public int MinAgeForPawn(Pawn pawn) { if (!minAgeLookup.TryGetValue(pawn.def, out int age)) { SimpleCurve simpleCurve = pawn.def.race.ageGenerationCurve; if (simpleCurve == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully :: No age generation curve defined for " + pawn.def.defName + ". Using default age generation curve to determine minimum age."); simpleCurve = DefaultAgeGenerationCurve; if (simpleCurve == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully :: Failed to get default age generation curve. Using default minimum age of " + DEFAULT_MIN_AGE); age = DEFAULT_MIN_AGE; } else { age = Mathf.CeilToInt(pawn.def.race.lifeExpectancy * simpleCurve.First().x); } } else { CurvePoint point = simpleCurve.First(); age = (int)point.x; } minAgeLookup.Add(pawn.def, age); } return(age); }
public VTOLTakeoff(VTOLTakeoff reference, VehiclePawn vehicle) : base(reference, vehicle) { ticksVertical = reference.ticksVertical; verticalLaunchCurve = reference.verticalLaunchCurve; verticalLandingCurve = reference.verticalLandingCurve; ticksPassedVertical = 0; }
public int MaxAgeForPawn(Pawn pawn) { if (!maxAgeLookup.TryGetValue(pawn.def, out int age)) { SimpleCurve simpleCurve = pawn.def.race.ageGenerationCurve; if (simpleCurve == null) { Logger.Warning("No age generation curve defined for " + pawn.def.defName + ". Using default age generation curve to determine maximum age."); simpleCurve = DefaultAgeGenerationCurve; if (simpleCurve == null) { Logger.Warning("Failed to get default age generation curve. Using default maximum age of " + DEFAULT_MAX_AGE); age = DEFAULT_MAX_AGE; } else { age = Mathf.CeilToInt(pawn.def.race.lifeExpectancy * simpleCurve.Last().x); } } else { CurvePoint point = simpleCurve.Last(); age = (int)(point.x * 1.2f); } maxAgeLookup.Add(pawn.def, age); } return(age); }
public static bool Prefix(Faction faction, float totalPoints, RaidStrategyDef raidStrategy, PawnGroupKindDef groupKind, ref float __result) { HiveFactionEvolutionTracker evolutionTracker = Find.World.GetComponent <HiveFactionEvolutionTracker>(); HiveFactionExtension hive = faction.def.GetModExtension <HiveFactionExtension>(); if (faction != null) { if (evolutionTracker != null && hive != null) { if (evolutionTracker.HiveFactionStages.TryGetValue(faction.ToString(), out int stage)) { SimpleCurve curves = hive.CurStage.maxPawnCostPerTotalPointsCurve ?? faction.def.maxPawnCostPerTotalPointsCurve; float num = curves.Evaluate(totalPoints); if (raidStrategy != null) { num = Mathf.Min(num, totalPoints / raidStrategy.minPawns); } num = Mathf.Max(num, faction.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(groupKind) * 1.2f); if (raidStrategy != null) { num = Mathf.Max(num, raidStrategy.Worker.MinMaxAllowedPawnGenOptionCost(faction, groupKind) * 1.2f); } __result = num; return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void OnLoseLeader() { if (!_collected && ReturnHomeWhenLost) { Alarm.Set(this, 0.15f, delegate { RustBerry strawberry = this; Vector2 vector = (_start - Position).SafeNormalize(); float num = Vector2.Distance(Position, _start); float scaleFactor = Calc.ClampedMap(num, 16f, 120f, 16f, 96f); Vector2 control = _start + vector * 16f + vector.Perpendicular() * scaleFactor * Calc.Random.Choose(1, -1); SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(Position, _start, control); Tween tween = Tween.Create(Tween.TweenMode.Oneshot, Ease.SineOut, MathHelper.Max(num / 100f, 0.4f), start: true); tween.OnUpdate = delegate(Tween f) { strawberry.Position = curve.GetPoint(f.Eased); }; tween.OnComplete = delegate { Depth = 0; }; Add(tween); }); } }
public IEnumerator UseRoutine(Vector2 target) { Turning = true; follower.MoveTowardsLeader = false; wiggler.Start(); wobbleActive = false; sprite.Y = 0f; Vector2 from = Position; SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(from, target, (target + from) / 2f + new Vector2(0f, -48f)); tween = Tween.Create(Tween.TweenMode.Oneshot, Ease.CubeOut, 1f, start: true); tween.OnUpdate = delegate(Tween t) { Position = curve.GetPoint(t.Eased); sprite.Rate = 1f + t.Eased * 2f; }; Add(tween); yield return(tween.Wait()); tween = null; while (sprite.CurrentAnimationFrame != 0) { yield return(null); } shimmerParticles.Active = false; Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Insert, Center, (float)Math.PI / 8f * (float)j); } sprite.Visible = false; light.Visible = false; Turning = false; }
public void UpdatePacks() { if (enableDebug && multiThreaded) { //Log.Message("Thread started."); } IEnumerable <Pawn> pawnsOnMap = RimValiUtility.AllPawnsOfRaceInWorld(AvaliDefs.RimVali).Where <Pawn>(x => RimValiUtility.GetPackSize(x) < maxSize); foreach (Pawn pawn in pawnsOnMap) { //Log.Message(pawn.Faction.Name); //Log.Message(pawn.Name.ToString() + " updatePacks()"); PackComp comp = pawn.TryGetComp <PackComp>(); if (!(comp == null)) { //Pull the comp info from the pawn SimpleCurve ageCurve = comp.Props.packGenChanceOverAge; //Tells us that this pawn has had a pack if (enableDebug) { //Log.Message("Attempting to make pack.. [Base pack]"); } //Makes the pack. //Log.Message("EiPackHandlerFromPackDriverMapComp started."); packs = RimValiUtility.EiPackHandler(packs, pawn, racesInPacks, maxSize); } } }
//private SimpleCurve MinIncidentCountMultiplier = new SimpleCurve //{ // {0f, 1f} //}; //private SimpleCurve MaxIncidentCountMultiplier = new SimpleCurve //{ // {0f, 1f} //}; //private SimpleCurve IncidentCycleAcceleration = new SimpleCurve //{ // {0f, 1f} //}; public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); var points1 = MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier.ToList(); //List<CurvePoint> points2 = MinIncidentCountMultiplier.ToList(); //List<CurvePoint> points3 = MaxIncidentCountMultiplier.ToList(); //List<CurvePoint> points4 = IncidentCycleAcceleration.ToList(); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref points1, "MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier"); //Scribe_Collections.Look<CurvePoint>(ref points2, "MinIncidentCountMultiplier"); //Scribe_Collections.Look<CurvePoint>(ref points3, "MaxIncidentCountMultiplier"); //Scribe_Collections.Look<CurvePoint>(ref points4, "IncidentCycleAcceleration"); if (points1 != null) { MTBEventOccurs_Multiplier = ListToSimpleCurve(points1); } //if (points2 != null) //{ // MinIncidentCountMultiplier = ListToSimpleCurve(points2); //} //if (points3 != null) //{ // MaxIncidentCountMultiplier = ListToSimpleCurve(points3); //} //if (points4 != null) //{ // IncidentCycleAcceleration = ListToSimpleCurve(points4); //} }
public void UpdatePacks() { IEnumerable <Pawn> pawnsOnMap = RimValiUtility.AllPawnsOfRaceOnMap(AvaliDefs.RimVali, map).Where(x => (RimValiUtility.GetPackSize(x, x.TryGetComp <PackComp>().Props.relation) < maxSize) & racesInPacks.Contains(x.def)); foreach (Pawn pawn in pawnsOnMap) { PackComp comp = pawn.TryGetComp <PackComp>(); if (!(comp == null)) { //Pull the comp info from the pawn PawnRelationDef relationDef = comp.Props.relation; SimpleCurve ageCurve = comp.Props.packGenChanceOverAge; if (RimValiUtility.GetPackSize(pawn, relationDef) == 1) { //Tells us that this pawn has had a pack if (enableDebug) { Log.Message("Attempting to make pack.. [Base pack]"); } //Makes the pack. RimValiUtility.KeoBuildMakePack(pawn, relationDef, racesInPacks, maxSize); } } } }
private void DoPoseCycleOffsets(ref Vector3 rightHand, ref List <float> shoulderAngle, ref List <float> handSwingAngle, PoseCycleDef pose) { if (!this.CompAnimator.AnimatorPoseOpen) { return; } SimpleCurve cycleHandsSwingAngle = pose.HandsSwingAngle; SimpleCurve rHandX = pose.HandPositionX; SimpleCurve rHandZ = pose.HandPositionZ; Rot4 rot = this.BodyFacing; // Basic values if pawn is carrying stuff float x = 0; float y = Offsets.YOffset_Behind; float z; float percent = this._animatedPercent; PoseCycleDef poseCycle = this.CompAnimator.PoseCycle; float lookie = rot == Rot4.West ? -1f : 1f; shoulderAngle[1] = lookie * poseCycle?.shoulderAngle ?? 0f; handSwingAngle[1] = (rot == Rot4.West ? -1 : 1) * cycleHandsSwingAngle.Evaluate(percent); x = rHandX.Evaluate(percent) * lookie; z = rHandZ.Evaluate(percent); rightHand += new Vector3(x, 0, z); }
// Token: 0x0600137F RID: 4991 RVA: 0x000955F0 File Offset: 0x000939F0 private static void PeturbVerticesRandomly(SimpleCurve strDist, SimpleCurve strTime = null) { float dmod = 1f; Perlin perlin = new Perlin(0.0070000002160668373, 2.0, 0.5, 6, Rand.Range(0, int.MaxValue), QualityMode.High); List <Vector2> list = LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.ListFullCopy <Vector2>(); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Clear(); int threshold = (list.Count / 4) * 3; // Log.Message("PeturbVerticesRandomly Points: " + strDist.PointsCount + " " + strDist.Points.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { float f = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, list.Count, i); float d = strDist.Evaluate(f) * (float)perlin.GetValue((double)i, 0.0, 0.0); // Log.Message("str " + d +" @ "+ f); if (i > threshold) { dmod = 1 - (1 * ((float)(i - threshold) / (list.Count - threshold))); // Log.Message(string.Format("dmod now: {0}", dmod)); } d = d * dmod; // Log.Message(string.Format("d: {0}", d)); Vector2 item = list[i] + d * Vector2.right; LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item); } }
private bool DoWork(Slate slate) { Map map = slate.Get <Map>("map"); if (map == null) { return(false); } float x2 = slate.Get("points", 0f); float animalDifficultyFromPoints = pointsToAnimalDifficultyCurve.GetValue(slate).Evaluate(x2); if (!map.Biome.AllWildAnimals.Where((PawnKindDef x) => map.mapTemperature.SeasonAndOutdoorTemperatureAcceptableFor(x.race) && map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(x.race).Any((Thing p) => p.Faction == null)).TryRandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef x) => AnimalCommonalityByDifficulty(x, animalDifficultyFromPoints), out PawnKindDef result)) { return(false); } int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn = map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn.def == result.race && !pawn.IsQuestLodger() && pawn.Faction == null) { num++; } } SimpleCurve value = pointsToAnimalsToHuntCountCurve.GetValue(slate); float randomInRange = (animalsToHuntCountRandomFactorRange.GetValue(slate) ?? FloatRange.One).RandomInRange; int a = Mathf.RoundToInt(value.Evaluate(x2) * randomInRange); a = Mathf.Min(a, num); a = Mathf.Max(a, 1); slate.Set(storeAnimalToHuntAs.GetValue(slate), result.race); slate.Set(storeCountToHuntAs.GetValue(slate), a); return(true); }
// Token: 0x06001380 RID: 4992 RVA: 0x000956A0 File Offset: 0x00093AA0 private static void DoubleVertices(SimpleCurve Width) { List <Vector2> list = LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.ListFullCopy <Vector2>(); Vector3 vector = default(Vector3); Vector2 a = default(Vector2); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Clear(); // Log.Message("DoubleVertices Points: " + Width.PointsCount +" "+ Width.Points.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (i <= list.Count - 2) { vector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, Vector3.up) * (list[i] - list[i + 1]); a = new Vector2(vector.y, vector.z); a.Normalize(); } float f = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, list.Count, i); float width = Width.Evaluate(f); // Log.Message("width " + width + " @ " + f); Vector2 item = list[i] - width * a; Vector2 item2 = list[i] + width * a; LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.verts2D.Add(item2); } }
public virtual void ResolveReferences(VehicleDef def) { if (efficiency is null) { efficiency = new SimpleCurve() { new CurvePoint(0.25f, 0), new CurvePoint(0.35f, 0.35f), new CurvePoint(0.75f, 0.75f), new CurvePoint(0.85f, 1), new CurvePoint(1, 1) }; } if (categories is null) { categories = new List <VehicleStatCategoryDef>(); } if (compClass is null) { compClass = typeof(VehicleComponent); } if (!explosionProperties.Empty) { explosionProperties.Def = DefDatabase <DamageDef> .GetNamed(explosionProperties.damageDef); } hitbox.Initialize(def); }
public void ApplyStats(SimpleCurve to) { if (to != null) { Util.Populate(out List <CurvePoint> l, this.points, v => new CurvePoint(v.ToVector2())); to.SetPoints(l); } }
public static void NewFormula(ref float __result, Pawn initiator, Pawn recipient) { if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(initiator)) { SimpleCurve opinionCurve = Traverse.Create(typeof(NegativeInteractionUtility)).Field("CompatibilityFactorCurve").GetValue <SimpleCurve>(); __result /= opinionCurve.Evaluate(initiator.relations.CompatibilityWith(recipient)); __result *= 2f * PsycheHelper.Comp(initiator).Psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Aggressive); } }
public override void ResolveProperties(LaunchProtocol reference) { base.ResolveProperties(reference); VTOLTakeoff vtolReference = reference as VTOLTakeoff; verticalLaunchCurve = vtolReference.verticalLaunchCurve; verticalLandingCurve = vtolReference.verticalLandingCurve; ticksVertical = vtolReference.ticksVertical; }
static bool Prefix(ref float __result, JobGiver_OptimizeApparel __instance, Pawn pawn, Apparel ap) { Log.Message("1 pawn is " + ((pawn == null) ? "null" : "not null")); if (pawn != null) { return(true); } Log.Message("2"); if (HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve == null) { HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve = typeof(JobGiver_OptimizeApparel).GetField("HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null) as SimpleCurve; InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm = typeof(JobGiver_OptimizeApparel).GetField("InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null) as SimpleCurve; NeedWarmthFI = typeof(JobGiver_OptimizeApparel).GetField("neededWarmth", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } Log.Message("HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve is " + ((HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve == null) ? "null" : "not null")); Log.Message("InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm is " + ((InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm == null) ? "null" : "not null")); Log.Message("NeedWarmthFI is " + ((NeedWarmthFI == null) ? "null" : "not null")); Log.Message("NeedWarmth is " + NeedWarmthFI.GetValue(null)); float result = 0.1f + ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp) + ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt); if (ap.def.useHitPoints) { float x = (float)ap.HitPoints / (float)ap.MaxHitPoints; result *= HitPointsPercentScoreFactorCurve.Evaluate(x); } result += ap.GetSpecialApparelScoreOffset(); float num3 = 1f; if ((NeededWarmth)NeedWarmthFI.GetValue(null) == NeededWarmth.Warm) { float statValue = ap.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Insulation_Cold); num3 *= InsulationColdScoreFactorCurve_NeedWarm.Evaluate(statValue); } result *= num3; if (ap.WornByCorpse) { result -= 0.5f; if (result > 0f) { result *= 0.1f; } } if (ap.Stuff == ThingDefOf.Human.race.leatherDef) { result -= 0.5f; if (result > 0f) { result *= 0.1f; } } __result = result; return(false); }
private void SetupRainfallNoise() { float freqMultiplier = WorldGenStep_Terrain.FreqMultiplier; ModuleBase input = new Perlin(0.014999999664723873 * freqMultiplier, 2.0, 0.5, 6, Rand.Range(0, 2147483647), QualityMode.High); input = new ScaleBias(0.5, 0.5, input); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(input, "basePerlin"); SimpleCurve simpleCurve = new SimpleCurve(); simpleCurve.Add(0f, 1.12f, true); simpleCurve.Add(25f, 0.94f, true); simpleCurve.Add(45f, 0.7f, true); simpleCurve.Add(70f, 0.3f, true); simpleCurve.Add(80f, 0.05f, true); simpleCurve.Add(90f, 0.05f, true); ModuleBase moduleBase = new AbsLatitudeCurve(simpleCurve, 100f); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(moduleBase, "latCurve"); this.noiseRainfall = new Multiply(input, moduleBase); float num = 0.000222222225f; float num2 = (float)(-500.0 * num); ModuleBase input2 = new ScaleBias((double)num, (double)num2, this.noiseElevation); input2 = new ScaleBias(-1.0, 1.0, input2); input2 = new Clamp(0.0, 1.0, input2); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(input2, "elevationRainfallEffect"); this.noiseRainfall = new Multiply(this.noiseRainfall, input2); Func <double, double> processor = delegate(double val) { if (val < 0.0) { val = 0.0; } if (val < 0.12) { val = (val + 0.12) / 2.0; if (val < 0.03) { val = (val + 0.03) / 2.0; } } return(val); }; this.noiseRainfall = new Arbitrary(this.noiseRainfall, processor); this.noiseRainfall = new Power(this.noiseRainfall, new Const(1.5)); this.noiseRainfall = new Clamp(0.0, 999.0, this.noiseRainfall); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(this.noiseRainfall, "noiseRainfall before mm"); this.noiseRainfall = new ScaleBias(4000.0, 0.0, this.noiseRainfall); SimpleCurve rainfallCurve =; if (rainfallCurve != null) { this.noiseRainfall = new CurveSimple(this.noiseRainfall, rainfallCurve); } }
public static void CurveEditor(this Listing_Standard instance, ref SimpleCurve curve) { var rect = instance.GetRect(100f); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(rect,; var innerRect = rect.ContractedBy(2f); //SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(innerRect, curve); Widgets.ButtonInvisibleDraggable(innerRect); }
public static SimpleCurve CreateCurveFrom(List <Vector2> curvePoints) { SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = 0; i < curvePoints.Count(); i++) { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(curvePoints[i])); } return(curve); }
public static void ChangeStageAgesCurve(List <ThingDef_AlienRace> CurrentAliensdef) { foreach (ThingDef_AlienRace ar in CurrentAliensdef) { if (ar.defName != "Ratkin") { // change life stage List <LifeStageAge> lifeStageAges = ar.race.lifeStageAges; lifeStageAges[1].minAge *= 0.75f; lifeStageAges[2].minAge *= 0.75f; SimpleCurve newAgeCurve = new SimpleCurve { { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeStageAges[2].minAge, 0f), //3 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeStageAges[2].minAge + 2f, 10f), //5 true }, { new CurvePoint((ar.race.lifeStageAges[2].minAge + ar.race.lifeStageAges[3].minAge) / 2f, 40f), //6 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeStageAges[3].minAge, 75f), //14 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeStageAges[4].minAge + 3f, 95f), //23 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeStageAges[3].minAge + 10f, 85f), //30 true }, { new CurvePoint((ar.race.lifeStageAges[3].minAge + ar.race.lifeExpectancy) / 2f, 30f), //60 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeExpectancy, 9f), //80 true }, { new CurvePoint(ar.race.lifeExpectancy * 100f / 80f, 0f), //100 true } }; // change curve ar.race.ageGenerationCurve = newAgeCurve; } } }
private SimpleCurve ListToSimpleCurve(List <CurvePoint> list) { var curves = new SimpleCurve(); foreach (var curvePoint in list) { curves.Add(curvePoint); } return(curves); }
public override float Calculate(Pawn observer, Pawn assessed) { SimpleCurve curve = GradualRomanceMod.GetAttractivenessCurveFor(assessed); if (curve == null) { ThingDef assessedRace = assessed.def; Log.Error("NoAttractivenessCurve_error".Translate(assessedRace.defName)); return(0f); } return(curve.Evaluate(assessed.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYearsFloat)); }
public static void SetSeasonalCurve() { if (Planets_GameComponent.axialTilt == AxialTilt.VeryLow) { SimpleCurve veryLowTilt = new SimpleCurve() { { new CurvePoint(0f, 0.75f), true }, { new CurvePoint(0.1f, 1f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 7f), true } }; Planets_TemperatureTuning.SeasonalTempVariationCurve = veryLowTilt; } else if (Planets_GameComponent.axialTilt == AxialTilt.Low) { SimpleCurve lowTilt = new SimpleCurve() { { new CurvePoint(0f, 1.5f), true }, { new CurvePoint(0.1f, 2f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 14f), true } }; Planets_TemperatureTuning.SeasonalTempVariationCurve = lowTilt; } else if (Planets_GameComponent.axialTilt == AxialTilt.Normal) { SimpleCurve normalTilt = new SimpleCurve() { { new CurvePoint(0f, 3f), true }, { new CurvePoint(0.1f, 4f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 28f), true } }; Planets_TemperatureTuning.SeasonalTempVariationCurve = normalTilt; } else if (Planets_GameComponent.axialTilt == AxialTilt.High) { SimpleCurve highTilt = new SimpleCurve() { { new CurvePoint(0f, 4.5f), true }, { new CurvePoint(0.1f, 6f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 42f), true } }; Planets_TemperatureTuning.SeasonalTempVariationCurve = highTilt; } else { SimpleCurve veryHighTilt = new SimpleCurve() { { new CurvePoint(0f, 6f), true }, { new CurvePoint(0.1f, 8f), true }, { new CurvePoint(1f, 56f), true } }; Planets_TemperatureTuning.SeasonalTempVariationCurve = veryHighTilt; } }
public void makeTraits(int item) { Pawn pawn = this.parent.pawn; float recordCounts = traitsOverTimes[item].recordCount; TraitDef traitDef = traitsOverTimes[item].traitDef; SimpleCurve ageOverTime = traitsOverTimes[item].ageFractionCurve; RecordDef records = traitsOverTimes[item].recordDef; int degree = traitsOverTimes[item].degree; bool changeDegree = traitsOverTimes[item].changeDegree; traitIfStatsMatch(traitDef, records, recordCounts, degree, pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears, ageOverTime, changeDegree); }
/// <summary> /// Recalculates the seasonal temperature curve in this biome /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The maximal shift</param> private void RecalculateSeasonalCurve(float value) { value = value / 2; var shift = value / 28; seasonalTempVariationCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(0.0f, 3f * shift), new CurvePoint(0.1f, 4f * shift), new CurvePoint(1f, value) }; }
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { int ransomRaidDelay = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); int ransomFailCooldown = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); Rect sliderSection = inRect.TopPart(0.7f); this.settings.ransomFactor = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().TopHalf().BottomHalf(), value: this.settings.ransomFactor, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 5f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFactor".Translate(this.settings.ransomFactor), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "5"); ransomRaidDelay = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomRaidDelay, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 168f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomRaidDelay".Translate(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "168"); ransomFailCooldown = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().TopHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomFailCooldown, leftValue: ransomRaidDelay, rightValue: 336f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFailCooldown".Translate(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: ransomRaidDelay.ToString(), rightAlignedLabel: "336"); this.settings.adjustment = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: this.settings.adjustment, leftValue: 40f, rightValue: 95f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomAdjustment".Translate(this.settings.adjustment), leftAlignedLabel: "40", rightAlignedLabel: "95"); this.settings.ransomRaidDelay = ransomRaidDelay * GenDate.TicksPerHour; this.settings.ransomFailCooldown = ransomFailCooldown * GenDate.TicksPerHour; SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = -50; i <= 50; i++) { curve.Add(i, RansomSettings.RansomChanceRaw(-75, 10, i) * 100); } SimpleCurveDrawInfo drawInfo = new SimpleCurveDrawInfo() { curve = curve, color = Color.cyan, label = "LABEL", labelY = "Prob" }; SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(inRect.BottomPart(0.3f), drawInfo, new SimpleCurveDrawerStyle { DrawBackground = false, DrawBackgroundLines = false, DrawCurveMousePoint = true, DrawLegend = true, DrawMeasures = true, DrawPoints = false, FixedScale = new Vector2(0, 100), FixedSection = new FloatRange(-50, 50), LabelX = "Adj", MeasureLabelsXCount = 10, MeasureLabelsYCount = 10, OnlyPositiveValues = false, PointsRemoveOptimization = false, UseAntiAliasedLines = true, UseFixedScale = true, UseFixedSection = true, XIntegersOnly = true, YIntegersOnly = true }); }
private IEnumerator MoveNumberCoroutine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { yield return(.4f); SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(start, end, (start + end) / 2f + new Vector2(0f, 48f)); for (float t = 0f; t < 1f; t += Engine.DeltaTime) { yield return(null); Position = curve.GetPoint(Ease.CubeInOut(t)); } }
public static Mesh NewBoltMesh(Vector2 vector, SimpleCurve strDist = null, SimpleCurve widthDist = null, SimpleCurve strTime = null, SimpleCurve widthTime = null, float originVariance = 0.0f, float capSize = 1.0f, float vertexInterval = 0.25f) { LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.lightningOrigin = vector; /* * lightningOrigin.x += Rand.Range(-originVariance, originVariance); * lightningOrigin.y += Rand.Range(-originVariance, originVariance); */ LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.MakeVerticesBase(vertexInterval, originVariance); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.PeturbVerticesRandomly(strDist); LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.DoubleVertices(widthDist); return(LightningLaserBoltMeshMaker.MeshFromVerts()); }
public PawnCalcForApparel(Saveable_Pawn saveablePawn, Month month, float temperatureAjust) { this.saveablePawn = saveablePawn; this.pawn = saveablePawn.pawn; this.outfit = pawn.outfits.CurrentOutfit; this.stats = saveablePawn.NormalizeCalculedStatDef().ToArray(); float targetTemperature = GenTemperature.AverageTemperatureAtWorldCoordsForMonth(Find.Map.WorldCoords, month) + temperatureAjust; #region [ needWarmCurve ] float stat = this.pawn.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.ComfyTemperatureMin, null); stat = targetTemperature - stat; Log.Message("Target: " + targetTemperature + " Stat: " + this.pawn.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.ComfyTemperatureMin, null) + " Value: " + stat); if (stat > 10f) this.needWarmCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(0f, 1f) }; else if (stat > 3f) this.needWarmCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(+10f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+03f, +0.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(-03f, +1.10f) }; else if (stat > 0) this.needWarmCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(+03f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+01f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(-03f, +1.20f), new CurvePoint(-10f, +1.50f) }; else if (stat > -3) this.needWarmCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(+03f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+01f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(-03f, +1.20f), new CurvePoint(-100f, +2.00f) }; else this.needWarmCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(+01f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(-03f, +1.50f), new CurvePoint(-100f, +20.00f) }; #endregion #region [ needCoolCurve ] stat = this.pawn.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.ComfyTemperatureMax, null); stat = targetTemperature - stat; if (stat < -10) this.needCoolCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(0f, 1f) }; else if (stat < -3) this.needCoolCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(-10f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(-03f, +0.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(+03f, +1.10f) }; else if (stat < 0) this.needCoolCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(-03f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(-01f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(+03f, +1.20f), new CurvePoint(+10f, +1.50f) }; else this.needCoolCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(-01f, -1.00f), new CurvePoint(+00f, +1.00f), new CurvePoint(+03f, +1.50f), new CurvePoint(+100f, +20.00f) }; #endregion }