Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new shopping cart record and corresponding shopping cart items records in the database
    /// as a copy of given shopping cart info.
    /// Currency is set according to the currency of the given cart.
    /// If a configuration of cart item is no longer available it is not cloned to new shopping cart.
    /// <see cref="AbstractUserControl.CurrentUser"/> is set as the new cart owner (only non-public user is set).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="originalCart">Original cart to clone.</param>
    /// <returns>Created shopping cart info.</returns>
    private ShoppingCartInfo CloneShoppingCartInfo(ShoppingCartInfo originalCart)
        using (new CMSActionContext {
            UpdateTimeStamp = false
            var cartClone = ShoppingCartFactory.CreateCart(CurrentSite.SiteID, CurrentUser.IsPublic() ? null : CurrentUser);

            cartClone.ShoppingCartCurrencyID = originalCart.ShoppingCartCurrencyID;
            cartClone.ShoppingCartLastUpdate = originalCart.ShoppingCartLastUpdate;

            ShoppingCartInfoProvider.CopyShoppingCartItems(originalCart, cartClone);

            // Set the shopping cart items into the database
            cartClone.CartItems.ForEach(i => i.Generalized.SetObject());

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new shopping cart record and corresponding shopping cart items records in the database
    /// as a copy of given shopping cart info.
    /// Currency is set according to the currency of given cart.
    /// If a configuration of cart item is no longer available it is not cloned to new shopping cart.
    /// Correct user id for logged user is _not_ handled in this method, because it does not depend on
    /// abandoned cart's user id. It should be handled according to user's status (logged in/anonymous)
    /// in the browser where the cart is loaded:
    ///  - anonymous cart or user's cart opened in the browser where user is logged in - new cart userId should be set to logged user's id
    ///  - anonymous cart or user's cart opened in the browser where user is _not_ logged in - new cart userId should be empty (anonymous cart)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="originalCart">Original cart to clone.</param>
    /// <returns>Created shopping cart info.</returns>
    private ShoppingCartInfo CloneShoppingCartInfo(ShoppingCartInfo originalCart)
        using (new CMSActionContext {
            UpdateTimeStamp = false
            ShoppingCartInfo cartClone = ShoppingCartFactory.CreateCart(CurrentSite.SiteID, originalCart.User);

            cartClone.ShoppingCartCurrencyID = originalCart.ShoppingCartCurrencyID;
            cartClone.ShoppingCartLastUpdate = originalCart.ShoppingCartLastUpdate;

            ShoppingCartInfoProvider.CopyShoppingCartItems(originalCart, cartClone);

            // Set the shopping cart items into the database
            foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo item in cartClone.CartItems)
