Пример #1
        void backgroundWorkerPersonalStream_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Tuple <List <Post>, ApiCallResponse> items;
            ParametersMyStream parameter = new ParametersMyStream();

            parameter.count = Properties.Settings.Default.TwitterItemsFetchInPast;
            if (PersonalStream.Count > 0)
                parameter.since_id = PersonalStream.Max(i => i.Id).ToString();
            parameter.include_annotations = true;
            items = SimpleStreams.getUserStream(this.accessToken, parameter);

            if (items.Item2.success)
                foreach (Post post in items.Item1)
                    if (!post.machine_only && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.text) && !post.is_deleted)
                        ApnItem item = new ApnItem(post, this);
                        if (item != null)
                            item.receivingAccount = this;
                            backgroundWorkerPersonalStream.ReportProgress(50, item);
                if (items.Item1 != null)
                    backgroundWorkerPersonalStream.ReportProgress(99, items.Item2);
Пример #2
        public MainWindow()

            Tuple <List <Post>, ApiCallResponse> posts_response = SimpleStreams.getUnifiedStream(Properties.Settings.Default.access_token);

            // the response is a general comcept in the API: A tuple containing the data (in this case a list of posts) and an "ApiCallResponse" with the metadata
            if (posts_response.Item2.success)
                listview_items.ItemsSource = posts_response.Item1;
                // of course this is very basic as we just show the ToString() method