Пример #1
        private static void UseItem(WoWItem item, SimpleStringDelegate log = null)
            if (!CanUseItem(item))

            if (log == null)
                log = s => string.Format("/use {0}", item.Name);

            Logger.Write(LogColor.Hilite, log(item));
        private void InitList(ItemsList targetList, string selectedEffect, SimpleStringDelegate command)
            IGeometryManager geometryManager    = ServiceRegistration.Get <IGeometryManager>();
            string           standardEffectFile = geometryManager.StandardEffectFile;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> nameToEffect in geometryManager.AvailableEffects)
                string   file       = nameToEffect.Key;
                string   effectFile = selectedEffect ?? standardEffectFile;
                string   effectName = nameToEffect.Value;
                ListItem item       = new ListItem(Consts.KEY_NAME, effectName)
                    Command  = new MethodDelegateCommand(() => command(effectName, file)),
                    Selected = file == effectFile,
Пример #3
 public SeqDbg(double secs, SimpleStringDelegate msg)
     : base(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs), RunStatus.Success, new Action(r => { if (SingularSettings.Debug)
                                                                                return(RunStatus.Success); }))
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name resolved during tree execution (rather than creation), with special requirements, 
 ///   on the current target. Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Created 11/25/2012.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
 /// <returns>.</returns>
 public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements)
     return Cast(name, onUnit => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, requirements);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name resolved during tree execution (rather than creation) on the current target.  
 ///   Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Created 11/25/2012.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
 /// <returns>.</returns>
 public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name)
     return Cast(name, onUnit => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget);
Пример #6
        // always create passing the existing context so it is preserved for delegate usage
        internal CogContext(object ctx, SpellFindDelegate ssd, SimpleLocationRetriever locrtrv, SimpleStringDelegate descrtrv)

            if (ssd(ctx, out sfr))
                spell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;
                name = spell.Name;
                context = ctx;

                loc = WoWPoint.Empty;
                targetDesc = "";
                if (locrtrv != null)
                    loc = locrtrv(ctx);
                    if (descrtrv != null)
                        targetDesc = descrtrv(ctx) + " ";
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name, with special requirements, on a specific unit. Will make sure any spell with
        ///   a non-zero cast time (everything not instant) will stay here until passing the latency boundary (point where .IsCasting == false while cast is in progress.)
        ///   Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.  Note: will return as soon as spell cast is in progress, unless cancel delegate provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="checkMovement"></param>
        /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit.</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">The cancel cast in progress delegate</param>
        /// <param name="allow">allow next spell to queue before this one completes</param>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate checkMovement, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, SimpleBooleanDelegate cancel = null, LagTolerance allow = LagTolerance.Yes, bool skipWowCheck = false)
            return Cast(name, checkMovement, onUnit, requirements, cancel, allow, skipWowCheck, null);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name, with special requirements, on a specific unit. Will make sure any spell with
        ///   a non-zero cast time (everything not instant) will stay here until passing the latency boundary (point where .IsCasting == false while cast is in progress.)
        ///   Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.  Note: will return as soon as spell cast is in progress, unless cancel delegate provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="checkMovement"></param>
        /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit.</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">The cancel cast in progress delegate</param>
        /// <param name="allow">allow next spell to queue before this one completes</param>
        /// <param name="allow">check if spell can be cast</param>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate checkMovement, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, SimpleBooleanDelegate cancel = null, LagTolerance allow = LagTolerance.Yes, bool skipWowCheck = false, CanCastDelegate canCast = null, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
            SpellFindDelegate ssd =
                (object ctx, out SpellFindResults sfr) =>
                    if (name != null)
                        string spellName = name(ctx);
                        if (spellName != null)
                            return SpellManager.FindSpell(spellName, out sfr);

                    sfr = EmptySFR;
                    return false;

            return Cast(ssd, checkMovement, onUnit, requirements, cancel, allow, skipWowCheck, canCast, gcd);
Пример #8
        public static Composite BuffSelfAndWait(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements = null, int expirSecs = 0, CanRunDecoratorDelegate until = null, bool measure = false, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
            if (requirements == null)
                requirements = req => true;

            if (until == null)
                until = u => StyxWoW.Me.HasAura(name(u));

            return new Sequence(
                BuffSelf(name, requirements, expirSecs, gcd),
                new PrioritySelector(
                    new DynaWait(
                        time => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Me.Combat ? 500 : 1000),
                        new ActionAlwaysSucceed(),
                    new Action(r =>
                        Logger.WriteDiagnostic("BuffSelfAndWait: buff of [{0}] failed", name(r));
                        return RunStatus.Failure;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name, with special requirements, on a specific unit. Will make sure any spell with
        ///   a non-zero cast time (everything not instant) will stay here until passing the latency boundary (point where .IsCasting == false while cast is in progress.)
        ///   Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.  Note: will return as soon as spell cast is in progress, unless cancel delegate provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="checkMovement"></param>
        /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit.</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">The cancel cast in progress delegate</param>
        /// <param name="allow">allow next spell to queue before this one completes</param>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate checkMovement, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, SimpleBooleanDelegate cancel = null, LagTolerance allow = LagTolerance.Yes, bool skipWowCheck = false)
            return new Decorator(
                ret => name != null && checkMovement != null && onUnit != null && requirements != null && name(ret) != null,
                new Throttle(
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        new Sequence(
                // save flag indicating if currently in a GCD or IsCasting before queueing our cast
                            new Action(ret =>
                                _castSpell = null;
                                _castOnUnit = onUnit(ret);
                                if (_castOnUnit == null)
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                // health/dist change quickly, so grab these now where
                                // .. we check requirements so the log message we output
                                // .. later reflects what they were when we were testing
                                // .. as opposed to what they may have changed to
                                // .. (since spell lookup, move while casting check, and cancast take time)
                                double health = _castOnUnit.HealthPercent;
                                double dist = _castOnUnit.Distance;

                                if (!requirements(ret))
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                // find spell 
                                SpellFindResults sfr;
                                if (!SpellManager.FindSpell(name(ret), out sfr))
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                _castSpell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;

                                if (checkMovement(ret) && Me.IsMoving && !AllowMovingWhileCasting(_castSpell))
                                    if (SingularSettings.Instance.EnableDebugLoggingGCD)
                                        Logger.WriteDebug("skipping Spell.Cast({0},[{1}]) because we are moving", _castOnUnit.SafeName(), _castSpell.Name);
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                // check we can cast it on target without checking for movement
                                // if (!Spell.CanCastHack(_spell, _castOnUnit, true, false, allow == LagTolerance.Yes))
                                if (!CanCastHack(name(ret), _castOnUnit, skipWowCheck))
                                    if (SingularSettings.Instance.EnableDebugLoggingGCD)
                                        Logger.WriteDebug("skipping Spell.Cast({0},[{1}]) because CanCastHack failed", _castOnUnit.SafeName(), _castSpell.Name);
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                // save status of queueing spell (lag tolerance - the prior spell still completing)
                                _IsSpellBeingQueued = allow == LagTolerance.Yes && (Spell.GcdActive || StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting || StyxWoW.Me.IsChanneling);

                                LogCast(_castSpell.Name, _castOnUnit, health, dist);
                                if (!SpellManager.Cast(_castSpell, _castOnUnit))
                                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.LightPink, "cast of {0} on {1} failed!", _castSpell.Name, _castOnUnit.SafeName());
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                                return RunStatus.Success;
                            // when accountForLag = true, wait for in progress spell (if any) to complete
                            new WaitContinue(
                                ret => SingularRoutine.UpdateDiagnosticCastingState(false) || !_IsSpellBeingQueued || !(Spell.GcdActive || StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting || StyxWoW.Me.IsChanneling),
                                new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                            // new Action(r => Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): waited for queued spell {1}", name(r), _IsSpellBeingQueued )),

                            // failsafe: max time we should be waiting with the prior and latter WaitContinue is latency x 2
                // .. if system is borked, could be 1 second but shouldnt notice.  
                // .. instant spells should be very quick since only prior wait applies

                            // now for non-instant spell, wait for .IsCasting to be true
                            new WaitContinue(
                                ret =>

                                    SpellFindResults sfr;
                                    if (SpellManager.FindSpell(name(ret), out sfr))
                                        WoWSpell spell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;
                                        if (spell.CastTime == 0 && !IsFunnel(spell))
                                            return true;

                                    return StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting || StyxWoW.Me.IsChanneling;
                                new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                            /// new Action(r => Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): assume we are casting (actual={1}, gcd={2})", name(r), StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting || StyxWoW.Me.IsChanneling, Spell.GlobalCooldown )),
                            // for instant spell, wait for GCD to start
                            // for non-instant spell, wait for .IsCasting / .IsChanneling to start
                            new WaitContinue(
                                ret =>
                                    if ((_castSpell.CastTime == 0 && Spell.GcdTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 750) || Me.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 750 || Me.CurrentChannelTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds > 750)
                                        return true;

                                    return false;
                                new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                            // now check for one of the possible done casting states
                            new PrioritySelector(

                                // for instant or no cancel method given, we are done
                                new Decorator(
                                    ret => cancel == null || _castSpell.CastTime == 0,
                                    new Action(r =>
                                        // Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): no cancel delegate", _castSpell.Name);
                                        return RunStatus.Success;

                                // while casting/channeling call the cancel method to see if we should abort
                                new Wait(12,
                                    ret => {

                                        // Interrupted or finished casting. 
                                        if (!Spell.IsCastingOrChannelling(allow))
                                            Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): cast has ended", _castSpell.Name);
                                            return true;

                                        // check cancel delegate if we are finished
                                        if (cancel(ret))
                                            Logger.Write(System.Drawing.Color.Orange, "/cancel {0} on {1} @ {2:F1}%", _castSpell.Name, _castOnUnit.SafeName(), _castOnUnit.HealthPercent);
                                            return true;
                                        // continue casting/channeling at this point
                                        return false;
                                    new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                                // if we are here, we timed out after 12 seconds (very odd)
                                new Action(r => {
                                    Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Cast(\"{0}\"): timed out waiting", _castSpell.Name);
                                    return RunStatus.Success;


                                // made it this far the we are RunStatus.Success, so reset wowunit reference and return
                                new Action(ret =>
                                    _castOnUnit = null;
                                    _castSpell = null;
                                    return RunStatus.Success;

                        // cast Sequence failed, so only thing left is to reset cached references and report failure
                        new Action(ret =>
                            _castOnUnit = null;
                            _castSpell = null;
                            return RunStatus.Failure;
Пример #10
        public static Composite Buff(SimpleStringDelegate name, bool myBuff, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, int expirSecs, params string[] buffNames)
            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                    if (onUnit == null || name == null || requirements == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffUnit = onUnit(ret);
                    if (_buffUnit == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffName = name(ret);
                    if (_buffName == null)
                        return false;

                    if (DoubleCastPreventionDict.Contains(_buffUnit, _buffName))
                        return false;

                    bool hasExpired;
                    if (!buffNames.Any())
                        hasExpired = _buffUnit.HasAuraExpired(_buffName, expirSecs, myBuff);
                        if (hasExpired && SingularSettings.Debug)
                            Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Buff(r=>'{0}'): hasspell={1}, auraleft={2:F1} secs", _buffName, SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName).ToYN(), _buffUnit.GetAuraTimeLeft(_buffName, true).TotalSeconds);

                        return hasExpired;

                    hasExpired = SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName) && buffNames.All(b => _buffUnit.HasKnownAuraExpired(b, expirSecs, myBuff));
                    if (hasExpired && SingularSettings.Debug)
                        Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Buff(r=>'{0}'): hasspell={1}, all auras less than {2:F1} secs", _buffName, SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName).ToYN(), expirSecs );

                    return hasExpired;
                new Sequence(
                // new Action(ctx => _lastBuffCast = name),
                    Cast(name, chkMov => true, onUnit, requirements, cancel => false /* causes cast to complete */ ),
                    new Action(ret => UpdateDoubleCastDict(name(ret), onUnit(ret)))
Пример #11
        public static Composite Buff(SimpleStringDelegate name, bool myBuff, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, params string[] buffNames)
            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                    if (onUnit == null || name == null || requirements == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffUnit = onUnit(ret);
                    if (_buffUnit == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffName = name(ret);
                    if (_buffName == null)
                        return false;

                    if (DoubleCastPreventionDict.Contains(_buffUnit, _buffName))
                        return false;

                    if (!buffNames.Any())
                        return !(myBuff ? _buffUnit.HasMyAura(_buffName) : _buffUnit.HasAura(_buffName));

                    bool buffFound;
                        if (myBuff)
                            buffFound = buffNames.Any(b => _buffUnit.HasMyAura(b));
                            buffFound = buffNames.Any(b => _buffUnit.HasAura(b));
                        // mark as found buff, so we return false
                        buffFound = true;

                    return !buffFound;
                new Sequence(
                // new Action(ctx => _lastBuffCast = name),
                    Cast( sp => _buffName, chkMov => true, on => _buffUnit, requirements, cancel => false /* causes cast to complete */ ),
                    new Action(ret => UpdateDoubleCastDict(_buffName, _buffUnit))
Пример #12
 public PriDiag(double secs, SimpleStringDelegate msg)
     : base(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs), RunStatus.Failure, new Action(r => { Logger.WriteDiagnostic(msg(r)); return(RunStatus.Failure); }))
Пример #13
 public PriDbg(double secs, Color clr, SimpleStringDelegate msg)
     : base(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs), RunStatus.Failure, new Action(r => { if (SingularSettings.Debug)
                                                                                    Logger.WriteDebug(clr, msg(r));
                                                                                return(RunStatus.Failure); }))
Пример #14
 public PriLog(double secs, Color clr, SimpleStringDelegate msg)
     : base(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs), RunStatus.Failure, new Action(r => { Logger.Write(clr, msg(r)); return(RunStatus.Failure); }))
Пример #15
 public static Composite BuffSelf(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements)
     return Buff(name, false, on => Me, requirements);
Пример #16
 public static Composite BuffSelf(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, int expirSecs, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
     return Buff(name, expirSecs, on => Me, require: requirements, gcd:gcd);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name, on the ground at the specified location. Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "spell">The spell.</param>
        /// <param name = "onLocation">The on location.</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForSpell">Waits for spell to become active on cursor if true. </param>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite CastOnGround(string spell, LocationRetriever onLocation,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, bool waitForSpell = true, SimpleStringDelegate targetDesc = null)
                new Decorator(
                    ret => requirements(ret)
                        && onLocation != null
                        && Spell.CanCastHack(spell, null, skipWowCheck:true)
                        && LocationInRange(spell, onLocation(ret))
                        && GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(StyxWoW.Me.GetTraceLinePos(), onLocation(ret)),
                    new Sequence(
                        new Action(ret => Logger.Write("Casting {0} {1}at location {2} at {3:F1} yds", spell, targetDesc == null ? "" : "on " + targetDesc(ret) + " ", onLocation(ret), onLocation(ret).Distance(StyxWoW.Me.Location))),

                        new Action(ret => { return SpellManager.Cast(spell) ? RunStatus.Success : RunStatus.Failure; } ),

                        new DecoratorContinue(
                            ctx => waitForSpell,
                            new PrioritySelector(
                                new WaitContinue(1,
                                    ret => GetPendingCursorSpell != null && GetPendingCursorSpell.Name == spell,
                                    new ActionAlwaysSucceed()
                                new Action(r =>
                                    Logger.WriteDebug("error: spell {0} not seen as pending on cursor after 1 second", spell);
                                    return RunStatus.Failure;

                        new Action(ret => SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onLocation(ret))),

                        // check for we are done status
                        new PrioritySelector(
                // done if cursor doesn't have spell anymore
                            new Decorator(
                                ret => !waitForSpell,
                                new Action(r => Lua.DoString("SpellStopTargeting()"))   //just in case

                            new Wait(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(750),
                                ret => Spell.GetPendingCursorSpell == null || Me.IsCasting || Me.IsChanneling,
                                new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                            // otherwise cancel
                            new Action(ret =>
                                Logger.WriteDebug("/cancel {0} - click {1} failed -OR- Pending Cursor Spell API broken -- distance={2:F1} yds, loss={3}, face={4}",
                                    GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(StyxWoW.Me.GetTraceLinePos(), onLocation(ret)),

                                // Pending Spell Cursor API is broken... seems like we can't really check at this point, so assume it failed and worked... uggghhh
                                return RunStatus.Failure;
Пример #18
        public static Composite BuffSelfAndWaitPassive(SimpleStringDelegate name, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements = null, int expirSecs = 0, CanRunDecoratorDelegate until = null, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes)
            if (requirements == null)
                requirements = req => true;

            if (until == null)
                until = u => StyxWoW.Me.HasAura(u as string);

            return new PrioritySelector(
                ctx => 
                    string spellName = name(ctx);
                    SpellFindResults sfr;
                    if (SpellManager.FindSpell(spellName, out sfr))
                        spellName = (sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original).Name;
                    return spellName;
                new Decorator(
                    req => SpellManager.HasSpell( req as string)
                        && !Me.HasAura(req as string)
                        && !DoubleCastContains(Me, req as string),
                    new Sequence(
                        Spell.Cast( sp => sp as string, mov => true, on => Me, requirements, cancel => false, LagTolerance.Yes, false, null, gcd: gcd),
                        new PrioritySelector(
                            new DynaWait(
                                time => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Me.Combat ? 500 : 1000),
                                new Action( r => UpdateDoubleCast( r as string, Me, 3000 ))
                            new Action(r =>
                                Logger.WriteDiagnostic("BuffSelfAndWaitPassive: buff of [{0}] failed", name(r));
                                return RunStatus.Failure;
Пример #19
 public TMsg(SimpleStringDelegate str)
     : base(ret => ShowTraceMessages, new Action(r => { Logger.WriteDebug(str(r)); return(RunStatus.Failure); }))
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name, on the ground at the specified location. Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "spell">The spell.</param>
        /// <param name = "onLocation">The on location.</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForSpell">Waits for spell to become active on cursor if true. </param>
        /// <returns>.</returns>
        public static Composite CastOnGround(string spellName, SimpleLocationRetriever onLocRtrv,
            SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, bool waitForSpell = true, SimpleStringDelegate tgtDescRtrv = null)
            if (spellName == null || onLocRtrv == null || requirements == null)
                return new ActionAlwaysFail();

            SpellFindDelegate ssd =
                (object ctx, out SpellFindResults sfr) =>
                    if (!SpellManager.FindSpell(spellName, out sfr))
                        return false;
                    return true;

            return new Decorator(
                req => requirements(req),
                new PrioritySelector(
                    ctx => new CogContext( ctx, ssd, onLocRtrv, tgtDescRtrv),
                    ContextCastOnGround(null, waitForSpell)
Пример #21
 private void InitList(ItemsList targetList, string selectedEffect, SimpleStringDelegate command)
   IGeometryManager geometryManager = ServiceRegistration.Get<IGeometryManager>();
   string standardEffectFile = geometryManager.StandardEffectFile;
   foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nameToEffect in geometryManager.AvailableEffects)
     string file = nameToEffect.Key;
     string effectFile = selectedEffect ?? standardEffectFile;
     string effectName = nameToEffect.Value;
     ListItem item = new ListItem(Consts.KEY_NAME, effectName)
       Command = new MethodDelegateCommand(() => command(effectName, file)),
       Selected = file == effectFile,
Пример #22
 internal CogContext(CastContext cc, SimpleStringDelegate descrtrv)
     if (cc.unit != null)
         loc = cc.unit.Location;
         spell = cc.spell;
         context = cc.context;
         name = cc.name;
         sfr = cc.sfr;
         spell = cc.spell;
         if (descrtrv != null)
             targetDesc = descrtrv(context) + " ";
Пример #23
        public static Composite Buff(SimpleStringDelegate name, bool myBuff, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate require, params string[] buffNames)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(name != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(onUnit != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(require != null);

            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                    _buffUnit = onUnit(ret);
                    if (_buffUnit == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffName = name(ret);
                    if (_buffName == null)
                        return false;

                    SpellFindResults sfr;
                    if (!SpellManager.FindSpell(_buffName, out sfr))
                        return false;

                    if (sfr.Override != null)
                        _buffName = sfr.Override.Name;

                    if (DoubleCastContains(_buffUnit, _buffName))
                        return false;

                    if (!buffNames.Any())
                        return !(myBuff ? _buffUnit.HasMyAura(_buffName) : _buffUnit.HasAura(_buffName));

                    bool buffFound;
                        if (myBuff)
                            buffFound = buffNames.Any(b => _buffUnit.HasMyAura(b));
                            buffFound = buffNames.Any(b => _buffUnit.HasAura(b));
                        // mark as found buff, so we return false
                        buffFound = true;

                    return !buffFound;
                new Sequence(
                // new Action(ctx => _lastBuffCast = name),
                    Cast(sp => _buffName, chkMov => true, on => _buffUnit, require, cancel => false /* causes cast to complete */ ),
                    new Action(ret => UpdateDoubleCast(_buffName, _buffUnit))
Пример #24
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name resolved during tree execution (rather than creation) on a specific unit. 
 ///   Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Created 11/25/2012.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit.</param>
 /// <returns>.</returns>
 public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit)
     return Cast(name, onUnit, req => true);
Пример #25
 public static Composite Buff(SimpleStringDelegate name, int expirSecs, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit = null, SimpleBooleanDelegate require = null, bool myBuff = true, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes, params string[] buffNames)
     return Buff(name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirSecs), onUnit, require, myBuff, gcd, buffNames);
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a behavior to cast a spell by name resolved during tree execution (rather than creation), with special requirements, 
 ///   on a specific unit. Returns RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Created 11/25/2012.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name = "name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit.</param>
 /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
 /// <returns>.</returns>
 public static Composite Cast(SimpleStringDelegate name, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements)
     return Cast(name, ret => true, onUnit, requirements);
Пример #27
        public static Composite Buff(SimpleStringDelegate name, TimeSpan expires, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit = null, SimpleBooleanDelegate require = null, bool myBuff = true, HasGcd gcd = HasGcd.Yes, params string[] buffNames)
            if (onUnit == null)
                onUnit = u => Me.CurrentTarget;
            if (require == null)
                require = req => true;

            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                    if (onUnit == null || name == null || require == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffUnit = onUnit(ret);
                    if (_buffUnit == null)
                        return false;

                    _buffName = name(ret);
                    if (_buffName == null)
                        return false;

                    SpellFindResults sfr;
                    if (!SpellManager.FindSpell(_buffName, out sfr))
                        return false;

                    WoWSpell spell = sfr.Override ?? sfr.Original;
                    _buffName = spell.Name;
                    if (DoubleCastContains(_buffUnit, _buffName))
                        return false;
                    if (!spell.CanCast && (sfr.Override == null || !sfr.Original.CanCast))
                        if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                            Logger.WriteFile("BuffCanCast[{0}]: spell specific CanCast failed (#{1})", spell.Name, spell.Id);

                        return false;

                    bool hasExpired;
                    if (!buffNames.Any())
                        hasExpired = _buffUnit.HasAuraExpired(_buffName, expires, myBuff);
                        if (SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                            if (hasExpired )
                                Logger.WriteDebug("Buff=expired: '{0}')={1}: hasspell={2}, auraleft={3:F1} secs", _buffName, hasExpired, SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName).ToYN(), _buffUnit.GetAuraTimeLeft(_buffName, true).TotalSeconds);
                                Logger.WriteDebug("Buff=present: '{0}')={1}: hasspell={2}, auraleft={3:F1} secs", _buffName, hasExpired, SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName).ToYN(), _buffUnit.GetAuraTimeLeft(_buffName, true).TotalSeconds);

                        return hasExpired;

                    hasExpired = SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName) && buffNames.All(b => _buffUnit.HasKnownAuraExpired(b, expires, myBuff));
                    if (hasExpired && SingularSettings.DebugSpellCasting)
                        Logger.WriteDebug("Spell.Buff(r=>'{0}')={1}: hasspell={2}, all auras less than {3:F1} secs", _buffName, hasExpired, SpellManager.HasSpell(_buffName).ToYN(), expires.TotalSeconds);

                    return hasExpired;
                new Sequence(
                // new Action(ctx => _lastBuffCast = name),
                    Cast(sp => _buffName, chkMov => true, onUnit, require, cancel => false /* causes cast to complete */, gcd: gcd ),
                    new Action(ret => UpdateDoubleCast( _buffName, _buffUnit))
Пример #28
 public TMsg(SimpleStringDelegate str)
     : base(ret => ShowTraceMessages, new Action(r => { Logger.WriteDebug(str(r)); return RunStatus.Failure; }))
Пример #29
 public SeqLog(double secs, SimpleStringDelegate msg)
     : base(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs), RunStatus.Success, new Action(r => { Logger.Write(msg(r)); return(RunStatus.Success); }))