public void ShowModelMapsCorrectlyToDocsShow() { var showModel = new ShowModel { Title = "The amazing .NET docs show", Url = "", ShowImage = "", VideoId = 7, Tags = new[] { "WinForms", "WPF" }, Hosts = new[] { new PersonModel { FirstName = "Dave", LastName = "Pine" } }, Guests = new[] { new PersonModel { FirstName = "Chino", LastName = "Moreno" } } }; DocsShow docsShow = _mapper.Map <DocsShow>(showModel); Assert.Equal(showModel.Id, docsShow.Id); Assert.Equal(showModel.Title, docsShow.Title); Assert.Equal(showModel.Url, docsShow.Url); Assert.Equal(showModel.ShowImage, docsShow.ShowImage); Assert.Equal(showModel.VideoId, docsShow.VideoId); Assert.Equal(showModel.Tags, docsShow.Tags); AssertPeopleAreEqual(showModel.Hosts, docsShow.Hosts); AssertPeopleAreEqual(showModel.Guests, docsShow.Guests); }
static void LoadFromShow() { if (!File.Exists(_games_path)) { _loopLinks = null; return; } Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("Modules\\Games.dll"); using (Stream stream = myAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Games.XmlFile.PicFile.xml")) using (XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stream)) { var param = from file in XDocument.Load(xmlReader).Element("Pics").Elements("Pic") select ShowModel.CreateModel( file.Attribute("id").Value, file.Attribute("picsrc").Value, file.Attribute("title").Value ); try { foreach (var p in param) { _loopLinks.Add(p); } } catch { } } }
public ActionResult Show([Bind(Prefix = "id")] string slug) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug)) throw new ArgumentNullException("slug"); Entry entry; try { entry = Services.Entry.GetBySlug(slug); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new HttpException(404, "Entry not found", ex); } var markdown = new MarkdownSharp.Markdown(); var html = markdown.Transform(entry.Markdown); var model = new ShowModel { Date = entry.DateCreated.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"), Slug = entry.Slug, Title = entry.Title, Html = html, IsCodePrettified = entry.IsCodePrettified ?? true }; return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Converting ShowModel to ShowDtoModel /// </summary> /// <param name="showModel">Show model that will be converted</param> /// <param name="channelModel">Chanel model</param> /// <param name="genreModels">Genre models</param> /// <param name="seasonModels">Season models</param> /// <returns></returns> private ShowDtoModel ShowModelToDto(ShowModel showModel, ChannelModel channelModel, List <GenreModel> genreModels, List <SeasonDtoModel> seasonModels) { return(new ShowDtoModel { Name = showModel.Name, Id = showModel.Id, Aliases = showModel.Aliases, Actors = showModel.Actors, Chanel = channelModel, DayOfAir = showModel.DayOfAir, Description = showModel.Description, Duration = showModel.Duration, Genres = genreModels, ImageMedium = showModel.ImageMedium, ImageOriginal = showModel.ImageOriginal, ImdbId = showModel.ImdbId, PremiereDate = showModel.PremiereDate, Rating = showModel.Rating, Seasons = seasonModels, ShowUrl = showModel.ShowUrl, Status = showModel.Status, TheTvDbId = showModel.TheTvDbId, TimeOfAir = showModel.TimeOfAir }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } ShowModel = await context.Shows .Include(s => s.Details) .Include(s => s.Episodes) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id); var user = await GetUserModel(); if (user != null) { if (ShowModel == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (user == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } IsFollow = user.Favorites.Where(f => f.ShowId == id).Any(); } return(Page()); }
public void ShowAllLayerImb(ActionMode mode, bool thisThread = false) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Image <Bgr, byte> imgLayers = ShowModel.GetLayoutImage(mModel, mode); if (!thisThread) { imBox.Invoke(new Action(() => { var x = imBox.Image; imBox.Image = imgLayers; if (x != null) { x.Dispose(); x = null; } imBox.Refresh(); })); } else { var x = imBox.Image; imBox.Image = imgLayers; if (x != null) { x.Dispose(); x = null; } imBox.Refresh(); } }
public ActionResult CreateShow(ShowModel show) { if (show.Title == null || show.Seats <= 0 || show.Day == null) { TempData["error"] = "all fields are mandatory"; return(View()); } if (show.Seats > Constants.Rows * Constants.Seats) { TempData["error"] = "maximum number of seats is " + Constants.Rows * Constants.Seats; return(View()); } if (showService.GetShowByDay(show.Day) != null) { TempData["error"] = "There is a show that day"; return(View()); } showService.CreateShow(show); return(RedirectToAction("Shows")); }
public void User_Registration_Data_Null_Return_BadRequest() { ShowModel data = null; var response = userController.UserSignUp(data); Assert.IsType <BadRequestObjectResult>(response); }
public ActionResult <Guid> Post(ShowModel ShowModel) { var movie = this.movieRepository.GetMovieById(ShowModel.MovieId); if (movie == null) { log.LogError($"The movie is not avilable."); return(BadRequest()); } var venue = this.venueRepository.GetVenueById(ShowModel.VenuId); if (venue == null) { log.LogError($"The venue is not avilable."); return(BadRequest()); } var newId = this.ShowRepository.CreateShow(ShowModel); if (newId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { log.LogError($"The venue is not empty for the given time."); return(BadRequest()); } log.LogDebug($"new Show is create with id {newId}."); return(newId); }
public ActionResult Show(Guid id) { var metricRepository = CurrentAccountDbContext.GetMetricRepository(); var metric = metricRepository.GetById(id); var storageContext = CurrentAccountDbContext; var metricHistoryRepository = storageContext.GetMetricHistoryRepository(); var values = metricHistoryRepository.QueryAllByMetricType(metric.ComponentId, metric.MetricTypeId) .OrderByDescending(t => t.BeginDate) .Take(ShowModel.LastValuesCountMax) .ToList(); var actualTimeSecs = metric.ActualTimeSecs ?? metric.MetricType.ActualTimeSecs; var model = new ShowModel() { Metric = metric, ConditionRed = metric.ConditionAlarm ?? metric.MetricType.ConditionAlarm ?? "не задано", ConditionYellow = metric.ConditionWarning ?? metric.MetricType.ConditionWarning ?? "не задано", ConditionGreen = metric.ConditionSuccess ?? metric.MetricType.ConditionSuccess ?? "не задано", ElseColor = metric.ConditionElseColor ?? metric.MetricType.ConditionElseColor, NoSignalColor = metric.NoSignalColor ?? metric.MetricType.NoSignalColor, ActualInterval = actualTimeSecs.HasValue ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(actualTimeSecs.Value) : (TimeSpan?)null, Values = values }; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ShowModel> Search(ShowModel pageModel) { IEnumerable <Author> queryable = await _repository.GetAll(); ShowModel model = pageModel; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Term)) { queryable = queryable.Where (c => c.Id.ToString().Equals(model.Term) || c.FirstName.Equals(model.Term) || c.LastName.Equals(model.Term)); } model.TotalItemCount = queryable.Count(); model.PageSize = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)model.TotalItemCount / model.RecordsPerPage); model.Page = model.Page > model.PageSize || model.Page < 1 ? 1 : model.Page; var skipped = (model.Page - 1) * model.RecordsPerPage; queryable = queryable.Skip(skipped).Take(model.RecordsPerPage); model.Authors = queryable.Select(u => new AuthorModel { Id = u.Id, LastName = u.LastName, FirstName = u.FirstName }).ToList(); return(model); }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { if (ScheduleService != null && DateTimeService != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShowId)) { if (IsCreatingNewShow) { var nxtThrsdy = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).GetNextWeekday(DayOfWeek.Thursday); var offset = DateTimeService.GetCentralTimeZoneOffset(nxtThrsdy); Episode = Mapper?.Map <ShowModel>(new DocsShow { Date = new DateTimeOffset( nxtThrsdy.Year, nxtThrsdy.Month, nxtThrsdy.Day, 11, 0, 0, offset) }) !; } else { _show = await ScheduleService.GetShowAsync(ShowId); Episode = Mapper?.Map <ShowModel>(_show) !; } _editContext = new EditContext(Episode); _editContext.OnFieldChanged += OnModelChanged; } }
public bool UpdateShow(ShowModel show) { var toUpdate = _showRepository.GetShowById(show.Id); if (show == null || show.Day == null || show.Seats > Constants.Rows * Constants.Seats) { return(false); } if (show.Day > DateTime.Now) { var v = GetShowByDay(show.Day); if (v != null && v.Id != toUpdate.Id) { return(false); } } else { show.Day = toUpdate.Day; } show.Title = show.Title ?? toUpdate.Title; show.Distribution = show.Distribution ?? toUpdate.Distribution; show.Seats = show.Seats == 0 ? toUpdate.Seats : show.Seats; _showRepository.UpdateShow(show.AsDto()); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Permet de créer un nouveau ShowModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="serie"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <ShowModel> CreateNewShowModel(ShowInformation serie) { ShowModel showModel = new ShowModel(); var temp = await ClientTmDb.SearchTvShowAsync(serie.Titre); await Task.Delay(500); if (temp.Results.Count > 0) { var tempSerieTrouve = temp.Results[0]; // Récupération des informations de TmDb. TvShow tvShow = await ClientTmDb.GetTvShowAsync(tempSerieTrouve.Id); await Task.Delay(500); TvSeason saison = await ClientTmDb.GetTvSeasonAsync(tempSerieTrouve.Id, serie.Saison); await Task.Delay(500); TvEpisode episode = await ClientTmDb.GetTvEpisodeAsync(tempSerieTrouve.Id, serie.Saison, serie.Episode); showModel.TvShow = tvShow; showModel.TvSeasons.Add(saison); showModel.TvEpisodes.Add(episode); showModel.ShowInformation.Add(serie); } return(showModel); }
private static List <ShowModel> InitShows() { var shows = new List <ShowModel>(); var show1 = new ShowModel(); show1.ID = 1; show1.ShowName = "Rookie Blue"; show1.ShowCategories = new List <CategoryModel>(); show1.ShowCategories.Add(Categories[0]); show1.ShowCategories.Add(Categories[1]); show1.BackgroundImagePath = string.Empty; var show2 = new ShowModel(); show2.ID = 2; show2.ShowName = "Sleepy Hollow"; show2.ShowCategories = new List <CategoryModel>(); show2.ShowCategories.Add(Categories[0]); show2.ShowCategories.Add(Categories[2]); show2.BackgroundImagePath = string.Empty; shows.Add(show1); shows.Add(show2); return(shows); }
public ActionResult Show([Bind(Prefix = "id")] string slug) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("slug"); } Entry entry; try { entry = Services.Entry.GetBySlug(slug); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new HttpException(404, "Entry not found", ex); } var markdown = new MarkdownSharp.Markdown(); var html = markdown.Transform(entry.Markdown); var model = new ShowModel { Date = entry.DateCreated.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"), Slug = entry.Slug, Title = entry.Title, Html = html, IsCodePrettified = entry.IsCodePrettified ?? true }; return(View(model)); }
public async Task ServiceTest_CheckAddOne_ExpectOk() { var date = DateTime.Now; var newShow = new ShowModel { id = 1, name = "test", updated = (int)DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() }; var factory = SetupUpsertShowRepository(null); _showRepository.Setup(s => s.Add(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Show> >())).Callback <IEnumerable <Show> >(u => { Assert.AreEqual(1, u.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(, u.First().Name); Assert.AreEqual(, u.First().ExternalId); Assert.AreEqual(newShow.updated, u.First().Updated); }).Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); var service = new ShowsService(factory, SetupTvMazeServer(new Dictionary <string, int> { { "1", (int)DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() } }, new[] { newShow })); await service.Sync(); _showRepository.Verify(s => s.GetAll(), Times.Once); _showRepository.Verify(s => s.Add(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Show> >()), Times.Once); _showRepository.Verify(s => s.Update(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Show> >()), Times.Never); _showRepository.Verify(s => s.Remove(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Show> >()), Times.Never); }
private ShowModel SortAuthorsData(ShowModel paginatedProperties) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paginatedProperties.SortField)) { return(null); } else { if (paginatedProperties.CurrentSortField == paginatedProperties.SortField) { ViewBag.SortOrder = paginatedProperties.CurrentSortOrder == "Asc" ? "Desc" : "Asc"; } else { ViewBag.SortOrder = "Asc"; } ViewBag.SortField = paginatedProperties.SortField; } var propertyInfo = typeof(AuthorModel).GetProperty(ViewBag.SortField); paginatedProperties.Authors = ViewBag.SortOrder == "Asc" ? paginatedProperties.Authors.OrderBy(s => propertyInfo.GetValue(s, null)) : paginatedProperties.Authors.OrderByDescending(s => propertyInfo.GetValue(s, null)); return(paginatedProperties); }
public void Given_Admin_Registration_Request_Null_Should_Return_BadRequest() { ShowModel data = null; var response = adminController.AdminSignUp(data); Assert.IsType <BadRequestObjectResult>(response); }
public IActionResult Show() { string id = HttpContext.Request.Query["id"].FirstOrDefault(); string ss = HttpContext.Request.Query["ss"].FirstOrDefault(); ShowModel model = new ShowModel(id, ss); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Show(string id) { var model = new ShowModel { Uri = pdfStorage.UriFor(id) }; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Show(string fileId) { var model = new ShowModel { Uri = fileStore.UriFor(fileId) }; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Show(string imageId) { var model = new ShowModel { Uri = _imageStore.UriFor(imageId) }; return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult Show(string id) { var model = new ShowModel { Uri = _store.UriFor(id) }; return(View(model)); }
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { _showModel = _loopLink.GetNext(); this.ID = _showModel.ID; this.Title = _showModel.Title; this.ImgSrc = _showModel.PicSrc; }
public ShowView CreateView(ShowModel model) { Type modelType = model.GetType(); if (customTypeFactories.ContainsKey(modelType)) { CreateViewHandler handler = customTypeFactories[modelType]; return(handler(model)); } if (model is TokenModel) { return(null); } if (model is ShowSettings) { return(null); } if (model is ShowZoneModel) { ShowZoneModel zoneModel = model as ShowZoneModel; //if (zoneModel.IsMap) //{ // return new ShowMapView(zoneModel); //} //else { return(new ShowZoneView(zoneModel)); } } if (model is ShowTextModel) { return(new ShowTextView(model as ShowTextModel)); } if (model is ShowImageModel) { return(new ShowImageView(model as ShowImageModel)); } //if (model is ShowArrowModel) //{ // return new ShowArrowView(model as ShowArrowModel); //} if (model is ShowSlidePartModel) { return(new ShowSlidePartView(model as ShowSlidePartModel)); } if (model is ShowObjectModel) { //Model is just a generic ShowObject return(new ShowObjectView(model as ShowObjectModel)); } if (model is ShowModel) { return(new ShowView(model)); } return(null); }
private void showEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!showNrTicketsText.Text.All(Char.IsDigit)) { StatusLabel.Text = "Invalid number of tickets selected!"; return; } if (showIDText.Text == "") { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! No ID chosen!"; return; } if (showTitleText.Text == "") { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! No title chosen!"; return; } if (showDistributionText.Text == "") { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! No distribution chosen!"; return; } if (showNrTicketsText.Text == "") { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! No number of tickets chosen!"; return; } if (!(showGenreSelection.SelectedIndex == 0 || showGenreSelection.SelectedIndex == 1)) { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! No genre chosen!"; return; } if (!showServices.isID(Convert.ToInt32(showIDText.Text))) { StatusLabel.Text = "Error! The show with the given ID does not exist!"; } ShowModel model = new ShowModel(); model.setID(Convert.ToInt32(showIDText.Text)); model.setTitle(showTitleText.Text); model.setDistribution(showDistributionText.Text); model.setNumberOfTickets(Convert.ToInt32(showNrTicketsText.Text)); if (showGenreSelection.SelectedIndex == 0) { model.setGenre("Opera"); } else { model.setGenre("Ballet"); } model.setDate(showDatePicker.Value.Date); showServices.update(model); StatusLabel.Text = "Show edited!"; //refresh ShowRefresh(); showGenreSelection.SelectedIndex = -1; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Show(string id, IAzureBlobStorage storage) { var model = new ShowModel { Uri = await storage.UriFor(id) }; //return View(model); return(PartialView("_Image")); }
public ActionResult Show(string id) { var model = new ShowModel() { Uri = imageStore.GetUri(id) }; return(View(model)); }
public void OnBtnShowModelClick() { ShowModel showModel = new ShowModel(); showModel.ViewModel.ModelAssociations = ModelAssociations; showModel.ViewModel.ModelClasses = ModelClasses; showModel.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Insert new show, /// </summary> /// <param name="show">The populated data model to insert. Throws ArgumentNullException on null.</param> public void Insert(ShowModel show) { if (show == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("show"); } collection.InsertOne(show); }
public ActionResult Index() { var model = new ShowModel(); var about = Services.About.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(); if (about != null) { model.Name = about.Name; model.Title = about.Title; model.ImageUrl = about.ImageUrl; model.Content = new Markdown().Transform(about.Content); } return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// ���ñ�ǩ��ʾ���� /// </summary> /// <param name="showModel">ShowDeviceָʾ�豸,TwoBitShowDevice��λ����</param> public void SetFunctionType(ShowModel showModel) { ((Protocal)this.Com.Encoder).FormatType = (byte)showModel; }