Пример #1
        internal static void DrawEntries(Rect rect, Panel_Graph instance, int entries, float aliasing)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)

            var xIncrement = rect.width / (entries - 1.0f);

            var timeCutoff  = 0.0f;
            var callsCutoff = 0.0f;

            if (aliasing != 0)
                timeCutoff  = instance.calls.max / rect.height / aliasing;
                callsCutoff = instance.times.max / rect.height / aliasing;

            int i = 1, timesIndex = 0, callsIndex = 0;

            visibleMin = instance.times.entries[timesIndex];
            for (; i < entries; i++)
                if (instance.calls.visible)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(instance.calls.entries[callsIndex] - instance.calls.entries[i]) > callsCutoff || i == entries - 1) // We need to draw a line, enough of a difference
                        DrawLine(instance.calls, callsIndex, i, rect.height, xIncrement, Settings.callsColour);

                        callsIndex = i;

                if (!instance.times.visible)

                if (Mathf.Abs(instance.times.entries[timesIndex] - instance.times.entries[i]) > timeCutoff || i == entries - 1)
                    var point = DrawLine(instance.times, timesIndex, i, rect.height, xIncrement, Settings.timeColour);

                    if (instance.times.entries[i] < visibleMin)
                        visibleMin = instance.times.entries[timesIndex];

                    var cheese = new Rect(point.x - (xIncrement * 0.5f), 0, xIncrement, rect.height);
                    if (Mouse.IsOver(cheese))
                        hoverValStr = $"{instance.times.entries[timesIndex]}ms {instance.calls.entries[timesIndex]} calls";

                    timesIndex = i;
Пример #2
        public static void DoGraph(Rect position)
            if (ResetRange >= 500)
                ResetRange = 0;
                WindowMax  = 0;

            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;

            var settings = position.TopPartPixels(30f);

            position = position.BottomPartPixels(position.height - 30f);

            Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(position, Analyzer.Settings.GraphCol);

            GUI.color = Color.grey;
            Widgets.DrawBox(position, 2);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            if (!Analyzer.Profiles.ContainsKey(key))

            var prof = Analyzer.Profiles[key];

            if (prof.History.times.Length <= 0)

            var mescou = prof.History.times.Length;

            if (mescou > entryCount)
                mescou = entryCount;

            var gap = position.width / mescou;

            var car = settings.RightPartPixels(200f);

            car.x     -= 15;
            entryCount = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(car, entryCount, 10, 2000, true,
                                                       string.Intern($"{entryCount} Entries"));

            car = new Rect(car.xMax + 5, car.y + 2, 10, 10);
            Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(car, Analyzer.Settings.LineCol);
            if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(car, true))
                if (Find.WindowStack.WindowOfType <colourPicker>() != null)
                    var cp = new colourPicker
                        Setcol = () => Analyzer.Settings.LineCol = colourPicker.CurrentCol
            car.y += 12;
            Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(car, Analyzer.Settings.GraphCol);
            if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(car, true))
                if (Find.WindowStack.WindowOfType <colourPicker>() != null)
                    var cp = new colourPicker
                        Setcol = () => Analyzer.Settings.GraphCol = colourPicker.CurrentCol

            if (Analyzer.Settings.AdvancedMode)
                var memr = settings.LeftPartPixels(20f);
                if (Widgets.ButtonImageFitted(memr, mem, ShowMem ? Color.white : Color.grey))
                    ShowMem = !ShowMem;
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(memr, "Toggle garbage tracking, approximation of total garbage produced by the selected log");

                memr.x     = memr.xMax;
                memr.width = 300f;
                if (ShowMem)
                    Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
                    Widgets.Label(memr, totalBytesStr);

            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            Widgets.Label(settings, hoverValStr);
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            maxBytes = 0;
            minBytes = 0;

            var LastMax = max;

            max = 0;

            position = position.AtZero();

            for (var i = 0; i < mescou; i++)
                var bytes = prof.History.mem[i];
                var TM    = prof.History.times[i];

                if (i == 0)
                    minBytes = bytes;
                    maxBytes = bytes;
                    max      = TM;

                if (bytes < minBytes)
                    minBytes = bytes;

                if (bytes > maxBytes)
                    maxBytes = bytes;

                if (TM > max)
                    max = TM;

            if (max > WindowMax)
                WindowMax = (float)max;

            var DoHover = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < mescou; i++)
                var bytes = prof.History.mem[i];
                var TM    = prof.History.times[i];

                var y    = GenMath.LerpDoubleClamped(0, WindowMax, position.height, position.y, (float)TM);
                var MEMy = GenMath.LerpDoubleClamped(minBytes, maxBytes, position.height, position.y, bytes);

                var screenPoint    = new Vector2(position.xMax - gap * i, y);
                var MEMscreenPoint = new Vector2(position.xMax - gap * i, MEMy);

                if (i != 0)
                    Widgets.DrawLine(last, screenPoint, Analyzer.Settings.LineCol, 1f);
                    if (ShowMem)
                        Widgets.DrawLine(lastMEM, MEMscreenPoint, Color.grey, 2f);

                    var vag = new Rect(screenPoint.x - gap / 2f, position.y, gap, position.height);

                    //if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(vag))
                    //    Log.Warning(prof.History.stack[i]);
                    //    Find.WindowStack.Windows.Add(new StackWindow { stkRef = prof.History.stack[i] });

                    if (Mouse.IsOver(vag))
                        DoHover = true;
                        if (i != hoverVal)
                            hoverVal    = i;
                            hoverValStr = $"{TM} {prof.History.hits[i]} calls";


                last    = screenPoint;
                lastMEM = MEMscreenPoint;

            if (LastMax != max)
                MaxStr = $"Max {max}ms";

            if (LASTtotalBytesStr < prof.BytesUsed)
                LASTtotalBytesStr = prof.BytesUsed;
                totalBytesStr     = $"Mem {(long)(prof.BytesUsed / (long)1024)} Kb";

            var LogMaxY = GenMath.LerpDoubleClamped(0, WindowMax, position.height, position.y, (float)max);
            var crunt   = position;

            crunt.y = LogMaxY;
            Widgets.Label(crunt, MaxStr);
            Widgets.DrawLine(new Vector2(position.x, LogMaxY), new Vector2(position.xMax, LogMaxY), Color.red, 1f);

            last = Vector2.zero;