Check if it's outside AC.            
            //float AdotAB, AdotAC;
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
            //AdotAB = -AdotAB;
            //AdotAC = -AdotAC;
            float vb = CdotAB * AdotAC - AdotAB * CdotAC;
            if (vb <= 0f && AdotAC > 0f && CdotAC < 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Get rid of B.  Compress C into B.
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B = C;
                SimplexA.B = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.B = SimplexB.C;
                V = AdotAC / (AdotAC - CdotAC);
                U = 1 - V;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check if it's outside BC.
            //float BdotAB, BdotAC;
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
            //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
            //BdotAB = -BdotAB;
            //BdotAC = -BdotAC;
            float va = BdotAB * CdotAC - CdotAB * BdotAC;
            float d3d4;
            float d6d5;
            if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = BdotAC - BdotAB) > 0f && (d6d5 = CdotAB - CdotAC) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Throw away A.  C->A.
                //TODO: Does B->A, C->B work better?
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                A = C;
                SimplexA.A = SimplexA.C;
                SimplexB.A = SimplexB.C;
                U = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);
                V = 1 - U;

                Vector3 bc;
                Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, U, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

            //On the face of the triangle.
            float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
            V = vb * denom;
            W = vc * denom;
            U = 1 - V - W;
            Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, V, out point);
            Vector3 acw;
            Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, W, out acw);
            Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
            Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);

Пример #12
        /// Gets the point on the segment closest to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Point closest to origin.</param>
        public void GetPointOnSegmentClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 segmentDisplacement;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out segmentDisplacement);

            float dotA;
            Vector3.Dot(ref segmentDisplacement, ref A, out dotA);
            if (dotA > 0)
                //'Behind' segment.  This can't happen in a boolean version,
                //but with closest points warmstarting or raycasts, it will.
                State = SimplexState.Point;

                U = 1;
                point = A;
            float dotB;
            Vector3.Dot(ref segmentDisplacement, ref B, out dotB);
            if (dotB > 0)
                //Inside segment.
                U = dotB / segmentDisplacement.LengthSquared();
                V = 1 - U;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref segmentDisplacement, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);


            //It should be possible in the warmstarted closest point calculation/raycasting to be outside B.
            //It is not possible in a 'boolean' GJK, where it early outs as soon as a separating axis is found.

            //Outside B.
            //Remove current A; we're becoming a point.
            A = B;
            SimplexA.A = SimplexA.B;
            SimplexB.A = SimplexB.B;
            State = SimplexState.Point;

            U = 1;
            point = A;

Пример #13
        /// Constructs a new pair simplex.
        ///<param name="cachedSimplex">Cached simplex to use to warmstart the simplex.</param>
        ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of shape B in the local space of A.</param>
        public PairSimplex(ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, ref RigidTransform localTransformB)
            //To get those assumptions back, either DO NOT USE CACHED SIMPLEXES, or 
            //-A point requires no verification.
            //-A segment needs verification that the origin is in front of A in the direction of B.
            //-A triangle needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes and in the direction of C.
            //-A tetrahedron needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes of triangle ABC and is in the direction of D.

            //This simplex implementation will not ignore any cases, so we can warm start safely with one problem.
            //Due to relative movement, the simplex may become degenerate.  Edges could become points, etc.
            //Some protections are built into the simplex cases, but keep an eye out for issues.
            //Most dangerous degeneracy seen so far is tetrahedron.  It fails to find any points on opposing sides due to numerical problems and returns intersection.

            previousDistanceToClosest = float.MaxValue;
            errorTolerance = 0;
            LocalTransformB = localTransformB;

            //Transform the SimplexB into the working space of the simplex and compute the working space simplex.
            State = cachedSimplex.State;
            SimplexA = cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexA;
            SimplexB = new ContributingShapeSimplex();
            U = 0;
            V = 0;
            W = 0;
            switch (State)
                case SimplexState.Point:
                    Vector3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Orientation, out SimplexB.A);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                    B = new Vector3();
                    C = new Vector3();
                    D = new Vector3();
                case SimplexState.Segment:
                    Matrix3x3 transform;
                    Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                    C = new Vector3();
                    D = new Vector3();

                    ////Test for degeneracy.
                    //float edgeLengthAB;
                    //Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref A, ref B, out edgeLengthAB);
                    //if (edgeLengthAB < Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    //    State = SimplexState.Point;

                case SimplexState.Triangle:
                    Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                    D = new Vector3();

                    ////Test for degeneracy.
                    //Vector3 AB, AC;
                    //Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out AB);
                    //Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out AC);
                    //Vector3 cross;
                    //Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out cross);
                    ////If the area is small compared to a tolerance (adjusted by the partial perimeter), it's degenerate.
                    //if (cross.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon * (AB.LengthSquared() + AC.LengthSquared()))
                    //    State = SimplexState.Point;

                case SimplexState.Tetrahedron:
                    Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.D, ref transform, out SimplexB.D);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);
                    Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.D, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.D);

                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.D, ref SimplexB.D, out D);

                    ////Test for degeneracy.
                    //Vector3 AD;
                    //Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out AB);
                    //Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out AC);
                    //Vector3.Subtract(ref D, ref A, out AD);
                    //Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out cross);
                    //float volume;
                    //Vector3.Dot(ref cross, ref AD, out volume);

                    ////Volume is small compared to partial 'perimeter.'
                    //if (volume < Toolbox.BigEpsilon * (AB.LengthSquared() + AC.LengthSquared() + AD.LengthSquared()))
                    //    State = SimplexState.Point;
                    A = new Vector3();
                    B = new Vector3();
                    C = new Vector3();
                    D = new Vector3();
Пример #14
 private PairSimplex(ref RigidTransform localTransformB)
     //This isn't a very good approach since the transform position is not guaranteed to be within the object.  Would have to use the GetNewSimplexPoint to make it valid.
     previousDistanceToClosest = float.MaxValue;
     errorTolerance = 0;
     LocalTransformB = localTransformB;
     //Warm up the simplex using the centroids.
     //Could also use the GetNewSimplexPoint if it had a Empty case, but test before choosing.
     State = SimplexState.Point;
     SimplexA = new ContributingShapeSimplex();
     SimplexB = new ContributingShapeSimplex {A = localTransformB.Position};
     //minkowski space support = shapeA-shapeB = 0,0,0 - positionB
     Vector3.Negate(ref localTransformB.Position, out A);
     B = new Vector3();
     C = new Vector3();
     D = new Vector3();
     U = 0;
     V = 0;
     W = 0;
Пример #15
        /// Gets the closest point on the triangle to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Closest point.</param>
        public void GetPointOnTriangleClosestToOrigin(out Vector3 point)
            Vector3 ab, ac;

            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
            //just use -A.
            //Same for B->, C->P...

            //CAN'T BE IN A'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN B'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN AB'S REGION.

            //Check to see if it's outside C.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
            float d5, d6;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out d5);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out d6);
            d5 = -d5;
            d6 = -d6;
            if (d6 >= 0f && d5 <= d6)
                //It is C!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A     = C;
                point = A;

            //Check if it's outside AC.
            float d1, d2;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out d1);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out d2);
            d1 = -d1;
            d2 = -d2;
            float vb = d5 * d2 - d1 * d6;

            if (vb <= 0f && d2 > 0f && d6 < 0f) //Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Get rid of B.  Compress C into B.
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B     = C;
                float V = d2 / (d2 - d6);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check if it's outside BC.
            float d3, d4;

            Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out d3);
            Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out d4);
            d3 = -d3;
            d4 = -d4;
            float va = d3 * d6 - d5 * d4;
            float d3d4;
            float d6d5;

            if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = d4 - d3) > 0f && (d6d5 = d5 - d6) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Throw away A.  C->A.
                //TODO: Does B->A, C->B work better?
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                A     = C;
                float U = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);

                Vector3 bc;
                Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, U, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

            //On the face of the triangle.
            float vc    = d1 * d4 - d3 * d2;
            float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
            float v     = vb * denom;
            float w     = vc * denom;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, v, out point);
            Vector3 acw;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, w, out acw);
            Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
            Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
Пример #16
        /// Gets the closest point on the triangle to the origin.
        ///<param name="point">Closest point.</param>
        public void GetPointOnTriangleClosestToOrigin(out System.Numerics.Vector3 point)
            System.Numerics.Vector3 ab, ac;
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
            //just use -A.
            //Same for B->, C->P...

            //CAN'T BE IN A'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN B'S REGION.

            //CAN'T BE IN AB'S REGION.

            //Check to see if it's outside C.
            //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
            float d5, d6;
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out d5);
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out d6);
            d5 = -d5;
            d6 = -d6;
            if (d6 >= 0f && d5 <= d6)
                //It is C!
                State = SimplexState.Point;
                A = C;
                point = A;

            //Check if it's outside AC.
            float d1, d2;
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out d1);
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out d2);
            d1 = -d1;
            d2 = -d2;
            float vb = d5 * d2 - d1 * d6;
            if (vb <= 0f && d2 > 0f && d6 < 0f) //Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Get rid of B.  Compress C into B.
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                B = C;
                float V = d2 / (d2 - d6);
                Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref ac, V, out point);
                Vector3Ex.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);

            //Check if it's outside BC.
            float d3, d4;
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out d3);
            Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out d4);
            d3 = -d3;
            d4 = -d4;
            float va = d3 * d6 - d5 * d4;
            float d3d4;
            float d6d5;
            if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = d4 - d3) > 0f && (d6d5 = d5 - d6) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                //Throw away A.  C->A.
                //TODO: Does B->A, C->B work better?
                State = SimplexState.Segment;
                A = C;
                float U = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);

                System.Numerics.Vector3 bc;
                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref bc, U, out point);
                Vector3Ex.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);

            //On the face of the triangle.
            float vc = d1 * d4 - d3 * d2;
            float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
            float v = vb * denom;
            float w = vc * denom;

            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref ab, v, out point);
            System.Numerics.Vector3 acw;
            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref ac, w, out acw);
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
Пример #17
        /// Constructs a new pair simplex.
        ///<param name="cachedSimplex">Cached simplex to use to warmstart the simplex.</param>
        ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of shape B in the local space of A.</param>
        public PairSimplex(ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, ref RigidTransform localTransformB)
            //To get those assumptions back, either DO NOT USE CACHED SIMPLEXES, or
            //-A point requires no verification.
            //-A segment needs verification that the origin is in front of A in the direction of B.
            //-A triangle needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes and in the direction of C.
            //-A tetrahedron needs verification that the origin is within the edge planes of triangle ABC and is in the direction of D.

            //This simplex implementation will not ignore any cases, so we can warm start safely with one problem.
            //Due to relative movement, the simplex may become degenerate.  Edges could become points, etc.
            //Some protections are built into the simplex cases, but keep an eye out for issues.
            //Most dangerous degeneracy seen so far is tetrahedron.  It fails to find any points on opposing sides due to numerical problems and returns intersection.

            previousDistanceToClosest = float.MaxValue;
            errorTolerance            = 0;
            LocalTransformB           = localTransformB;

            //Transform the SimplexB into the working space of the simplex and compute the working space simplex.
            State    = cachedSimplex.State;
            SimplexA = cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexA;
            SimplexB = new ContributingShapeSimplex();
            U        = 0;
            V        = 0;
            W        = 0;
            switch (State)
            case SimplexState.Point:
                Quaternion.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Orientation,
                                     out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                B = new Vector3();
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();

            case SimplexState.Segment:
                Matrix3x3 transform;
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();


            case SimplexState.Triangle:
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                D = new Vector3();


            case SimplexState.Tetrahedron:
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref localTransformB.Orientation, out transform);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.A, ref transform, out SimplexB.A);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.B, ref transform, out SimplexB.B);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.C, ref transform, out SimplexB.C);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref cachedSimplex.LocalSimplexB.D, ref transform, out SimplexB.D);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.A, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.A);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.B, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.B);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.C, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.C);
                Vector3.Add(ref SimplexB.D, ref LocalTransformB.Position, out SimplexB.D);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.A, ref SimplexB.A, out A);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.B, ref SimplexB.B, out B);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.C, ref SimplexB.C, out C);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref SimplexA.D, ref SimplexB.D, out D);


                A = new Vector3();
                B = new Vector3();
                C = new Vector3();
                D = new Vector3();