public override void CalculateFuzzyLogic()
            harrier = ((HarrierSim)Globals.Simulator).Harrier;

            double height;

            if (    Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Easy)     ||
                    Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Medium)   ||
                    Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Hard)     )
                height = harrier.Y - 23;
                height = harrier.Y - 5;

            double speedY = harrier.YVel;
            double speedX = harrier.XVel;
            double safeX = harrier.X - harrier.MidSafeX - 40;

            //FuzzySet throttleOutput = ;
            //FuzzySet thrustVectorOutput = ;

            FuzzySet throttleOutput = new FuzzySet(ThrottleAccum["ThrottleOutput"]);
            FuzzySet thrustVectorOutput = new FuzzySet(ThrustVecAccum["ThrustVector"]);

            throttleOutput.SetRangeWithPoints(0, 120);
            thrustVectorOutput.SetRangeWithPoints(-5, 5);

            //if height is high and speed is med, throttle soft		:R1
            //YourRuleSet["Rule0"] = Rule.AND(height, "Your Height Set[high]", speedY, "Your Y Speed Set[medium]", ref throttleOutput, "Your Throttle Set[soft]", YourRuleSet["Rule0"]);

            #region Throttle Rules

            if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Hard) ||

                #region Y Velocity Height Rules

                // if Y vel is up then throttle is no
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule0"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule0"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is high then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule1"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule1"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is moderate then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule2"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule2"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is low then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule3"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule3"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule4"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule4"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule5"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule5"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is moderate then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule6"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule6"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is low then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule7"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule7"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule8"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule8"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule9"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule9"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is moderate then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule10"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule10"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is low then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule11"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule11"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule12"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule12"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule13"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule13"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is moderate then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule14"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule14"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is low then throttle  is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule15"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule15"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule16"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule16"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule17"] = Rule.IS(height + 23, HeightSets["Below Deck Height"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule17"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule18"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule18"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule19"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule19"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule20"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule20"]);



            if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Easy) ||

                #region Y Velocity Height Rules

                // if Y vel is up then throttle is no
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule0"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule0"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is high then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule1"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule1"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is moderate then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule2"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule2"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is low then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule3"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule3"]);

                // if height is high and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule4"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["High Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule4"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule5"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule5"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is moderate then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule6"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule6"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is low then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule7"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule7"]);

                // if height is medium and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule8"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule8"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule9"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule9"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is moderate then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule10"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule10"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is low then throttle is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule11"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule11"]);

                // if height is low and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule12"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule12"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is high then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule13"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["High Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule13"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is moderate then throttle is high
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule14"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Moderate Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule14"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is low then throttle  is medium
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule15"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Low Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Medium Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule15"]);

                // if height is landing and Y vel is safe then throttle is low
                RuleSetThrottle["Rule16"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Safe Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["Low Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule16"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule17"] = Rule.IS(height + 23, HeightSets["Below Deck Height"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["High Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule17"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule18"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Medium Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule18"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule19"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Low Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule19"]);

                RuleSetThrottle["Rule20"] = Rule.AND(height, HeightSets["Landing Height"], speedY, YVelocitySets["Up Velocity"], ref throttleOutput, ThrottleSets["No Throttle"], RuleSetThrottle["Rule20"]);




            #region Thrust Vector Rules

            if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Hard) ||

                #region  X Velocity Left Dangerzone Rules

                #region Rule 0: if distance is left high dangerzone then thrust vector is forward high thrust

                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"] = Rule.IS(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Low left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Neutral then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);


                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule4"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule4"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule5"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule5"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule6"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule6"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule7"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule7"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule8"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule8"]);


                #region X Velocity Safezone Rules

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward low thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is neutral thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Neutral Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward low thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"]);

                // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec[""] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets[""], speedX, XVelocitySets[""], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets[""], RuleSetThrustVec[""]);


                #region X Velocity Right Dangerzone Rules

                #region Rule 16: if distance is right high dangerzone then thrust vector is backward high thrust

                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule16"] = Rule.IS(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule16"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Low left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);

                // if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Neutral then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);


                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule17"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule17"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule18"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule18"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule19"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule19"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule20"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule20"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule21"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule21"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule22"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule22"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule23"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule23"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule24"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule24"]);



            if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Easy) ||

                #region  X Velocity Left Dangerzone Rules

                #region Rule 0: if distance is left high dangerzone then thrust vector is forward high thrust

                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"] = Rule.IS(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule0"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule29"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule29"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Low left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule30"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule30"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Neutral then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule31"] = Rule.OR(safeX, DistanceSets["Left High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule31"]);


                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule1"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule2"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule3"]);

                // if distance is left moderate dangerzone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule4"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule4"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule5"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule5"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule6"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule6"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule7"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule7"]);

                // if distance is left low dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule8"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Left Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule8"]);


                #region X Velocity Safezone Rules

                if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Easy))

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward low thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is neutral thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Neutral Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward low thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    //RuleSetThrustVec[""] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets[""], speedX, XVelocitySets[""], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets[""], RuleSetThrustVec[""]);

                if (Globals.Simulator.Difficulty.Equals(SimDifficultyEnum.Medium))

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule9"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule10"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low left then thrust vector is forward low thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Forward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule11"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is neutral thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Neutral Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule12"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward low thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule13"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule14"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Safe Zone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule15"]);

                    // if distance is safe zone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                    //RuleSetThrustVec[""] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets[""], speedX, XVelocitySets[""], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets[""], RuleSetThrustVec[""]);


                #region X Velocity Right Dangerzone Rules

                #region Rule 16: if distance is right high dangerzone then thrust vector is backward high thrust

                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule16"] = Rule.IS(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule16"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is high left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule25"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule25"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is moderate left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule26"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule26"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Low left then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule27"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Left Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule27"]);

                //// if distance is left high dangerzone and X vel is Neutral then thrust vector is forward high thrust
                //RuleSetThrustVec["Rule28"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right High Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule28"]);


                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward high thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule17"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward High Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule17"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule18"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule18"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule19"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule19"]);

                // if distance is right moderate dangerzone and X vel is neutral then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule20"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Moderate Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule20"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule21"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["High Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule21"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is moderate right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule22"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Moderate Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Moderate Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule22"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is low right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule23"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Low Right Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule23"]);

                // if distance is right low dangerzone and X vel is high right then thrust vector is backward moderate thrust
                RuleSetThrustVec["Rule24"] = Rule.AND(safeX, DistanceSets["Right Low Dangerzone"], speedX, XVelocitySets["Neutral Velocity"], ref thrustVectorOutput, ThrustVecSets["Backward Low Thrust"], RuleSetThrustVec["Rule24"]);




            ThrottleAccum["ThrottleOutput"] = new FuzzySet(throttleOutput);
            ThrustVecAccum["ThrustVector"] = new FuzzySet(thrustVectorOutput);

            //Switch for how to adjust throttle settings ('AutoPilot' Checkbox on form)
            if (!Manual)
                harrier.Throttle = _throttle;
                harrier.ThrustVector = _tv;
               harrier.Throttle = Operations.DeFuzzifyCOG(ThrottleAccum["ThrottleOutput"]);
               harrier.ThrustVector = Operations.DeFuzzifyCOG(ThrustVecAccum["ThrustVector"]);

            //THESE ARE UP TO YOU TO TUNE!!
            harrier.Throttle += 20;
            harrier.ThrustVector += 90;

            ((HarrierSim) Globals.Simulator).Harrier = harrier;
Пример #2
        public override SimFrame Init(Vec2 rez)
            TracePath = new List<PrintText>();

            #region Initializes the Harrier Simulator

            //set up the sea background
            /*            _sea = new Sprite("sea")
                Picture = SpriteList.SeaSurface,
                Scale = new Vec2(3, 3),


            Harrier = new SimVars.HarrierVars();

            Harrier.GroundEffect = false;

            Harrier.MetersToPixels = 2.5;
            Harrier.PixelsToMeters = 1 / Harrier.MetersToPixels;

            Harrier.TickPerSecond = 3;

            Harrier.MaxWindGust = 0;


            Harrier.Landed = false;
            Harrier.Boom = false;

            Harrier.MaxFuelIn1Sec = 0.5;
            Harrier.MinFuelIn1Sec = 0.1;

            Harrier.Mass = 5655 + Harrier.Fuel;  // 5655 + fuel

            Harrier.Boom = false;
            Harrier.Landed = false;


            State = SimulatorStateEnum.Initialised;

            return new SimFrame();