void AssertSelectionsAreEqual(SimpleSelection expectedSelection, IScriptingConsoleTextEditor consoleTextEditor) { int selectionLength = consoleTextEditor.SelectionStart + consoleTextEditor.SelectionLength; SimpleSelection actualSelection = new SimpleSelection(consoleTextEditor.SelectionStart, selectionLength); Assert.AreEqual(expectedSelection, actualSelection); }
private void Exit(Vector2Int gridPoint) { Disactivate(); SimpleSelection step = GetComponent <SimpleSelection>(); step.Activate(gridPoint); }
public void Castle(int index) { SimpleSelection SS = GetComponent <SimpleSelection>(); SS.Disactivate(); Disactivate(); GameManager.instance.Castle(index); }
public void SelectionLength_NothingSelectedInTextEditor_ConsoleTextEditorSelectionMatchesTextEditorSelection() { avalonEditTextEditor.Text = "text"; avalonEditTextEditor.TextArea.Caret.Column = 1; avalonEditTextEditor.SelectionLength = 0; SimpleSelection expectedSelection = new SimpleSelection(1, 1); AssertSelectionsAreEqual(expectedSelection, consoleTextEditor); }
private void Cancel() { Disactivate(); Display.instance.selector = null; SimpleSelection goTo = GetComponent <SimpleSelection>(); goTo.Activate(startGridPoint); }
public UpdateBuilder <T> Set(Expression <Func <T, object> > select, object value) { SimpleSelection selection = BuilderHelper.ParseSimpleSelection(select); if (selection != null) { CurrentQuery.Assignments.Add(new Assignment(selection, GenerateBindMarker(value))); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Selects the specified text section. /// </summary> public void Select(int start, int length) { int documentLength = Document != null ? Document.TextLength : 0; if (start < 0 || start > documentLength) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("start", start, "Value must be between 0 and " + documentLength); } if (length < 0 || start + length > documentLength) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", length, "Value must be between 0 and " + (documentLength - start)); } textArea.Selection = SimpleSelection.Create(textArea, start, start + length); textArea.Caret.Offset = start + length; }
public void SelectionStart_ThreeCharactersSelectedInTextEditor_ConsoleTextEditorSelectionIsEqualToTextEditorSelection() { avalonEditTextEditor.Text = "te000xt"; int startOffset = 2; int endOffset = 5; SimpleSelection expectedSelection = new SimpleSelection(startOffset, endOffset); avalonEditTextEditor.SelectionStart = expectedSelection.StartOffset; avalonEditTextEditor.SelectionLength = expectedSelection.Length; // Sanity check. Assert.AreEqual("000", avalonEditTextEditor.SelectedText); AssertSelectionsAreEqual(expectedSelection, consoleTextEditor); }
public DeleteBuilder <T> Delete(params Expression <Func <T, object> >[] selects) { if (selects != null) { foreach (Expression <Func <T, object> > select in selects) { SimpleSelection selection = BuilderHelper.ParseSimpleSelection(select); if (selection != null) { CurrentQuery.Selections.Add(selection); } } } return(this); }
public void TextInsertedAtCursor() { textEditor.Text = "abc.n"; textEditor.CaretOffset = 4; int startOffset = 4; int endOffset = 5; SimpleSelection selection = new SimpleSelection(startOffset, endOffset); completionData = new ScriptingConsoleCompletionData("new"); completionData.Complete(textEditor.TextArea, selection, null); string expectedText = "abc.new"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, textEditor.Text); }
public void JumpTo(int line, int column) { locationJumpedTo = new Location(column, line); selection = new SimpleSelection(-1, -1); }
public void Select(int selectionStart, int selectionLength) { selection = new SimpleSelection(selectionStart, selectionLength + selectionStart); }