IEnumerator resetGame(float numEndJuiceBubbles) { ShuffleBag <int> juiceAreas = new ShuffleBag <int>(); juiceAreas.Add(0, 1); juiceAreas.Add(1, 1); juiceAreas.Add(2, 1); juiceAreas.Add(3, 1); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); for (int i = 0; i < numEndJuiceBubbles; i++) { addRainbow(juiceAreas.Next()); Services.Audio.PlaySoundEffect(Services.Clips.EndGamePop[Random.Range(0, Services.Clips.EndGamePop.Length)], 0.7f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.33f)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); addRainbow(4); Services.Audio.PlaySoundEffect(Services.Clips.EndGamePop[Random.Range(0, Services.Clips.EndGamePop.Length)], 0.7f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f)); SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); yield return(null); }
// Setup the wall of cubes: 10x10 cubes on top of the T bar in the middle of the game area public void SetupWall() { // Create wall of cubes using the Shufflebag to get 50x green and 50x red cubes // Each integer in the Shufflebag represents a green (0) or red (1) cube // Usign the Shufflebag we know for sure that the number of green and red cubes is the same while the distribution is random. allCubes = new ShuffleBag(100); allCubes.Add(0, 50); // Add 50x Green allCubes.Add(1, 50); // Add 50x Red for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { // The position on top of the T bar where the cube will be instantiated Vector3 pos = new Vector3(startX, startY + y, startZ + z); CubeBehavior cb; if (allCubes.Next() == 0) { cb = NetworkManager.Instance.InstantiateCube(0, pos, Quaternion.identity); cb.networkObject.colorId = 1; // Green } else { cb = NetworkManager.Instance.InstantiateCube(1, pos, Quaternion.identity); cb.networkObject.colorId = 2; // Red } // Assign the host's Id to the ownerNetId cb.networkObject.ownerNetId = networkObject.MyPlayerId; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ShuffleBag <int> bag = new ShuffleBag <int>(); int wallcount = 15; for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++) { walls[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(Screen.width, 1.0f, 0.01f); } bag.Add(0); bag.Add(1); bag.Add(2); bag.Add(3); Instantiate(walls [0], new Vector3(0, wallcount, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); wallcount += 15; Instantiate(walls [1], new Vector3(0, wallcount, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); wallcount += 15; Instantiate(walls [2], new Vector3(0, wallcount, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); wallcount += 15; Instantiate(walls [3], new Vector3(0, wallcount, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); wallcount += 15; for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { Instantiate(walls [bag.Next()], new Vector3(0, wallcount, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); wallcount += 15; } }
void Is_Never_Empty() { bag.Add(1); int numDefaults = 0; const int numSamples = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { int sample = bag.GetNext(); numDefaults += sample == default(int) ? 1 : 0; } Assert.IsEqual(numDefaults, 0); }
void AddScriptsToCue() { foreach (AudioClip asmr in scriptClips) { ASMRcue.Add(asmr); } }
void AddTonesToCue() { foreach (AudioClip toneClip in Tones) { toneCue.Add(toneClip); } }
void Start() { bubblePrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Bubble") as GameObject; smallBubblePrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/SmallBubble") as GameObject; dropPrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Waterdrop") as GameObject; spawnRegionsBag = new ShuffleBag <int>(); spawnRegionsBag.Add(0, 1); spawnRegionsBag.Add(1, 1); spawnRegionsBag.Add(2, 1); spawnRegionsBag.Add(3, 1); spawnRegionsBag.Add(4, 1); bubbleTypesBag = new ShuffleBag <int>(); bubbleTypesBag.Add(0, 2); bubbleTypesBag.Add(1, 4); }
public float intervalMax = 1f; //max time to span new target private void Start() { //set up the singleton if (instance == null) { instance = this; // DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } // add prefabs to the TargetsBag TargetsBag = new ShuffleBag <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < TargetsArray.Count; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < TargetsCount[i]; ++j) { TargetsBag.Add(TargetsArray[i]); } } Invoke("SpawnTarget", intervalMin); }
void Start() { PANORAMA_SHADER = Shader.Find("InsideVisible"); statusMessage = GameObject.Find("StatusMessage").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); monoEyePano = GameObject.Find("monoEyePano"); leftEyePano = GameObject.Find("leftEyePano"); rightEyePano = GameObject.Find("rightEyePano"); leftEyeImg = GameObject.Find("leftEyeImg"); rightEyeImg = GameObject.Find("rightEyeImg"); imgCaption = GameObject.Find("imgCaption"); reportImage = GameObject.Find("reportImage"); saveFavorite = GameObject.Find("saveFavorite"); titleMessage = GameObject.Find("TitleMessage"); fetchAudio = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); analytics = GameObject.Find("Analytics").GetComponent <Analytics>(); analytics.Init(); monoPanoramaShuffle = new ShuffleBag <int> (15003); for (int i = 0; i < 15003; i++) { monoPanoramaShuffle.Add(i, 1); } stereoImagesShuffle = new ShuffleBag <int> (4496); for (int i = 0; i < 4497; i++) { stereoImagesShuffle.Add(i, 1); } StartCoroutine(Fetch()); }
// ---- inherited handlers ---- void Awake() { // get ammo mass mass = ammoPrefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass; // create cannonball pool ammoPool = new GameObjectPool(ammoPrefab, 5, false); ammoPool.initAction = initBallHandler; ammoPool.spawnAction = spawnBallHandler; // shufflebag of colors: chance of 1/2 red, 1/3 green, 1/6 blue bag = new ShuffleBag <Color>(); bag.Add(, 3); bag.Add(, 2); bag.Add(, 1); }
//ShuffleBag LoadShuffleBag(ShuffleBag shuffleBag, TextAsset sentences, int amount) ShuffleBag LoadShuffleBag(ShuffleBag shuffleBag, string sentStr, int amount) { foreach (string sent in sentStr.Split('/')) { shuffleBag.Add(sent, amount); } return(shuffleBag); }
protected virtual void AddCardsToDeck() { foreach (Card.Suit suit in Card.Suit.GetValues(typeof(Card.Suit))) { foreach (Card.Type type in Card.Type.GetValues(typeof(Card.Type))) { deck.Add(new Card(type, suit)); } } }
public PoolManager(Transform container, int size, bool autoReuse, bool autoResize, T[] prefabs, params int[] prefabsShuffleBag) { _autoReuse = autoReuse; _autoResize = autoResize; _pool = new List <T>(); _active = new List <T>(); _container = container; T[] children = _container.GetComponentsInChildren <T>(); foreach (T child in children) { child.Init(); _pool.Add(child); } if (_pool.Count < size && prefabs != null && prefabs.Length > 0 && prefabs[0] != null) { ShuffleBag <int> bag = new ShuffleBag <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Length; i++) { bag.Add(i, prefabsShuffleBag.Length > i ? prefabsShuffleBag[i] : 1); } int attempts = size + 200; while (_pool.Count < size && attempts > 0) { T prefab = prefabs[bag.Next()]; if (prefab != null) { T newPoolObject = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabs[bag.Next()]) as T; if (newPoolObject != null) { newPoolObject.transform.SetParent(container); newPoolObject.Init(); _pool.Add(newPoolObject); } else { attempts--; } } else { attempts--; } } bag.Clear(); bag = null; } prefabs = null; }
float successChance; //% chance of success // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //calc successChance successChance = (numHits / (float)(numHits + numMisses)); //Update button text buttonText.text = "Attack! (" + successChance * 100 + "% chance of success)"; bag = new ShuffleBag <string>(); //create the shuffle bag for (int i = 0; i < numHits; i++) //put the hits in the bag { bag.Add("Hit!"); } for (int i = 0; i < numMisses; i++) //put the misses in the bag { bag.Add("Miss!"); } print(bag.Count); //print how many things are the bag }
void Start() { boxTransform = GetComponent <Transform>(); commandBag = new ShuffleBag <Command>(commandList.Count); foreach (Command c in commandList) { commandBag.Add(c, 1); } //Command binding has to happen in the start function ShuffleInputs(commandBag); buttonR = new UndoCommand(); //set the ui buttons for shuffle and undo UndoButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { buttonR.Execute(boxTransform, buttonR); }); ShuffleButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { ShuffleInputs(commandBag); }); }
public void InitBags() { //create x # of bags using all of the letters bag = new ShuffleBag <char>(); int[] array = letterFrequency.LetterArray(); Debug.Log(array.Length); int lettersInBag = letterFrequency.TotalCharacters(); for (int i = 0; i < BagCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < array[j]; k++) { //turns integer into character bag.Add(char.ConvertFromUtf32(j + 65)[0]); Debug.Log(char.ConvertFromUtf32(j + 65)[0]); } } } }
void Start() { PANORAMA_SHADER = Shader.Find ("InsideVisible"); statusMessage = GameObject.Find ("StatusMessage").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); monoEyePano = GameObject.Find ("monoEyePano"); leftEyePano = GameObject.Find ("leftEyePano"); rightEyePano = GameObject.Find ("rightEyePano"); leftEyeImg = GameObject.Find ("leftEyeImg"); rightEyeImg = GameObject.Find ("rightEyeImg"); imgCaption = GameObject.Find ("imgCaption"); reportImage = GameObject.Find ("reportImage"); saveFavorite = GameObject.Find ("saveFavorite"); titleMessage = GameObject.Find ("TitleMessage"); fetchAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); analytics = GameObject.Find ("Analytics").GetComponent<Analytics>(); analytics.Init (); monoPanoramaShuffle = new ShuffleBag<int> (15003); for (int i = 0; i < 15003; i++) { monoPanoramaShuffle.Add(i, 1); } stereoImagesShuffle = new ShuffleBag<int> (4496); for (int i = 0; i < 4497; i++) { stereoImagesShuffle.Add(i, 1); } StartCoroutine (Fetch ()); }
public void ChooseAction(ulong id, AIStat aiStat, CombatInstance instance) { ulong[] actions = aInventorySystem.GetHand(id); if (actions == null) return; int count = 4; List<ulong> canUse = new List<ulong>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (actions[i] != 0) if (CanPerform(id, actions[i])) canUse.Add(actions[i]); } count = canUse.Count; if (count == 0) return; ShuffleBag<ulong> actionBag = new ShuffleBag<ulong>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string s = actionSystem.GetActionKey(canUse[i]); switch (aiStat) { case AIStat.AGGRESSION: actionBag.Add(canUse[i], (int)actionSystem.GetAggression(s)); break; case AIStat.BALANCE: actionBag.Add(canUse[i], (int)actionSystem.GetBalance(s)); break; case AIStat.DEFENSE: actionBag.Add(canUse[i], (int)actionSystem.GetDefense(s)); break; } } PerformAction(id, actionBag.Next(), instance); }