Пример #1
            public DrapiHttpClientHandler()
                InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler();

                // Denari API doesn't publish rate limits. Impose a limit of 100 requests every 10 seconds anyways.
                m_rateLimiter = SimpleRateLimiter.MaxRequestsPerInterval(100, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Пример #2
        public void Invoke_FiveCallsInOneSecond_OnlyTwoGetThrough()
            var maximumAllowedCalls = 2;
            var executedCount       = 0;

            var sut = new SimpleRateLimiter(maximumAllowedCalls);

            for (int times = 0; times < 10; times++)
                executedCount += sut.Invoke(SomeExpensiveFunction);

            Assert.Equal(maximumAllowedCalls, executedCount);
        public HubspotService(IConfiguration configuration, IMemoryCache memoryCache)
            m_client = new HttpClient(new HubspotHttpClientHandler(configuration["HubspotApiKey"]))
                BaseAddress = new Uri("https://api.hubapi.com/")
            m_cache = memoryCache;

            // Hubspot API has a global limit of 100 requests every 10 seconds
            m_rateLimiter = SimpleRateLimiter.MaxRequestsPerInterval(100, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            m_jitterer    = new Random();

            m_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Пример #4
        public void Invoke_TwoCallsPerMinute_OnlyOneGetsThroughPerMinute()
            var allowedCallsPerMinute = 1;
            var timesToTry            = 10;
            var sut           = new SimpleRateLimiter(allowedCallsPerMinute, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
            var executedCount = 0;
            var now           = DateTime.Now;


            for (int times = 0; times < 10; times++)
                executedCount += sut.Invoke(SomeExpensiveFunction);
                now            = now.AddSeconds(30);
                TimeProvider.Current.SetTime(now); // move the time half a minute

            Assert.Equal(timesToTry / 2, executedCount);    // We do 2 calls per minute but allow only one, so we expect half of them to get through
Пример #5
        public void TestPause()
            SimpleRateLimiter limiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(10); // 10 MB / Sec

            limiter.Pause(2);                                      //init
            long pause = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                pause += limiter.Pause(4 * 1024 * 1024); // fire up 3 * 4 MB
            //long convert = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(pause, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

            // 1000000 Milliseconds per nanosecond
            long convert = pause / 1000000;

            Assert.IsTrue(convert < 2000L, "we should sleep less than 2 seconds but did: " + convert + " millis");
            Assert.IsTrue(convert > 1000L, "we should sleep at least 1 second but did only: " + convert + " millis");
        public async Task TestRateLimitingAsync()
            // 10 requests per 1 seconds
            var ratelimiter = SimpleRateLimiter.MaxRequestsPerInterval(10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            var stopwatch   = new Stopwatch();
            var random      = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
                await ratelimiter.WaitForReady();

                // simulate some kind of actual network request
                await Task.Delay(random.Next(10, 50));

            Assert.That(stopwatch.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "Expected 101 requests would take 10 seconds or more.");