Пример #1
        /// <summary> //VESTIGIAL PROTOTYPE...
        /// Draws the next turn based off the previous frame
        /// Avoids all the 'new'ing that takes place in the other DrawTurn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override SimFrame DrawTurn(SimFrame frame)
            frame.Find("ss").Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X,
                                           (FrameResolution.Y -
                                            (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 60);

            frame.Find("downThrust").Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X + 4,
                                      (FrameResolution.Y -
                                       (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 20);

            frame.Find("leftThrust").Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X - 10 - (32 * SpaceShip.Left / 3),
                                     (FrameResolution.Y -
                                      (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 50);

            frame.Find("rightThrust").Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X + 42,
                                     (FrameResolution.Y -
                                      (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 50);

            ((Sprite)frame.Find("downThrust")).Scale = new Vec2(1, SpaceShip.Throttle * .04);
            ((Sprite)frame.Find("leftThrust")).Scale = new Vec2(SpaceShip.Left / 3, .5);
            ((Sprite)frame.Find("rightThrust")).Scale = new Vec2(SpaceShip.Right / 3, .5);

            if (SpaceShip.Landed)
                if (SpaceShip.Boom)
                    frame.AddText("FAIL", new Vec2(250, 150), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 100);
                    frame.ChangeImage("ss", SpriteList.SpaceShip_Explode);
                    frame.AddText("SAFE", new Vec2(250, 150), new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 100);
                    frame.ChangeImage("ss", SpriteList.SpaceShip_Landed);

            frame.ChangeText("ySpeed", "Speed Y:  " + SpaceShip.YVel.ToString("F"));
            frame.ChangeText("xSpeed", "Speed X:  " + SpaceShip.XVel.ToString("F"));
            frame.ChangeText("height", "Height:   " + SpaceShip.Y.ToString("F"));
            frame.ChangeText("xPos", "X-Pos:   " + SpaceShip.X.ToString("F"));
            frame.ChangeText("throttle", "Throttle: " + SpaceShip.Throttle.ToString("F"));
            frame.ChangeText("Fuel", "Fuel:     " + SpaceShip.Fuel.ToString("F"));

            return frame;

Пример #2
    async Task <SimFrame> LoadFrame(int idx)
        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        //using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("spatial_cell_buf"))
        //    mmf.CreateViewStream();
        //    using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0, 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1023))
        //    {
        //        int colorSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MyColor));
        //        MyColor color;

        //        // Make changes to the view.
        //        for (long i = 0; i < 1500000; i += colorSize)
        //        {
        //            accessor.Read(i, out color);
        //            color.Brighten(20);
        //            accessor.Write(i, ref color);
        //        }
        //    }

        var frame = new SimFrame();

        using (var fs = File.OpenRead(@"../spatial_cell_sim/results/frames.dat"))
        //using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("spatial_cell_buf"))
            //using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0, 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1023))
            //var br = new BinaryReader(fs);
            //var memStream = mmf.CreateViewStream();
            var br = new BinaryReader(fs);

            br.BaseStream.Position = frameOffsets[idx];

            //var frame = new SimFrame();
            frame.numParticles = br.ReadUInt32();
            frame.particles    = new NativeArray <Particle>((int)frame.numParticles, Allocator.Persistent);
            int frameSize = (int)(particleStructSize * frame.numParticles);

            //var bytes = br.ReadBytes(frameSize);
            var bytes = new byte[frameSize];
            await br.BaseStream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, frameSize);

                //byte* ptr = (byte*)0;
                //accessor.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.AcquirePointer(ref ptr);
                fixed(void *bytesPointer = bytes)
                    //UnsafeUtility.CopyStructureToPtr((byte*)bytes[0], frame.particles.GetUnsafePtr());
                    UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(frame.particles.GetUnsafePtr(), bytesPointer, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Particle>() * frame.numParticles);
                    //UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(frame.particles.GetUnsafePtr(), ptr + br.BaseStream.Position, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<Particle>() * frame.numParticles);


                //fixed (Particle* bytesPointer = frame.particles.ToArray())
                //    NativeList<Particle> typeList;
                //    frame.particleMap.TryGetValue(p.type, out typeList);
            //br.BaseStream.Position += frameSize;

            frame.particleMap = new Dictionary <int, NativeList <Particle> >();
            var particleList = new NativeList <Particle>((int)frame.numParticles, Allocator.Persistent);
            frame.particleMap.Add(0, particleList);
            //var p = frame.particles.ToArray()[100];
            //Debug.Log("p " + p.id + ", " + p.pos.UnityVector().ToString("F4"));
            //foreach (var p in frame.particles.ToArray())
            //    //Debug.Log("p " + p.id + ", " + p.pos.UnityVector().ToString("F4"));
            //    NativeList<Particle> typeList;
            //    if (!frame.particleMap.ContainsKey(p.type))
            //    {
            //        typeList = new NativeList<Particle>(0, Allocator.Persistent);
            //        frame.particleMap.Add(p.type, typeList);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        typeList = frame.particleMap[p.type];
            //    }
            //    typeList.Add(p);

            //foreach (var entry in frame.particleMap)
            //    int particleCount = 0;
            //    particleCount = particleMaxCountByType.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out particleCount) ? particleCount : 0;
            //    particleCount = Math.Max(particleCount, entry.Value.Length);
            //    particleMaxCountByType[entry.Key] = particleCount;

            frame.numMetabolicParticles = br.ReadUInt32();
            frame.metabolicParticles    = new NativeArray <MetabolicParticle>((int)frame.numMetabolicParticles, Allocator.Persistent);
            frameSize = (int)(metabolicParticleStructSize * frame.numMetabolicParticles);
            //bytes = br.ReadBytes(frameSize);
            bytes = new byte[frameSize];
            await br.BaseStream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, frameSize);

                fixed(void *bytesPointer = bytes)
                    UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(frame.metabolicParticles.GetUnsafePtr(), bytesPointer, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <MetabolicParticle>() * frame.numMetabolicParticles);

            //for (var i = 0; i < frame.numParticles; i++)
            //    frame.particles[i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure<Particle>(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(bytes, particleStructSize * i));


            //    fixed (float* m = frame.metabolicParticles.ToArray()[0].metabolites)
            //    {
            //        Debug.Log("frame.metabolicParticles " + m[0] + ", " + m[1] + ", " + m[2] + ", " + m[3]);
            //    }

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Frame {0} loaded in {1}s", idx, ((double)sw.ElapsedTicks / System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency)));

Пример #3
        private bool CheckForFinishText(SimFrame ret)
            if (SpaceShip.Landed)
                if (SpaceShip.Boom)

                    ret.AddTextWithShadow("Failure", "FAIL", new Vec2(150, 150), 100, new SolidBrush(Color.Red),
                                          new SolidBrush(Color.White));
                    ret.ChangeImage("ss", SpriteList.SpaceShip_Explode);
                    ret.AddTextWithShadow("Success", "SAFE", new Vec2(150, 150), 100, new SolidBrush(Color.Green),
                                          new SolidBrush(Color.White));
                    ret.ChangeImage("ss", SpriteList.SpaceShip_Landed);
                return true;
            return false;
Пример #4
        private void DrawText(int x, SimFrame ret)
            Brush colour = new SolidBrush(Color.Orange);
            Brush shadow = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);

            //ADD STRINGS
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("title", "---SpaceShip---", new Vec2(x, 30), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("ySpeed", "Speed Y:  " + SpaceShip.YVel.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 50), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("xSpeed", "Speed X:  " + SpaceShip.XVel.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 70), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("height", "Height:   " + SpaceShip.Y.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 90), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("xPos", "X-Pos:   " + SpaceShip.X.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 110), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("throttle", "Throttle: " + SpaceShip.Throttle.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 130), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("Fuel", "Fuel:     " + SpaceShip.Fuel.ToString("F"), new Vec2(x, 150), colour, shadow);
Пример #5
        private void DrawDebug(SimFrame ret, Vec2 leftT, Vec2 downT, Vec2 rightT)
            Brush colour = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
            Brush shadow = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            ret.AddTextWithShadow("debug_left", String.Format("{0}", SpaceShip.Left.ToString("F")), leftT, 10, colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("debug_down", String.Format("{0}", SpaceShip.Throttle.ToString("F")), downT, 10, colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("debug_right", String.Format("{0}", SpaceShip.Right.ToString("F")), rightT, 10, colour, shadow);
Пример #6
 private void AddTracePathBlip(SimFrame ret)
     if (Globals.TurnCount % 10 == 0)
         TracePath.Add(ret.PlotLocation(new Vec2(SpaceShip.X+20, ToY(SpaceShip.Y)), Color.Firebrick));
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders MoonLander visual components based on their correlating simulation values 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xscale"></param>
        /// <param name="yscale"></param>
        /// <returns>Rendered instance of Simulation moment (SimFrame)</returns>
        public override SimFrame DrawTurn(Vec2 scale)
            // NEW FRAME
            SimFrame ret = new SimFrame
                                   Error = false,
                                   ToBeDrawn = true,
                                   BackGround = Color.Black,
                                   FrameId = Globals.turnCount,
                                   Renderables = new List<Drawable>()

            //ADD STRINGS
            ret.AddText("---SpaceShip---", new Vec2(500, 30), new SolidBrush(Color.Cornsilk));
            ret.AddText("Speed X: " + SpaceShip.Variables["YVel"].ToString(), new Vec2(500, 50), new SolidBrush(Color.Cornsilk));
            ret.AddText("Height: " + SpaceShip.Variables["Y"].ToString(), new Vec2(500, 70), new SolidBrush(Color.Cornsilk));
            ret.AddText("Throttle: " + SpaceShip.Variables["Throttle"].ToString(), new Vec2(500, 90), new SolidBrush(Color.Cornsilk));
            ret.AddText("Fuel: " + SpaceShip.Variables["Fuel"].ToString(), new Vec2(500, 110), new SolidBrush(Color.Cornsilk));

            ret.AddRenderable(new Sprite {Picture = SpriteList.MoonSurface, Position = new Vec2(0, FrameResolution.Y - 70)});

            //SET UP THE SPACESHIP
            Sprite shipSprite = new Sprite();
            shipSprite.Picture = SpriteList.SpaceShip; //Set Image for ship

            if (bool.Parse(SpaceShip.Variables["Landed"].ToString()))
                if (bool.Parse(SpaceShip.Variables["Boom"].ToString()))
                    ret.AddText("FAIL", new Vec2(250, 150), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 100);
                    shipSprite.Picture = SpriteList.SpaceShip_Explode;
                    ret.AddText("SAFE", new Vec2(250, 150), new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 100);
                    shipSprite.Picture = SpriteList.SpaceShip_Landed;

            int simHeight = 5000;
            shipSprite.Position = new Vec2(double.Parse(SpaceShip.Variables["X"].ToString()),
                                           (FrameResolution.Y -
                                            (double.Parse(SpaceShip.Variables["Y"].ToString())/(simHeight/FrameResolution.Y))) - 60);

            ret.AddRenderable(shipSprite);//ADD THE SS OBJECT

            return ret; //RETURN THE FINAL FRAME
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders MoonLander visual components based on their correlating simulation values 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale"></param> 
        /// <returns>Rendered instance of Simulation moment (SimFrame)</returns>
        public override SimFrame DrawTurn(Vec2 scale)
            #region Draws and spits out a SimFrame based on current SpaceShip state
            // NEW FRAME
            SimFrame ret = new SimFrame
                Error = false,
                ToBeDrawn = true,
                BackGround = Color.Black,
                FrameId = Globals.TurnCount,
                Renderables = new List<Drawable>()


            DrawText(30, ret);

            ret.AddRenderable(new Sprite("surface1") { Picture = SpriteList.MoonSurface, Position = new Vec2(0, FrameResolution.Y - 20) });
            ret.AddRenderable(new Sprite("surface2") { Picture = SpriteList.MoonSurface_Flip, Position = new Vec2(SpriteList.MoonSurface.Width, FrameResolution.Y - 20) });

            //SET UP THE SPACESHIP
            Sprite shipSprite = new Sprite("ss");
            shipSprite.Picture = SpriteList.SpaceShip; //Set Image for ship

            //Add the thrust to the Space Ship
            Sprite downThrust = new Sprite("downThrust")
                                        Picture = SpriteList.ThrustDown 

            Sprite leftThrust = new Sprite("leftThrust")
                Picture = SpriteList.ThrustLeft

            Sprite rightThrust = new Sprite("rightThrust")
                Picture = SpriteList.ThrustRight

            if (Globals.DrawTracePath)


            shipSprite.Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X,
                                           (FrameResolution.Y -
                                            (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 60);

            ret.AddRenderable(shipSprite);//ADD THE SS OBJECT

            if(!CheckForFinishText(ret)) // true if finished
                 //do the thrust image
                downThrust.Scale = new Vec2(1, SpaceShip.Throttle * .04);
                leftThrust.Scale = new Vec2(SpaceShip.Left /3, .5);
                rightThrust.Scale = new Vec2(SpaceShip.Right/3, .5);
                downThrust.Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X + 4,
                                         (FrameResolution.Y -
                                          (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 20);

                leftThrust.Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X - 10 - (leftThrust.Picture.Width * leftThrust.Scale.X),
                                         (FrameResolution.Y -
                                          (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 50);

                rightThrust.Position = new Vec2(SpaceShip.X + 42,
                                         (FrameResolution.Y -
                                          (SpaceShip.Y / (SimVars.MoonLanderVars.SIM_HEIGHT / FrameResolution.Y))) - 50);

                if (SpaceShip.Fuel > 0)
                    ret.AddRenderable(downThrust); //add the thrust object to the frame
                     ret.AddRenderable(leftThrust); //add the thrust object to the frame
                     ret.AddRenderable(rightThrust); //add the thrust object to the frame


            List<Drawable> rocks = DrawRocks();

            if (rocks != null)
                foreach (Drawable d in rocks)

            if (Globals.DrawDebug && State != SimulatorStateEnum.Complete)
                DrawDebug(ret, new Vec2(leftThrust.Position.X - 15 - (SpaceShip.Left * leftThrust.Scale.X * 6), leftThrust.Position.Y) ,
                    new Vec2(downThrust.Position.X + 1, downThrust.Position.Y + (30 * downThrust.Scale.Y)), 
                    new Vec2(rightThrust.Position.X + (SpaceShip.Right * rightThrust.Scale.X * 12) , rightThrust.Position.Y));

            if (Globals.DrawTracePath)
                if(TracePath != null)
                for (int i = 1; i < TracePath.Count; i++)
                    ret.AddRenderable(new Line(TracePath[i - 1].Position, TracePath[i].Position, new SolidBrush(Color.MediumBlue), .5f ));


            ret.TracePath = TracePath;

            return ret; //RETURN THE FINAL FRAME
Пример #9
        private void DrawLines(SimFrame ret)
            double xx = 0, yy = 0;

            float throttleThickness = (float)((((Harrier.Throttle) - 60)/40) * 8f);

            //throttleThickness = 0.05f;

            if (throttleThickness < .05f)
                throttleThickness = .05f;

            Move2DInDirHS(Harrier.X, Harrier.Y, DegToRad(270 - Harrier.ThrustVector), Harrier.Throttle/4, ref xx, ref yy);

            ret.AddRenderable(new Line(new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.X+1), ToY(Harrier.Y-2)), new Vec2(ToX(xx+1), ToY(yy)),
                                       new SolidBrush(Color.Red), throttleThickness) { Id = "ThrustLine" });

            ret.AddRenderable(new Line(new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.UnsafeX1), ToY(Harrier.SafeYDraw + 1)),
                                       new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.SafeX2), ToY(Harrier.SafeYDraw + 1)), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 3f)
                                  {Id = "LandingLine"});

            ret.AddRenderable(new Line(new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.MidSafeX - 3), ToY(Harrier.SafeYDraw + 1)),
                                       new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.MidSafeX + 3), ToY(Harrier.SafeYDraw + 1)),
                                       new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 3f) {Id = "MiddleSafe"});
Пример #10
        private void DrawText(int x, ref  SimFrame ret)
            Brush colour = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            Brush shadow = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            ret.AddTextWithShadow("location", String.Format("X, Y: \t\t\t {0}, {1}", Harrier.X.ToString("F"), Harrier.Y.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 20), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("velocity", String.Format("X-Vel, Y-Vel: \t\t {0}, {1}", Harrier.XVel.ToString("F"), Harrier.YVel.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 40), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("consumption", String.Format("Secs, Fuel: \t\t {0}, {1}", ((double)Globals.TurnCount / Harrier.TickPerSecond).ToString("F"), Harrier.Fuel.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 60), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("physics", String.Format("Mass, Throttle: \t\t {0}, {1}", Harrier.Mass.ToString("F"), Harrier.Throttle.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 80), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("wind", String.Format("ThrustVec, WindGust: \t {0}, {1}", Harrier.ThrustVector.ToString("F"), Harrier.WindSpeed.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 100), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("relative", String.Format("Speed Relative to Ship: \t {0}", Harrier.RelativeXVel.ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 120), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("shipsSpeed", String.Format("Ship Speed knots (mps): \t {0}, {1}", Harrier.shipSpeed.ToString("F"), (Harrier.shipSpeed*Harrier.ConvertKnotsToMps).ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 140), colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("safeX", String.Format("Safe X: \t\t\t {0}", (Harrier.X - Harrier.MidSafeX - 40).ToString("F")), new Vec2(x, 160), colour, shadow);
Пример #11
        private void DrawDebug(SimFrame ret)
            Brush colour = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
            Brush shadow = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            double xx = 0, yy = 0;
            Move2DInDirHS(Harrier.X, Harrier.Y, DegToRad(270 - Harrier.ThrustVector), Harrier.Throttle / 4, ref xx, ref yy);

            ret.AddTextWithShadow("debug_TV", String.Format("{0}", Harrier.ThrustVector.ToString("F")), new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.X+1), ToY(Harrier.Y-5)), 10, colour, shadow);
            ret.AddTextWithShadow("debug_Thrust", String.Format("{0}", Harrier.Throttle.ToString("F")), new Vec2(ToX(xx+2), ToY(yy)), 10, colour, shadow);
Пример #12
        private void CheckForFinishText(SimFrame ret)
                if (Harrier.Boom)

                    ret.AddTextWithShadow("Failure", "FAIL", new Vec2(150, 150), 100 , new SolidBrush(Color.Red), new SolidBrush(Color.DimGray));
                    ret.AddTextWithShadow("Success", "SAFE", new Vec2(150, 150), 100, new SolidBrush(Color.Green), new SolidBrush(Color.DimGray));
Пример #13
 private void AddTracePathBlip(SimFrame ret)
     if (Globals.TurnCount%20 == 0)
         TracePath.Add(ret.PlotLocation(new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.X - 8), ToY(Harrier.Y + 4)), Color.Firebrick));
Пример #14
 public override SimFrame DrawTurn(SimFrame frame)
     return frame;
Пример #15
        //scale provides the height (Y)
        public override SimFrame DrawTurn(Vec2 scale)
            double height = scale.Y;

            Harrier.CarrierImageY = scale.Y - Harrier.CarrierHeightPixels - 28;

            SimFrame ret = new SimFrame
                                Error = false,
                                ToBeDrawn = true,
                                BackGround = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255),
                                Renderables = new List<Drawable> {}


            ret.AddRenderable((new Sprite("ship")
                Picture = Harrier.ShipImage,
                Position = new Vec2(Harrier.CarrierImageX, Harrier.CarrierImageY)



            if (Globals.DrawTracePath)

            ret.AddRenderable(new Sprite("hs")
                                      Picture = Harrier.PlaneImage,
                                      Position = new Vec2(ToX(Harrier.X-8),ToY(Harrier.Y+4)),
                                      Scale = new Vec2(1.5,1.5)


            DrawText(30, ref ret);


            ret.TracePath = TracePath;

            return ret;