Пример #1
 /// <summary>   Post a SIF_LogEntry to the server.
 /// Use this form of the <c>log</c> method to post a simple
 /// error, warning, or informative message to the server that references a
 /// SIF Message and optionally a set of SIF Data Objects previously received
 /// by the agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">The LogLevel to assign to this log entry
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="message">A textual description of the error
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="info">The <i>SifMessageInfo</i> instance from the Adk message
 /// handler implementation identifying a SIF Message received by the agent
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objects">One or more SifDataObject instances received in the message
 /// identified by the <i>info</i> parameter
 /// </param>
 public virtual void Log(LogLevel level,
                         string message,
                         SifMessageInfo info,
                         SifDataObject [] objects)
     Log(level, message, null, null, -1, -1, info, objects);
Пример #2
        public void OnQueryResults(IDataObjectInputStream data,
                                   SIF_Error error,
                                   IZone zone,
                                   IMessageInfo info)
            SifMessageInfo smi = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            if (error != null)
                Adk.Log.Warn("Received Error Response: " + error.SIF_Desc);
                string debug =
                        ("Received Response for {0} from zone: {1}. Packet {2} of {3}",
                        data.ObjectType, zone.ZoneId, smi.PacketNumber,
                        smi.MorePackets ? smi.PacketNumber + "+" : smi.PacketNumber + " (FINAL)");
                    (LogLevel.INFO, debug, null, "1003", LogEntryCodes.CATEGORY_SUCCESS,
                    LogEntryCodes.CODE_SUCCESS, smi, null);
                bool logToconsole = fAgent.getChameleonProperty(zone, "logConsole", false);
                if (fAgent.getChameleonProperty(zone, "logResponses", true))
                        (fDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + zone.ZoneId +
                        Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Responses\\" + data.ObjectType.Name + "\\" +
                        data.ObjectType.Name + DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString() + ".xml", data,
                        smi, logToconsole);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>   Post a SIF_LogEntry to the server.
 /// Use this form of the <c>log</c> method to post an
 /// error, warning, or informative message to the server that references a
 /// SIF Message and optionally a set of SIF Data Objects previously received
 /// by the agent. The log entry can also have an extended error description
 /// and application-defined error code.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">The LogLevel to assign to this log entry
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="desc">A textual description of the error
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="extDesc">Extended error description, or <c>null</c> if no
 /// value is to be assigned to the SIF_LogEntry/SIF_ExtDesc element
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="appCode">Error code specific to the application posting the log
 /// entry, or <c>null</c> if no value is to be assigned to the
 /// SIF_LogEntry/SIF_ApplicationCode element
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="info">The <i>SifMessageInfo</i> instance from the Adk message
 /// handler implementation identifying a SIF Message received by the agent
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objects">One or more SifDataObject instances received in the message
 /// identified by the <i>info</i> parameter
 /// </param>
 public virtual void Log(LogLevel level,
                         string desc,
                         string extDesc,
                         string appCode,
                         SifMessageInfo info,
                         SifDataObject [] objects)
     Log(level, desc, extDesc, appCode, -1, -1, info, objects);
Пример #4
        private void Log(string fileName,
                         IDataObjectInputStream input,
                         SifMessageInfo info,
                         bool logToConsole)
                // Ensure that the directory is there
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName);
                int numObjects = 0;

                using (Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
                    using (TextWriter twriter = new StreamWriter(outStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                        SifWriter writer        = new SifWriter(twriter);
                        SifWriter consoleWriter = null;
                        if (logToConsole)
                            consoleWriter = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

                        SifDataObject o;
                        while ((o = input.ReadDataObject()) != null)
                            if (logToConsole)
                        if (logToConsole)


                        ("Received {0} objects for {1}, Packet# {2}", numObjects,
                        input.ObjectType.Name, info.PacketNumber);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Adk.Log.Error(ex.Message, ex);
Пример #5
        public void OnQueryResults(IDataObjectInputStream data, SIF_Error error, IZone zone, IMessageInfo info)
            SifMessageInfo smi = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            fResultsRequestInfo = smi.SIFRequestInfo;

            Assert.IsNotNull(fResultsRequestInfo, "RequestInfo should not be null in onQueryResults()");
            if (RequestStateObject != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(RequestStateObject, fResultsRequestInfo.UserData, "Custom State in onQueryResults()");
Пример #6
        public void OnQueryPending(IMessageInfo info, IZone zone)
            SifMessageInfo smi = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            fPendingRequestInfo = smi.SIFRequestInfo;
            // TODO: should we test error handling in the onQueryPending handler?
            //doBehavior( zone );

            Assert.IsNotNull(fPendingRequestInfo, "RequestInfo should not be null in onQueryPending()");
            if (RequestStateObject != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(RequestStateObject, fPendingRequestInfo.UserData, "Custom State in onQueryPending()");
Пример #7
        public void OnQueryResults(IDataObjectInputStream data,
                                   SIF_Error error,
                                   IZone zone,
                                   IMessageInfo info)
            SifMessageInfo smi = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            if (!(fRequestState.Equals(smi.SIFRequestInfo.UserData)))
                // This is a SIF_ZoneStatus response from a previous invocation of the agent
            if (data.Available)
                SIF_ZoneStatus zoneStatus = data.ReadDataObject() as SIF_ZoneStatus;
                AsyncUtils.QueueTaskToThreadPool(new zsDelegate(_processSIF_ZoneStatus), zoneStatus, zone);
Пример #8
        public void OnMessageProcessed(SifMessageType messageType,
                                       IMessageInfo info)
            string         fileName = null;
            SifMessageInfo smi      = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            if (messageType == SifMessageType.SIF_Response)
                // Log Query responses in the standard OpenADK Message tracing format
                fileName =
                        ("{0:00000}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}.txt", fResponseOrdinal++,
                        smi.SIFRequestObjectType.Name, smi.Zone.ZoneId, smi.SourceId,
            else if (messageType == SifMessageType.SIF_Event)
                fileName =
                        ("{0:00000}-{1}-{2}-{3}-SIF_Event.txt", fResponseOrdinal++, "ChangeThis",
                        smi.Zone.ZoneId, smi.SourceId);
            if (fileName != null)
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fDir + "\\Raw\\" + fileName);
                    using (
                        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file.FullName, true, Encoding.UTF8)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Adk.Log.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
Пример #9
        public void OnEvent(Event evnt,
                            IZone zone,
                            IMessageInfo info)
            bool           logToconsole = fAgent.getChameleonProperty(zone, "logConsole", false);
            SifMessageInfo smi          = (SifMessageInfo)info;
            string         debug        =
                    ("Received {0} Event from {1} in Zone: {2}", evnt.ActionString, smi.SourceId,

                (LogLevel.INFO, debug, null, "1003", LogEntryCodes.CATEGORY_SUCCESS,
                LogEntryCodes.CODE_SUCCESS, smi, null);
                (fDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + zone.ZoneId + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                "Events\\" + evnt.ObjectType.Name + "\\" + evnt.ObjectType.Name +
                DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString() + ".xml", evnt.Data, smi, logToconsole);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        ///  Attempts to parse attributes out of the source message enough to make a valid
        ///  SIF_Ack with a SIF_Error. This is useful in conditions where the source message cannot
        /// be parsed by the ADK
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceMessage"> The original message as a string</param>
        /// <param name="error">The error to place in the SIF_Ack/SIF_Error</param>
        /// <param name="zone">The zone associated with this message</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="AdkMessagingException"></exception>
        public static SIF_Ack ackError(String sourceMessage, SifException error, ZoneImpl zone)
            SifMessageInfo parsed = null;

                StringReader reader = new StringReader(sourceMessage);
                parsed = SifMessageInfo.Parse(reader, false, zone);
            catch (Exception e)
                zone.Log.Error(e, e);

            SIF_Ack errorAck = new SIF_Ack(zone.HighestEffectiveZISVersion);

            if (parsed != null)
                // Set SIFVersion, OriginalSourceId, and OriginalMsgId;
                if (parsed.SifVersion != null)
                    errorAck.SifVersion = parsed.SifVersion;
                errorAck.SIF_OriginalMsgId    = parsed.GetAttribute("SIF_MsgId");
                errorAck.SIF_OriginalSourceId = parsed.GetAttribute("SIF_SourceId");

            SIF_Error newErr = new SIF_Error();

            newErr.SIF_Category     = (int)error.ErrorCategory;
            newErr.SIF_Code         = error.ErrorCode;
            newErr.SIF_Desc         = error.ErrorDesc;
            newErr.SIF_ExtendedDesc = error.ErrorExtDesc;
            errorAck.SIF_Error      = newErr;

Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the message to the SIF Zone and returns the SIFAck that was received
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="isPullMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual SIF_Ack send(SifMessagePayload msg,
                                     bool isPullMessage)
            if (fZone.ProtocolHandler == null)
                throw new AdkTransportException("Zone is not connected", fZone);

                PolicyManager policyMan = PolicyManager.GetInstance(fZone);
                if (policyMan != null)
                    policyMan.ApplyOutboundPolicy(msg, fZone);
            catch (AdkException adkex)
                throw new AdkMessagingException("Unable to apply outbound message policy: " + adkex, fZone, adkex);

            SIF_Ack ack = null;
            SifWriter w = null;
            byte stage = 1;
            bool queued = false;
            SifMessageType pload = 0;
            bool cancelled = false;
            ICollection<IMessagingListener> msgList = null;

                //  Assign values to message header
                SIF_Header hdr = msg.Header;
                hdr.SIF_Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                hdr.SIF_MsgId = SifFormatter.GuidToSifRefID(Guid.NewGuid());
                hdr.SIF_SourceId = fSourceId;
                hdr.SIF_Security = secureChannel();

                //	Adk 1.5+: SIF_LogEntry requires that we *duplicate* the
                //	header within the object payload. This is really the only
                //	place we can do that and ensure that the SIF_Header and
                //	the SIF_LogEntry/SIF_LogEntryHeader are identical.

                if (msg is SIF_Event)
                    // TODO: Should this be done at a higher level, such as zone.ReportEvent()?
                    SIF_Event ev = ((SIF_Event)msg);
                    SIF_ObjectData od =
                    SIF_EventObject eo = od == null ? null : od.SIF_EventObject;
                    if (eo != null)
                        SIF_LogEntry logentry = (SIF_LogEntry)eo.GetChild(InfraDTD.SIF_LOGENTRY);
                        if (logentry != null)
                            SIF_LogEntryHeader sleh = new SIF_LogEntryHeader();
                            sleh.SIF_Header = (SIF_Header)hdr.Clone();
                            logentry.SIF_LogEntryHeader = sleh;

                if (!isPullMessage || (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Pull) != 0)
            catch (Exception thr)
                throw new AdkMessagingException
                    ("MessageDispatcher could not assign outgoing message header: " + thr,
                      fZone, thr);

                //  Convert message to a stream
                using (MessageStreamImpl memBuf = new MessageStreamImpl())
                    w = new SifWriter(memBuf.GetInputStream());

                    stage = 2;

                    //  SIF_Event and SIF_Response are posted to the agent local queue
                    //  if enabled, otherwise sent immediately. All other message types
                    //  are sent immediately even when the queue is enabled.
                    if (fQueue != null &&
                         (msg is SIF_Event ||
                          msg is SIF_Response))
                        queued = true;

                    //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                    pload = (SifMessageType)Adk.Dtd.GetElementType(msg.ElementDef.Name);
                    if (pload != SifMessageType.SIF_Ack)
                        msgList = GetMessagingListeners(fZone);
                        if (msgList.Count > 0)
                            StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder(memBuf.Decode());
                            SifMessageInfo msgInfo = new SifMessageInfo(msg, fZone);
                            foreach (IMessagingListener listener in msgList)
                                    if (!listener.OnSendingMessage(pload, msgInfo, stringBuffer)
                                        cancelled = true;
                                catch { } // Do Nothing

                    if (!cancelled)
                        //  Send the message
                        IMessageInputStream ackStream = fZone.fProtocolHandler.Send(memBuf);
                                //  Parse the results into a SIF_Ack
                                ack =
                                        ( ackStream.GetInputStream(), fZone,
                                              ? SifParserFlags.ExpectInnerEnvelope
                                              : SifParserFlags.None );
                            catch (Exception parseEx)
                                if (isPullMessage && (parseEx is AdkParsingException || parseEx is SifException || parseEx is System.Xml.XmlException))
                                    String ackStr = ackStream.ToString();
                                    if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Message_Content ) != 0)
                                        fZone.Log.Info( ackStr );
                                    // The SIFParse was unable to parse this message. Try to create an appropriate
                                    // SIF_Ack, if SIFMessageInfo is able to parse enough of the message
                                    throw new PullMessageParseException(parseEx, ackStr, fZone);


                                throw new AdkMessagingException(parseEx.Message, fZone);

                        if (ack != null)
                            ack.message = msg;
                            if (!isPullMessage || (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Pull) != 0)

                        //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                        if (msgList != null && msgList.Count > 0)
                            SifMessageInfo msgInfo = new SifMessageInfo(msg, fZone);

                            foreach (IMessagingListener listener in msgList)
                                    listener.OnMessageSent(pload, msgInfo, ack);
                                catch { } // Do Nothing
                        //	Prepare a success SIF_Ack to return
                        ack = msg.AckImmediate();
            catch (AdkMessagingException)
            catch (AdkTransportException)
            catch (Exception thr)
                if (stage == 1)
                    throw new AdkMessagingException
                        "MessageDispatcher could not convert outgoing infrastructure message to a string: " +
                        thr, fZone);
                if (stage == 2)
                    throw new AdkMessagingException
                        "MessageDispatcher could not convert SIF_Ack response to an object: " + thr,
                //  Removed queued message from queue
                if (queued)
                        // Do nothing

            return ack;
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Selects an appropriate MappingsContext object to use for an inbound <c>Map</c>
 /// operation. Call this method on the root Mappings object to obtain a
 /// MappingsContext instance, then call its <c>Map</c> method to perform an inbound
 /// mapping operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elementDef">The ElementDef of the Element being mapped to</param>
 /// <param name="message">The Message being mapped from</param>
 /// <returns>a MappingsContext that can be used for evaluating mappings</returns>
 /// <exception cref="AdkMappingException"/>
 public MappingsContext SelectInbound(IElementDef elementDef, SifMessageInfo message)
         SelectContext(MappingDirection.Inbound, elementDef, message.SifVersion, message.Zone.ZoneId,
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 ///  Selects an appropriate MappingsContext object to use for an outbound <c>Map</c>
 ///  operation. Call this method on the root Mappings object to obtain a
 ///  MappingsContext instance, then call its <c>map</c> method to perform an outbound
 /// mapping operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elementDef">The ElementDef of the Element being mapped to</param>
 /// <param name="message">The Message being mapped from</param>
 /// <returns>a MappingsContext that can be used for evaluating mappings</returns>
 /// <exception cref="AdkMappingException"/>
 public MappingsContext SelectOutbound(IElementDef elementDef, SifMessageInfo message)
         SelectContext(MappingDirection.Outbound, elementDef, message.LatestSIFRequestVersion,
                       message.Zone.ZoneId, message.SourceId);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>  Respond to SIF RequestsGetTopicMap
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void OnRequest(IDataObjectOutputStream outStream,
                                      Query query,
                                      IZone zone,
                                      IMessageInfo inf)
            SifMessageInfo info  = (SifMessageInfo)inf;
            SifWriter      debug = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

                ("Received a request for " + query.ObjectTag + " from agent \"" + info.SourceId +
                "\" in zone " + zone.ZoneId);

            //  Read all students from the database to populate a HashMap of
            //  field/value pairs. The field names can be whatever we choose as long
            //  as they match the field names used in the <mappings> section of the
            //  agent.cfg configuration file. Each time a record is read, convert it
            //  to a StudentPersonal object using the Mappings class and stream it to
            //  the supplied output stream.
            IDbCommand command = null;

            // Set a basic filter on the outgoing data stream
            // What will happen is that any object written to the output stream will
            // be evaluated based on the query conditions. If the object doesn't meet the
            // query conditions, it will be excluded
            outStream.Filter = query;

            //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
            Edustructures.SifWorks.Tools.Mapping.Mappings m = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");

            //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
            //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
            //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
            //  requesting agents. The Mappings.select() method will select
            //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
            //  three parameters passed to it.
            //IDictionary<string, string> dataMap = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
            // IFieldAdaptor adaptor = new StringMapAdaptor(dataMap);
            MappingsContext mc = m.SelectOutbound(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info);

            try {
                int count = 0;

                //  Query the database for all students
                command = fConn.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Students";
                using (IDataReader rs = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) {
                    DataReaderAdaptor dra = new DataReaderAdaptor(rs);

                    while (rs.Read())
                        //  Finally, create a new StudentPersonal object and ask the
                        //  Mappings to populate it with SIF elements from the HashMap
                        //  of field/value pairs. As long as there is an <object>/<field>
                        //  definition for each entry in the HashMap, the ADK will take
                        //  care of producing the appropriate SIF element/attribute in
                        //  the StudentPersonal object.
                        StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                        sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                        // TODO: When using custom macros for outboud mapping operations, set the ValueBuilder.
                        // You will need to call SetValueBuilder() giving the MappingsContext a derived version
                        // of DefaultValueBuilder that has the macro methods available in it.
                        mc.SetValueBuilder(new DataUtilMacro(dra));
                        mc.Map(sp, dra);

                        //  Now write out the StudentPersonal to the output stream and
                        //  we're done publishing this student.
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThe agent has read these values from the database:");

                        Console.WriteLine("To produce this StudentPersonal object:");


                    ("- Returned " + count + " records from the Student database in response");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("- Returning a SIF_Error response: " + ex);
                throw new SifException
                          (SifErrorCategoryCode.RequestResponse, SifErrorCodes.REQRSP_GENERIC_ERROR_1,
                          "An error occurred while querying the database for students", ex.ToString(), zone);
            } finally {
                if (command != null)
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {
                        Log.Warn(ignored.Message, ignored);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>   Post a SIF_LogEntry to the server.
        /// Use this form of the <c>log</c> method to post an error, warning,
        /// or informative message to the server that references a
        /// SIF Message and optionally a set of SIF Data Objects previously received
        /// by the agent. The log entry is assigned a category and code defined by
        /// the SIF Specification, and may have an extended error description and
        /// optional application-defined error code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The LogLevel to assign to this log entry
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="desc">A textual description of the error
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="extDesc">Extended error description, or <c>null</c> if no
        /// value is to be assigned to the SIF_LogEntry/SIF_ExtDesc element
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="appCode">Error code specific to the application posting the log
        /// entry, or <c>null</c> if no value is to be assigned to the
        /// SIF_LogEntry/SIF_ApplicationCode element
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="category">The SIF_Category value to assign to this log entry, as
        /// defined by the SIF Specification
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="category">The SIF_Code value to assign to this log entry, as
        /// defined by the SIF Specification
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="info">The <i>SifMessageInfo</i> instance from the Adk message
        /// handler implementation identifying a SIF Message received by the agent
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="objects">One or more SifDataObject instances received in the message
        /// identified by the <i>info</i> parameter
        /// </param>
        public virtual void Log(LogLevel level,
                                string desc,
                                string extDesc,
                                string appCode,
                                int category,
                                int code,
                                SifMessageInfo info,
                                params SifDataObject [] objects)
            if (fZone == null)
                throw new SystemException
                          ("ServerLog.log can only be called on a zone's ServerLog instance");

            string       msg = null;
            SIF_LogEntry le  = null;

            if (Adk.SifVersion.CompareTo(SifVersion.SIF15r1) >= 0)
                //	Create a SIF_LogEntry
                le = new SIF_LogEntry();
                le.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Wrap(level == null ? "Unknown" : level.ToString()));
                if (desc != null)
                    le.SIF_Desc = desc;
                if (extDesc != null)
                    le.SIF_ExtendedDesc = extDesc;
                if (appCode != null)
                    le.SIF_ApplicationCode = appCode;
                if (category != -1)
                    le.SIF_Category = category.ToString();
                if (code != -1)
                    le.SIF_Code = code;

                //	Reference a SIF_Message?
                if (info != null)
                    try {
                        SIF_Header         headerCopy = (SIF_Header)info.SIFHeader.Clone();
                        SIF_LogEntryHeader sleh       = new SIF_LogEntryHeader();
                        sleh.SIF_Header = headerCopy;

                        //	Assign to SIF_OriginalHeader
                        le.SIF_OriginalHeader = sleh;
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                            ("Unable to clone SIF_Header for SIF_LogEntry event:" + ex.Message, ex);

                if (objects != null)
                    SIF_LogObjects slos = new SIF_LogObjects();
                    le.SIF_LogObjects = slos;

                    for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
                        if (objects[i] == null)

                        //	Package into a SIF_LogObject and add to the repeatable list
                        //	of SIF_LogEntry/SIF_LogObjects
                        SIF_LogObject lo = new SIF_LogObject();
                        lo.ObjectName = objects[i].ObjectType.Tag(info.SifVersion);
                //  When running in SIF 1.1 or earlier, there is no
                //	SIF_LogEntry support. Build a string that can be
                //	written to the local zone log, including as much
                //	information from the would-be SIF_LogEntry as
                //	possible.

                StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

                b.Append("Server Log [Level=");
                b.Append(level == null ? "Unknown" : level.ToString());

                if (category != -1 && code != -1)
                    b.Append(", Category=");
                    b.Append(", Code=");
                if (appCode != null)
                    b.Append(", AppCode=");

                b.Append("] ");

                if (desc != null)
                if (extDesc != null)
                    b.Append(". " + extDesc);

                msg = b.ToString();

            //	Post the the server
            IServerLogModule [] chain = _getLogChain(fZone);
            for (int i = 0; i < chain.Length; i++)
                if (le != null)
                    chain[i].Log(fZone, le);
                    chain[i].Log(fZone, msg);
Пример #16
        public void OnQueryResults(IDataObjectInputStream data, SIF_Error error, IZone zone, IMessageInfo info)
            SifMessageInfo smi   = (SifMessageInfo)info;
            DateTime       start = DateTime.Now;

            if (smi.Timestamp.HasValue)
                start = smi.Timestamp.Value;

            Console.WriteLine("********************************************* ");
            Console.WriteLine("Received SIF_Response packet from zone" + zone.ZoneId);
            Console.WriteLine("Details... ");
            Console.WriteLine("Request MsgId: " + smi.SIFRequestMsgId);
            Console.WriteLine("Packet Number: " + smi.PacketNumber);

            if (error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("The publisher returned an error: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Category: " + error.SIF_Category + " Code: " + error.SIF_Code);
                Console.WriteLine("Description " + error.SIF_Desc);
                if (error.SIF_ExtendedDesc != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Details: " + error.SIF_ExtendedDesc);

                int objectCount = 0;
                while (data.Available)
                    SifDataObject next = data.ReadDataObject();
                    Console.WriteLine("Text Values for " + next.ElementDef.Name + " " + objectCount + " {" + next.Key + "}");

                    SifXPathContext context = SifXPathContext.NewSIFContext(next);

                    //	Print out all attributes
                    XPathNodeIterator textNodes = context.Select("//@*");
                    while (textNodes.MoveNext())
                        XPathNavigator navigator = textNodes.Current;
                        Element        value     = (Element)navigator.UnderlyingObject;
                        IElementDef    valueDef  = value.ElementDef;
                        Console.WriteLine(valueDef.Parent.Tag(SifVersion.LATEST) + "/@" + valueDef.Tag(SifVersion.LATEST) + "=" + value.TextValue + ", ");
                    // Print out all  elements that have a text value
                    textNodes = context.Select("//*");
                    while (textNodes.MoveNext())
                        XPathNavigator navigator = textNodes.Current;
                        Element        value     = (Element)navigator.UnderlyingObject;
                        String         textValue = value.TextValue;
                        if (textValue != null)
                            IElementDef valueDef = value.ElementDef;
                            Console.WriteLine(valueDef.Tag(SifVersion.LATEST) + "=" + textValue + ", ");
                Console.WriteLine("Total Objects in Packet: " + objectCount);
            } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (!smi.MorePackets)
                // This is the final packet. Print stats
                Console.WriteLine("Final Packet has been received.");
                IRequestInfo ri = smi.SIFRequestInfo;
                if (ri != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Source Query: ");
                    TimeSpan difference = start.Subtract(ri.RequestTime);
                    Console.WriteLine("Query execution time: " + difference.Milliseconds + " ms");
                Console.WriteLine("This is not the final packet for this SIF_Response");

            Console.WriteLine("********************************************* ");
            Console.WriteLine( );
Пример #17
        public void OnQueryPending(IMessageInfo info, IZone zone)
            SifMessageInfo smi = (SifMessageInfo)info;

            Console.WriteLine("Sending SIF Request with MsgId " + smi.MsgId + " to zone " + zone.ZoneId);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>  Dispatch a SIF_Event.
        /// <b>When ALQ Disabled:</b> Dispatching of this event is handled in a
        /// separate EvDisp thread in case SMB is invoked. This makes it possible
        /// to asynchronously return a SIF_Ack code to the dispatchEvent() caller
        /// before the handling of the event by the Subscriber is completed. The
        /// EvDisp also tracks the internal dispatch state of this particular message.
        /// The Topic matching the object type is then notified via its Subscriber's
        /// onEvent method. If a TrackQueryResults object is created within that
        /// method, its constructor will wakeup the EvDisp thread, instructing it to
        /// return a value of 2 (Intermediate). If no TrackQueryResults object is
        /// instantiated during the Subscriber.onEvent method, the EvDisp thread
        /// returns a 1 (Immediate) status code upon completion.
        /// <b>When ALQ Enabled:</b> Dispatching is immediate. The Topic matching
        /// the object type is then notified via its Subscriber's onEvent method,
        /// then processing ends. No EvDisp thread is needed because if a
        /// TrackQueryResults is used it will draw upon the ALQ instead of invoking
        /// SMB on the zone server.
        /// Note if an exception is thrown at any time during the processing of a
        /// SIF_Event, it is propagated up the call stack. The PH must not return a
        /// SIF_Ack for the message; the ALQ must not delete the message from its
        /// queue.
        /// </summary>
        private int dispatchEvent(SIF_Event sifEvent)
            if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Event_Dispatching) != 0)
                fZone.Log.Debug("Dispatching SIF_Event (" + sifEvent.MsgId + ")...");

            //  Was this event reported by this agent?
            if (!fZone.Properties.ProcessEventsFromSelf &&
                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Event_Dispatching) != 0)
                        "SIF_Event ignored because it was originally reported by this agent (see the adk.messaging.processEventsFromSelf property)");

                return 1;

            SIF_ObjectData odata = sifEvent.SIF_ObjectData;
            if (odata == null)
                throw new SifException
                    (SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_MISSING_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_6,
                      "SIF_Event message missing mandatory element",
                      "SIF_ObjectData is a required element", fZone);

            //  Loop through all SIF_EventObjects inside this SIF_Event and dispatch
            //  to corresponding topics
            SIF_EventObject eventObj = odata.SIF_EventObject;
            if (eventObj == null)
                throw new SifException
                    "SIF_Event message missing mandatory element",
                    "SIF_ObjectData/SIF_EventObject is a required element", fZone);

            int ackCode = 1;
            int thisCode;

            SifMessageInfo msgInfo = new SifMessageInfo(sifEvent, fZone);

            IElementDef typ = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(eventObj.ObjectName);
            if (typ == null)
                //  SIF Data Object type not supported
                throw new SifException
                    "Agent does not support this object type", eventObj.ObjectName, fZone);

            // TODO: For now, the ADK only routes SIF Events to the first context
            // in the event. This needs to be implemented to support
            // events in multiple contexts
            SifContext eventContext = msgInfo.SIFContexts[0];
            ISubscriber target = null;
            ITopic topic = null;
            //  Lookup the Topic for this SIF object type
            // Topics are only used for the SIF Default context
            topic = fZone.Agent.TopicFactory.LookupInstance(typ, eventContext);
            if (topic != null)
                target = topic.GetSubscriber();

            if (target == null)
                //  Is a Subscriber registered with the Zone?
                target = fZone.GetSubscriber(eventContext, typ);
                if (target == null)
                    //  Is a Subscriber registered with the Agent?
                    target = fZone.GetSubscriber(eventContext, typ);
                    if (target == null)
                        //  No Subscriber message handler found. Try calling the Undeliverable-
                        //  MessageHandler for the zone or agent. If none is registered,
                        //  return an error SIF_Ack indicating the object type is not
                        //  supported.
                        Boolean handled = false;
                        IUndeliverableMessageHandler errHandler = fZone.ErrorHandler;
                        if (errHandler != null)
                            handled = errHandler.OnDispatchError(sifEvent, fZone, msgInfo);

                            //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                            IEnumerable<IMessagingListener> mList = GetMessagingListeners(fZone);
                            foreach (IMessagingListener ml in mList)
                                ml.OnMessageProcessed(SifMessageType.SIF_Event, msgInfo);

                        if (!handled)
                            fZone.Log.Warn("Received a SIF_Event (" + sifEvent.MsgId + "), but no Subscriber object is registered to handle it");

                            throw new SifException(
                               "Agent does not support this object type",
                               eventObj.ObjectName, fZone);

                        return 1;

            //  Call Subscriber.onEvent with the event data
            IList<SifElement> sel = eventObj.GetChildList();
            SifDataObject[] data = new SifDataObject[sel.Count];
            for (int x = 0; x < sel.Count; x++)
                data[x] = (SifDataObject)sel[x];

            //  Wrap in an Event object
            DataObjectInputStreamImpl dataStr = DataObjectInputStreamImpl.newInstance();
            dataStr.Data = data;
            Event adkEvent =
                new Event(dataStr, eventObj.Action, eventObj.GetChildList()[0].ElementDef);
            adkEvent.Zone = fZone;
            if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Event_Dispatching) != 0)
                    "SIF_Event contains " + data.Length + " " + eventObj.ObjectName +
                    " objects (" + eventObj.Action + ")");

            if (fQueue == null)
                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Event_Dispatching) != 0)
                        ("Dispatching SIF_Event to Subscriber message handler via EvDisp");

                //  -- No ALQ available --
                //  Dispatch in a separate EvDisp thread. Block until an ack
                //  status code is available, then return it
                EvDisp disp;
                    disp = checkoutEvDisp(adkEvent);
                    thisCode = disp.dispatch(target, adkEvent, fZone, topic, msgInfo);
                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Event_Dispatching) != 0)
                    fZone.Log.Debug("Dispatching SIF_Event to Subscriber message handler");

                //  -- ALQ is available --
                //  Dispatch immediately.
                    target.OnEvent(adkEvent, fZone, msgInfo);
                catch (SifException)
                catch (Exception thr)
                    throw new SifException
                          SifErrorCodes.EVENT_GENERIC_ERROR_1, "Error processing SIF_Event",
                          "Exception in Subscriber.onEvent message handler: " + thr, fZone);

                thisCode = 1;

            if (thisCode > ackCode)
                ackCode = thisCode;

            if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging) != 0)
                    ("SIF_Event (" + sifEvent.MsgId + ") dispatching returning SIF_Ack status " +

            return ackCode;
Пример #19
        /// <summary>  Dispatch a SIF_Response.
        /// SIF_Response messages are dispatched as follows:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>
        /// If a TrackQueryResults object issued the original SIF_Request
        /// during this agent session (i.e. the agent process has not
        /// terminated since the SIF_Request was issued), the response is
        /// dispatched to that TrackQueryResults object via its QueryResults
        /// interface.
        /// </li>
        /// <li>
        /// If a Topic exists for the data type associated with the
        /// SIF_Response, it is dispatched to the QueryResults object
        /// registered with that Topic.
        /// </li>
        /// <li>
        /// If no Topic exists for the data type associated with the
        /// SIF_Response, it is dispatched to the QueryResults object
        /// registered with the Zone from which the SIF_Response was
        /// received.
        /// </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// <b>SIF_ZoneStatus</b> is handled specially. When Zone.awaitingZoneStatus
        /// returns true, the agent is blocking on a call to Zone.getZoneStatus().
        /// In this case, the SIF_ZoneStatus object is routed directly to the Zone
        /// object instead of being dispatched via the usual QueryResults mechanism.
        /// </summary>
        private void dispatchResponse(SIF_Response rsp)
            //	block thread until Zone.Query() has completed in case it is in the
            //	midst of a SIF_Request. This is done to ensure that we don't receive
            //	the SIF_Response from the zone before the ADK and agent have finished
            //	with the SIF_Request in Zone.Query()
            bool retry = false;
            IRequestInfo reqInfo = null;
            AdkException cacheErr = null;

                    reqInfo = fRequestCache.LookupRequestInfo(rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId, fZone);
                catch (AdkException adke)
                    cacheErr = adke;

				if( objType != null ) 
					ProfilerUtils.profileStart( com.OpenADK.sifprofiler.api.OIDs.ADK_SIFRESPONSE_REQUESTOR_MESSAGING.ToString(), Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(objType), rsp.MsgId );

                SIF_Error error = null;
                SIF_ObjectData od = rsp.SIF_ObjectData;
                if (od == null)
                    throw new SifException
                        "SIF_Response missing mandatory element",
                        "SIF_ObjectData is a required element of SIF_Response",

                IList<SifElement> sel = od.GetChildList();
                if (sel.Count < 1)
                    error = rsp.SIF_Error;

                    //  If the SIF_Response has no SIF_ObjectData elements but does
                    //  have a SIF_Error child, the associated object type can
                    //  only be gotten from the RequestCache, but that had
                    //  failed so try and call the UndeliverableMessageHandler.
                    if (cacheErr != null || reqInfo == null)
                        bool handled = false;

                        IUndeliverableMessageHandler errHandler = fZone.ErrorHandler;
                        if (errHandler != null)
                            SifMessageInfo msginfo = new SifMessageInfo(rsp, fZone);
                            msginfo.SIFRequestInfo = reqInfo;

                            handled = errHandler.OnDispatchError(rsp, fZone, msginfo);

                            //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                                (SifMessageType.SIF_Response, msginfo);

                        if (!handled)
                                "Received a SIF_Response message with MsgId " + rsp.MsgId +
                                " (for SIF_Request with MsgId " + rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId + ") " +
                                " containing an empty result set or a SIF_Error, but failed to obtain the SIF Data Object" +
                                " type from the RequestCache" +
                                (cacheErr != null ? (" due to an error: " + cacheErr.Message) : ""));


                string objectType = reqInfo != null ? reqInfo.ObjectType : null;

                if (objectType == null && sel.Count > 0)
                    objectType = sel[0].ElementDef.Tag(rsp.SifVersion);

                if (objectType != null &&
                     (string.Compare(objectType, "SIF_ZoneStatus", true) == 0))
                    //  SIF_ZoneStatus is a special case
                    if (fZone.AwaitingZoneStatus())

                if (reqInfo == null)
                    reqInfo = new UnknownRequestInfo(rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId, objectType);

                //  Decide where to send this response
                IQueryResults target =
                        (rsp, null, Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(objectType), null, fZone);
                if (target == null)
                    bool handled = false;
                    IUndeliverableMessageHandler errHandler = fZone.ErrorHandler;
                    if (errHandler != null)
                        SifMessageInfo msginfo = new SifMessageInfo(rsp, fZone);
                        if (reqInfo != null)
                            msginfo.SIFRequestInfo = reqInfo;

                        handled = errHandler.OnDispatchError(rsp, fZone, msginfo);

                        //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                            (SifMessageType.SIF_Response, msginfo);

                    if (!handled)
                            ("Received a SIF_Response message with MsgId " + rsp.MsgId +
                              " (for SIF_Request with MsgId " + rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId +
                              "), but no QueryResults object is registered to handle it or the request was issued by a TrackQueryResults that has timed out");


                //  Dispatch the message...

                IElementDef sifRequestObjectDef = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(objectType);
                DataObjectInputStreamImpl dataStr = DataObjectInputStreamImpl.newInstance();
                dataStr.fObjType = sifRequestObjectDef;

                if (error == null)
                    //  Convert to a SifDataObject array
                    SifDataObject[] data = new SifDataObject[sel.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sel.Count; i++)
                        data[i] = (SifDataObject)sel[i];

                    //  Let the QueryResults object process the message
                    dataStr.Data = data;

                SifMessageInfo msgInf = new SifMessageInfo(rsp, fZone);
                msgInf.SIFRequestInfo = reqInfo;
                msgInf.SIFRequestObjectType = sifRequestObjectDef;
                target.OnQueryResults(dataStr, error, fZone, msgInf);

                //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                NotifyMessagingListeners_OnMessageProcessed(SifMessageType.SIF_Response, msgInf);
            catch (AdkException adkEx)
                retry = adkEx.Retry;
            catch (Exception thr)
                throw new SifException
                    "Error processing SIF_Response",
                    "Exception in QueryResults message handler: " + thr.ToString(),
                // If the reqInfo variable came from the cache, and retry is set to false,
                // remove it from the cache if this is the last packet
                if (!(reqInfo is UnknownRequestInfo) && !retry)
                    String morePackets = rsp.SIF_MorePackets;
                    if (!(morePackets != null && morePackets.ToLower().Equals("yes")))
                        // remove from the cache
                        fRequestCache.GetRequestInfo(rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId, fZone);
			if( BuildOptions.PROFILED ) {
				if( reqInfo != null ) {
Пример #20
        /// <summary>  Dispatch a message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">The infrastructure message to dispatch
        /// </param>
        public virtual int dispatch(SifMessagePayload msg)
            string errTyp = null;
            int status = 1;

                SifMessageType pload =

                if (pload == SifMessageType.SIF_SystemControl)
                    IList<SifElement> ch =

                    if (ch != null && ch.Count > 0)
                        if (ch[0].ElementDef == InfraDTD.SIF_SLEEP)
                        else if (ch[0].ElementDef == InfraDTD.SIF_WAKEUP)
                        else if (ch[0].ElementDef == InfraDTD.SIF_PING)
                            //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                            SifMessageInfo msginfo = new SifMessageInfo(msg, fZone);
                                (SifMessageType.SIF_SystemControl, msginfo);

                            if (fZone.IsSleeping(AdkQueueLocation.QUEUE_LOCAL))
                                return 8;

                            return 1;
                            fZone.Log.Warn("Received unknown SIF_SystemControlData: " + ch[0].Tag);

                            throw new SifException
                                  "SIF_SystemControlData must contain SIF_Ping, SIF_Wakeup, or SIF_Sleep",

                        //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                        SifMessageInfo msginfo2 = new SifMessageInfo(msg, fZone);
                            (SifMessageType.SIF_SystemControl, msginfo2);

                    return status;

                //  If zone is asleep, return status code
                if (fZone.IsSleeping(AdkQueueLocation.QUEUE_LOCAL))
                    return 8;

                //  Some agents don't want to receive messages - for example, the
                //  SIFSend Adk Example agent. This is very rare but we offer a property
                //  to allow for it
                if (fZone.Properties.DisableMessageDispatcher)
                    return status;

                switch (pload)
                    case SifMessageType.SIF_Event:
                        errTyp = "Subscriber.onEvent";
                        status = dispatchEvent((SIF_Event)msg);

                    case SifMessageType.SIF_Request:
                        errTyp = "Publisher.onRequest";

                    case SifMessageType.SIF_Response:
                        errTyp = "QueryResults";

                            ("Agent does not know how to dispatch " + msg.ElementDef.Name +
                              " messages");
                        throw new SifException
                              SifErrorCodes.GENERIC_MESSAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_2, "Message not supported",
                              msg.ElementDef.Name, fZone);
            catch (LifecycleException)
            catch (SifException se)
                //	Check if AdkException.setRetry() was called; use transport
                //	error category to force ZIS to resend message
                if (se.Retry)
                    se.ErrorCategory = SifErrorCategoryCode.Transport;
                    se.ErrorCode = SifErrorCodes.WIRE_GENERIC_ERROR_1;

                logAndRethrow("SIFException in " + errTyp + " message handler for " + msg.ElementDef.Name, se);
            catch (AdkZoneNotConnectedException adkznce)
                // Received a message while the zone was disconnected. Return a system transport
                // error so that the message is not removed from the queue
                SifException sifEx = new SifException(
                        adkznce.Message, fZone);
                logAndRethrow("Message received while zone is not connected", sifEx);

            catch (AdkException adke)
                //	Check if ADKException.setRetry() was called; use transport
                //	error category to force ZIS to resent message
                if (adke.Retry)
                    logAndThrowRetry(adke.Message, adke);
                logAndThrowSIFException("ADKException in " + errTyp + " message handler for " + msg.ElementDef.Name, adke);
            catch (Exception uncaught)
                logAndThrowSIFException("Uncaught exception in " + errTyp + " message handler for " + msg.ElementDef.Name, uncaught);

            return status;
Пример #21
    /// <summary>  Respond to SIF Requests
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void OnRequest(IDataObjectOutputStream outStream,
                                  Query query,
                                  IZone zone,
                                  IMessageInfo inf)
        SifMessageInfo info  = (SifMessageInfo)inf;
        SifWriter      debug = new SifWriter(Console.Out);

            ("Received a request for " + query.ObjectTag + " from agent \"" + info.SourceId +
            "\" in zone " + zone.ZoneId);

        // Tell the ADK to automatically filter out any objects that don't meet the requirements
        // of the query conditions
        outStream.Filter = query;

        //  Read all learners from the database to populate a HashMap of
        //  field/value pairs. The field names can be whatever we choose as long
        //  as they match the field names used in the <mappings> section of the
        //  agent.cfg configuration file. Each time a record is read, convert it
        //  to a LearnerPersonal object using the Mappings class and stream it to
        //  the supplied output stream.
        IDictionary data    = new Hashtable();
        IDbCommand  command = null;

        Console.WriteLine("The SIF Request was requested in the following SIF Versions");
        foreach (SifVersion version in info.SIFRequestVersions)
            Console.WriteLine("    - " + version);

        Console.WriteLine("This agent will respond in its latest supported version, which is: ");
        Console.WriteLine("    - " + info.LatestSIFRequestVersion);

        //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
        Mappings m =
                (info.SourceId, zone.ZoneId, info.LatestSIFRequestVersion);

        //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
        //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
        //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
        //  requesting agents. The Mappings.selectOutbound() method will select
        //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
        //  three parameters passed to it.
        MappingsContext mappings = m.SelectOutbound(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info);

            int count = 0;

            //  Query the database for all students
            command = fConn.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Students";
            using (IDataReader rs = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
                DataReaderAdaptor dra = new DataReaderAdaptor(rs);
                while (rs.Read())
                    //  Finally, create a new LearnerPersonal object and ask the
                    //  Mappings to populate it with SIF elements from the HashMap
                    //  of field/value pairs. As long as there is an <object>/<field>
                    //  definition for each entry in the HashMap, the ADK will take
                    //  care of producing the appropriate SIF element/attribute in
                    //  the LearnerPersonal object.
                    StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();
                    sp.RefId = Adk.MakeGuid();
                    mappings.Map(sp, dra);

                    //  Now write out the LearnerPersonal to the output stream and
                    //  we're done publishing this student.
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe agent has read these values from the database:");
                    Console.WriteLine("To produce this LearnerPersonal object:");



                ("- Returned " + count + " records from the Student database in response");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("- Returning a SIF_Error response: " + ex.ToString());
            throw new SifException
                      (SifErrorCategoryCode.RequestResponse, SifErrorCodes.REQRSP_GENERIC_ERROR_1,
                      "An error occurred while querying the database for students", ex.ToString(), zone);
            if (command != null)
                catch (Exception ignored)
Пример #22
 private void NotifyMessagingListeners_OnMessageProcessed(SifMessageType messageType,
                                                           SifMessageInfo info)
     IEnumerable<IMessagingListener> msgList = GetMessagingListeners(fZone);
     foreach (IMessagingListener listener in msgList)
         listener.OnMessageProcessed(messageType, info);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>  Dispatch a SIF_Request.
        /// <b>When ALQ Disabled:</b> The SIF_Request is immediately dispatched to
        /// the Publisher of the associated topic. Only after the Publisher has
        /// returned a result does this method return, causing the SIF_Request to
        /// be acknowledged. The result data returned by the Publisher is handed to
        /// the zone's ResponseDelivery thread, which sends SIF_Response messages to
        /// the ZIS until all of the result data has been sent, potentially with
        /// multiple SIF_Response packets. Note without the ALQ, there is the
        /// potential for the agent to terminate before all data has been sent,
        /// causing some results to be lost. In this case the SIF_Request will have
        /// never been ack'd and will be processed again the next time the agent
        /// is started.
        /// <b>When ALQ Enabled:</b> The SIF_Request is placed in the ALQ where it
        /// will be consumed by the zone's ResponseDelivery thread at a later time.
        /// This method returns immediately, causing the SIF_Request to be
        /// acknowledged. The ResponseDelivery handles dispatching the request to
        /// the Publisher of the associated topic, and also handles returning
        /// SIF_Response packets to the ZIS. With the ALQ, the processing of the
        /// SIF_Request and the returning of all SIF_Response data is guaranteed
        /// because the original SIF_Request will not be removed from the ALQ until
        /// both of these activities have completed successfully (even over multiple
        /// agent sessions).
        /// Note that any error that occurs during a SIF_Request should result in a
        /// successful SIF_Ack (because the SIF_Request was received successfully),
        /// and a single SIF_Response with a SIF_Error payload. The SIF Compliance
        /// harness checks for this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="req">The SIF_Request to process
        /// </param>
        private void dispatchRequest(SIF_Request req)
            SifVersion renderAsVer = null;
            SIF_Query q = null;
            SIF_QueryObject qo = null;
            IElementDef typ = null;
            int maxBufSize = 0;
            bool rethrow = false;

                //	block thread until Zone.query() has completed in case it is in the
                //	midst of a SIF_Request and the destination of that request is this 
                //	agent (i.e. a request of self). This is done to ensure that we don't 
                //	receive the SIF_Request from the zone before the ADK and agent have 
                //	finished issuing it in Zone.query()

                //  Check SIF_Version. If the version is not supported by the Adk,
                //  fail the SIF_Request with an error SIF_Ack. If the version is
                //  supported, continue on; the agent may not support this version,
                //  but that will be determined later and will result in a SIF_Response
                //  with a SIF_Error payload.
                SIF_Version[] versions = req.GetSIF_Versions();
                if (versions == null || versions.Length == 0)
                    rethrow = true;
                    throw new SifException
                        "SIF_Request/SIF_Version is a mandatory element",

                //  SIF_Version specifies the version of SIF that will be used to render
                //  the SIF_Responses
                // TODO: Add support for multiple SIF_Request versions
                renderAsVer = SifVersion.Parse(versions[0].Value);
                if (!Adk.IsSIFVersionSupported(renderAsVer))
                    rethrow = true;
                    throw new SifException
                        "SIF_Version " + renderAsVer + " is not supported by this agent",

                //  Check max buffer size
                int? maximumBufferSize = req.SIF_MaxBufferSize;
                if (!maximumBufferSize.HasValue )
                    rethrow = true;
                    throw new SifException
                        "SIF_Request/SIF_MaxBufferSize is a mandatory element",
                maxBufSize = maximumBufferSize.Value;

                if (maxBufSize < 4096 || maxBufSize > Int32.MaxValue)
                    throw new SifException
                        "Invalid SIF_MaxBufferSize value (" + maxBufSize + ")",
                        "Acceptable range is 4096 to " + Int32.MaxValue,

                // Check to see if the Context is supported
                    IList<SifContext> contexts = req.SifContexts;
                catch (AdkNotSupportedException contextNotSupported)
                    throw new SifException(
                            contextNotSupported.Message, fZone);

                //  Lookup the SIF_QueryObject
                q = req.SIF_Query;
                if (q == null)
                    // If it's a SIF_ExtendedQuery or SIF_Example, throw the appropriate error
                    if (req.SIF_ExtendedQuery != null)
                        throw new SifException(
                            "SIF_ExtendedQuery is not supported", fZone);
                        throw new SifException
                            "SIF_Request/SIF_Query is a mandatory element",

                qo = q.SIF_QueryObject;
                if (qo == null)
                    rethrow = true;
                    throw new SifException
                        "SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject is a mandatory element",

                //  Lookup the ElementDef for the requested object type
                typ = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(qo.ObjectName);
                if (typ == null)
                    throw new SifException
                        "Agent does not support this object type: " + qo.ObjectName,
            catch (SifException se)
                if (!rethrow)
                    sendErrorResponse(req, se, renderAsVer, maxBufSize);

                //	rethrow all errors at this point
                throw se;

                //                //  Capture the SifException so it can be written to the output stream
                //                //  and thus returned as the payload of the SIF_Response message later
                //                //  in this function.
                //                error = se;
                //                fZone.Log.Error("Error in dispatchRequest that will be put into the SIF_Response", se);

            // For now, SIFContext is not repeatable in SIF Requests

            SifContext requestContext = req.SifContexts[0];
            Object target = null;

            //  Lookup the Publisher for this object type using Topics, 
            // but only if the context is the Default context

            if (typ != null && SifContext.DEFAULT.Equals(requestContext))
                ITopic topic = null;
                topic = fZone.Agent.TopicFactory.LookupInstance(typ, requestContext);
                if (topic != null)
                    target = topic.GetPublisher();

            if (target == null)
                target = fZone.GetPublisher(requestContext, typ);

                if (target == null)
                    //  No Publisher message handler found. Try calling the Undeliverable-
                    //  MessageHandler for the zone or agent. If none is registered,
                    //  return an error SIF_Ack indicating the object type is not
                    //  supported.
                    Boolean handled = false;
                    IUndeliverableMessageHandler errHandler = fZone.ErrorHandler;
                    if (errHandler != null)
                        SifMessageInfo msginfo = new SifMessageInfo(req, fZone);

                        handled = errHandler.OnDispatchError(req, fZone, msginfo);

                        //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                        foreach (IMessagingListener ml in GetMessagingListeners(fZone))
                            ml.OnMessageProcessed(SifMessageType.SIF_Request, msginfo);

                    if (!handled)
                        fZone.Log.Warn("Received a SIF_Request for " + qo.ObjectName + " (MsgId=" + req.MsgId + "), but no Publisher object is registered to handle it");

                        SifException sifEx = new SifException(
                           "Agent does not support this object type",
                           qo.ObjectName, fZone);
                        sendErrorResponse(req, sifEx, renderAsVer, maxBufSize);
                        throw sifEx;
                                          ( BuildOptions.PROFILED )


            //bool success;
            DataObjectOutputStreamImpl outStream = null;
            SifMessageInfo msgInfo = new SifMessageInfo(req, fZone);
            Query query = null;

                //  Convert SIF_Request/SIF_Query into a Query object
                if (q != null)
                    query = new Query(q);

                msgInfo.SIFRequestObjectType = typ;
            catch (Exception thr)
                SifException sifEx =
                    new SifException
                        (SifErrorCategoryCode.Xml, SifErrorCodes.XML_MALFORMED_2,
                          "Could not parse SIF_Query element", thr.Message, fZone, thr);
                sendErrorResponse(req, sifEx, renderAsVer, maxBufSize);
                throw sifEx;


                outStream = DataObjectOutputStreamImpl.NewInstance();

                    maxBufSize );

                //  Call the agent-supplied Publisher, or if we have an error, write
                //  that error to the output stream instead

                ((IPublisher)target).OnRequest(outStream, query, fZone, msgInfo);

                //	Notify MessagingListeners...
                    (SifMessageType.SIF_Request, msgInfo);

            catch (SifException se)
                //  For a SIF_Request, a SifException (other than a Transport Error)
                //  does not mean to return an error ack but instead to return a
                //  valid SIF_Response with a SIF_Error payload (see the SIF
                //  Specification). Transport Errors must be returned to the ZIS so
                //  that the message will be retried later.
                if (se.Retry || se.ErrorCategory == SifErrorCategoryCode.Transport)
                    //success = false;
                    //retry was requested, so we have to tell the output stream to not send an empty response

            catch (AdkException adke)
                //	If retry requested, throw a Transport Error back to the ZIS
                //	instead of returning a SIF_Error in the SIF_Response payload
                if (adke.Retry)
                    //success = false;
                    //retry was requested, so we have to tell the output stream to not send an empty response

                //	Return SIF_Error payload in SIF_Response
                SIF_Error err = new SIF_Error();
                err.SIF_Category = (int)SifErrorCategoryCode.Generic;
                err.SIF_Code = SifErrorCodes.GENERIC_GENERIC_ERROR_1;
                err.SIF_Desc = adke.Message;

            catch (Exception thr)
                SIF_Error err = new SIF_Error();
                err.SIF_Category = (int)SifErrorCategoryCode.Generic;
                err.SIF_Code = SifErrorCodes.GENERIC_GENERIC_ERROR_1;
                err.SIF_Desc = "Agent could not process the SIF_Request at this time";

                err.SIF_ExtendedDesc = "Exception in " +
                                        "Publisher.onRequest" +
                                       " message handler: " + thr.ToString();

                    // Do Nothing

                    /* Do Nothing */
Пример #24
    /// <summary>  Handles SIF_Responses
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void OnQueryResults(IDataObjectInputStream inStream,
                                       SIF_Error error,
                                       IZone zone,
                                       IMessageInfo inf)
        SifMessageInfo info = (SifMessageInfo)inf;

            ("\nReceived a query response from agent \"" + info.SourceId + "\" in zone " +
        IRequestInfo reqInfo = info.SIFRequestInfo;

        if (reqInfo != null)
                ("\nResponse was received in {0}. Object State is '{1}'",
                DateTime.Now.Subtract(reqInfo.RequestTime), reqInfo.UserData);

        //  Use the Mappings class to translate the LearnerPersonal objects received
        //  from the zone into a HashMap of field/value pairs, then dump the table
        //  to System.out

        //  Always check for an error response
        if (error != null)
                ("The request for LearnerPersonal failed with an error from the provider:");
                ("  [Category=" + error.SIF_Category + "; Code=" + error.SIF_Code + "]: " +
                error.SIF_Desc +
                ". " + error.SIF_ExtendedDesc);

        //  Get the root Mappings object from the configuration file
        Mappings m = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");

        //  Ask the root Mappings instance to select a Mappings from its
        //  hierarchy. For example, you might have customized the agent.cfg
        //  file with mappings specific to zones, versions of SIF, or
        //  requesting agents. The Mappings.select() method will select
        //  the most appropriate instance from the hierarchy given the
        //  three parameters passed to it.
        MappingsContext  mappings = m.SelectInbound(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, info);
        Hashtable        data     = new Hashtable();
        StringMapAdaptor sma      = new StringMapAdaptor(data, Adk.Dtd.GetFormatter(SifVersion.LATEST));

        int count = 0;

        while (inStream.Available)
            Console.WriteLine("Object Number {0}", count++);
            StudentPersonal sp = (StudentPersonal)inStream.ReadDataObject();
            //  Ask the Mappings object to populate the dictionary with field/value pairs
            //  by using the mapping rules in the configuration file to decompose
            //  the LearnerPersonal object into field values.
            mappings.Map(sp, sma);
            //  Now dump the field/value pairs to System.out